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8:00 PM
!!urban fail whale 1
@FlorianMargaine D:
@Jhawins No definition found for fail whale 2
@Jhawins No definition found for fail whale 1
You're a lying whore
!!urban "fail whale" 2
@darkyen00 [failwhale](http://failwhale.urbanup.com/3156074) The image of a whale being carried by a number of birds that appears when the Twitter website is overloaded or has failed. Failwhale appears to now have his/her own fanclub.

Word origin: from [\[fail\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fail) + whale (probably for rhyming purposes).
8:00 PM
> The logo of the microblogging service Twitter, displayed prominently on its error page signifying server overload. Fail Whale is a common occurrence.
fanclub for an image?
Err, sorry.
@SterlingArcher stupid people need something to do
@SterlingArcher I think they call r/$1/ a fanclub for $1
Everything has a fanclub
I like money
I don't D:
8:01 PM
Even hippos being bad at being cats
ffs show me this hippo
@Jhawins after all the snapick code found a use for it.
remember purvi ?
8:03 PM
@darkyen00 Thanks.
I see twitter
so, tomorrow evening my class will go have a pizza near our school... suggestions on ruining everyone else's day?
@Jhawins not txt
8:06 PM
purvi wrote an app that intelligentely makes a tag cloud of your tasks
say "Put project on github" => "Project Github"
@Jhawins lmao that dude hates cats
then displays this awesome tag space giving them priorities
by location, time, deadlines, and uses snapick internally to figure out things in images
@darkyen00 cool cool
8:07 PM
room topic changed to JavaScript: tumblr thursday!: Read this: rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf | SheepHerdingJS is on topic here. stop asking. Reg room here: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/59354 [brawndo] [java] [script] [thirst-mutilator]
I am impressed.
i trimmed snapick down. launching it next sunday
this think thingy if she can pull up 14 days.
and then begging that investor for money _/_ _/_
@darkyen00 Snapick is?
lol best of luck!!
@Whathaveyoutried staging.snapick.me
@Jhawins no .. i need you to set up few things for me if you can.
8:10 PM
copy looks so young
he is young.
Ooh. Maybe.
@rlemon how old do i look ?
:-( yeah.
8:11 PM
@rlemon ? did you manage to see him?
@darkyen00 "Up to 12 GB of memories for $2.99" --> Should be "memory"
nahh, you look early - mid 20s
@Whathaveyoutried i ain't editing stuff on it. anymore. especially with a hand burnt.
@darkyen00 Pre revenue?
why are you spitting out peoples personal information that they don't advertise outside of facebook
8:12 PM
The app is fully free now.
@rlemon o_O ? almost everybody knows copy & badger are together, and she has almost everyone in this room on fb.
@darkyen00 seriously dude. think before you do shit.
facebook isn't public
this is
@darkyen00 I didn't even know badger's name
@rlemon alright, sorry.
if he goes out of his way to hide his name on his own website and here you probably shouldn't go posting it without his permission
@rlemon come on now.
8:14 PM
don't "come on now" me, it is common respect for a regular
He didn't post a link. And @BadgerGirl can take it because she posted my cell phone number here :)
clearly he's not broadcasting it
i'm not talking badger, I'm talking about him posting @copy's full name
@rlemon Nope. when she posted my cell number you said "don't worry about it dude"
Same thing.
8:15 PM
There are hundreds of people with that name.
@rlemon aren't you the one photoshopbombing everybodies photos here ? which friken gets associated with their names on google ?
I am going to step out of this now.
@darkyen00 no... No +1. Lets move forward.
@Jhawins i moved it.
8:16 PM
I SAID NO 1s!!!
yea idgaf. the other day you posted a very inappropriate pic of @FlorianMargaine as well. Just suggesting you stop doing that before they start removing you from FB
@rlemon I am not on facebook anymore, sadly they cant xD thanks to facebook.
@Jhawins cos(0)?
@towc Haha you learning those in math class recently? ;)
8:17 PM
@Jhawins not really, just by playing around with them in canvas
Uh huh ;P
I don't get why anyone would assume anything on Facebook isn't completely public.
That said - bad Abhishek :P
they just explain the formulas at school
You said you were getting boners doing sine and cosine waves lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum that isn't the point :P
8:18 PM
Your mom's not the point either but I'm bringing her into this
Speaking of inappropriate facebook stuff, I remember when @Jhawins first joined and I'm never dropping that :D
What happened ?
Shit man I was still 18 tho it was all good in the legal-hood
@rlemon i will keep in mind, won't post any more stuff here. Sorry for the incovienience
'night all!
8:21 PM
@darkyen00 well, his gf's family wouldn't let him use facebook because it disgraces them - and also demanded he takes pictures of himself with his girlfriend from the internet and change his SO username. That's reasonable - right :D?
"Poodle" SSL vulnerability? They must have lost the guy who named "Heartbleed".
> I won't post any more stuff here - Abhishek 4:20PM EDT 10/23/2014
you're not inconveniencing me. you might be inconveniencing other people tho. clearly in this case copy (like Zirak) is trying to keep some level of anonymity
You are hereby forbidden from posting in this chat
@BenjaminGruenbaum Uhh this isn't me?
8:21 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeap.
@Jhawins no, it's @darkyen00 :D
@rlemon trying
Not very well
@BenjaminGruenbaum but i was stupid enough to post them here, and expected our families to have sensiblity and brain.
It's not about anonymity, has any of you actually talked to Zirak about it?
8:22 PM
Why was my voting cleared by a moderator?
@BenjaminGruenbaum he wouldn't give me a straight answer
but i've asked multiple times
Oh I just meant Copy. Because I always have to say bad things about Copy
It's him not wanting it to be a deal. He doesn't want it to be an issue.
Zirak is my age lol
You shouldn't assume anything on facebook is private @BenjaminGruenbaum is absolutely right.
8:23 PM
But usually will just make up a name, place, age etc.
@Loktar Those nudes I posted to my wall, surely those are private right?
It's not about anonymity as much as it's about him not wanting his real life effecting the perception and interfering with his online identity.
If people were so concerned with their privacy, none of you would know him on a name-basis anyways.
@KendallFrey yup. 100%.
8:24 PM
@KendallFrey oh I uploaded them to icloud for you as well
to keep them safe
@BenjaminGruenbaum No it's not. It's the other way around. Because logic
@Whathaveyoutried no one in this room knows Zirak by an actual by name basis anyway.
I don't want anyone knowing I have a micropenis
@Jhawins what?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Zirak isn't his name?
8:24 PM
@KendallFrey they cant see it so how would they know!?
badum tish
He's doesn't want his online persona to become a thing linked to him in the real world.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Wasn't talking about anyone in particular
Because of what real world connections will think about it
8:25 PM
@Jhawins no, that's not it. Then again you can ask him yourself.
I feel like it can't be the other way. That doesn't make any sense.
If you want to be anonymous on the internet.. don't go to chat rooms, and dont participate in social networking
otherwise good luck.
Don't touch a computer
@Jhawins I totally get it. It does.
@Jhawins you're just going to have to take my word on this. Can't disclose anything further I guess.
8:26 PM
I used to frequent "underground" sales rooms, that was the only time i felt i had to be anonymous
@KendallFrey Care to elaborate?
Except I used to be like that 10 years ago. Went by a nick etc.
8:26 PM
Why would you want to hide your real world from your online world.
I don't think @copy cares about any of that anyway.
I want to hide my online world from me real world!!
what did you even post @darkyen00 his name?
8:26 PM
@BadgerGirl you serious ?
@darkyen00 YES
people need to calm the hell down
But it is true that I live in an area of hicks and white trash.
8:27 PM
@Jhawins because the real world might be none of their business - it might effect how they perceive you, and the discussions you have.
all I was saying was that if someone is trying to keep something low key -- maybe don't go sharing it
if all that was posted was a name then people are being ridiculous
@Loktar lemon announced he looks young, twoc asked he has seen him. i posted his name so twoc can see him on fb
/gone, this is ridiculous
@BenjaminGruenbaum exactly
8:27 PM
I don't know what's going on but I'm glad to feel like I'm a part of something.
@Jhawins let's say you lived in Iraq, can you imagine how many discussions we would've had about Iraq with you? You might not be interested in that.
@Jhawins purely hypothetical, of course, but imagine you are an internet predator
Or if you had one hand, or pooped on a slide.
The massive conversation drawing attention to the fact that darkyen posted the name is probably causing more of an issue than the name being posted alone.
Oh yeah, not to mention actual dangers, although those frighten me less to be honest.
8:28 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ah, maybe I don't get it because I would never judge someone based on their real world in any way different from here unless I actually encounter them IRL
@copy Yup, recursion is still a big mystery to me.
@Jhawins I do all the time, I try not to but I'm not 100% convinced I do a good job.
@Retsam No one is having one stop bringing it up lol
@AwalGarg ‮You mean this character?
8:29 PM
@Jhawins If I told you I had sexual disorder and was a pedophile, you wouldn't judge me?
again, hypothetical
I would.
