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9:00 AM
If you don't respect Rule Of Zero you deserve what's coming :) (It's easy to prevent copying) — sehe 31 secs ago
No I mean literally Chinese.
@AndyProwl Those with the lights are pretty cool
@VermillionAzure ^ just oblivious.
Like born in China.
@LucDanton Got it, but not in this case apparently
9:00 AM
But then came over here
@Rapptz hey plenty of Ethnicity-Americans were born in Ethnic
> literally Chinese
as opposed to figuratively Chinese
That's racist
@Ven :(
9:01 AM
@Rapptz disgusting
I hate that.
@GregorMcGregor lol
People should be born wherever they want
Humble Monthly is such a stupid idea
One of our argument points in our relationship was how I didn't like Chinese food.
9:01 AM
How would that work?
But references... Are references really that dangerous?
@Rapptz ...
@AndyProwl for a bit of a laugh you can always look for people talking about 'my Italian neighbors' or coworkers or what have you on the interwebs and play the 'Italian or Italian-American' game
Do you send a form to the fetus or ...?
@VermillionAzure References in C++ are very dangerous.
9:02 AM
@CatPlusPlus everything humble kinda lost flavor since there were so many bundles all the interesting stuff was already given
They can be dangling.
And nobody will protect you.
I mean at the lowest level, the instruction level
btw this entire conversation cheered me up
What "no"?
9:02 AM
so thanks
I haven't seen a bundle with legit games that I do not own and I'm interested in in ages
Ffs who invoked cinch?
Like, into the implementation and stuff
@Rapptz same here, at least a little bit
@Rapptz I was there so I’ll take some of the credit
9:03 AM
@R.MartinhoFernandes shitposting was in the air
Also, I got new cubes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Also do you really not like me that much?
my what big hands you have
@R.MartinhoFernandes those aren't cubes!
9:04 AM
@Ven how about singleton kinds
@R.MartinhoFernandes Robot I love you but you know you're starting to look a bit like the crazy cat woman, but with cubes, right
@Rapptz Are you hitting on robot
@TheForestAndTheTrees one of them is.
@Elyse are you sure you want to open that kind of can of worms?
5x3x3 is cool
9:04 AM
@Andy :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm just teasing you :P You're awesome
@R.MartinhoFernandes "Think of the children!"
My gf thinks me handling cubes is hot, so there's that.
I am picturing weird things right now
I guess you're not going to answer that
9:05 AM
@R.MartinhoFernandes Stalker also appreciated it
she didn't say "hot" though
maybe I wasn't fast enough DON'T STAR
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is there an innuendo somewhere
No she is just crazy
In Hebrew abs are called "cubes"
And :: is called pamaayim nekudotayim
@GregorMcGregor notice how one of them is not exactly a cube
9:07 AM
@Andy only one is.
@Ven I think it causes inferences issues.
@AndyProwl TIL Robot has Rubik's Dildos
@R.MartinhoFernandes Right
@Ven also lol dat pun
Why did you get another stickerless 3x3x3?
9:08 AM
Oh, ok
They keep dying.
@GregorMcGregor Comes with Rubik's Lube
9:09 AM
This is awesome.
Yeah totally
I was undecided what to have for lunch but made up my mind, thanks
And it'll be dick
soft and small, yummy
@AndyProwl I.e. Microsoft.
TEST_CASE("i'm running out of test names") {
    GIVEN("some shit") {
        WHEN("doing stuff") {
            THEN("things happen") {
a productive day
9:11 AM
much better than our test names
it's nicely structured
doesn't lie
@AndyProwl OH ffs, I didn't notice what this was a reply to.
@AndyProwl you can lie about anything
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol. I'm sorry
@LucDanton thank you sir
am I late for the innuendos
Companion Rubik's Cube
9:13 AM
do uguis test for state that shouldn't change after an operation
I have that as a six-sided die.
@GregorMcGregor depends, I’m rarely thorough
@R.MartinhoFernandes how do you distinguish the sides?
With numbers instead of hearts.
9:15 AM
The 6 side has a heart, the rest numbers.
