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8:01 AM
have you guys seen the C++17 changes
all of the ones at Kona
Unified call syntax is the only one I'm not certain about
that was half-rejected
@LucDanton lol
> One doesn't mention the unfortunate edge cases when proselytising to Python programmers, much like one doesn't mention that processed meat causes cancer when feeding bacon to a starving man. Of course, when talking to a type theorist (or organic-vegetarian-gluten-free eater) like yourself, one has to be -- and can afford to be -- a bit more precise.
8:03 AM
it seems they made std::tuple useful.
I can't read the links
> Well, excluded middle either holds or it doesn't hold. If it holds then I am trolling right now, but if it doesn't hold then I am only not not trolling.
@Rapptz No. How (std::apply/invoke?)
@sehe auto {x, y, z} = f();
@jaggedSpire lol, what did he do this time?
would be a bit more sensible to return a container/"range" of tuples now
e.g. for(auto {index, elem} : enumerate(some_container))
also there's evaluation order now
left to right
except for assignment which is right to left
8:06 AM
@Rapptz Delicious. I'm tearing up. I hope it declares three vars and ties over them though
@sehe That'd prolly be auto& {x, y, z}
Yeah, that will show those python guys, with their productivity, family, and lives!
19 hours ago, by Andy Prowl
@Morwenn I still think the main motivation for having that is to try and solve the wrong problem
It is a bit weird though to see core language support for banalities like tuples
moar discussionz in da transcript
8:07 AM
@Rapptz is that tied specifically to std::tuple, or the tuple-interface (std::tuple_size, std::tuple_element)?
@Xeo huh.
@Xeo yeah, that's what I meant with "banalities"
@Rapptz I keep forgetting C++1z is a 'big' release and they can go for broke. And I keep getting surprised.
@Xeo yeah well what if I want one of each huh huh?
@LucDanton then you're screwed!
inb4 auto {&x, y, &&z}
@Xeo There's no link to the paper itself so iunno.
Also operator. was rejected.
8:09 AM
what a tease
@Xeo I mean, I'd expect auto (x,y,z) = foo(); to be "X x; Y y; Z z; tie(x,y,z) = foo();`
@sehe why?
@Rapptz was it?
@Rapptz now I’m not surprised
I don't think it was
8:09 AM
@Xeo Because that's useful
only one of the proposals was rejected
> I was relieved to see that proposal rejected; it was too clever and opened too many ways of introducing hard-to-find bugs. Amazing stuff, though.
Bjarne's is still in da game
@sehe That's quite unlike how auto everywhere else works.
@Rapptz Yeah, that wasn't Bjarne's proposal
8:09 AM
@Xeo ikr
it was a more general one
by Dietmar IIRC
I see.
it seems like it was just a little tease and everyone was like "sure" so there wasn't a real paper
> Arguing on the internet is like the Special Olympics. It doesn't matter who wins, at the end of the day you're all retards.
Gabi pls throw away structured bindings and go work on modules ffs
8:12 AM
@Rapptz not actually about tuples then?
@LucDanton nope, tuples just happened to be part of the benefits
no explanation on how it works though
@Rapptz it doesn’t for tuples until the spec gives a layout/order
@Elyse Haven't you heard that Rust skipped leg day?
8:14 AM
meaning that libstdc++ would have to provide a C++1z tuple
@Jeremy Oh you're faster than I am
well that was a good distraction
I feel depressed again though
welcome to the club
6 hours ago, by Luc Danton
play girlfriend wars 2
@Rapptz Have you tried imgur?
8:17 AM
@LucDanton I played it all already
waiting for gw3 now
y u sad andy
@Rapptz does it feel like you have a thorn in your heart cc @GregorMcGregor
@Rapptz broke up on Saturday after 4 years
we are on similar boats friend
Wait. Didn't you do it?