Yeah, right...
@KendallFrey Of course. You pedantic child molesting asshole
8:29 PM
@Jhawins Really? It sure seems like one.
@Jhawins I didn't say I molest children
@Retsam We're talking about the issue in a very broad scope
@BenjaminGruenbaum Command kendallpedo learned
8:30 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum Illegal /learn object; see /help learn
!!google Kendall Frey
@darkyen00 That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: google
1 min ago, by Kendall Frey
@Jhawins If I told you I had sexual disorder and was a pedophile, you wouldn't judge me?
Ehhemmm.... Mutes Kendall because a lot of the time I just don't get it.
8:30 PM
Be serious 1% of the time man ffs
I am being serious
first link xD
@SecondRikudo :D
@KendallFrey you got sex changed ?
@Jhawins he is illustrating that you judge people, and some people don't want to be judged.
8:31 PM
You lurk and eventually post something non-serious / insulting and then lurk more hahaha
I suck at SEO, go easy on me
so... since when has this room been in existance?
Also my website got taken down
Hey, suckers! I'm back!
Get out
8:31 PM
@Jhawins Being attracted to children (paedophilia) doesn't mean you act on these urges.
@KendallFrey why ?
@Jhawins I would love to have a discussion about code in this room some time
@darkyen00 scumbag host
@taco whatup taco
8:32 PM
@KendallFrey lets host it on gh-pages
lol @KendallFrey code discussion
Actually, we had a 4th birthday a week ago
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh he's just trolling. Things like being an active terrorist, pedophile, murderer etc are beyond the bounds of excusable and nothing I ever say can apply to them. I will always judge lol
@taco you came back to one of the bad conversations of the day lol
> first message 2010-10-15
8:32 PM
@darkyen00 don't want to learn joomla
Just got back from Costa Rica. It was the tits.
@Jhawins of course it's reductio ad absurdum... he's well aware of that
i want to stop reading what's going on here but i can't ..

also, less extreme example, it'd be hard to not treat a girl different you met online when you find out it's really a guy. even if you were just friends.
@taco if tits===costa rica i really like costa rica
8:32 PM
@Jhawins What Zirak said
@rlemon i am sorry mate, for all the stress would a pack of beer be enough to forget this?
Are we talking about pedo ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
@darkyen00 fuck that
thats lame
Also, it's a disorder, I can't help it, and I'm getting treatment.
@Jhawins You can't really control being a pedophile you know
8:33 PM
so, you guys welcomed questions from n00bs like me since the beginning?
@Zirak Yeah, let's seriously have this discussion.
@KendallFrey XD
(not true, serious)
You guys are fucked
@Jhawins And my take on it: It's none of your bees-wax where I live, how old I am, what my favourite colour is or if my poop is orange. I don't want any random internet person to know these things, I don't want them to talk about these things, I want to talk on things that matter. Like pooping on slides.
8:33 PM
Just as much one can't control being gay.
!!afk pedophiles
this chat is fucked up,I am going to bed enough internet for today.
hold on, what discussion is this
@Zirak and you don't post it anywhere on the internet right?
@Zirak see - that's what I said @Jhawins
8:33 PM
@Zirak your poop is orange too!!!?
Yeah seirously idk wtf is going on.
If I were to get to know people then sure, I'll share my life with them, but I don't want to share my life with The Internet.
@Zirak Yup, still call underlying reasoning ;)
I'd rather read 50 shades of grey
8:35 PM
room topic changed to JavaScript: Topic - Universe[Math.random() * Universe.length]: Read this: rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf | SheepHerdingJS is on topic here. stop asking. Reg room here: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/59354 [brawndo] [java] [script] [thirst-mutilator]
> The boy in this video was fair-haired and looked to be about one and a half, his small, naked body tied up to restrict movement.
hey, we don't know if 50 shades is necessarily bad.. unless you've read it, let's not judge.
whoa, shit, dude
@NickDugger You're welcome to watch Boku no Pico while you're at it.
Because you're secretly insecure about your real friendships and are worried that making real online companions will devalue your existing sense of friendship.
8:35 PM
Worked as a DCO tech for a web ISP once. Shutdown a Pedo chatroom with an FBI warrant by saying "Attention: this chatroom is being shutdown by the FBI. Have a good day".... I imagine pants were shat
I'd rather watch Finding Nemo
What in the actual fuck
lol you think I'm gonna be serious here after the last 10 minutes in here
Guys my name is Jason Brown plis don't share
I don't want people to know me.
8:36 PM
@Jhawins uh, sure...that's why I never converse socially with...80% of this room's regulars.
dude, finding nemo is great..
