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5:00 PM
I'm gonna vote for 3 then
the sad thing about jams is
Next jam day after Kyrostat stable release
one the games are published no one talks about it for weeks
it's not like the games we make are pinnacles of gameplay or design
they're ultimately all shitty and fun for 5 minutes
@Mr.kbok Because it's trve underground shite.
5:01 PM
oh its 6AM, bye.
I love self-inflicted deadlines
is there a prize
if people stopped using shitty jam languages like C++ we might get more playable titles
yeah but at least message people with smth along the lines of "not a pinnacle of design but fun for 5 minutes"
@AlexM. I wanted to fund one once or twice and that always met with a firm "no".
5:02 PM
we should fund our jam on kickstarter
inb4 notch donates $50k and one of us leaves with the money
Too late
At least (a) there's no NIH about that (b) they are using opensource (c) they're upfront with the information
So I guess MS abandoned dogfooding and just gets rid of all their tech slowly?
@CatPlusPlus they're improving their products by killing them
5:04 PM
Changing SQLCE to SQlite is not really an improvement
Maybe they're porting VS to Linux or something
That'd actually be cool
@CatPlusPlus have you benchmarked the two?
See the vid
I only benchmark non-primes
(lol benchmarking)
5:07 PM
Time to commute back home
See you in approx. 2h
I could work on my db a bit more
i have project ideas that are all based on that db which doesn't exist :S
hey it can do things already
5:08 PM
So can /dev/null
@BartekBanachewicz what additional features are you looking for?
@Lalaland I want in-memory spatial indices
and hard realtime access
I was thinking about sharding as well but that'd be too complicated for a start
also considering that I don't know shit about DBs...
so hungree ugh
So an octree db of sorts?
lol hard realtime
5:10 PM
I am aiming for a hybrid approach
With nearest neighbor searches and whatnot?
You're not going to get hard realtime
R-Trees and Quadtrees for now.
If only by virtue of not running on an RTOS
@CatPlusPlus yeah well "firm realtime" sounds stupid :D
5:11 PM
And esp not with sharding or any other networking
i have realtime reqs on queries, not on consistency
@Morwenn It is improving. At the rate it's going, disco only needs about 5 more decades to produce sound as good as Yes and ELP were getting out of synthesizers in the 1970s.
esp. on latency
but dunno really it's more vaporware than Griweslang so
@JerryCoffin Depending on what you put in « disco », you might either be right or need to update your tastes to embrace the awesomeness of what has been done these last years.
fuck I can't find the goddamn comic pane
i had a perfect illustration for my last message and i can't find it
in other news If is still a great album
5:23 PM
I used to be a huge fan
wish I could go back in time when nfs 1 was done to show them nfs 2015 haha
the game looks so good
I can't play nfs-like games anymore
@Morwenn Having young children, I hear a fair amount of new music. While a few new songs are pretty good, the vast majority are pretty much complete dreck. It's a little hard to be sure how much of that is just Sturgeon's law, but I think the problem's bigger than that.
5:25 PM
I tried playing Grid recently
A: Parsing XML using boost c++

seheTo my surprise, PugiXML supports it out of the box: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <pugixml.hpp> int main() { pugi::xml_document doc; std::ifstream ifs("input.txt", std::ios::binary); pugi::xml_parse_result r = doc.load(ifs, pugi::parse_default); std::cout << ...

When a library is so flexible you get second thoughts...
I just couldn't. It feels like controlling a bar of soap, not a car.
@JerryCoffin Depending on where they get the music from, I might understand. I feel like I'm listening to many genres, but there are still so many things I don't like.
@sehe Why does everyone want to roll its own xml parser :(
Nobody wants to, which is why they look at boost. And I methodically steer them away because Boost doesn't have an xml parser.
5:27 PM
@sehe what, you're not answering the question :/
@Borgleader really?
> An artsy game where you downvote religious figures and you control light and darkness.
@Mr.kbok The question is self-contradictory. The title talks about parsing XML, but the example shown isn't legitimate XML (and that's not just a technicality--it's precisely the source of the cited problem).
@Mr.kbok hehe
@BartekBanachewicz Well the title seemed to indicate so.
