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10:00 AM
@elhoucine you might be able to create a new form with only the image
@AwalGarg and now you are becoming zirak
@IonicăBizău i use className
or classRef
@elhoucine assuming by "sned" you meant "send" and by "form" you meant "forms"
Woo got my home worker VPN!
@Sippy lol
my servers have a vpn with my house computer, my phone
and sync using dropbox :D
I seriously need to learn how to do VPN
10:08 AM
Actually, I'm working with Backbone, and generating forms with Backbone-forms. and I want to extend a new field form image upload. I want to be able when the user select an image it will be send directly to the server and the name will be attached to the model.
@SecondRikudo Google :D, the vpn is now the reason i have google Music
@darkyen00 I never said I couldn't do it
I just said I need to do it :D
You said you need to learn, Google is how you'd do that :D
New Windows + Modern Web Workflow Users : Either use vagrant or ssh a cheap linux box and sync with dropbox... NTFS is just not worth shooting yourself in the learning stage.
@darkyen00 how so? ;p
10:11 AM
@AwalGarg react-starter-kit won't work.
anything which has cyclic refs won't work
and when you make it all work it breaks usally in 5-6 days
6 mins ago, by darkyen00
@AwalGarg and now you are becoming zirak
@BartekBanachewicz o/
^ I asked how that?
@AwalGarg qouting references.
haha ok
@elhoucine encode in base64, wrap in formdata, and boom!
10:15 AM
@darkyen00 sup
my first working app in node.js -> transfer images, videos etc. over wifi from ipad to pc \o/
this is special because we are transferring something from an apple device!
@BartekBanachewicz solderered the box :D
/* cube */
@SterlingArcher I think I'm missing the point of that twitter account.
omg.. if the DOM had a throat... I'd choke it all day long
went with leds, instead of 7segment display
10:16 AM
I would also be satisfied with the guy who invented it
how stupid can it be
@jAndy found react, yet?
@darkyen00 pics
Object.getBoundingClientRect(), nice function isn't it.. very useful, very neat
@jAndy Incredibly stupid. But the question is how stupid are you :)
@BartekBanachewicz uploading..
10:16 AM
should return just an object with dimenions
but noooooo
it returns a "DOMRECT" type whatever that should be fuck
@jAndy relax
chill dude.
which like is a special agent object.. but it isn't really an object at all
but behaves like so
10:17 AM
@jAndy why do you mind marker interfaces?
!!mdn Object.getBoundingClientRect()
@jAndy meet React.JS (the virtual dom) I WONDER WHY THE FUCK IS REACT NOT NATIVE ?
That looks fairly straightforward ^
@darkyen00 You tell him to calm down then join in xD
I was wondering why the heck I couldn't delete properties out of the "Object" returned by that method.. but even with getOwnPropertyDescriptor it doesn't tell shit about its properties
10:18 AM
they both should calm down and then join in XD
@jAndy buahahaha
how comes up with such bullshit ideas to create an entire new type of object for such a trivial task
10:19 AM
@jAndy Just curious - why did you try to remove properties from it?
gotta bookmark this
@jAndy in post OOP languages you don't have anonymous classes
@jAndy make a public rant
post on hacker news
@JanDvorak I needed to prevent data updates for a module which stores the position of elements
10:20 AM
@jAndy Return a new object? You should whitelist, not blacklist, properties
If i find the inventor of javascript
i would bow down in front of him
and then ask him ... WHAT THE FUCK ?
so the solution was, to extend the data from gBCR into a new "ecma standard object"
@jAndy The Game
but the fuck
10:20 AM
@darkyen00 He invented JavaScript
that should not be necessary
@SecondRikudo JavaScript is even worse :-(
@darkyen00 fu JavaScript is awesome
lol @ 4 stars
@jAndy The Game
10:21 AM
after months of python i feel disguisted while writing javascript, @SecondRikudo
@darkyen00 try Haskell
@darkyen00 2 or 3?
