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Thanks for the tip - I started using Jison and I think I got it all figured out.
@BenjaminGruenbaum \o/
Bought a PS4 over the weekend
Pretty. Very pretty.
I'm learning so much about hacking by playing Watch Dog
SSH: Write failed: ceci n'est pas une pipe
Mixed hyphen and camel case!!!! Noooooooooo
yay, I did a d3 thing
Q: Chain promises with AngularJS

Florent ValdelievreI have a service called paymentStrategy that get injected in my controller. $scope.buy = function() { paymentStrategy.buy() .then(function(response) { } } This buy method from paymentStrategy triggers several methods that needs to be called sequentially. When all the methods within bu...

1 hour later…
I am finding issue with auto-complete in Jquery using Aptana plugin. Can any one help me
Seriously, is it ever a good idea to use display: table-cell for layout?
@monners yes?
Major sections on the page, aligned with table-cell?
If you need cross-browser, vertically and horizontally aligned stuff, it's pretty much the best way
flexbox ain't quite there yet
Oh, this isn't being used for vertical and horizontal alignment. It's a weird workaround for not using inline-block
Then it's probably bad
But sometimes it's okay :)
Good. i'm scrapping it.
Sure, but I would never use it for large page layout defining containers
Yay! Legacy projects FTW!
Tell me about it
finally got my arcade all setup
need to add some art to it at some point
but just glad it works and I'm done lol
is there anyone use upvise?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Oh, this is new! Review how?
@SomeKittensUx2666 #1 eh?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Anyways, I can’t, why would you pick Facebook login for anything
Maybe because they have over a BILLION users?
hey i have a great idea lets make sure 6 billion people cant use our website
@monners Oh yes.
It's a sample app I whipped up for an interview.
@false Oh wow, you're 100% original.
Yes, I totally want to manage encryption and salting and auth in a sample application.
@AbhishekHingnikar Awww, it's alright. We've trusted you on that point for a long time.
Q: Show the container above the table

Mr_GreenIn my project, I have a table which is made scrollable by wrapping it with a div container of fixed height. This table has a dropdown component(blue container in "row 1 - column 2") which is when expanded, hiding behind the div container instead of showing all the options. JSFIDDLE (example) ...

^ Any help?
@Mr_Green Not possible.
You can't escape the container with CSS alone
Strange. Any way using javascript?
I'm sure there is, but it'll be messy and there are almost certainly better solutions to the problem you're trying to solve
Can you please show me an example?
Ummm, no.
@Mr_Green With your level of experience, how do you not know such a basic tenant of CSS positioning?
They are just points man..
Anyway I will try again.. thanks for your time :)
I didn't say rep, I said experience
No worries. Good luck
I am unable to understand the for/in loop
this is the sytax:
var myFunction = function (key) {
    for (var key in object) {
        console.log (object.key);
how do I pass object in it?
and how does the loop work?
It is not explained on codecademy.
They plainly scrub through a code snippet using it.
Is this their code?
for (var key in object) {
  // Access that key's value
  // with object[key]
for(key in object) takes each property of object in some order, and assigns the property name to key.
how does the loop know what is the name of the key?
The key argument of myFunction gets overwritten in the process. Perhaps you meant to take object as the argument?
ok, wait I will do what you say.
var friends = new Object();
friends.bill = new Object();
friends.steve = new Object();
friends.bill.firstName = "Bill";
friends.bill.lastName = "Crow";
friends.bill.number = "564654654";
friends.steve.firstName = "Steve";
friends.steve.lastName = "Dog";
friends.steve.number = "2342354365";
friends.bill.address = ["Delhi", "Haat", "Near", "INA"];
friends.steve.address = ["Bihar", "Ghaat", "Near", "Naala"];
var list = function (param) {
    for (var key in object) {
This is the entire code
> Create a function list that takes a single parameter.
In the body of the function, write a for/in loop.
In the loop, use console.log to print out the key. (For example, if you only have bill and steve as entries, list should just print out "bill" and "steve".)
^this is the instructions
I can't move ahead of this. Please guide.
var friends = {bill:{firstName: "Bill", lastName: "Crow", number: "564654654", address: [...]}, steve:{...}}
nope, the function I mean. Thats what I can't complete.
That parameter should be the object to loop over, I'd say
ok, wait.
in for(var key in obj), key is the key and obj[key] is the value.
var list = function (obj) {
    for (var key in obj) {
I use this function, they say this is not valid
They want the keys logged
var list = function (obj) {
    for (var key in obj) {
^this did it :)
can you please explain?
!!tell Awal mdn for in
Awww, is Cap6 dead?
don't worry. I'll manually search mdn
yeah. just there.
@monners Excuse me, master. I promise I'll be better prepared from now on.
@Zirak Thank you very much, Zirak! Those links are more than enough to satisfy my curiosity at least for now.
ok, so the loop automatically scrambles through the object and sees what keys it has. am I right?
I just need to tell it, which object it has to scramble, right?
hmm.. codecademy + learn.jquery.com + this room + mdn = me can learn bit by bit!!
is there clrscr(); in js?
which clears teh console?
it says - TypeError: undefined is not a function
It works for me in Chrome
I am doing that in the codecademy console, does it matter?
I guess so
ok. thank you. you are very much helpful :)
the most horrible content positioning award goes to ME !
the post is meaning less my friends
Why did you rape bootstrap?
@Kippie idk i was feeling like so
it was don in a few hours didn't actually thought anything
ok, can you tell me why does object.key not work but object[key] work?
@AwalGarg Because object.key is equal to object['key']
object[key] is equal to what PHP would do as $object->{$key}
@SecondRikudo wait, I didn't quite get that.
@SecondRikudo oww. that way!... hmm. great.
today is going to be a productive day
!!s/productive/lazy and unmotivated/
Caprica is still not back?
I'm starting to worry about her.
She's got a virus
She'll get better soon
poor caprica
today is going to be a day where i yearn for bed after being awake half the night - im shattered!
hello everyone
is this really everything THREEjs teaches you? threejs.org/docs/index.html#Manual/Introduction/…
making a cube?
doesn't teach you about making lines, making new geometries, materials and such
@SecondRikudo I love how they still have to bring their suits for this
thats brightened up my morning
@DrogoNevets The thought of a helpless boy stuck in a marble vagina?