8:19 AM
@LucDanton yeah I feel pretty shitty :v
more than just the one thorn then
@Jefffrey Yeah, I did. Doesn't mean it's a joyful experience
I think there's a joke there but it's over my head
@Rapptz but it's exactly what I expected /cc @Xeo
8:20 AM
Also, I probably sort of regret it
@AndyProwl But once it's over (telling her) you should feel better
Isn't that the whole idea of breaking up?
you guys still on about relationships and stuff
@Jefffrey this triggered me
@Jefffrey There is some relief involved in the short term but no, I don't feel better. Quite the opposite
8:21 AM
Then why did you do it?
Because certain things didn't work out and some of them were important
"I had a dream we broke up that day and it felt really good"-- my ex-girlfriend
@Rapptz oh
that sounds like "I don't wanna think about my life too much". At the surface
8:23 AM
@AndyProwl So the cons of the relationship outweighted the pros?
@Jefffrey That was my impression till I broke up - well actually till like, one day after
Now I'm no longer so sure
Then tell her you want her back
I think she turned the page
In a week?
Also it's not like I'm 100% sure and I don't want to mess with her
8:24 AM
Oh for fuck sake. Get in touch with your feelings
@GregorMcGregor thanks for that edit :)
It's not just about the feelings
Literally just erased const: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/a335b444d44d6a08 (well, const_ in the case of iterator) — sehe 30 secs ago
says jefery master of relationships :>
8:26 AM
says jefery master of understand people
relationships are just a specialization
of course my feelings want her back. But do I want to marry her? Do I want kids with her? Do I want to tolerate her mother's behavior which I hate for the rest of my life? Do I <add more questions without an immediate Yes/No answer>
Wait what
does she cook well tho
bakes very well too
Isn't question 3 just a derived computation?
8:27 AM
could be
I'd be willing to put up with a lot of external things if I really loved someone.
Wait, did she ask you to marry her?
@AndyProwl Curiosity peaked at "mothers behaviour". I wonder would behaviour could be bad enough to overshadow the relation
inb4 mom tried to kill him
@Rapptz that ^
8:27 AM
Not to mention the mother is not exactly going to be constantly on your back, or I assume so.
@Jefffrey No. But her friends all got married, her sister's getting married, family is religious, we've been together for 4 years... I just have to ask myself
So wait, you left her because you are not sure whether you want to spend the rest of your life with her?
because I know that's what she wants/expects
@Jefffrey Pretty much yes
How does that even make sense
eeh a religious family can be a dealbreaker
being forced into some weird faith is a no-go for me at least
8:29 AM
@Rapptz They're a very compact family so I assume her presence will be significant (for example, her sister and her boyfriend live in the same house as her parents, one floor up, and her parents are visiting them like 3-4 times a day)
that sounds awful m8
Plus Saturday and Sunday are family lunches
give it a month without talking about it here
and man she never stops talking and "teaching" things
and you'll find something less stressful
8:30 AM
Hey mate. Marriage is scary as fuck. And you pretty much end up doing it only based on your feelings and hiding the fact that it makes no sense, it's dangerous and it's terrible in general.
Also I'm 36
so it's not like I have all the time I want to find the "perfect match"
That voice in your head that keeps telling you not to do it is right, but you'll end up ignoring it because ending up alone is scarier.
lol wtf is that starred
@AndyProwl I think the older people are the more desperate they get to get married.
@Jefffrey it damn is
8:31 AM
@AndyProwl any rich widows?
@Rapptz True
@AlexM. Not my perfect match
A lot of my older co-workers date people for like
but a rich consort would contribute to your own budget and make it bigger hm
1.5 years at most
ok fair enough
8:32 AM
and then elope.
or they did that in the past
Might be just me that finds it weird though.
For me it's rapptz talking to himself ^
I find it weird too
if it makes you feel better
imagine how desperate her family & her are :A
considering their background
So what. Go ahead and marry her. And try to limit the amount of money and property you'll end up losing when you inevitably divorce. And have fun!
poor gurl must think she's the family disappointment
unable to get a husband
8:34 AM
@AlexM. They're not desperate at all :)
And fuck like rabbits.
