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Q: Using Bluebird to turn cordova plugin into promise

thatguyhamptonI am trying to find an elegant solution to turning a cordova plugin call into a bluebird promise and was wondering if there is a better way than doing something like this : return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { cordova.plugins.clipboard.paste(function (text)...

@rlemon people at java will be confused
they will come back
Q: Why does LiveScript use 'void 8' for undefined values?

Jim O'BrienI have been using LiveScript for quite a while now, and I have noticed that in situations where undefined would be implicitly returned, the expression void 8 is used instead. Naturally, I understand the use of void, but I cannot figure out why specifically the integer 8 is used. For an example,...

@copy Instead take me shopping when you're in the USA.
ok am I crazy for thinking this is a bad way to use switch statements?
Livescript is a different thing than it used to be, pre-javascript?
that is how they are doing it here..
got into a bit of an argument with one of the devs
basically we do a switch on a var... and then are checking COMPLETELY seperate vars within the switch
it seems weird as fuck imo
@NickDugger Apparently
I would tell you but the Fiddle won't load :/
does anyone here have some experience with either Firebase and or Parse. If so what do they prefer and why..?
haha wtf
yeah its being crazy
yeah, fiddle is fail
@rlemon I love using that excuse for fiddle-link-only posts. Never gets old
prob because I stole an MDN bit of code and it uses document.write
@Loktar are you talking about
case "Mangoes":
case "Papayas":
 case someOtherVar :
so both vars have to be truthy
var expr = true,
    Oranges = true;