@AwalGarg 18
@darkyen00 monthy python?
@darkyen00 python 2 or 3?
10:22 AM
@AwalGarg 18.
@AwalGarg umm... python 18?
@AwalGarg Thats a double barrel shot gun where none barrel is the right one :D
ok.. now we have identified 4 clowns around here :P
10:22 AM
PYTHON 2 OR 3???
@jAndy I'm not a clown. I'm a polymorphic nightmare.
@AwalGarg you should have a look at dropboxes python
@jAndy I'm not a clown. I'm a zombie god.
@SecondRikudo compared to what
10:23 AM
ideas :D
@jAndy I am not a clown, I am just me.
@darkyen00 you mean that pystone thing?
alrighty then zombie god and polymorphic nightmare.. and you... if soon some gentleman asks you guys "if you come with him", .. don't be scared :P
just follow
@SecondRikudo pretty much everything is awesome compared to PHP though
whats wrong with this service? jsfiddle.net/t16Lkn72
@BartekBanachewicz This be true.
@BartekBanachewicz hold on.... there is jquery isn't it?
ignoring the fact im using far more promises etc than are needed
10:25 AM
the name is wrong
I mean... wth is "WURFLService"
@DrogoNevets You misspelled deferred.
sounds like an accident
github.com/dropbox/pyston @AwalGarg their ideas and wishes sound like
mahahaha chat is too funny right now
they want to create a v8 for python
10:26 AM
I want a v8 to be created for php
@SecondRikudo lol fair enough, but thats not going to stop the injector picking it up (won't inject into one of my controllers)
@AwalGarg node.js
and I want fb devs to write PHP: The Good parts
@AwalGarg it's just the covers
10:27 AM
@AwalGarg PHP should first have some good parts
@AwalGarg hhvm
!!tell awal google image php the good parts
I was being a moron thats what was wrong
JS the good parts is a very very small book
10:27 AM
trying to inject $scope into a service?! idiot boy Drogo!
@AwalGarg not true
Pages: 178
Pages: 178, 178 pages of lies
@JanDvorak it is small for me
lol dat picture
@darkyen00 rofl
10:28 AM
@JanDvorak LIES
1 message moved to PHP
@SecondRikudo i was going to do that xD
@SecondRikudo didn't benji already list them
10:28 AM
@SecondRikudo now that's rude
which country is good for creative frontend/ui developers?
It looks like the bird has giant balls.
@Sippy those are feathers
10:29 AM
Not sure how that's symbolic of PHP
Maybe in that it's balls
@Akhil venus
@Sippy potential
I do not see feathers.
!!google python the good parts
10:29 AM
There is no book :-(, because that would be a library :-/
@darkyen00 i hop so
I imagine PyCon could be really, really misconstrued. Lol
You get a bunch of fat people turn up
@jAndy 503
@Akhil indian ocean
10:30 AM
@Sippy nope we got lots of AI / ML experets
in PHP, 2 hours ago, by Fabien
$links[] = \FluentDOM($html, 'html')->find('//a[@href]')->map(
            function ($node) {
                return $node->getAttribute('href');
look, they have invented the wheel fire lambdas!
give them 20 more years and we might get to non-shitty syntax for them
@SecondRikudo I'm so confused
10:31 AM
@BartekBanachewicz [].map.call(document.getElementsByTagName("a"), (x)=>x.href)
Testing goat
who the fuck makes these decision ?
in PHP, 8 secs ago, by Awal Garg
javascript sucks (shh, don't tell in the js room that I said this) :D
10:32 AM
they must be so high
or $("a").each((x)=>x.href)
I did not know you could use lambda expressions in JS.
@BartekBanachewicz you badtek
@Sippy firefox natively, chrome with a flag
@Sippy you can but its pretty experimental :P
10:34 AM
Firefox Lags natively. Nuff said.
I guess only Firefox supports its really
javascript sadness #13: HTML tagNames are all-caps, even though innerHtml shows them in lowercase.