It is if you roll sixes.
roll sexes
free sex, free sex tonight
chinese joke by martin from some months ago
oh yeah no more getting laid for this guy
@GregorMcGregor I guess it depends how obvious the fact that the state shouldn't change is. I wouldn't test that position is not changed after setting color
@AndyProwl But what if it does????????
9:17 AM
@GregorMcGregor If I see that happen by troubleshooting I add a failing test, fix it, see the test passing and then probably keep the test there. Otherwise I don't bother. Usually
Depends how related the to-be-affected state and to-be-tested states are
Hi fellow loungerz
hey Rer
@GregorMcGregor For regression tests probably
Or when the implementation is tricky or whatever
@Ven I just realised this mechanism implements value-dependent types LOL
@GregorMcGregor Depends. If it's potentially related state, I do.
9:19 AM
@GregorMcGregor I wouldn't, unless I saw some bug where it was changing. Then I'd add that test to make sure no other twat fucks up the code.
@AndyProwl I like how we seem to share similar thoughts on a lot of programming practices :P we should totes fuck work together
BTW I know uguis don't care about CUDA and GPUs (except @Elim) but here's a pretty cool 3D scan done by drones
@AndyProwl I was kidding (you can tell by the amount of ??)
@thecoshman Great minds think alike! Idiots too
did you read about that guy who crashed his drone into some Ferris wheel
nobody got killed and the police are searching for the guy
this made people think people should be more easy to link to their drones
>nobody got killed
stopped reading there
inb4 drone driving license
9:22 AM
@GregorMcGregor I was suspecting that, like I had 70% confidence, but then I thought what if there's a grain of genuine question in there?
how silly of me
Anyway, when in doubt about your relationship, ask for advice on Islam.SE
When in doubt for anything really
ISlam is a tennis tournament interface
omg what, C++ is getting constexpr_if?
9:23 AM
and constexpr_else
@Elyse took you long enough :P
just wait for constexpr_switch, constexpr_default and constexpr_case
@GregorMcGregor fancy pants.
oh and constexpr_break
"Industrial space" aka stupid money
9:24 AM
am I shitposting a lot
when will we have constexpr_constexpr
@AndyProwl s/posting//
9:25 AM
@thecoshman "am I shit a lot" doesn't compile
I was having a productive day until you pinged me @Luc
Yeah right
Oh. C++17 will allow pair{"foo"s,12} as an alternative to make_pair.
@GregorMcGregor anytime
@StackedCrooked yeah that's interesting
9:27 AM
@AndyProwl nor does what you said, I just presumed you either meant "s/am I/I am/" or "s/ot/ot?/"
@GregorMcGregor no you weren't
@thecoshman The Lounge15 standard allows question mark elision
@AndyProwl either way (s/posting// or not), the answer is yes :P
@AndyProwl Looks like this when scrambled i.imgur.com/tpzCgot.jpg
@StackedCrooked ¬_¬ I don't like it
9:30 AM
@R.MartinhoFernandes I was expecting eggs
@GregorMcGregor me too
@R.MartinhoFernandes that thing is flat out wrong. burn it, burn it now.
@GregorMcGregor Made them this morning.
@StackedCrooked Oh look, solving non-problems.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Solved in how many moves?
@thecoshman It's awesome :P
@GregorMcGregor Attempt #2. I mean #2 this morning.
9:32 AM
@Griwes looks like it solves a problem to me
@R.MartinhoFernandes blindfolded tho?
lol out of context
@R.MartinhoFernandes I had those too for breakfast
I didn't make them though
You'd think scrambled eggs wouldn't be fuck-uppable.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Just keep awy from brass cubes... you'll open the gates to hell and be ripped appart for ever.
9:34 AM
Move things and breakfast
@Xeo [rp[;r str nsf
o_0 that was meant to say "people are bad"
don't edit it
I'm not going to :P
@thecoshman nsf...w?
@AndyProwl nsfk - not safe for keyboard
9:34 AM
@thecoshman Now it's self-explanatory
Was I just of the home row?