She's pretty and 23
What the fuck are you still doing in chat.
I'll plonk jeffery's noise for a while
8:35 AM
your ex-gf is 23?
Jefffrey, how much do you really know about relationships?
@Jefffrey If I marry her she'll want kids and I don't want to "try" then figure out "oops, I don't like it"
So apparently my work can't even fucking run a data centre for them selves. A power outage basically fooked everything
0, nada
8:35 AM
Looks like 0 to me.
@AndyProwl I thought she was 30+ like you
@Rapptz yes
@AlexM. nope
then it's fine
are you sure marriage was even on the table?
@Rapptz Wait. Are you ad homineing me?
8:36 AM
@Rapptz I am
@Jefffrey No I'm insulting you.
That's the same thing
We're not debating or arguing anything.
I still think these matters are better solved by yourself alone and external influence is just bad
@Jefffrey hint: it's considered rather shallow if you just want a relationship based on what people look like
8:36 AM
No, it's not
but I don't know much about relationships so
@AlexM. I don't think so. Other people give you perspective
@Rapptz We are implicitly arguing about you thinking my relationship advices are terrible
@AndyProwl What kinda perspective did Jefffrey give you? :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes nothing wrong with it, fuck buddies are perfectly fine :D
8:37 AM
@AndyProwl but we don't know much about your case, do we
@thecoshman I'm rather shallow :(
@thecoshman Who even said that?
@Xeo :D
@AndyProwl lol, well as long as you are happy with that
@LucDanton A pun well typed
8:37 AM
I mean take me for example
@sehe your welcome
@thecoshman I don't think it's shallow.
@Jefffrey your logic seems to be "she's hot, just take her back"
this is the image you formed in my mind of your girlfriend: cute 23 yo living in a family of cultists whose mother did something horrible to you
@Tony will reply when I get a moment :) thanks a lot btw
8:38 AM
People have requirements on who they want to date.
@AlexM. True, but it helps to talk about it. Sort of
If looks is one of them then so be it.
@AlexM. Here he goes taking this as an excuse to talk about himself
@GregorMcGregor s/r/'r/ :)
8:38 AM
@AlexM. Marriage not popular/the norm where you are, or is that you?
@Rapptz it is... there's no depth if you don't care about the 'insides', the personality.
@AlexM. lol
@sehe you bite easily
@thecoshman What
@AlexM. "did something horrible" is exaggerated and only the father is not cultist
8:39 AM
I didn't even ever discussed how hot is she
@Rapptz sure, and if it's just physical appearance, then those requirements are shallow. I'm not saying it's bad.
hey lounge
I know literally nothing about her
also wtf is going on
8:39 AM
yo @Gregor hop on the train
@GregorMcGregor stuff that you should not be you about :P
serious relationship advices here, you're perfect for the job
both Andy and I broke up with our girlfriends of many years
yes that's exactly me
so it's an opportunity for professional advice
8:40 AM
I said that if you are 36 and scared to end up alone in your life and you love the girl and you are just a little bit scared by marriage, just go ahead with it.
@LucDanton I don't know, I don't scan people for their marriage status; as for the people I know since school, only one of them (a girl) got married
@Rapptz Well in correct English you'd say "our girlfriend" unless both of you have had several ok? There goes my professional advice
> a little bit
Well sure, why I lay my cards down and admit I'm in this club too :\
also I'm not much scared of marriage itself
it's what it comes with it
8:40 AM
@GregorMcGregor But that might be taken as "we both had the same"
You'll never be 100% sure of marriage because it inherently makes no sense from the rational point of view.
That being said, fuck girls.
@Xeo Yes, but I didn't invent grammar.
I mentioned nothing about her being hot or whatever.
@GregorMcGregor That's generally the goal, yes
@GregorMcGregor erm... yes please?
8:41 AM
@Xeo Maybe we did? Plot twist
@Xeo you objectifying sexist pig!