Yeah, that brightened up my morning as well :D
bloody council people screwing up again!
@towc They'd need to teach geometry and calculus in order to have you truly understand three.js
But assuming you know that, presumably adding a Bezier is just as simple as adding a cube
@Neil putting cubes for ever point in the line?
wouldn't seem efficient
but it's a pity that it doesn't teach me how to make lines
well, there's the docs
@towc "just as simple" != "just the same"
in the docs it says that the line requests 2 Vector3 parameters, and Vector3 is not really explained in a way I can understand
Before it's broken!
what should i teach :o :O :o :x
@AbhishekHingnikar adults or kids?
JavaScript: THe good, THe Bad and THe ugly
@AbhishekHingnikar do they already know a programming language?
teach them how javascript code should look, why it should looks that way, how to structure projects, and how not to, and explain why
@towc batch mates
and don't forget to mention unicorns
and they percieve that they know c/c++/C# and Java


16 mins ago, 11 minutes total – 15 messages, 15 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 2 mins ago by PeeHaa

in PHP, 5 mins ago, by Jimbo
You absolute ass cactus.
@AbhishekHingnikar then start with showing some java and c (+subsets) code and turn them into javascript, explaining all of the differences and advantages...
They're so immature, those cock munchers
how much time have you got?
also try and explain to them the power and beauty within JS, and list the mos tpopular frameworks and the differences and why some (jQuery) isnt true javascript
@DrogoNevets You meant to say, why JavaScript isn't true jQuery, right?
@SecondRikudo jQuery isnt really javascript alot of the time, doesnt matter which way round you put it :P
@DrogoNevets Geez, we all know jQuery isn't javascript, come on
before one uses jQuery, one should be able to do the same thing in vanilla JavaScript
@DrogoNevets wat
@DrogoNevets no
@DrogoNevets he shouldn't even mention jQuery, he might get them to the dark force of js
@DrogoNevets Well, by definition jQuery is JavaScript
Also, the entire point of jQuery is to abstract the ugliness of the DOM away from the developer
This can be a good thing or a bad thing
While I agree that someone should learn proper DOM before heading towards the jQuery path, fact is, it's not a requirement, and it works.
@SecondRikudo you're ugly! Don't talk about the dom like that!
@towc Don't get me wrong, I love DOM
@SecondRikudo you better do XD
I just hate it that every browser has a different implementation of DOM...
@SecondRikudo no longer
@JanDvorak Still, on some cases.
only key* events are incompatible
Don't ask me for examples because I don't remember any and not going to lookup right now
err ohkay
i'd rather teach them programming from the begnning.
with using some of their knowledge
@SecondRikudo it should be a requirement, people should have to log in, do a test and then be allowed to download or link to the CDN
@DrogoNevets jQuery generates business.
Lots of cheap business.
It's easier (and cheaper) to hire a jQuery developer than a JavaScript developer.
@Neil the introduction of jQuery doesn't seem to have affected the javascript trend
@SecondRikudo yes which is ok, as i get hired as a JS dev, not a jQ dev, but still, makes my life a pain alot of the time
gotta love saying "test in prod"
@FlorianMargaine o/
@AbhishekHingnikar \o
Comment vas-tu?
ça va et toi ?
Ummm, English please?
@SecondRikudo non merci
@FlorianMargaine Omelette du fromage
@SecondRikudo NEIN!
אין בעיה, גם אני יודע לדבר בשפות מוזרות שאף אחד מכם לא יבין בלי תרגום של גוגל.
@SecondRikudo אכן, נדרש התרגום של גוגל.
Best ajax loader ever!
Hi all
@AbhishekHingnikar What. The fuck.
suis bon, des suggestions pour tutoriel js?
Question, i'm supposed to make or find something that would redirect you to google maps according to the address entered in a certain div, anyone any idea on how to accomplish that? I'm thinking that there's a google way instead of doing it myself in JS.
@AbhishekHingnikar show'em some webgl amazing stuff
they will get interested
that would be overkill
and considering my working laptop has linux with no webgl support
@DavidH redirect to google maps?
@AbhishekHingnikar what? you're losing half of your life!
Yes, for example: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Rue+Pierre+Pingon/@45.755889,5.696815,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x478b12d6e60bfb79:0x5000386b12f745a1