@Xeo lol
lol offset by one
we had a preview of pirate's intent-revealing names in code
@thecoshman A friend of mine wanted to gift me one of those.
@Xeo Hey, I'm an expert.
9:35 AM
@thecoshman column, more like
auto hurr(durr nsfw)
@thecoshman is the first word a Forth program
I'd use speech recognition, but my speech isn't clear enough :\
@Xeo aye
it's not Forth I'm thinking of
9:36 AM
what is it
@thecoshman Robot's working on brainwave processing IIRC so you might wanna donate
@R.MartinhoFernandes you do get the reference right?
@Rapptz It's just a KROT1 encryption! :D
@AndyProwl may be get it working on normal brainwaves first :\
@thecoshman Yes, I know the one you're talking about. He wanted to gift me a replica.
But $$$$$$$$$
9:37 AM
@thecoshman But metal waves are stronger!
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd love to have one
@R.MartinhoFernandes I missed this video
Robot needs this for when he's feeling extra masochistic.
I'd be tempted to make one, but I think it would be very hard to make one good enough... unless I just go for like a solid carved resin cube that is painted
I checked in a 8:18. It's 10:37 and haven't done anything so far. Later guys
9:37 AM
@Xeo Btw, have you seen my new metal dice?
@AndyProwl Well done!
@R.MartinhoFernandes nope
I still only have my metal steampunk D20
@AndyProwl should've been a statement modifier :P
Remember the redback spiders I got in my backyard, I saw one today ... but there is also an upgrade: not that there are redback - the 2nd most poisonous spiders in the backyard, I have also discovered a clan of funnel web spiders - the most poisonous spider in the world on the verandah!
The upper side is that I don't live there, the downside is that currently I go there almost everyday anyways ...
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's some odd shapes
9:39 AM
Don't I have the luck of a sarcrificed lamb?
@Ven I know.
> Recent implementations of the x86 architecture actually translate x86 instructions into simple operations that look like MIPS instructions and then pipeline the simple operations rather than the native x86 instructions!
@Elyse do ya?
:karen laugh o-ho-ho-ho:
9:42 AM
Anyone has a review intel Parallelx Studio 2016 ?
x86 used microcode for years
Isn't that a usual thing though
If not forever
x64 is a quite faster because it uses nanocode instead
@Ven Yes.
9:44 AM
so it can fit more instructions per transistor
Hm I thought x86 was this lumbering beast of an architecture...
the problem with x86 being the 86 bits per pointer
that wastes a lot of bandwidth
and makes cache lines a non power of 2
no idea what they were thinking at intel
Oh that's weird
Yeah I don't think we've gotten there yet...
I don't think I'm going to get there... :(
ask your professor
9:47 AM
I think it's going to end up being a junior project... that I'm not going to do
Instead I'm going for machine learning
@Xeo Dammit, it's a one-off :/
Would be cool if you started with Cinch learning
@R.MartinhoFernandes ye
@GregorMcGregor what are you talking about
9:48 AM
@GregorMcGregor wut
I had this idea for printing an ice cube tray that makes cubie-shaped ice "cubes".
Ugh this project
30 minutes on timer and I already feel shitty
@CatPlusPlus Is it called "cats race to feel shittier than ever before"?
@TonyTheLion didn't you know
@GregorMcGregor I was unaware
9:50 AM
In Delaware
hows the potato fields?
of course it's not 86 bits per pointer only a fool would take what I say seriously
potatoes growing steadily
@GregorMcGregor I figured you were joking
getting panic attacks at work sometimes now
my brain subtly saying "this job isn't for you"
@GregorMcGregor cool
I shall have to leave you fellas
I have to venture into Central London.
9:53 AM
@TonyTheLion have fun
> French djihadist betrayed by his baldness
what am I reading
allah akhbald I suppose?
why x86 ... released roughly about 1986?
x64 is 64 bits, sadly x86 is not 86 bits
> USA: 8 years old boy kills 1 year old girl because she was crying
Sounds about right
because Intel x86 chip set
8086, 80186, 80286, 80386, 80486...? isn't that right?

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