5:29 PM
@JerryCoffin Yes, but the answer is making too many shortcuts
@JerryCoffin Therefore I have no qualms answering with non-boost and starting with "to my surprise"
@Morwenn nice name
@sehe Yeah :p
@jaggedSpire plsno ;~;
5:33 PM
@ThePhD Hai <3
Hi Borgleader!
So, I have some pretty amazing news.
@ThePhD Hey :)
@sehe Yup--I wasn't objecting to your answer at all (though I'll admit, I didn't consider it quite enough of a contribution to up-vote it either).
If I survive this semester, next semester I get to do something awesome: one of my professors is letting me take a Graduate Seminar course on Software Engineering. And, next semester I'm going to be in a class that basically allows me to build a compiler.
@ThePhD Great, even more work.
5:34 PM
@ThePhD :D :D :D
@ThePhD Very cool.
Can you work on my compiler? ;)
@JerryCoffin Me neither. More like reporting an anomaly. I was actually prepared to dig in and make a proper library handle their broken input :S
@Morwenn ...and when he graduates, more work still.
@sehe strange that they call it doc
5:35 PM
So, I'm going to ask the compiler class Professor to let me build the HLSL/GLSL -> SPIR-V compiler, while in the Graduate Seminar course (where we get to pick out own topic!!), I'm going to essentially take care of the optimization and program correctness bits of building a compiler!
So I get maximum credits for working on what is essentially one project.
And it's one that I already have a headstart in!
@ThePhD lmao
this is just....
@JerryCoffin It depends. A friend of mine has worked so much when he was studying that he know feels like everything is easy in comparison (and he's currently working in Japan).
you're happy that the uni ALLOWS you to do something
@BartekBanachewicz Yes. My spirit has been broken.
lol fuck that cesspits out of our galaxy
5:36 PM
oh here we go again
I mean, I'm gonna be here for another year and a half. Might as well work to make it enjoyable and not "arrays are pointers".
@ThePhD Just do HLSL imho
fuck the idiotic people who think they have any power over you by allowing you to work on something for free (or actually taking money)
why bother with GLSL? that is going to be supported by khronos, do something new :D
goddamn morons
5:37 PM
@Ell The plan is definitely HLSL first and let lunar-G take care of the GLSL one.
@JohanLarsson I was gonna look for the flags to make it parse fragments, yes. Expecting a mess of parsing raw elements and managing namespace tables
@ThePhD yeah good plan :)
At least I called it input.txt, not input.xml
Which year are you, @ThePhD ?
@Morwenn Okay. I never worked that hard in college, but maybe if I'd worked harder then, I'd have a degree.
5:37 PM
@BartekBanachewicz Hello! How are you doing?
@Ell 3rd year / Junior right now.
The only damper on all this fun stuff is Physics. ;~;
@JerryCoffin I never worked that hard and my notes where lower and lower. I don't think I would have last another year :p
And Circuit stuff.
I've confirmed that I'll never have another assignment in assembly ever again.
5:39 PM
@ThePhD great success \o/
@sehe dunno, uni is hovering over me like a nightmare
I haven't gone there once this sem
@ThePhD Then you can finally compete with Elyse!
just couldn't force myself to do that
@Borgleader No, not great success. Assembly / MIPS instructions are the high level abstraction here. Below is just circuits, Kernaugh Maps, and devastation. /cc @jaggedSpire
@fredoverflow Woo!
it was nice knowing you
5:41 PM
We did kernaugh maps last week
digital circuits were the best subject on my uni
Digital Circuits are literally little tiny silicon pieces of cancer.
after that it went downhill
@ThePhD "Everything I'm bad at is bad"
time to go home I suppose
Basically. :D
@ThePhD I believe I don't have to tell you how much I despise you for that.
5:43 PM
definitely time to go home :P
I despise most of the people, albeit not equally vOv
@BartekBanachewicz I mean, I'm being facetious, but like. It's hard. ;~;
It throws all the beautiful abstractions of software out the window.
everything new is hard, you whiny biatch
It's all about critical paths and clock timings and stuff. It makes me the sads.
it's not about software at all, why'd you even assume it is
the world has different things than software dev in it HTH
5:44 PM
Yeeeah, but they didn't have to MAKE us take this course. ;~;
It's like, required for all CS people.
no one forced you to go to the fucking uni at all
Right, but I mean... still. It's painful.