@Jhawins that was some dr. phil shit just sayin
Where does the keyboard end, and where does life begin?
I'm not so sure any more.
@SecondRikudo good read.
Once we figure out how mirrors can be real, nothing can stop us.
8:36 PM
@Zirak That should have been in Serial Experiments Lain.
@Zirak I dunno about you, my keyboard is 14''.
Life begins when your VPN dies. Coincidentally, my work VPN is dying right now
@Zirak How Can Keyboards Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?
I have never managed to get past episode two of Serial Experiments Lain :|
@Loktar Eh it's a real scenario that people deal with.
8:37 PM
How can Keyboards Be Real if 10101110011010101000010101010101010101010101?
Don't bother trying to decipher that, it's just 1's and 0's
@nil I made it to 6 once .. but I only paid attention to ep 2.
@Jhawins eh I honestly think some people just don't want to share stuff on the nets.
@taco how can keyboards be real if your eyes are not real
like their genitals
Don't you hate it when you get to work and you suddenly remember that the reason you went home was that you were totally stuck and then you're just right back there.
8:38 PM
@Zirak poop
@NickDugger and yet some people share nothing but their genitals.
@phenomnomnominal haha I hate that
@FlorianMargaine Butts
1 min ago, by Retsam
@Zirak How Can Keyboards Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?
8:39 PM
anyone got some ui-router knowledge that they can drop on me?
@phenomnomnominal angular ?
@Jhawins I think i figured it out. Eyes are eyes. Real is real.
/me can't sleep too much pain in hand :-(
@darkyen00 yes
8:39 PM
@taco You're all under my infinite tsukuyomi anyway.
@phenomnomnominal can attempt.
@Loktar Oh that's true too sometimes lol. I was kidding towards zirak. It's kinda hard to explain what I meant but it's real.
oh I thought you were serious lol
@darkyen00 any advice for how to set up deeply nested views?
well in that case I agree some people are like that for sure
8:40 PM
@phenomnomnominal define deeply ?
Some people yes, Zirak likely not
I'm getting less so, but I've always been habitually fairly secretive about my information online.
at least 3 levels deep
I used to dislike my ununique name
but in the world of the internet its great
so I don't worry too much
8:41 PM
Loktar is ununique?
@phenomnomnominal yeah that gets messy :-/
nah, Jason Brown
my real name
You sound like a generic country music artist
Or an olympic figure skater
or a ho
8:42 PM
I like people to judge me based on what I do/say, rather than who they think I am based on real life details.
But yeah I mean they try to limit or cut off online "friends" because they start seeming more real than their IRL friends. And then clusterfuck schizophrenia moon bombs pfft fuck idk how they deal with it from there I just know that's part of it haha
@phenomnomnominal i follow a simple rule of thumb in react-router (which is almost same as ui-router ... but declarative ) .. Keeping the controllers for views very light and just doing one simple task.
I like people that I don't have to interface with irl
and organizing things by components helps a lot.
8:42 PM
My name is Josiah South. And it was given because it's biblical. Plz share
@Retsam Id rather the latter
1 like = 1 prayer pls
lol don't judge me on what I say because sometimes I say crazy shit for no reason just to make myself lul
What biblical bro was named Josiah?
King of Judah brah
8:44 PM
I'll name my son, "Bible" ... so he will be "Bible Dugger"
That's biblical, right?
@SomeKittens mine... Was a phone screen and then I never heard back :) but no hard feelings.
@SterlingArcher fucking king of Judah
@SterlingArcher One of the good kings, iirc.
Looking at Jaden's twitter now - he thinks "Jesus's sandals" is spelled "Jesusus Sandals" ... dot dot dot
..I'd like to put in an application to be a fucking king. ._.
8:45 PM
!!urban josiah 2
@Jhawins [Josiah](http://josiah.urbanup.com/3738751) Sexy bitch, too attractive for his own good, and silver tongued like the fucking devil.

The biblical Josiah was King of the Jews, and he got mad hos.
He also wrote "To much To handle"....
He died at ~17 and became king when he was 12 or something
So no, don't be that guy
Israel and Judah both alternated between having decent, level headed rulers, as kings and comic book villains as kings.
8:46 PM
gnight ppl
Also I have a penis between my legs. That's one of the things you never really know about people in a chat room. Not that it matters but now you know.
