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@SomeKittens for darkfield?
meh not imo
I can't believe that I feel tired at 9(pm)
@Loktar say what?
shit misping
You can have one pixel in a graphics program be represented only as a fraction of a pixel on the rendering screen
if an image's DPI matches the screen's DPI, then 1px === 1px
Ok how about this
Usually you can ignore DPI
@SterlingArcher - Also, you can render things with fractional pixels even with javascript widths
Can a pixel on a computer monitor be more than one color?
Hi there!!
@Loktar not really?
@SterlingArcher no, that's kinda the definition of a pixel
I am facing a huge problem in nodeJS + AWS
@McSas I'm facing a rather minor problem with Protractor
are there someone here with the knowledge to help me?
(I swear I'm not high on marinara) I wish we could turn our brains into a version control system so that you can see what you learn everyday (e.g. a git push would happen when we learned something)
It would be awesome to see the progression of learning over the course of a year, in specifics
@McSas Probably.
in particular with the getSignedUrl method
great @SomeKittens
I am generating a url with getSignedUrl method as the aws specification says
@Whathaveyoutried don't forget to set up Runnable phone screen
and the when I use that url to upload the image
aws give a Signature does not match errpr
@McSas Try codementor.io
mmmm is it free?
Of course not
You get what you pay for
@BenjaminGruenbaum i wish the majority would speak up. :P and/or make a visible effort to get that crap as far away from them as possible. cause the violence just makes it easier to justify the oppression.
@SomeKittens Sorry have been afk
@cHao you and me both.
@SomeKittens Asked for Monday (yesterday) but haven't heard back yet, i'll let you know when I do
I thought that someone would faced this issue before
I tried all the solutions in stackoveflow (related to this problem) and it didn't work
it seems more like a hack
I doubt that some codementor can help me
@Whathaveyoutried Did you hit reply or reply-all?
@SomeKittens Shit man, didn't even see you on there
@Whathaveyoutried LOL
@SterlingArcher That ending ...
Haven't got there yet, looking forward to it
"Don't call it a baby arm" xD
I love how he calls him "Baby girl"
that kills me every time
lmao xD
I can't breathe haha
> Oh I get it, I'm not persecuted I'm just a asshole :licks penis lollipop:
Welp, I'm done. That was hilarious.
@SterlingArcher can I see a picture of your anus?
Only if it's a closeup
Watch the video I posted too. It's the best thing my eyes have ever seen
@Whathaveyoutried lol
@phenomnomnominal Yeah that was great, glad I stayed till the end
his beard is killer
@phenomnomnominal cannable shia labeouf XD
@phenomnomnominal this is a well deserved "epic" ._.
check out his website robcantor.com
@SterlingArcher (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@SomeKittens That moved really fast, thanks
@copy but, it's literally the correct definition D:
No but seriously, it's the saga of killing Shai LaBeouf
Ergo, epic!
@SterlingArcher - Do they start with his tooth?
Must. Show. Bossman.
> Normal tuesday night for Shia LaBeouf
@phenomnomnominal I'm dying dude
This is amazing
@SterlingArcher How do you quote?
type > [whatevers here]
My hand is now 3rd degree burnt
ah :-(
> Can we have the below stated demo converted to canvas,
lol no, no you cannot.
@darkyen00 what?
@Loktar caught firecracker
This question appears to be off-topic because it is a work request — rlemon 27 secs ago
midway which was heading towards mom (and she had a baby in her hand so couldn't move). sob exploded in hand before i could throw it.
ooooh well then
good samatrian ?
haha no I was jokingly calling you retarded
@Loktar didn't you post an Anita Sarkeesian video semi-recently.
but since you did it as a hero I recant my statement
@rlemon hmm idk I try not to give her any views
meh anybody would do the same..
maybe it was something to do with her and not one of her videos directly.
I just did something codepen.io/MateiGCopot/pen/BqkCm
her name/ face seems familiar
not sure what, but I didit
well she is a part of the anti gamergate side
I can't stand her
she is one of those crazy feminist.. non feminists, idk what to even call her
@room suggest me books, i can't type code probably for atleast a week :-(
@rlemon I have headphones, can you show me your favorite cute-violent dancing girl song?
considering renowned femenists are like wut? when it comes to her
What's her name again..
!!youtube Lindsey Stirling shadows
Gamergate is a front for misogynist assholes, the original accusations about journalistic integrity turned out to be lies, there is no legitimate protest there
@SterlingArcher how not?