@BartekBanachewicz What were you doing in the PHP room?
@AwalGarg true
10:36 AM
@JanDvorak I usually pass it throw toLowerCase() when I use it
I just had the picture of mushrooms mushrooms in my mind... dunno why
I hate seeing ALL CAPS in my code, it draws focus
@AwalGarg false
10:36 AM
@darkyen00 Lol.
!!> 'firefox' < 'chrome'
@SecondRikudo true
@SecondRikudo false
Why JavaScript sucks @AwalGarg ?
!!> typeof NaN;
10:37 AM
@jAndy "number"
@darkyen00 ^ this is why
@darkyen00 you need a flag for a decent lambda syntax
!!> 0.1 + 0.2;
@jAndy 0.30000000000000004
lets pull em all
10:37 AM
@AwalGarg meh
!!> [] === []
@Sippy false
@jAndy 80millionth repost
@BadgerGirl I got forced there again
@jAndy most languages use floats by default
10:38 AM
@JanDvorak I just want some type errors :-(
where's the escape hatch
@AwalGarg he owns typeofnan.com
or something
@JanDvorak Thankyou, pretty cool
haha that must be nice
@darkyen00 even in Haskell NaN is a number
10:38 AM
!!> throw new EvalError('evil');
@jAndy "EvalError: evil"
@jAndy I know.
@JanDvorak which makes sense, kind of.
it also makes sense in JS, but it's a bit funnier there
> Not a number is a number
!!> [] == []
10:39 AM
@Sippy false
^this makes sense to you???
its not about that its not logic that NaN is a number
!!doge NaN,Number,Sense
its just about the wording
           much NaN
                      many Number
so Sense
10:39 AM
fuck you caprica. :-( bad doge
In algebraic geometry, an algebraic group (or group variety) is a group that is an algebraic variety, such that the multiplication and inversion operations are given by regular functions on the variety. In terms of category theory, an algebraic group is a group object in the category of algebraic varieties. == Classes == Several important classes of groups are algebraic groups, including: Finite groups GL(n, C), the general linear group of invertible matrices over C Jet group Elliptic curves. Two important classes of algebraic groups arise, that for the most part are studied separately: abelian...
"give me the type of not-a-number please? operator?"
I loved that doge
"operator: number!"
Why was it bad? xD
10:39 AM
@jAndy yep
Shouldn't NaN be type Object?
of course not
how would you write a type equation for / then
Haskell sadness #2: There's no NaN literal even though read "NaN" works just fine.
"Either number or object"?
> The IEEE 754 standard says (fairly clearly) that +1.0 / +0.0 is one of
the most 'stable' definitions of Infinity
I'd say similar goes for NaN
(/) :: Fractional n => n -> n -> n
10:42 AM
yeah well / in Haskell is not / in JS
!!> Array(6).join([]/0) + ' Batmaaaan';
@jAndy "NaNNaNNaNNaNNaN Batmaaaan"
just in for the honor of NaN
@jAndy this shouldn't even run :|
10:44 AM
!!> var Chuck = Object.create( Infinity.constructor ); Chuck.can_count_to = Infinity*2;
@jAndy "Infinity"
One thing JS got right? ^_^
chucknorris can count to dual infinity
10:45 AM
Yay! Final score of JS = -999
Chuck Norris doesn't count numbers. Numbers count Chuck Norris.
@Sippy that makes no fucking sense but okay
Because he doesn't know how to count
I really would love one day of Chuck Norris life...
@darkyen00 since when do chuck norris jokes make sense?
10:47 AM
@AwalGarg That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
it must be so hilarious since all the Chuck Norris hype
@AwalGarg since you started thinking !
@Sippy That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
everywhere he's around
10:47 AM
Chuck Norris doesn't count numbers. He tells them to count themselves.
^ THat makes sense
@JanDvorak Wow... such sense !
many norris
!!doge norris,count,numbers
                  so norris
                      very count
such numbers
10:48 AM
(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。 ᵐᵃᵍⁱᶜ
Chuck norris doesn't tell, he tells things to tell themselves what he wants to tell them
!!can chuck norris count more than infinity ?
@darkyen00 Absolutely not
@AwalGarg That doesn't actually make sense
10:48 AM
!!are you smarter than chuck norris ?
@darkyen00 Certainly not
!!are you kidding?
@AwalGarg Absolutely not
!!can you beat chuck norris ?
@darkyen00 No
10:49 AM
!!are you smarter than me?
@SecondRikudo Doubtfully
!!avada kedavra!!
@AwalGarg That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!is SecondRukido smarter than JonSkeet
10:49 AM
@CapricaSix shutup, you are now dead!
@darkyen00 Of course!
!!can chuck norris count to dual infinity
@Sippy Absolutely not
@SecondRikudo :O
somebody has a link to the old magic gif ?
the one with all the bells and whistles in it
10:50 AM
@darkyen00 Didn't you know? I program with mspaint for fun.
was so much better
@SecondRikudo buahahahah
@SecondRikudo Piet?
10:50 AM
@Room: from this day @SecondRikudo is our in house Chuck Norris / Jon Skeet ... joke on !
thats it
!!forget magic
@jAndy Command magic forgotten.
@jAndy Command magic learned
@jAndy you know you can search the transcript?
10:51 AM
!!forget forget
@JanDvorak You are not authorized to delete the command forget
@SecondRikudo doesn't make VPN packets come to them directly
thankgod, no onebox!
10:51 AM
why its boxed
\o/ \o/
!!forget magic
@SecondRikudo Command magic forgotten.
!!learn magic "<>http://i.imgur.com/iZcUNxH.gif"
@SecondRikudo Command magic learned
10:52 AM
noob me
You're welcome
@SecondRikudo strikes again.
10:52 AM
I want the previous magic back...
!!forget magic
@darkyen00 Who wins? Me or Jesus?
@darkyen00 Command magic forgotten.
not for real.. thats the only thing magic really deserves
!!learn magic "<>(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。 ᵐᵃᵍⁱᶜ"
10:53 AM
@darkyen00 Command magic learned
that magic is so lame
!!learn magic2 "<>http://i.imgur.com/iZcUNxH.gif"
@darkyen00 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Guys i am having a problem with scroll plugin -- any one have time to look in to it? Click Here
@darkyen00 Command magic2 learned
10:53 AM
!!forget magic
@jAndy Command magic forgotten.
!!learn magic "<>http://i.imgur.com/iZcUNxH.gif"
@Akhil Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@jAndy son of a now we have 2 magic doing the same thing
@jAndy Command magic learned
@ImranBughio nice- a bold link. I'm surely going to click that.
I will kick you both
@SecondRikudo I proposed a better solution
10:54 AM
!!tell darkyen00 sandbox
@darkyen00 Please go and play in the Sandbox
which doesn't breaks backward compatibility.
!!tell jAndy sandbox
@jAndy Please go and play in the Sandbox
@CapricaSix thnq
10:54 AM
I don't want to play
@JanDvorak lol -- if you mouse hover you will see its a stackoverflow domain
I needed to fix that magic fail
I just want sensible magic.
!!tel Akhil you're welcome
10:55 AM
@SecondRikudo That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: tell
@ImranBughio ... so?
fuck the room
i should be programming.
@SecondRikudo That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: tell
@JanDvorak so.. the link is not suspicious... !!
still doesn't explain why you bolded it
cuz thin link does not look like a link
@ImranBughio sure it does
LOL I love that the link actually works somewhat
its just makes it more easy to identify.
get a colour monitor
10:56 AM
You guys debate a lot about formatting & procedures here then actual problems.
@ImranBughio I must warn, I am not included in these guys :)
thats the purpose of this channel
10:58 AM
and grammar nazis
At least you didn't write you're instead of your.
@jAndy exactly -- English is not my mother tongue
Mother tongue is correct.
10:59 AM

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