!!urban josiah
@phenomnomnominal Josiah Always genuine and real, a true friend. He tends to be somewhat of a clown when in the mood and is a talented wordsmith. He is also very competitive and loves the taste of victory. Josiahs' find the right girl and stick with her but don't mind being a player once in a while... he is most compatible with Virgos' and their personalities tend to click. Due to their creativity, many Josiahs' are writers. He(snip)
Most kings died young until the past few centuries
I didn't realize urbandictionary did horoscopes.
8:47 PM
doesn't quite sound right
It should say "He just fucking sweats today and don't know why"
@Retsam Most everyone died young until the past few centuries (source)
I died
I'm a spooky ghost
!!s/died young //
8:47 PM
@phenomnomnominal That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: die
@phenomnomnominal @Retsam Most everyone until the past few centuries (source) (source)
you guys know what i meant.
I... don't?
actually, no. Your regex did what you told it to do, and your joke went bye bye
8:48 PM
^ bitch
!!afk shared too much personal info
Home time forreal bros
@Jhawins cya]
!!s/ young until/ until/
8:49 PM
@phenomnomnominal @Retsam Most everyone died until the past few centuries (source) (source)
nailed it.
@SecondRikudo failed it. (source)
8:50 PM
@phenomnomnominal @ThirdRikudo failed it. (source) (source)
@phenomnomnominal The Third has yet to rise.
@Retsam @phenomnomnominal The Turd has yet to rise. (source)
@Retsam, so if everybody died young until the past few centuries, and only the good die young, then does that make us bad?
8:51 PM
@taco Nah, that's a logical fallacy: only the good die young doesn't imply that only the bad live to be old.
@Retsam It does, actually.
only the good die young
@SecondRikudo No; that's the converse fallacy.
Which implies that no one else die young, that includes the bad.
if I kill myself, does that make me good, then?
yes but it doesn't exclude good people dying old
8:52 PM
@SecondRikudo deep stuff, man, that's awesome
@KendallFrey ikr
But we still get to define young since it's relative
Young is however old I am at the time of inquiring
@taco Can we agree that old == !young?
8:53 PM
If only the good die young
then the good can die old too
it implies that the good can die both young and old, but the bad may only die old.
!!wiki converse error
Affirming the consequent, sometimes called converse error or fallacy of the converse, is a formal fallacy of inferring the converse from the original statement. The corresponding argument has the general form: If P, then Q. Q. Therefore, P. An argument of this form is invalid, i.e., the conclusion can be false even when statements 1 and 2 are true. Since P was never asserted as the only sufficient condition for Q, other factors could account for Q (while P was false). To put it differently, if P implies Q, the only inference that can be made is non-Q implies non-P. (Non-P and non-Q designate the...
Only the good die young, but not all people that die old are bad.
8:54 PM
Exactly ^
I need an adult
However, all the bad die old
It's like the whole square/rectangle thing
Well that explains politicians
2 mins ago, by Second Rikudo
only the good die young
8:54 PM
Umbrella: everybody dies.
Umbrella, by Rhiana
2 mins ago, by Second Rikudo
@Retsam It does, actually.
@SterlingArcher Life the most deadly disease known to man, with 100% fatality.
s/Umbrella/Spoiler Alert/
@SterlingArcher damn, I know what to get for the zombie apocalypse
not even a shotgun gets em all
8:55 PM
you can stand under my umbrella, eh eh eh eh eh
gtfo from under my umbrella, eh eh eh eh eh
@SecondRikudo water is poisonous as fuck
FACT: 100% of all people buried in cemeteries around the world used to be alive..
You can stand under my Rhianna
8:55 PM
@SecondRikudo stillbirth?
@SecondRikudo people currently buried alive as torture?
@KendallFrey Still counts as living. Even if not born yet.
@SecondRikudo Right, the bad can only die old, but your original argument was "we die old, therefore we're bad", which does not follow.
just making sure
@SecondRikudo that's contentious
8:56 PM
@phenomnomnominal that's racist
let's not go there
I like that song
@SecondRikudo that's homophobic
That's sexist
@phenomnomnominal That's black.
8:57 PM
be there, or be a politician
@phenomnomnominal that's black.
@Retsam that's racist!
Does anyone have any Google Inbox invites?
The word racist is racist
@A.M.K Yes.
8:58 PM
We're all one race
google inbox?
Anyone surely has any Google Inbox invites.
Can you spare one?
^ The reference, for those who were confused.
8:58 PM
@SterlingArcher gmail successor
@A.M.K I don't have one.
I'm trolling
I'm tired, ignore me.
A 4 hour bus drive will do that to your brain
8:58 PM
Well, CYA all
Google Inbox looks alright, but I can't know until they SEND ME MY BETA INVITE
@SecondRikudo you drive buses?

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