Not sure why I said cute-violent
!!youtube lindsey sterling skrillex
@towc what am I looking at here?
I think I meant violin
@SterlingArcher LOL
I was wondering that too
I do that all the time
initially I thought you were talking about rape porn or something
I want to work for google :-( , <everytime i open youtube>
@Loktar not entirely sure. There is a little explanation at the bottom
completely type the wrong word. only thing the same is the first letter
I was like wth is going on here
it's the table of frequencies of parseInt(1/Math.random())
I'll mean to type "watch" and type "weather" or something
Well, in my defense... viol[in][ent]
run escape
@towc heh I didn't read it properly the first time
Whoa, she's good
I read it as the result of parseInt a lot of times
boy youtube makes my computer lag
that table actually is of no use at all, but it's cool
I've always been in love with 1/n
you can store every big number in a much much smaller number with it
Im jealous. She dances with a violin more gracefully than I can walk up stairs while trying.
My computer
probably not bit-side, but thinking that you can reach every real number just by choosing a random one between 0 and 1
lagging when i resize a youtube page (chrome)
@rlemon Lzzy Hale is the singer for Halestorm, no?
She's gorgeous
I like her voice
powerful singer
@Loktar can you send me some stuff from halloween sale?
I like milk
What is the javascript type of a plain DOM element?
HTMLElement or Element
but iirc HTMLElement inherits from Element
@rlemon Maria Brink from In This Moment also has a powerful voice
But she also screams
interface HTMLElement : Element {
           attribute DOMString       id;
           attribute DOMString       title;
           attribute DOMString       lang;
           attribute DOMString       dir;
           attribute DOMString       className;
yea, totes does
and Element inherits from Node -- but you want Element I think
@Abhishrek, are you going as Anikin for halloween?
you should go as shrek
is halloween a thing in India?
is it in Italy?
I want a shrek costume so I can get hammered and tell people at the bar "It's all Ogre now"
and if they don't get it, it will just be considered a Dad Joke
If they do... buttsex.
@rlemon not as much as it is in america, but there are really quite a lot of parties going on here
I have a panda costume for this year
Just... you know... a wee bit more consensual.
it's a day that kids wait for, just like christmas
@phenomnomnominal panda is a huge hit. I was a panda last year, went to pittsburg, everybody loved it
consensual buttsex
Ew Pittsburg
Granted, Panda got really drunk and made out with Minion #2
@towc no, @NickDugger no
Yadda yadda yadda, panda works bro
I am fan of star-wars and finding such realsitic costumes :-( is hard
I go every year in my birthday suit
especially in INDIA
I don't actually believe in India.
@SterlingArcher :thumbsup:
though i would love to use that thing in scare pranks.
@phenomnomnominal Microsoft & Google do and so does FaceBook.
@darkyen00 who's Microsoft & Google?
Anyone see 'Fury' yet?
FaceBook sounds made up
It can be fun to get a grey with pin stripe suit, dye some white stubble and go as the most interesting man in the world
@rlemon I have a schoolmate who looks just like her
I can make up words too, computerpig
probably doesn't sing as well
@phenomnomnominal says a kiwi :3
@rlemon I'm curious
Kiwi's are birds? I'm a person. Racist.
When in Rome, the Romans do as he does.
also, her mother died yesterday :(
she only told us at the middle of the schoolday, it was awful
Anybody got a name for something to store thoughts ?
@towc consolidate her.. then date her. then do other stuff to her.
harry potter. pensive :P
consolidate her?
because if she looks like Lindsey Stirling. dayum sun.
lol maybe he meant console :P
:-/ goodbye left hand, you were broken, burnt and now mumified :-(
> Group her, and organize her bro thats how I get my womens
yeah thanks @Loktar I'm not the only one
@HatterisMad xbox or ps?
@HatterisMad when I see squiggly red lines I just pick the first correction google gives me
xbox her so hard
I should probably read what it is correcting it too :/
@Loktar women*
x her right in the fuckin box @towc
hey buddy
his crush hugged him last time he went full boner 3 days straight
!!urban box
@Loktar box female genitalia, specifically, the vagina
calm down on him
@FlorianMargaine LOL wait what?
@towc calm her down. be there.