It's like writing your own bitwise add in C++. Nobody wants to do that.
@BartekBanachewicz go home now, plz -.-;
5:45 PM
@ThePhD you're the king of captain obvious today
@Borgleader because I remind y'all that you've all made that shitty choice? eh
@BartekBanachewicz I've gone to Uni, didnt hate it.
I haven't learned how to deal with it yet and I doubt I ever will
"shitty choice" is your opinion
not a fact
is this borgleader or stockholm syndrome speaking
@BartekBanachewicz Characteristics of the job market do force you to go to university.
5:47 PM
@BartekBanachewicz Again, projecting your shitty time there on others.
@Lalaland not really "force"
It's just like sleep. Technically, you have a choice to sleep or not.
more like "force if you want salary X" ie, you could get Y but you value X more than the negatives of uni
It's just that not sleeping leads to you getting really fucked.
And dying :P
5:48 PM
@BartekBanachewicz He does have some point: circuitry has very little to do with computer science, and certainly isn't such a general subject like language or history that it should be required of essentially all students either.
@Borgleader it's almost like phd didnt complain at all
"Projecting" my ass
It's 100% projecting
@Ell I don't think anyone has died from lack of sleep yet.
Then you're wrong
Easily google able
5:50 PM
Hmm. I wonder why you would earth reference something
@BartekBanachewicz OCaml doesn't pass dictionaries automatically, and has broken equality operators. Other than that it's interesting and has loads of fun stuff.
@Ell Are you talking about grounding in a circuit?
@JerryCoffin Yeah
is "earth reference" like "weak reference"
@BartekBanachewicz The fact that he hates some of his classes doesnt mean the experience as a whole is worthless. I had some classes I didnt like, sure (I'm looking at you Electromagnetic Fields class), but I learned a lot being there, some of my classes were very interesting and on the whole the experience was worthwhile.
5:51 PM
@BartekBanachewicz it's still an unresolved scientific problem.
I'm watching a video about not blowing up your oscilloscope by accidentally connecting the ground on your probe to something connected to mains earth
@milleniumbug Air reference would be weak. Earth reference is strong.
and it makes me wonder why bother earth referencing in the first place?
tl;dr; complaining about a part of something doesnt meant the whole of the thing is terrible and should die
complaining can show that you like something even
@Borgleader I have Electricity, Magnetism Physics next semester q_q
University is mostly pointless.
@Lalaland lol what
5:53 PM
Except for the sheet of paper you get when you graduate.
@Lalaland Why do you believe that?
and are you talking about all universities or just yours?
@Ell experience over the past 3 years + talking to friends going to other places.
But I mean, what are the reasons?
@Ell "ground" is certainly a...flexible term, and doesn't always mean the same thing. A "floating ground" is actually pretty common (especially in test equipment, but elsewhere as well).
@JerryCoffin floating ground means not referenced to mains earth right? for example some physically separate battery powered device?
5:55 PM
@Ell most of the material is of very dubious usefulness
Guise, university is really cool to build a social background where you can make new friends that share the same interests.
@Lalaland most being across all universities in the world? or most you have heard of?
@Morwenn Not only for that though.
@Morwenn And you'll only be 80,000 USD in debt for it!~
@Ell Nono if you like something that means it's perfect and has literally no flaws whatsoever
5:56 PM
@ThePhD Lol, can't hear you over the sound of my free classes.
@ThePhD lol US
@Morwenn grumble grumble Europe grumble grumble
@ThePhD not everyone here is murican
@Ell most of the graduation requirements and available classes for the one I am going to and friends at other places.
@ThePhD lol why? At least where I live (Brazil) you can get into all public universities for free if you pass on the exam
5:56 PM
man I was such a LRiO there
I miss LRiO
You're weird
he is now like a shadow bound to be forgotten
the sadness
Doesn't exist
Saddening. I miss her too.
@Lalaland would you think going to Oxford is pointless, for example?
or harvard? yale? cambridge? MIT? etc.
5:58 PM
@Ell Yes, a battery powered device will typically have a floating ground, but it's also common in mains-connected test equipment. Going back to your 'scope example, the input is really limited by the maximum difference between the two inputs. If you connect the "ground" side to a real earth ground, the other might be hundreds of volts different from that--but if you connect to the floating ground of the circuit under test, instead, the difference may be within the 'scope's limits.