@AndyProwl well you did say that you're going to hate for the rest of your life :P
so I just assumed it was horrible
@AndyProwl My girlfriend is 22.
@AlexM. She's just really really annoying to me, but she didn't like kill my cats or something
So pretty close in the age range actually.
8:42 AM
@GregorMcGregor nah, pig costume doesn't do it for me
@Rapptz Ex-g/f? Or you have a new one already?
What happened to you @Rapptz though? I know the story behind Andy's but yours?
Yeah man I'm not used to saying she's my ex yet okay
@Nooble Least important thing so
8:42 AM
@AndyProwl so what? she occasionally swaps your sugar and salt?
Oh dear lord
I understand you
Oh. Breakup blues :(
So am I supposed to say shit to lighten up the mood
@GregorMcGregor no
8:44 AM
@Rapptz Oh so your girlfriend WAS 22. Oh wait..
I'll come back when this room is not a wailing wall anymore
@thecoshman She's an elementary school teacher who basically treats all people as if they were elementary school students. Dispenses life lessons all the time. Never stops talking. Never lets you speak unless you compliment her - which she terrible loves and needs. Christian. Disagrees with me on pretty much everything I say.
This just in: MSVC 2015 Update 1 will support C++11
hilarity ensued
am I doing it right
Also believes that quartz crystals can cure you
But they can, @Andy
8:44 AM
@Jefffrey tbh, you fueled it
@GregorMcGregor I have like a gist of me moping.
and that people can walk on water
@GregorMcGregor Even decltype sfinae? :)
@AndyProwl Technically feasible under enough pressure
Cause my friend wanted to hear my moping and I didn't wanna type it all out again.
8:45 AM
@GregorMcGregor this
Jesus Andy you're such an unbeliever
@GregorMcGregor yeah now I'm thinking about it
@AndyProwl wait... wasn't that meant to be a special trick?
maybe I was just wrong all this time
@thecoshman no special trick - also, she teaches physics
@GregorMcGregor lol
8:45 AM
Besides people walk on wet floor all day every day how is that not walking on water jfc
@AndyProwl I mean, one reserved for Jebus
@AndyProwl have you tried making amends
@GregorMcGregor "on" being the keyword
git breakup --amend
@Rapptz o_0 you re-factored your moping?
8:46 AM
@Jefffrey Yes?
As opposed to walking "in" water
@thecoshman I'm still as lazy as ever so yes
@Rapptz What do you mean?
jefery when you walk on wet floor there is water below your feet
no playing on words thanks
Which is what you do when you fucking put you feet inside the water
8:47 AM
oh also two years ago when I was seriously sick her mom told me "I don't think you're a good partner for my daughter"
@AndyProwl to be fair, she was right :P
@AndyProwl Like talking to the mom and changing her heart so to speak.
@thecoshman :) maybe, but for the wrong reasons
I did it to my ex-gf's mom
and sisters
8:48 AM
@AndyProwl You gotta be the only one ever to have heard that
@AndyProwl This is fairly cliche.
Mums say that all the time
It's a test
punch her test in the throat
fuck mums
It's like a shitpost I would do.
8:48 AM
@Rapptz Many people tried - I'm not the only one who minds her behavior - to no avail. Including daughters, who anyway love her. I tried giving hints but I didn't have the balls to say "hey I really dislike this and this and this aspect of your character". Would just make everyone more nervous
@Jefffrey a wot?
@Rapptz you barely shitpost, ever. nobody believes you
Jefery go back to C++
8:49 AM
Are you sure?
her sister's husband-to-be certainly hasn't heard that
I'll come back even more enraged
jerefy pls
@Jefffrey hm, fair enough
8:50 AM
@Rapptz Did it work?
@AndyProwl Oh. Usually being more straightforward helps but it's a tricky situation to be in tbh because you don't want to offend them.
I'm doing Computer Architecture hw right now
@Rapptz Precisely
> TIL a man bought 365 Starbucks Cards and registered each one for a different birthday, so he got a free birthday drink every day of the year
@AndyProwl Yeah.
