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1:01 PM
@sehe lmfao
@Morwenn so if I get it right, by replacing -> void with -> std::enable_if_t<false, std::void_t<Iterable>>, that makes your code compile?
I love doing that kind of butchering way too much.
SO give ample opportunity
@Rerito Yeah, among other things. If I leave that SFINAEd-out function, it compiles, but if I remove it, it doesn't compile anymore.
I can't figure out what the question is even about.
And it seems that it has to depend on a template parameter to work. I guess two-phase name lookup has something to do with it.
1:09 PM
what if ...
gif ... but it's in wiki ...
One of the owners should probably clarify if we still need to unbox that. cc @sehe
1 message moved to bin
Ok, so I guess it's official. All gifs must be unboxed even if they are indirect due to something like wikipedia.
Soon our rule list for the Lounge will be as complex and pedantic as the C++ standard itself.
@AndyProwl Yesterday I was at the top - 14min20sec for 1.6km :D
undercut my 15-minute-mile goal by 40 seconds
1:13 PM
@Xeo well done :)
Yesterday I was very close to the bottom - 1h for 2.2km
@Morwenn Noob opinion: it looks like the compiler skips the whole CRTP part
it was swimming but it's still poor performance
Coz normally the operator() of sorter_facade<heap_sorter> taking only one argument should be defined and usable
If you don't here from me soon, it might just because I've been blown away in this gale force wind (slightly melodramatic)
In the mean time, I will be reviewing the 'reasons' why testing is failing to see how much bullshit is being spun
@Rerito You mean without the SFINAE part? Actually yes, but it's a bit more complicated in the whole project.
1:20 PM
@Morwenn I guess, even though I'm not skilled enough to get all the stuff that's going down here
@Rerito Haha, me neither.
Brb need some tea
@AndyProwl I figured out how I should walk to go faster. Too bad it's quite ... uncomfortable on the inner leg region due to the rubbing after a while
@Xeo eh, I used to have that problem when running and solved it by buying more appropriate clothes
yeah, but I'm using the way to and from work (since that's almost exactly a mile) for my walking.
so eh
1:33 PM
Well, can't see why someone would have starred my message here
that complicates matters
Old Sly Stalone is hard to understand. His speech sucks.
@Rerito It's pretty obvious though.
well, you could allocate some regular time to it
and just walk normally on the way to-from work
1:35 PM
Prometheus (/prəˈmiːθɪəs/ pro-MEE-thee-uhs) is a 2012 science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott, written by Jon Spaihts and Damon Lindelof, and starring Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Guy Pearce, Idris Elba, Logan Marshall-Green, and Charlize Theron. It is set in the late 21st century and centers on the crew of the spaceship Prometheus as it follows a star map discovered among the artifacts of several ancient Earth cultures. Seeking the origins of humanity, the crew arrives on a distant world and discovers a threat that could cause the extinction of the human race. Development of the film...
yeah, but using the work-way is so convenient :<
@Morwenn Some way to derive it to a sexual innuendo?
@chmod666telkitty Seen that. It is meh. :)
@Rerito Exactly.
I woud say several ways.
I am watching Escape Plan now.
1:36 PM
@Morwenn One of them would include anal stuff I am sure
(Or all of them)
I mean, I guess I could get a membership in the gym that's also really close to work
But I haven't convinced myself to do that yet
@Xeo That's what I've done
@chmod666telkitty Ok-ish, I liked it though it's a bit monotonous
@AndyProwl I recall a kerfuffle over his calling someone who asked why char key[5]="april"; was valid C a "low-qualified beginner" and then posting about the ensuing downvotes in meta, and causing mass drama there.
@Xeo Well if you do, you'll find that this closeness is really useful to avoid demotivation =)
@Xeo I think the gym is not necessary
1:38 PM
I.e. Vlad doing Vlad MO
You would pay for much more than you need
edit history of the answer in question is here though sadly it looks like the meta post got deleted
@CatPlusPlus lol
if your goal is to lose some weight and gain some stamina, you can do some exercise at home
He gives shitty advice, gets downvoted, gets huffy and assumes people who commented also downvoted and proceeds to insult them
at least that's what I do during winter
1:39 PM
wow, ghost in the shell is having a new movie this year
Fuck that guy
@AndyProwl well, I'm kinda doing that - using the way to and from work :P just the clothing situation is meh
@chmod666telkitty cool
@Xeo yeah, but if that doesn't work because you can't speed up due to clothes, then you'll need to figure out something else :P
it says 2017 though there kitty
1:40 PM
He's all OHOHO LOOK AT HOW WELL I KNOW OBSCURE C FACTOIDS and yet doesn't even fucking mention that trimming NUL from a string like that is just a disaster waiting to happen
@AndyProwl You can lose weight through bodybuilding as well. Actually it's pretty efficient for that matter
@jaggedSpire Ok, typical Vlad
@AndyProwl right, and an option for that would be the gym. close to work, so I could just go there afterwards.
OTOH, I need to go home after work to feed kitties
@Rerito Sure, but gym can be quite expensive and if you're a beginner and don't hire a trainer you risk injury
@AndyProwl 15eur/month with everything included, I checked.
1:42 PM
@AndyProwl Plenty of resources available online!
@Xeo oh, ok, that's not bad
plus one-time 30eur to activate the membership or something
@Rerito On how not to injure yourself? Didn't work for me ;)
@Xeo What's the hardware available?
all the things
1:42 PM
All you need to lose some weight is your body
@AndyProwl Well so far I'm doing well (hit 100kg squat)
or cutting down on the cakes, we know you like cakes
@AndyProwl well, I can help your body to lose some weight as well ;-)
@Rerito Good for you :)
@Ven lol, sounds like a threat
1:43 PM
@AndyProwl or an invitation!