@Ell that I can't comment on as I and my friends did not get into schools of that caliber.
I guess my point is to generalise across all unis is quite silly
@Morwenn lol friends
@Ell I think the differences between the supposedly "average" schools and the supposedly "outstanding" ones are often quite small--and about as likely to favor the less-known schools as the famous ones.
But it's ~~elite~~~ so it must be great
6:05 PM
The people are great at least
@JerryCoffin Correct. The biggest difference is status
@JerryCoffin If you dedicate yourself you can go more and more further than someone who doesn't even if that someone is on the (supposedly) best university
@ThePhD I wish you luck :) You'll prob have a better time than I did, I wasn't the best of students :P
@ThePhD lol not here :)
@ThePhD Good luck! :D
@AlexM. you fucking what
6:10 PM
@набиячлэвэлиь What. Go be a loner somewhere else .___.
@JerryCoffin The differences in learning support and funding can be huge.
^ At Oxford, they get 1 on 1 tutors :V
@Ell what does that mean? I don't get it D:
@Andrey At oxford, each student is assigned a personal tutor
@Borgleader Oh, don't worry. I'm a crap student too. .-.
6:13 PM
@Andrey 1 tutor 1 student, I guess
1 tutor per student
@Ell Oh wow
@Morwenn I... still need to get friends. It's just a thing I haven't really done yet.
@ThePhD It's not something I can help you with :p
6:16 PM
@Ell I'm going to buy this: dx.com/p/… lol
@Ell Last time I bought a guitarlink interface for $7, they sent it from China to Brazil without even charging shipping xDD
@Morwenn Yeah, I know. But.. work!
A few hours ago I was in "I did it!" mode, but I switch to "What am the do?" meanwhile.
I meant the weight :P 250g seems heavy
> What am the do
@Ven which SML implementation should I use?
6:22 PM
@Ell inb4 Morwenn's name is Do While
I opened new issues on my GitHub but I lack the motivation to fix them.
@Morwenn You can do it.
Muster your strength.
Bolster your spirit.
Just DO IT
Steel your resolve.
6:22 PM
Yesterday you said tomorrow
Don't let your dreams be dreams!
Don't let your dreams just be dreams!
@ThePhD Yeah, right. Let's do it!
@Morwenn YEAH!
6:24 PM
Doesn't work...
@Boni That's probably true. Unfortunately, the "elite" universities mostly won't even accept most of the students who would really benefit from the extra support. The students who really need that support are stuck going to "lesser" universities where there's frequently less support.
welp that was fast
@Morwenn Aww.
yeah it's easy to teach students who already know everything you're going to teach them
it's like playing on cheat codes
@milleniumbug That's not really a good analogy lol
6:28 PM
@Elyse If you're going to play with ML, that's probably the one to use.
@Andrey almost bad but not quite :D
@milleniumbug Haha :D
I need a faster car
I'm flooring the current one way too often for my taste
and I don't think it would like me spinning it over 5k on 4th
6:32 PM
Go into 5th :D
@BartekBanachewicz warbirdalley.com/f104.htm
Almost never need full throttle.
@Ell too low power
what kinda hills are you driving up? :P
Gdynia is hilly
anyway this engine hits peak power at 4k RPM
and has like 3.5k on 5th at 130kph soooooo
while max torque is reached at 1750
well to give it justice the torque stays p much flat until those 4k
so it is quite punchy, just not at the highway speeds
and I really don't give a crap about light starts, I'll lose with any TFSI anyway
I just want safe overtaking
@Morwenn Would a swift kick in the rear help? :)
6:40 PM
@Borgleader "This just may be the kick in the dick and the balls we need to get you into Overdrift."
@Borgleader Mmh, kick me in the rear bby.
I wonder how expensive are turbo pressure sensors
too bad those BT dongles for ECU aren't compatible with my car
I guess I'll just go read a book.
@ThePhD This is time where you say Kinky :P
@Morwenn Have fun!
I'm sure you'll get a kick out of it ;)
Yeah, the sleep will probably kick in.
6:44 PM
My most dire enemy.
not as bad as your face
When the PhD ends hibernating I'll ask him how he would explain "tensor". We had that on the table yesterday and was lonesome on the algebraic side up and outnumbered against a league of nD-array definers.

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