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@Mr.kbok It's complicated. We've been really good friends and people just started assuming we were going out. It got to a point where if we got asked whether or not we actually were, we just said "yeah".
Being an intelligence operative requires you to be easy going... To get information from people easily, that they trust you.
Are those stars ironistars on my message?
@TonyTheLion (the tip of a peanus)
@Nooble not sure if that counts
You know, just the tip... Thanks for the tip.
> >tfw your relationship is not a thing even though it is
@Mr.kbok v0v
@Nooble ping us when you have sex.
@Mr.kbok Each stroke/whateveritscalled
One of my favorite things about girls is that even if she really likes you, if you fail to request a date properly, she'll say no. There's a certain threshold you must not go below.
@Mr.kbok As I said, if I count people on the internet and random people I don't know at all (and even then, it was mostly about wanting to fuck), it makes a great many deal of people. And edition didn't even ask me out.
He only wanted to discuss C++ by mail.
@ElimGarak Present her with a 5-page-long document in legalese
@ElimGarak I feel like I'm too dumb to tell if a girl likes me in that way :/
@AnalPhabet "hi lounge I'm having sex atm. I gotta go thought she seems to be getting angry"
@Morwenn right :D
@Morwenn riiiiiiiiiiight
@Mr.kbok I am laughing way too hard at this
@Mr.kbok She's kissed me once. I'll maintain that this counts.
@Nooble It counts until proven otherwise
@TonyTheLion yes, you probably are. most of us are, too. just try anyway, because it's not about her liking you, it's about you liking her
@Mr.kbok inb4 raep
@Nooble Counts as what? .____.
@Morwenn scroooool up, lass
@Mr.kbok hmmm interesting
@TonyTheLion no really, if you can't tell, well that's normal
@Morwenn secks
One thing I've found is that you just need to pop the question and make it seem as the most natural thing in the universe. Not at all weird. Nope.
@Nooble hehe
@ElimGarak Nope, talking isn't normally the thing I avoid at all costs, nah
But that feeling in your gut, it's not going away. And it only gets worse after she says yes.
@Nooble Wow, then I don't even remember everybody I had secks with then xD
@ElimGarak Yes not weird at all, except that I would feel awkward and then probably ask it at an awkward time and be all awkward about it if she says no.
secks is only when you put your cock in
@TonyTheLion you don't have to literally ask a girl "out". just suggest you grab a coffee. then a drink. then restaurant. then your place. etc
When did Lounge<C++> turn into #lounge ?
@Mr.kbok Then netflicks. Then chill. Then both.
Then babby
@TonyTheLion Hey, don't dismiss lesbian secks :o
if the girl is naked in your bed but doesn't want to date you, she's crazy, not you
Yes, never be direct about it. And if she starts asking nervously about the nature of that coffee, bail out.
@Mr.kbok oh well that makes it a bit different
@ElimGarak He he he
not as awkward, because I can ask a girl any of those things no problem
@AnalPhabet netflix + ben & jerry's means you're in a relationship. congratulations!
If you hear "You mean, like friends", red alert, shields up.
@TonyTheLion well you're all set up then :D
@Morwenn I was talking from my view, and seeing I am a man...
I like doing this sorta thing in a most official way possible
@Mr.kbok :D
@Mr.kbok Crazy? Maybe he just doesn't want for some reasonable reason.
And then you say: "Yeah, as friends, but uhm... I've just found out I have to work today." "But it's Sunday..." "Yeah..."
@ElimGarak not literally shields up because LARPing is not usually considered an alpha male occupation
And with as many archaic constructs as possible
@TonyTheLion I was just trying to bother you a bit :p
@Morwenn he?
@ElimGarak I need to fix that security hoe hole
@Morwenn I am bothered :)
@Morwenn :c
@TonyTheLion <3
It's nothing really, but it was really awkward after.
@ElimGarak <3
@ElimGarak "I'm a freelancer."
@ElimGarak "I'm a priest."
@Mr.kbok You can totally not fee like it right before the crucial moment :p
@Mr.kbok Oh snap
And she's 13
Never, ever go out (alone) with a girl you fancy romantically as a friend. It is going to destroy you on the inside. If you're terribly unlucky, she'll fill your ear with her attempts of getting that other dude that is not you.
@Morwenn sure but that's not what I meant
@Mr.kbok Ok, I didn't get it then. Sorry.