@Xeo Power rack?
@Ven Unless you're female and hot, they match :D
fair 'nugh.
inb4 sexist pig
@AndyProwl How shallow! (Throwback Thursday!)
1:44 PM
Work time. Have a good day, everyone. :)
I plan on a 7 day hike in Feb next year to lose some weight
@chmod666telkitty well guess what I did.
losing weight is a result of consistent dedication
one-time actions won't make much difference
@edition honest question: why glfw there?
@Xeo That's me, I guess :(
1:45 PM
@chmod666telkitty That's very short-term I'ld say
IIRC diet is the most effective way to lose weight.
beats not doing it at all
@Mr.kbok I though attribution was required.
then I will go back to jogging
Exercise isn't that effective.
1:46 PM
Diet and exercise are the most effective way
diet alone will just make you skinny-fat
@edition I mean why did you use glfw for drawing and some something windows
@chmod666telkitty Why not starting now? Furthermore the jogging would better your physical condition for your future hikes right?
I am one of the fittest fatties
exercise alone is better than diet alone but has limits
exercise alone has very severe limits.
1:47 PM
You usually don't end up burning that many calories.
Then you're doing the wrong exercises
@Lalaland not with an hour jogging a day
@Lalaland Well if you'ld see how much I eat :p
high-intensity and short intervals make you burn a lot
Exercise is... time-consuming.
1:48 PM
30 mins a day are enough
actually more than enough
but a good 6-8 hours full day hike will burn far more
if combined with reasonable diet
At best, you only get like 700 calories burned per hour.
And that's with pretty intensive activity.
@Mr.kbok I used glfw, because my understanding of setting up OpenGL was not substantial.
1:48 PM
That's like a single slice of pizza.
If you do the right exercises you'll keep burning even after
@Lalaland Yeah, and what about metabolism increase?
My workout sessions would burn less than that, but indirectly their cost is much higher calorie wise
I'm about 60kgs or less.
1:49 PM
450 per hour x 8 hours = 3600, 7 days is 25,200
still, beats not doing it
And the overcompensation afterwards is a risk
but regular high-intensity intervals are more effective
1:50 PM
I will go back to jogging
I remember when I used to bike a lot. After long sessions I would eat so much
As long as it's the "right" food.
of course if you burn like 5000 calories per day with long endurance training you can eat pretty much what you want
@AndyProwl But that's a huge time commitment.
Honestly, the good idea is not to diet sometimes, but to switch to a reasonable diet forever.
1:51 PM
@AndyProwl But you'll never build muscle with that kind of effort
@Lalaland sure, not saying you should do that
You have to compare the value of eating better vs the other things you can do with your time.
the only way is to give up all the cakes, wagyu beef, prawns & wine. Such a cruel world :'(
@Rerito not just with that
back in the days when I was swimming I was training 3h a day
You have to maximize your utility.
1:52 PM
I did have muscle mass and could eat whatever I wanted. When I stopped... not nice
I cut the cardio a bit => perf increase on the big 3
@chmod666telkitty Just keep them special :3
@chmod666telkitty Cut off the wine, the horror :(
I always make sure I don't build muscle mass.
now I manage to keep in decent shape by doing free body workouts 3 times a week (~30 mins) and swimming 2-3 times a week (~1h)
1:53 PM
@Morwenn There's a very common stereotype. People tend to overestimate a lot the mass they'ld build :)
@Morwenn wut
Perhaps we should call this the Gym<C++> to get us all in the right mood.
why don't you want muscle mass?
@Rerito What.
@Ell Why would I want muscle mass?
So you can lift heavy things
1:53 PM
@Morwenn Like "If I squat, my thighs will get huge", well good one sherlock it doesn't work that way
To be fair, I do eat a lot of veges & fruits, but I regularly indulge in processed meat which I should not ... and wine
Lifting heavy things is not an important part of my life.
@Ell wrong guy girl
@Ell Add "like your mom"
1:54 PM
How do you lob desktops about the place without muscle mass? :P
@chmod666telkitty Sounds fairly reasonable so far :)
@Ell I have friends.
And what about moving house? and saving children from burning buildings?
Not my job either.
@Ell She would chop their limbs off to carry them. Obvious
1:55 PM
Or beating egg whites and sugar into meringues by hand?
@Ell Better training in programming would probably be much more useful to Morwen in her daily life than more muscles.
@Ell I bought a convenient tool for that.
btw working out doesn't automatically mean building muscle mass
^ this
1:55 PM
it takes quite a lot of effort to actually build muscle mass
and usually involves eating quite much
And quite a lot of eating as well
how do you write that backwards v
How about enlarging your gluteus maximus?
I'm fine as I am :p
1:56 PM
@AndyProwl yeah, idk how the hell they get enough protein :V
But then again I'm attempting to become a plant muncher
@Ell Supplements, I guess. But IMO that's not very healthy. Or at least, it's risky
I think most just eat lots and lots of beans n meat n that kinda stuff
@Morwenn do you play any sport?
@Ell Going vegetarian? For interest's sake, are you doing it for health, ethical, or other reasons?
@Ell protein shakes?
@Lalaland Ethical & health
1:57 PM
@Ell I stopped like 5~6 years ago.
I use only one protein shake after my workout sessions and I reach my protein goal for the day with my other meals (and without any other supplementation)
I occasionally walk, but never for the sake of it.
You're a very active type :D

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