8:50 AM
How does that even work?
Not that it matters anymore heh
@GregorMcGregor jeffflon*
Also you don't want g/f to be nervous about it and have to bridge all the time between two or more people
Does he go on a different store every day?
@Rapptz What things did you mind that you were able to fix, if I may ask
8:51 AM
Or is he like "Yeah! It's my birthday. Again. For the 7th time this week. Don't mind me."
He bought the drinks
I don't think they care
Oh this reminds me her birthday is the day after tomorrow
"I'm aging at a record pace of 1 year per day"
sounds like my codebase
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, he still has to buy $(5 * 365) worth of coffee
8:52 AM
math alert
Btw Andy, had you ever told her her behavior was annoying?
Yeah, why would a company care of people scamming them
It's not like they are losing money or anything
I'm so confused.
Scamming how
He bought the cards, what do you think that pays for
elaborate birthday paradox scam
8:53 AM
@R.MartinhoFernandes Told her mother you mean? I gave away hints which I think she took personally but no, never told her directly. G/f also suggested not to and given the character, I think it made sense not to.
@AndyProwl My ex-gf's mom scenario was different than the one you have. She just didn't think I would be a good fit for her daughter so to fix that I kinda tried to impress her by showing that I'm not that bad.
but I did tell my g/f and she did bring it up with her mother several times
@R.MartinhoFernandes Then yes
8:54 AM
@CatPlusPlus Cards cost like $1 each, and they come with a bonus drink on your birthday. Now with the initial investment he has infinite coffee cups.
but she wouldn't change
Totally not scamming.
@Ven with those records what I said yesterday I have a problem. you don't want all type members to be opaque :[
And she didn't even try?
@AndyProwl Couldn't your gf act as a proxy?
8:54 AM
lol Rapptz
@R.MartinhoFernandes I can't tell if and how hard she tried but she didn't change
sometimes I could see little improvements but they were gone in really short time
@Jefffrey That's a good system they have there
8:55 AM
So ummm
Actually the card is probably free
@GregorMcGregor lol
Does anybody know about hardware prefetching and branch prediction
@Rapptz Why did she think so?
@Elyse what'd scala do?
8:55 AM
@AndyProwl Like I said earlier it's pretty cliche around here.
For like, no concrete reason?
That's odd
@Ven You can have concrete types in traits in Scala.
Better concrete reasons than asphalt motives, I say
Yes, it can't. It's never risky to copy. It's far more risky to hold a reference (copies don't have lifetime issues, i.e. they don't become dangling). Welcome to C++, the language of value-semantics-by-defaultsehe 43 secs ago
8:56 AM
trait Bukkake {
    type T // abstract
    type U = Int // concrete
@Elyse then step 2: copy scala
In Gregor we trust
@AndyProwl traditional courtship :v
@AndyProwl Because she is a snowflake to her eyes and everything but a perfect guy is "not good for her".
@GregorMcGregor ...
8:56 AM
@AndyProwl I think the uncertainty comes from the fact that she didn't really know me and it's like a test of character.
@Jefffrey Sounds like Bartek: "by extremely shitty I mean <<less than perfect>>".
@LucDanton I never met such an a priori opposition but that might just be me
cultures dude
I guess
Come on Andy. Do I also have to teach you how to tie your shoes?
8:57 AM
FWIW my gf is Chinese.
@Jefffrey Wait shoes need to be tied?
Ow she must have a small penis
@Rapptz oh, ok. Very different culture then I guess
I was assuming American
8:59 AM
Scratch that. Just buy strap shoes. You'll be fine.
Thunderbird suddenly creates two windows, closing one closes the other, there's two tray icons what the fuuuuuuuuck
"He's not Chinese" might have even been a reason
@sehe but but but EGGSPENSIVE
@Jefffrey k mom
8:59 AM
@AndyProwl In such a context when an American says 'so-and-so is <ethnicity>' more often than not they mean 'Ethnicity-American'.

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