@rlemon I actually hated her since the first day. She almost knows english as well as I do, but she actually studied to achieve it, which I couldn't understand. We almost make the same kind of jokes, but not many laugh at mine, I guess that's just because she's a female
nah, not my type
dude my son is 11 and has a GF
at all
@Loktar yeah... he's in middle school or something
he doesn't even get worked up about that shit
he's like whatever she wants me, she's a girl, I'm a sexy beast
@Loktar playground playa
and I'm like woah buddy
He's in middle school now lol
your son rocks man
6th grade
@Loktar middleschool manslut
Loktar's son sounds hot
lol wtf @phenomnomnominal
@phenomnomnominal lol
@phenomnomnominal you'd hit that heh?
made me burst out laughing at work
@FlorianMargaine I hope that wasn't referred to me
I gotta go have a cold shower
@Loktar thinking about your son bursts you out... ?
@towc it definitely was
> excuse me, I think I need a towel
@Loktar yer a weird fella buddy
dont forget to bring a towel!
of course Zirak shows up during this convo
does it include a gun?
@HatterisMad Only in America
@FlorianMargaine today I helped her with physics homework. That's when the boner came in
not sure if it was because we were studying sine and cosine waves or because she was there
@Whathaveyoutried if its shipping to america the gun comes loaded and cocked :P
Jesus I'm gone for 2 minutes
@towc I'm not going to talk about this with a minor
LOL wtf @towc
@FlorianMargaine and then everyone died in a fire, and that's when I decided to stop using LSD
@towc Physics always makes me horny
@towc hahaha
Sine waves are like my dick, up then down
"This is the most confusing boner ever"
then up again.
@Loktar don't joke about them >:(
then down.
then up oh darn it
@towc Not sure if attracted to woman or mathematical formula...
god damnit lol this chat is never in a good place. and always google indexed for prosecution
"So how about we get sin/cos?"
> So Mr. Brown what exactly did you mean when you said your dick was like a sine wave?
@towc you can teach her sine and cosine ;-)
I wish I was your derivative so I could lie tangent to your curves.
@Zirak I'm sec, you're sec, together we can be secs.
@Whathaveyoutried It's how we roll
@darkyen00 I will one day
better after all this training.
These stars are very condemning, guys.
how old are you @towc
Guys... this kid deserves a cookie, and somebody to buy him a condom.
14 or something
@Loktar 96
thats fucking weird..
thats almost like my son on the chat
hahahaha loktar is thinking about his son again
Guys remember that time we talked about having a twitter feed publishing all of our starred messages?
In hindsight, the sheer amount of penis jokes we've made in front of potential minors is staggering.
@phenomnomnominal thats pretty fancy
@Loktar try joking your son this way. xD
@Retsam oh shit thats a fantastic idea!
@darkyen00 haha no
id rather him not be in any chats Im in
"Guurl you can derive my position three times any day of the week"
your wife would obliterate you
@towc doe you parent know you use the name towc ?
@Loktar dude btw it's been like 2? 3? years you're on this chat, your son's might come in like 2 or 3 years...
@FlorianMargaine phrasing
yeah possibly but I wont show them the chat ever lol
@darkyen00 not really
When his son comes, all we gotta do is transcripts.
@towc phew.
Wait, dammit, that apostraphe ruined my phrasing.
How about that JavaScript, guyz?
@FlorianMargaine when are your kids coming ?
Is there a reason twitter crashes more than.... Any other service I know of.
Phrasing overload, bros.
@darkyen00 that sounds disturbing
oh hahahahahahahahahahahahhaha
And I don't even use Twitter
@towc it was inteded to be.
@Jhawins First time I've seen twitter down. It seems reddit/imgur crash a bunch more, personally.
@Jhawins iPhone ?
Q: jquery merge 2 arrays deep recursive

Stefan HövelmannsIs it possible in jquery to merge those to arrays together? [["add", ["image", ["to", ["title", ["published", undefined]]]]]] [["add", ["text", ["to", ["title", ["published", undefined]]]]]] to get this one? ["add", ["image", ["to", ["title", ["published", undefined]]]] ["text", ["to"...

@Retsam You've never seen it down?? You don't know the fail whale?
Fail Whale is so well known only because twitter used to break every 45 minutes hahaha
oh wait! I can downvote now! Let me use this incredibly brand new skill I've acquired
be careful
Nah, maybe I just don't check it as frequently as some do; and I only joined in the last couple years.
downvoting makes you lose rep
so you might lose the privilege
@MatthewGreen your picture is adorable.

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