switch (expr) {
    case Oranges:
ohh that bit
yea that is confusing as fuck
yeah I agree..
Is someOtherVar a constant?
@copy I guess? Its a string, let me check if it changes
yeah it seems to be a constant
not identified as such
If so, that's perfectly fine, but should probably be capitalized
yeah thats a good point, but like...
let me get a real world example
oh wait nm
It looks weird. I'm not even understanding how that logic is working
yeah I understand now.. it makes sense hah but its still weird to do
o/ @BoltClock
If expr (which is true) equals Oranges (which equals true), ... I understand it now, it's just really weird
var override = false;
switch(flag) {
  case override :
  case 2 :
  case 3:
  case 4:
@copy I only just noticed, do you wanna be the guy?
@rlemon yeah idk I dont like it but whatever, I was confused as hell
I don't like it either.
@SecondRikudo I killed the guy
I still would debate it being ugly and confusing
yeah I think its ugly for sure
but they are comparing strings still I guess.. like mode = "inlineeditor", inlineeditor = "inlineeditor"
so the switch on mode will trigger inlineeditor.. if mode == "inlineeditor"
hurts my head.
!!castle crashers or Risk of Rain or Rouge Legacy
@SomeKittensUx2666 Risk of Rain
Isn't it still doing what it's supposed to be doing then?
@mrzepka yeah
It's a way of condensing if/else statements in a roundabout way
@RUJordan she's bugging out
But I didn't understand it until someone explained it
blame FireFox
@CapricaSix Wrong, the answer is Castle Crashers
no I inderstand switches fine, I just prefer to write them out differently I guess (or have constants denoted as such)
@BoltClock agreed.
Game Dev Tycoon was my weekend game
@SomeKittensUx2666 Jhawins is afk: lunch... Subway
"Mom's Friendly Games" headed up by "Bender Rodriguez" ended it's 35 year 'career' with 600 million in the bank
^ I've been up since midnight and already have three offers.
@BoltClock Do you play BattleBlock Theater?
Is the DLC worth it?
Castle Crashers + BattleBlock Theater 90% off
@SecondRikudo Yes. I was in the closed beta :3
@BoltClock Yeah, I'm dling it now.
Wanna Co-op later? :P
They also let me keep the game for being a beta tester. So I beat the game before it was even released
yeah beta testers were lucky
Yeah, later. Gotta sleep though
and wtf I thought Battleblock theater was more yesterday...
wasn't it 3.79?
It still is. It's just the BBT + CC bundle that's 90% off because CC is having a Flash Sale
2 mins ago, by SomeKittens Ux2666
Is the DLC worth it?
That ^ I want
For game dev tycoon?
for castle crashers
Ooh, Castle Crashers?
aka best game ever
loved that game
beat it on the PS3 with the kids
its as good or better than The Simpsons Arcade, or TMNT the arcade game
It's better because you don't have to frantically find a quarter every time you die
hah yea
Curse you, summer sale
castle crashers is the only paid game I have on steam
gifted by a stranger...
This file is, for some reason, consistently crashing ST3
Didn't your mother teach you not to accept gifts from strangers
hehe, the only time working with the SO is bad. She has been relaxing since thursday because production was on hold until I fixed a critical bug. Just passed all tests so now she has 3 days of work to catch up on :P oops
@Loktar Lego Movie - Worth it?
lol, ouch
Bought CC + DLC
Sadly not *nix
@rlemon no idea actually
(sorry Ryan)
damn you R people
@Loktar I would have assumed you got it for the kids
nope not yet anyway
they want the lego gmae for the WIIu
Lego undercover
@SecondRikudo I'll make sure I'm not invisible on Steam once I get back on. Let me know
Off now
its like lego GTA, pretty sweet
now to try 10 times to get into my steam account
that steam guard code never works for me
@rlemon I heard it was better than expected
Honestly, Game Dev Tycoon was amazing
I wasn't expecting it to be so much fun
Drat, should have picked it up
The Steam guard code works for me, it just never remembers my computer so I have to do it all the time.
$3 for CC, the other game, and the DLC
Fuckin Gabe.
@mikedidthis 2.9
Lego GTA = Lego Island
Guys, I'm noob at JS but I've managed to get everything done so far, but now I came to a part where I really need to ask here. (writing the question...)
@LucasB return 42..toString()
works 60 percent of the time ... everytime
"we can build a mountain, if we do it brick by brick"
I'm doing a quote form for my website: fivoo.com - There are 3 checkboxes on the home, Websites, Google Adwords and Facebook - He checks what he wants to quote and click on Get Quote, so far so good?
Fuck. Heroku is down for maintenance
crosses fingers and hopes Phone to Chrome's reviews don't suffer
@LucasB works better if you can make a minimal example on a site like jsfiddle
@SomeGuy Literally working with two different Heroku things now
The insult to injury is that heroku's 2pm scheduled maintenance post still says "Running apps will not be affected." https://status.heroku.com/incidents/641
@rlemon Okay, Ill do it
Yeah, it doesn't seem to affect everyone
Sadly, it is affecting me
Hmm.. FTL? It any good?
@CCInc yes
FTL's brilliant
worth the four bucks?
Hm, okay, cool
FTL is amazing
It looks really fun
FTL is incredible
FTL is like licking a chocolate covered rainbow,
FTL is the best thing in the universe
so I have config.js with all my sensitive stuff in it - how can I push that to Heroku but not GitHub?
i.e. what's the best (optimizing for simple) strategy here
ftp, obvo
... dammit. :buys FTL:
// if you are viewing this on github please stop
var username = 'bob'
var password = 'humter32'
hello all
@rlemon rofl
I can't login to my steam account because I can't login to the old email that's hooked up to it.
@RyanKinal You won't regret it
what's the best way to format a variable integer ie miliseconds
Anybody know how to remove a file from the list of files ST3 opens up on startup? Like, it was open last run, but I don't want it to be open next run.
@SomeKittensUx2666 ThAT'S INTERESTING
so if i have 385 miliseconds it returns 0.385 but if i have 1385 it returns 1.385
If you get a job through them (after signing up with my link) I get $1337
I've got three offers so far, two at $120k, one at $100k
How the fuck dude
@SomeKittensUx2666 Wow. That's badass.
@Jhawins You can even only appear to companies offering relocaiton.
@vimes1984 you will have to have your own function for it
(none of those offers are 100% done, but it's nice to have numbers)
will it always be time?
@rlemon thanks :D
@SomeKittensUx2666 That's somethin
I'd eat my own left-foot if I made $120k...
I'm just a lowly peon, stuck at $65k... but I'm also only 21 years old lol. Give it time, I suppose.
@NickDugger where are you?
Houston, TX
Keep in mind I'm in the Bay Area, home of the most inflated salaries in the US.
function MyTimeObject(n) {
    this.n = n;
    var value = n;
    Object.defineProperty(this, 'value', {
        get: function () {
            return this.n > 999 ? this.n / 1000 + 's' : this.n + 'ms';
        set: function (newVal) {
            this.n = newVal;
var t = new MyTimeObject(123);
console.log(t.value); // 123ms
t.value = 1234;
console.log(t.value); //1.234s
I have no clue what you are trying to do
I'm compiling
@NickDugger 65k in Houston is about equal to 105k in SF
@SomeKittensUx2666 I hate california, but I'd learn to love it for that much money, lol
@NickDugger until you realize everything is 1.7x as expensive
Ah... true. Forgot about that lol
@mrzepka are the wages 2x as high?
No, only 1.69
@NickDugger How much is your apartment?
I was doing an estimate based on 105/65
!!> 1.7 / 1.69
@JanDvorak 1.0059171597633136
@SomeKittensUx2666 $900/m but I think I could find cheaper for just as nice.
@mrzepka 1.6153846153846154
@NickDugger 1BR?
I pay $1,440
that's not even in the city
Holy god no why
In the city it can get to 2k+
Fun Office Game: Purposely getting songs stuck in co-workers heads
start in the morning, hum/sing songs while walking by them. see if in the afternoon they are humming them
rlemon genius!!!
!!youtube seven nation army
!!youtube fix it fix it fix it remix
Speaking of songs stuck in head, a coworker sent this around earlier: youtube.com/watch?v=OBibXwwLBts#t=0m38s
@RyanKinal this has made its way into my regular rotation
lol, nice
@SomeKittens fuck that service.
I'm not allowed to submit my application for approval without college experience in the education section.
Ahh, Summers here. My left arm is exactly 5.5 shades darker than my right :)
yell at 'em
I had to put "none"
"College Experience: All I can remember was her friends name was Tiffany and had a phat ass!"
I have a semester of college experience. Sometimes I wonder if "none" is the better answer lol
!!youtube Cameo - Word Up
> College Experience: Please... don't ask.... :? - Loktar
hahahaa ahh the joys of 80's
Is... is that man wearing a red banana hammock over pants?
@SomeKittens I think I'm going to put "Stack Overflow" hahaha
@rlemon, I'm sorry, I did the Fiddle but I'm not sure if it will do, it has some PHP: jsfiddle.net/fx2U3
okay now what is the problem
#rlemon The user can choose any of the 3 items, that's a total of 7 combinations
#rlemon I've managed to show only what the client selected to quote right, but the next piece appears when he clicks Next ->
Ok guys, uber simple mobile app phonegap style.
Those are my orders.
Suggest services
still not following
I'm leaning for Appery.io
@Jhawins uber as in 'ultra' or the car service?
@rlemon lololol
@SomeKittensUx2666 ... I don't get the reference. But "simple" haha
Just have to output text from a database and send push notifications.
@SomeKittensUx2666 weird
crap I don't know how to explain, there's a live version of it on fivoo.com - the problem is with the NEXT button
@SomeKittensUx2666 Have you heard the glitch mob version?
They just raised a bajillion dollars
!!youtube glitch mob seven nation army
how can I tell what to show next, without having to make a giant if/elseif with all 7 combinations?
@Jhawins Calculator
@Retsam Posted last week :P
PS: don't click the green button, it's a trap
I'm still developing it, the next button is "Continuar" lol
welp, I have no idea what i'm looking at otherwise
yeah, sorry about that :/ - I'll think of a better way to explain, brb

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