@ElimGarak Haha that's so much fun though.
@ElimGarak and then you're going to complain about the friendzone on reddit and you've become literally the garbage of the internet
@ElimGarak oh man
@thecoshman Hi, pirate!
@thecoshman Bye, pirate!
> I like to live on the edge: [ $[ $RANDOM % 6] == 0 ] && rm -rf / l l echo Click
> >tfw no --no-preserve-root
so edgy, using bash specific syntax
From that exact time index.
@ElimGarak Now that you edited it, that's horrible.
@ElimGarak :D
@ElimGarak I'm having way too much fun with the vision of using the crucial information obtained that way
The analogy is gold.
girls suck, both literally and figuratively. your only true friend is cl.exe
> Desperate Ohio Now Exploring Homeopathic Execution Methods
Literal suckage is part of the appeal. If you're into that sort of thing, I mean... I'm not, as I'm a priest.
@Mr.kbok Guise too.
@Morwenn inorite
> Pediatricians Warn Pregnant Women Not To Drink
“But sharing that first drink with your unborn child is one of motherhood’s most beautiful moments.”
love the Onion
@ElimGarak I'm listening to some Shpongle, and it fits so well :o
I wonder how it feels to reject someone.
I wonder how it feels to get rejected.
2) is much easier to get a feel of
> I vote Party Against the Citizen because I don't want the next generation to live a better life than my generation!
not true
statistically speaking, for every rejectee, there must be a rejecter.
> Girls that will hang out with you because they know they won't be asked out or hit on....
@TonyTheLion Yeah, that's kinda the terrifying aspect.
yea thats kind of how I feel girls are towards me, like they are sure I'm never gonna hit on them :(
You're never gonna hit on me, that's for sure.
@Elyse Puts a hit on Elyse
You're rightfold.
@Nooble Presumably worse than the latter. The latter is anticipated (at least in my case :P), the former probably feels like ruining someone's day (one doesn't assume the aforementioned anticipation)
@TonyTheLion just hit on everyone problem solved
PS C:\Users\elyse> cowsay
cowsay : The term 'cowsay' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of
the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ cowsay
+ ~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (cowsay:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
@Elyse You're missing a "try" in there somewhere
dat error
"cmdlet" sounds a bit like "cumslut"
@Columbo Yeah :c
@Puppy If I reject infinite applicants, then mathematically each reject has zero rejecters.
@JerryCoffin Nope.
not true; you're an infinite number of rejectees
@TonyTheLion I think that confidence is absolutely key, as long as it doesn't turn into arrogance. But it is hard to concentrate on being confident when there is construction ongoing in your stomach anytime you're near that person.
my speaker obscures my clock, luckily I can view a large clock in Windows 8 by putting the mouse cursor on the lower right corner of the screen
@JerryCoffin One thing would be zero for sure, and that's your competency when it comes to selecting applicants :p
@Puppy hotness distributions means that there are more rejectees and few rejecters
Getting rejected by one girl would be bad enough, but girls are allocated in groups. You try to read from one, every other in the group will be aware of it.
yay, I'm starworthy tonight
@ElimGarak i think you need to be more precise. As a priest, you're not into being sucked by women.
And now the one-million dollar question: In which case does sizeof C < sizeof C::mem1 + sizeof C::mem2 + ...?
I'm a little drunk too
Don't fall asleep now
that would be a waste of time
@ElimGarak Oh I see, so they're all in cache and hot?
> we don't need the parentheses [...] because it's an operator
@Columbo Obvious case, C is derived from empty base classes mem1, mem2, ...
that's wrong
it's not "because it's an operator"
@JerryCoffin Second scenario?
Facebook has been an invaluable tool in determing how those female groups are formad. And you can calculate the damage you're causing by looking for mutuals and potentially other girls you might like in any particular group.
@JerryCoffin (Also, I was actually going for member subobjects, but nevermind)
@ElimGarak Yeah and they'll all give you looks.
@Elyse How about "because it's not a function"?
@ElimGarak My word, I don't use FB for that kind of thing. I use it mainly to post shitty status updates that piss people off.
@Columbo Bases are member subobjects.
@fredoverflow still not :p
@Columbo I've taken credit for one answer. It would be greedy for me to take more.
@TonyTheLion I use it to get homework.
@Puppy Wrong.
there are some differing rules for bases and normal fields, and EBO is one of them.
however, they are still member subobjects.
@Puppy Bases are base class subobjects.
@Nooble You must be a fan of homework
base class subobjects are member subobjects.
> there is no pee inside the box
@Puppy Nope. E.g. [class]/4: "Complete objects and member subobjects of class type shall have nonzero size." Footnote reads 108) Base class subobjects are not so constrained.
There is probably an actual defining quote, but I'm too lazy to look for that.
@TonyTheLion :P
@Elyse Why don't you make your own sizeof video, with blackjack and hookers?
There we go: Objects can contain other objects, called subobjects. A subobject can be a member subobject (9.2), a base class subobject (Clause 10), or an array element.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize this was a quote-the-standard situation.
I thought it was a apply-simple-logic situation.
my mistake
@Puppy Is that the first time you're wrong and I'm right - sort of?
I think so
@fredoverflow what does your IDE do if you say sizeof(answer) where answer is a function?
Woah you proved Puppy wrong, have a cookie
@JerryCoffin I was looking for reference members.
@Elyse sizeof(function) is 0 :-D
references do not have a size, and you can't sizeof() them.
What about void?
therefore your question does not apply to reference members by definition.
@TonyTheLion I didn't prove him wrong, he misunderstood what was asked for.
@Puppy Wrong again mate
@Elyse incomplete type
@Puppy [expr.sizeof]/2: "When applied to a reference or a reference type, the result is the size of the referenced type."
@fredoverflow D:
that is not the same thing as actually applying the sizeof to the reference.
it's simply forwarding the sizeof and then applying it.
there's lots of things you can't do with references as they are not considered real objects in the C++ object model, including sizeof, addressof, and such things.
@Puppy No, but that's not what I asked for in my one-million dollar question, was it
strictly speaking, you asked about a bunch of syntax rather than actually implying any real semantic meaning.
I inferred the semantic meaning because the syntax is completely worthless.
you could of course choose to ask about some worthless syntax, if you want to be a worthless person.
@Columbo Hmmm...I think my answer was better--it was clearly and definitely correct. Yours is open to a lot more question, depending heavily upon how you define your terms.
@Puppy No, it's not. It constitutes a perfectly well-formed condition.
@fredoverflow clang warns if you write T* x = malloc(n * sizeof(U)) where T isn't U.
@Elyse awesome
it also optimises out malloc/free pairs when possible. :D
@Elyse How do you optimize out malloc()/free() pairs
Also, @Nooble, don't tell me I didn't fucking call it
malloc();free();malloc();free(); -> malloc();free();?
@JerryCoffin …which is why it's an interesting answer, don't you think?
Oh, my god, Facebook chat timed out while I was asking her out.
@ElimGarak rekt
@ElimGarak pics or it didn't happen
^ I love that phrase
I'll retry, she certainly didn't get it if the red thingy on the side?
@Columbo I dunno. I suppose it depends on what you find interesting.
@JerryCoffin Questions without definite answers, though in this case the question is crystal clear and so is the notion of my answer.
@ElimGarak go to her home instead
@ElimGarak you must have good karma :P
ask her in person
or over the phone
@Ell That is far more awkward than it needs to be. :P
yeah over the phone is actually
> "Hi.… em… " - "Who is this?" - "oh my god oh my god oh my god" - "Hello?" - "I… I… WANNA GO OUT?" - "Who are you?" - "DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER SAY YES BEFORE I FAINT"
isn't std::generate awkward by design? you'll probably end up turning your lambda into a mutable one, makes me feel awkward to take a ref to somethign and modify out of scope to not generate the same crap over and over
but in person ain't
She's a fucking bitch btw., doesn't even greet people
@Ell Well, how do you accidentally bump into someone without finding a way to GPS stalk her?
@Columbo pure gold
f/e :3
I guess facebook is fine
@Ell "Elim Garak invited you to play Sex"
> >faecbuk
> >fine
@Columbo I'm not particularly interested in that right now, as the Lounge knows, but she's really cool. Likes South Park (the old ones), Family Guy, plays gaems which exclude Sims and I can carry a conversation with her. An actual conversation.
@Columbo I bet you pull every night out with dat seksy german accent?
@ElimGarak talk about politics and see how she is in a discussion :P

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