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What's the best way to put a height transition on an accordion using vanilla javascript (plus css). Currently my accordion is very similar to this:http://www.elated.com/res/File/articles/development/javascript/document-object-model/javascript-accordion/javascript-accordion.html

I currently have an animation working using css transition and max-height but this doesn't work properly if you have different sized content as the transition length varies and it creates a delay when closing.

I assume the way to go about this is to add on the height of the content on using javascript but how do I
@joshhunt easiest way to do it I would think would be to toggle class and use CSS transition
one with min-height:0 and the other with min-height:999 or something
or max-height:0, max-height:auto (if you can do that)
@ZachSaucier I am close to 500 rep
remember, I was on 250ish yesterday
@ZachSaucier Tried that, unfortunately the only way to do it is to set a specific max-height. However if you have a look at this fiddle you will see the delay that I am talking about: jsfiddle.net/3bkJb/2
is there anyone use upvise.com?
@Justcode ^-*
up for a tribo match? :3
Good morning..
anyone has created app for upvise?
not me.
@TheDictator yo! o/
had a good weekend?
can anyone see this link stackoverflow.com/questions/24348559/…, and provide some help please..
@ICanHasKittenz YAH.. It was good... thank u for asking .. how abt u?
@TheDictator was good, I bought some new dresses:D
attending my cousin's marriage next month end, need to shop more stuff..more expenses >,>
@ICanHasKittenz thats good.... weekend time shopping time
every month there has to be something new I gotta spend on, last month I ran out of some of my cosmetics, this month my apple earphone broke, I never had these sort of issues while not working lol
@ICanHasKittenz when u are comming back to india?
@TheDictator coming for a week, on july end
@ICanHasKittenz thats gr8.... welcome to india.. :D
lol thanks
@ICanHasKittenz bring something for me..
@TheDictator I'll get you some arabs hhhh
@ICanHasKittenz lolz.... no thanx for arabs... any non living thing.. :D
@TheDictator shall I kill and bring then?
@ICanHasKittenz no problem but find the one who is wearing 2 -3 KG gold.. :D
It was on news y'day, someone trying to smuggle 23kg gold from singapore to India
hahaha..... thts common now a days
23kg is way too insane, who in their right mind would carry gold bars worth 23kg and dare get on the airport lol
that's like asking to be caught, anyways to be expected from our people
@ICanHasKittenz why you killin arabs -.-
oops forgot we got one here xP
Want to get that with me?
Looks pretty awesome
@SomeGuy that video :D
I m cashing in a check tomorrow, till then got like 2$ in my account :P
posted on June 23, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by gulymaestro */

posted on June 23, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.

I am using wordpress right now... I am facing a problem with CSS part
Actually I want to use CSS according to the content wise
I have 2 pages About Us
> I am using wordpress right now...
^ that's your problem.
Nope I am not able to apply CSS content wise
I have a generic page
@SecondRikudo wow :O that game i wants it :O
@PatsyIssa I know TT_TT
But dat price :|
Maybe when my paycheck comes along :D
Same here :P
Or when Steam decides to give 99% discount XD
It's in early access, developers need moneyy :P
@SecondRikudo Wow, nice
@DarkAshelin meow?
@SecondRikudo rubs head against your leg
@DarkAshelin in heat?
@DarkAshelin Normally that would evaporate your head, but OKay? :D
@SomeGuy my bf has that game, Battleblocks Theater
it looks fun, especially in co-op. The storytelling is really great and humorous
I loved their trailers :P
btw watch nymphomaniac, it's one hell of a movie lars is a genius
@SecondRikudo +1
Good morning. Every have a good weekend?
How can I get an odd amount of rep?
@Will Downvote, upvote on one of your questions, accept on one of your answers
Awesome! going to try and get 1337 :P
I had that for a while
then someone removed my edit >.>
edits are worth+2?
As long as you're < 2k
@Will downvote a question and you're done
I upvoted an answer got you to 1338
Just downvoted
My downvote hasnt registered
@Will Downvote an answer?
I did
Yay done
@SecondRikudo I do think you were a bit harsh on that tinyAva though ^^'
@DarkAshelin I don't think I did
First, he rudley interrupts the train.
Which is fine, that's not what bothers me
So I tell him he won't get help here. Subtly telling him to GTFO
that was barely subtle ^^'
Obviously not subtle enough, as he didn't get the hint!
So he asks again if I could help him
I cant see tinava in any room
the way I see it: new user comes and asks for help, noone answers (just a train of mornings), he asks again after a few mins and u rage on him
unless he was there in the past and got a "no" too, then I agree with u
was he that guy we downvoted until he couldnt chat anymore?
no no, just someone in php room
ah fair enough
@DarkAshelin You don't ruin a train of mornings
@SecondRikudo you know they don't really mean anything irl right? :D
That's a crime against chat, and we have every right to rage on you if you do.
Not to mention we hate most libraries on PHP
shopify sounds like yet another crappy framework/cms mean to help "pr0s" make their "awesome" sites in 3 minutes
all I know is that the PHP room is a really cruel / scary environment for newbies :P
@SecondRikudo Shopify is awesome, but its a hosted solution. The only logic you have is template logic (Unless you are making an app to talk to the API).
@DarkAshelin Hardly
He didn't even ask his question
EVERY SINGLE ROOM on chat.so which provides support has this one rule that's displayed everywhere
This room is no exception
> Don't ask to ask! If someone can and wants to help you they will!
So a user who lacks the basic capabilities of reading guidelines for chatting in a room is not welcome in my department.
Could I have done it a bit more professionally and politely? Probably.
But I won't waste my precious (pardon my french) fucks to give, on users who don't deserve them.
You should see the NSChat. they are very strict. no users with less than 200 rep. no user with default images.
@SecondRikudo I'm talking from experience. Yes it is
@DarkAshelin It all depends on your attitude.
@DarkAshelin +1. Never been to the PHP room, but I believe it can be a cruel place for new users.
Also, if you think we're bad, go to JavaScript or cross the danger zone into Lounge<C++>
Try asking for help there.
@DarkAshelin You should understand things from our perspective.
Many of us, (often, me included) are active only in chat, and not on the main site.
I know I know
just saying that PHP room is scary / unfriendly to new people
NO help vampires.
especially compared to this room
Why is that? Because we're tired of all the crap. Chat is the last place where we can talk with other people we find intelligent and knowledgeable in the same area as ourselves.
@DarkAshelin We don't mind new users.
New users are awesome.
The problem starts when your new users are actually help vampires in disguise.
posted on June 23, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by ^rska */

When that happens, they drain the energy from everyone in the room, and everyone get more hostile
I love to help. But I love helping people who want my help, and not only my code.
Which is why I'm currently more active on Code Review than I am on Stack Overflow.
To be fair I only really come here to chat with people who do the same sort of thing as me.
Best Ajax loader ever ^
@SecondRikudo agree
Anyone wants to try for a SVG version of that? :D
Guys your 2 cents on something that's been making my brain hurt:

I work in a really big corporate company, good benefits good pay, sucky culture of 30yd+ people that are scarred of changing their 10yd stack, 9-5 and they play candy crush in their down time instead of looking things up and improving themselves. Designers still ask me how to design websites and such.

On the other hand I got a job offer in a small 10 peeps company that work in a test driven environment, modular js pattern, BEM front end methodology, preprocessors and build tools all around, one of the founders is an ember js
I m kind of lost as to what I should base my decision on
@PatsyIssa listen to ur soul... :D
@PatsyIssa so both companies can give you the same pay?
@PatsyIssa I'd go for the smaller company without hesitation, but you should take one precaution.
Should things with the gf ever go south, your position and standing in the new company might be compromized
@PatsyIssa so atm you listed only the downsides of the big company vs the upsides of the small company. What factors would keep you in the big one?
@PatsyIssa are they a new company? The 10 peeps?
@DarkAshelin refer to @SecondRikudo's second message
@SecondRikudo they've been around for ~10years but they kept a small number to focus on building a quality team
@PatsyIssa if pay is same thenn u should go for smaller one..
well are you the type of person to break up in a fight, or to stay friends with your ex?
They've been making single page apps before angular/backbone/ember surfaced
@PatsyIssa Will you get options/stocks with the company if you go there?
Things are going great with the gf to be honest
In newer companies it's more prominent.
She recently moved in with me
@SecondRikudo That's one point I m going to discuss with them at the next meeting
And they made it clear that they are looking for a ~5 years commitment as if I left the time/training they put in would hurt them and set them back
@PatsyIssa If they do give you options, I don't see a reason why not to move. Sticking with a company that has major legacy issues and low quality people and won't even try to fix those problems isn't a good place to stay
They contacted ~a year ago before I was in a relationship with their sister
And last week we met up again and discussed the position
Especially if you have another place that will match the conditions and has better people
Alright, lunchtime bb :D
They are a total of 2 devs, i ll be the 3rd dev they recruit
@SecondRikudo laters
@SomeGuy your 2 cents?
@DarkAshelin At the rate things are going I don't think we're splitting up anytime soon
@PatsyIssa yeah but just in case. Are you the type of person to really get into a fight after breaking up? Me personally I'm still on good terms with all of my exes, so in that case it would still be a pretty safe bet
I don't talk to my exes anymore but we're on good terms
@PatsyIssa Two questions - 1) Does she work/come to the work place often? 2) If she were to move out, would she live with her brothers?
@ICanHasKittenz Her parents are building a 3 house complex next to where my parents live, it ll be done in around a year and we're planning on moving into it once it's done, she works part time with her bros
Well, in any case, you said it's a good workplace and you can gain much experience, so I don't see the point in pondering over 'what ifs'-future stuff and miss a good opportunity
the later you can see later, I say you should go for it
yeah, by the way you are writing about both companies, it seems obvious already which one you prefer
Oh but when considering the 5 year commitment's part it's your call, personally I feel it's quite long
If it's with stock options I wouldn't mind it
Small companies do that? I thought it only applies with big corporates
New companies do, big corporate companies do it after 10 years or so
Never heard of any company offering stock options to employees here
If it's a startup and you're one of the first members it's always an option
That's not partnership?
@DarkAshelin I d rather work in an environment where if you say why don't we write tests (learn to) they don't dismiss me
@PatsyIssa second one without even blinking. Follow your heart.
hey hi
is there anyone that can help?
Q: PDF hides Jquery Modal in Safari

DhwaniThis is something related to my this question. In IE, I resolved issue using iframe in dialog. So it works fine. But in safari I am still facing problem though I have taken iframe into dialog. Safari browser version is 5.1.7(7534.57.2). Here is the code I have tried: <div> <iframe allowtran...

Gonna take some time to think it through before I make my decision.
Was kind of waiting for someone to push me in that direction >.<
Can I push you?
pushes mike to push u
From what I know about you, you are not a 9 - 5 kinda person. You want to learn and evolve. Pick the job that is going to satisfy that need / want.
tl;dr the second one all the way.
9-5 will be the death of me :P
Yep, pretty much. I imagine if you took the first job, 6 months later you may want out.
I m already working there
Been there for a year
The first job that is
ahh, muted point but still the same. :D
I usually get to the office around 10 and leave late
Was just like "cant go on reddit. GOT spoilers". Then I remembered its not on any more. no sure if I am happy I can reddit or sad there is no GOT to watch :/
@PatsyIssa I'm the same at my 9-5
When I started my first 9-5 job I gained a fuckton of weight x.x
All time high of 85kgs, went back to 75 now and I m still over my average weight
We spend far too much time at work to be miserable.
@PatsyIssa Well? Reached a conclusion yet?
@SecondRikudo Gonna think about it for a bit more, don't want to rush into anything, if I can negotiate stock/options might as well
@PatsyIssa Sure
Just a note, generally speaking, newer companies offer options as a replacement for higher pay
I m at a stage in my career where I can afford a fuckup
Don't have a family to take care of
That's to lower the cost of employment for the company, and increasing motivation in the worker (because the more successful the company is, the better your eventual payday is)
With more mature companies, that usually doesn't happen.
@PatsyIssa In that case, all the more reason to think positively towards the change.
yup, where I am right now has always been a temporary thing, I d kill myself before I spend 5-10 years with such an entourage
Alright then, if you need help or advice towards pay/terms/stocks/whatever don't be afraid to ask :)
@PatsyIssa Sorry, wasn't here. Regarding what?
Anyone know why opacity transitions may not work?
The only thing I can think of is that a parent is fixed position
@Billy don't think that would be an issue, css transitioning it?
Yeah. I just figured it. I had display: none and display: block (on hover) as a fallback.
@PatsyIssa Smaller company, assuming that the guys being your girlfriend's brothers won't change much
(If things go south, will they be vengeful and ruin your life?)
Obviously that immediately hides it when you stop hovering, but I thought it would at least immediately display in block, then you could see the opacity transition
(Or will they stay professional?)
That's the guy behind the comp
@Billy On instagram, how do you refer to a username? @billy ?
@mikedidthis Yeah
@Billy thanks man :D
I'm curious about your instagram activities
@SomeGuy That's exactly what I said
High five o/
@Billy theme widgets. Instagram / