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the fuck a question is that
@Ell what's pointless? 720p @ 4.7" is clearly too little. FHD @ 5" is almost enough, but we have bigger phones than 5" nowadays.
@BartekBanachewicz Jefffrey is getting one and wonders about the process.
OTOH more than 1440p @ 5.5" would clearly be pointless.
> 720p @ 4.7" is clearly too little
I can't physically see individual pixels on my Note Edge.
I disagree
FHD@5" is 445 ppi
so I'd say 500 should be a reasonable limit I guess
@Ell I can clearly see the picture quality difference between my Nexus 4 at 320 ppi and my GFs nexus 5 at 445.
@Jefffrey is that what the kids call it these days?
Can we not use these silly "FHD" and whatnot things that half the people taking part in the discussion have to look up?
I don't have to try or stick my face to the screen, it's just obvious
@BartekBanachewicz It's not to me
which is why it's pointless for me
@Griwes FHD is HD 1080 or 1080p
@BartekBanachewicz Have you got @Lalaland plonked by any chance?
@Jefffrey no ofc not
Then what he said
@BartekBanachewicz My point being, 1080p @ 5" is much more descriptive. :P
@Ell well sure but I guess that just means you're not a relevant customer for the high-end market
@Griwes okay okay
Computers cost a lot
@Griwes I find FDD @ 5" more desctiptive
@набиячлэвэлиь Yeah, and you don't know where Kraków is. :P
@Griwes (it's a joke on FDD vs FHD)
@Elyse ...Why? That sounds fucking retarded.
And I do (although roughly) know when Kraków is
@набиячлэвэлиь I noticed. Thank you.
@fredoverflow it is.
@Griwes also media is produced in 1080p mostly
derp, iPhone 6S has only 326 ppi
this kinda sucks
@AndyProwl sounds like colonoscopy everyday is a great way to lose weight
damn I guess Nexus 6p is really a strong alternative
@набиячлэвэлиь What nonsense. Floppy Disk Drives were never 5". There were either 5.25" or 3.5".
also smaller bezel
@JerryCoffin s/were/are/
uh it's so dumb
iPhone vs Nexus:

 * everything
 * it's an iPhone
 * Apple Watch
@BartekBanachewicz Will you present some positive points for the iPhone?
Look Out They're Saying Bad Things About Apple
@набиячлэвэлиь ...and people accuse me of being a dinosaur.
@набиячлэвэлиь Positive points for the iPhone: Apple does pretty well at imitating the competition (even if they are consistently behind).
@набиячлэвэлиь OSX integration, exclusives
Apple also does a great job with battery life.
@BartekBanachewicz Will you present some positive points for the iPhone?
exclusives ofc means both software and hardware
some great apps are only on iOS
and accessories for iPhones are generally better and there's a wider selection than for android imho
not sure how Apple Watch compares to new Android Wear thingies yet
@набиячлэвэлиь repeating the same snarky joke over and over doesn't really make you funny/interesting
> doesn't really make you funny/interesting
Like I want to be, psh
@набиячлэвэлиь nice backing out m8
@набиячлэвэлиь being funny/interesting is important for getting the gals.
@BartekBanachewicz I checked it out a few days ago, and it struck me as ridiculous that I could buy that phone or a PS4 + an XboxOne for the same amount of money
@Borgleader I don't care about money at all in this particular case of choosing a new smartphone, as long as I can reasonably afford it
@Lalaland Not on this chat, it isn't!
I want the best mobile phone I can reasonably afford
even twice the price would be acceptable
> >I don't care about money at all
> >I want the best mobile phone I can reasonably afford
@BartekBanachewicz I didnt say you did, I'm was just commenting on how ridiculously expensive phones have become (imo anyway)
Nice personality switching, matey
@Borgleader they also do much more than before
@набиячлэвэлиь this is what was originally meant.
@Borgleader phones are expensive because they do a lot.
In a very small, light weight package with severe battery constraints.
new smartphones are much more sophisticated and powerful device than the first models
and given new software and services, have much more bigger impact on your life/habits
I think the blackberry priv is the nicest phone for me but I heard that the phys keyboard is hard to use because the phone is heavy :<
@BartekBanachewicz Sure, I'm not saying its completely unwarranted its just, a lot of money
Top of the line Android phones are similar in price to IPhones.
I can see why
@Lalaland $750 vs $550 according to google, for 64GB N6p/6S+
but if the phys keyboard is too difficult to use then it makes little sense to get it
@набиячлэвэлиь yes it's their first full android phone
it's a flagship so I'm not sure how well it will sell
it competes with the latest galaxy S and iPhones wrt price
@BartekBanachewicz So the nexus is more expensive than the iphone?
@BartekBanachewicz in general do you prefer to use DirectX over OpenGL. Just curious.
@Borgleader no, the other way
@edition I prefer OpenGL in general. Lately that could mean WebGL.
@BartekBanachewicz Ah cuz you listed the prices high / low, and then Nexus/iphone
yeah mb
I was also thinking about the new top LG
but I'm scared of non-nexus androids
those are great btw (wooden covers)
Lol, it looks like formica.
Hipstering knows no bounds
Hipster (noun) - used by Web Dinosaurs™ to label any framework, library or technology they don’t understand.
Why does opening the Start Menu spawn 3 alt-tabbable processes O.o
@Morwenn So French.
according to macrumors, iPhone is still in the "buy now" release phase
@EtiennedeMartel Wasn't Minitel an international standard? :D
There's a funny things about stuff made in France in that it only seems to be used in France.
But it is used a lot.
> To clarify on what I think what he's trying to say, is that these fresh and new fancy dynamically typed languages like R, Ruby, PHP, and to some extent Python, Scala, and Go have not brought anything significantly better to the table then what Java and C has already perfected.
You guys are hardcore protectionnists.
yes Scala absolutely didn't bring anything better than Java not at all
what an idiot
@EtiennedeMartel I don't know about that :(
> You're talking inception date, I'm talking newness according to the date after which the language came into fashion.
For instance, who uses OCaml? French people, and only French people.
What about Eiffel and Ada?
Seriously, I didn't even know that OCaml was French and I never used it ._.
@Morwenn Eiffel is used all over the world, but only the French pronounce it correctly ;)
@fredoverflow Its the only thing they pronounce correctly :P
@EtiennedeMartel um, no, not really
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, and mad people.
> mad, adj. - not using the same things as EDM
We all know the only non sucky functional languages are Haskell and Racket.
from what @Jefffrey said, OCaml really didn't look bad
and if Idris wasn't esotheric, it would be nice as well (otoh it's literally haskell)
Anybody know how to marshal an array of unknown size, using pinvoke?
@Asheh Why do you ask that in a C++ room?
P/Invoke is a .NET thing.
Lol wut
but you know all things
Im marshalling data from C++ to .net correct
@BartekBanachewicz Most of the ML family are reasonable to at least some degree.
@JerryCoffin (I know, I was just going for the low hanging fruit because Bartek is so easy to troll)
I've heard good things about OCaml
but people using exotic stuff always hide the bad parts
@Morwenn What is that white blobby thing at the top?
@CatPlusPlus man you didn't tell me you added mouse support :D thought it was just the gamepad
@JerryCoffin I have no idea.
@BartekBanachewicz How did Electro-Discharge Machining come into the conversation?
anyway works great, just one last thing you might want to consider: when moving the mouse left or right, auto-turn the bunny
@JerryCoffin I thought he meant Electronic Dance Music.
also bug: changing the vertical sens while in-game doesn't apply the setting, you gotta do it from the main menu
a lot more playable and fun this time :D
Yeah it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, but I'm entirely not sure why
try writing more code
@AlexM. Is it just mouse or mouse+keyboard?
@Xeo you can play it with mouse + keyboard, keyboard only or gamepad
@EtiennedeMartel I'd try to translate that as "Elegant Disco Music", if it weren't the fact that "elegant disco" is an oxymoron.
I mentioned auto-turning because I kept moving my mouse left & right and expected the bunny to also rotate, not a big deal but it was surprising at first
@JerryCoffin Get your groove on
once you're used to how N games behave, one that behaves differently immediately stands out
and feels uncomfy
I got a neat sniper headshot even if low precision indicator, was pretty cool
Yeah it's Y axis only
Aren't the mouse players going to have a huge advantage?
it's a PC title
Is it local only or is there online MP?
@EtiennedeMartel I wish I had a picture of myself in 1981 wearing my "Disco still sucks" T-shirt to post about now.
@Lalaland Yes, but people want it, so whatever
We're long way away from online MP
And if someone wants to mix controllers and mouse in local MP then vOv
@Morwenn Looks like the one from south park hahaha
so, when is the next Lounge Game Jam?
Good question.
> [INFO] Unpacking C:\.m2\repository\com\sophis\www\boost\\boost- to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\SophisPricingPricingLib\workspace\SophisPricing\Build\..\Dependencies
with includes null and excludes:null
> with includes null and excludes:null
what the fuck does that mean
@BartekBanachewicz plan one
lol C++
lol boost
Probably that there are no specific includes or excludes
@JerryCoffin Disco is certainly better now that we can synthetize decent sounds.
lol Bartek
@Mr.kbok I was thinking about ultrashort one
bartek be js now boys
@AlexM. "now"
2h is a bad idea.
I've been doing more JS than C++ for more than a year already
26.48 minutes
12h is best.
(Or 24h)
I won't listen to your voice for 12 hours straight m8
@CatPlusPlus it's useless info
I think the longer ones are fine if local
2h is not enough
but dwelling in front of your screen at home alone for 12 hours is just fucking sad
3-4 is fine imo
@Mr.kbok that's what she said

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