Contains information of the div above it and generates that.
I thought about just 1 example, then quickly scrollingthrough the code and then getting to the basics. But how come a js teacher not have webgl support on his pc???
@towc 5 year old laptop
So you'd click a href, than it'd just paste the address from the div into the search bar of google maps and generate that link I showed as example, in fact open in a new window but I can fix that myself. Though just the link generator, should I do that myself in JS or does google already have something similar in the api?
@AbhishekHingnikar consider borrowing one from the school?
@DavidH You can try to see if google supports it
But otherwise, it shouldn't be that difficult to produce a link
when it is your birthday here, you bring everyone in the office kickass cupcakes
@towc i'd rather buy a mac.
It shouldn't be at all, but performance wise knowing i'm the least advanced person in JS i'd prefer it to be google supporting it. So I hoped anyone here would know about it, I was looking it up
Which is fine most of the year when it is other people's birthday, sucks when it is yours
and i have one laptop which smokes out desktops :P
Heh, It's my birthday tomorrow and everyone here brings cake and cookies as well. Tomorrow it's my turn
@AbhishekHingnikar if you can do it then
@DavidH Happy birthday, man
Have you reached the age in which it is no longer fun to know you're one year older?
@DavidH we do that here, generally accept policy is about £20 worth
Thanks hehe, well i'll be 19 but I sure do dislike becoming older. Heck i'm 1 year into bills and I hate it already :P. It'll be around 20 for me too yea haha!
Wait until next year. You won't be 21, but to your surprise, you'll be 29 wondering where the other 8 years went
That's one helluva jump, I'm pretty sure I won't notice it indeed. Birthdays after your 18th suck in my opinion, of course when leaving out the presents and parties!
@towc i am savng
@AbhishekHingnikar how much until you can get one?
you should start a kickstarter thing, and many js developers will feel your pain and donate for you to get a decent laptop
@DavidH you shall see! let the time warp begin!
2199 dollars left
Yess, let's hope it's not a black hole in which I age to dust..
In theory, should you ever be sucked into a black hole, an infinite amount of time will pass before you actually reach the center
@AbhishekHingnikar are you going to achieve it before the js session?
the only cool thing about a black hole is, that there is no time once you made it in there
so you can't age, hooray !
Though you'd probably die in much worse ways before you'd reach the center anyway
The only cool thing?
@DavidH where are you?
@DrogoNevets in a black hole
@towc i think we'd know if there was even the tiniest black hole here on earth
what else is cool about it ? :P Its pretty boring.. sitting, eating (okay that might be spectecular) but if there is no food, bleh
@DrogoNevets who tells you he's on earth
@DrogoNevets Not necessarily
@DrogoNevets Holland!
CERN supposedly said if there were a black hole created, it would attract only small particles and it would take years to get to the point where it could be detectable
@Neil the LHC has been running for a fair few years now......
And once it becomes detectable, we'd have exponentially little time before the end of the planet
@DrogoNevets Well they did say the chances were astronomically small
I doubt they'd be using it otherwise
the problem with that theory is.. that .. the exponential function will be embodiment of exponential :p
hi guys. Is it possible to create a Google Form using you website. Like after an event is triggered a google form is generated base on the inputs of the event?
@Neil i agree, i did imply i didnt think there was one....
Though it makes you think though doesn't it?
If I'd dissolve over time i'd want to turn into dark matter, dark matter is cool. Also hopefully within reach of planet Earth!
If there were 1 in a billion chance that a black hole would destroy the entire planet on each use, technically on average, CERN is killing roughly 7 people every use
Of course this is while ignoring all laws of physics, space and nature
@Neil valid point :P
@DavidH you think its cool, to my knowledge it is still only a hypothesis and not proven to exist?
Hi guys could you please answer my question?
but I think there is nobody who could come up with any "numbers" about chances
@zynder yes it is
@zynder apparently not
@DrogoNevets Just the mere theory interests me, indeed we don't know if it actually exists yet.
@jAndy It's never happened before, so it's kind of impossible to come to any conclusion about if it will happen
@jAndy I'd say a cheese in a unicorn chance
Which also makes you wonder how reasonable the conclusion that it is astronomically improbable really is
@towc how? @JanDvorak really?
@zynder getting the code for the google form, copy pasting it and you're done
I think about this topic enough, and a part of me wants to scramble to the nearest phone, call up LHC and tell them to stop what they're doing immediately
however, the good news is that such a thing would be really consistent in killing each and everyone and everything. Chances are good that the rulers of this world would not allow that :p
(not politicians)
@jAndy I sincerely doubt we'd willingly allow the destruction of our planet, but unwilling destruction of our planet is entirely possible
@Neil I think that they have an office just to decline people who do that
I wonder to what extent Steven Hawkings would theorize if he weren't disabled..
@towc Probably, which is why I never call in the end
cmon guys! Imagine if you'd never known about the LHC project you wouldn't care at all
if you would die from it you wouldn't even notice
@Neil No I mean, whoever allowed the project (whoever REALLY is in charge to pay and bless the thing), wouldn't allow it if there is any chance of such a disaster
@DavidH He'd probably theorize if he wants to wear the striped or dotted bathing suit to the beach today
@jAndy I disagree
@jAndy if you think about it humanity allowed it
Bet he'd take more time solving that problem than to do astrophysics
If you thought there was a chance, even small, but large enough that you should shut it down, you could not shut it down for such a reason or risk getting blackballed entirely by the scientific community
So what do you do in such a circumstance? If you shut it down, you may do so temporarily, but you will be replaced by someone who actually reflects the amount of money invested in the LHC
i want sleep
I think you'd just choose to forget and continue with your 6 figure salary and conscience that you're doing research to help the world
@Neil I have a different opinion about the "whole story". Nobody really knows, but we can pretty much tell that we have a very small amount of people on the planet, we like to call "elites" or whatever. Even from those top .25% (?) there are even less people who are in charge most likely (talking about financial sectors, banks, some families). Guys for whom money doesn't even matter because they pretty much own the system itself
my point is, such a project (like LHC) has to get blessed in some way by those.. "elites" and will not just be a democratic project (which nothing really is)
@jAndy Yes but from the perspective of a scientist who knows these things of things, you really going to A) cause the world to go into a panic over a minor risk B) lose your job and C) lose your reputation as a scientist?
<3 dictatorship!
As a scientist, you'd probably decide that those odds are too small and the general population is too stupid that you should just stay mute
what luck, fascism you can vote for
Hi guys I'm a little confused, should $("#chapterWrapper div:eq("+newPos+")").attr("id") not work? newPos is simply the position of the element.
@Neil If you were in charge, you would not trust the word of a scientist. Probably after 100 or more of worlds smartest smartasses agrees.. MAYBE. But even then, I mean.. to risk the planet, there can't be ANY doubt
@DrogoNevets So if you knew something that would not benefit mankind in any way shape or form, you would announce it?
@jAndy The whole reason the thing with the black hole got so much attention was because a journalist was doing a typical boring science story when the LHC scientist mentioned briefly the possibility of a black hole forming
@Neil yup
The result? Front page news (ok, maybe not front page, but almost)
announcing things doesnt hurt any one, as long as its true
i wouldnt lie
@DrogoNevets Ok, then suppose you're not even sure it is true, would you still do it?
But mostly an announcement that won't come to reality is more like a broken promise. Mostly done by publishers as advertisement.
@Neil depends, if i had reasonable doubt i wouldnt, but if i was 90% confident in it
but i would say "i am only 90% confident of this"

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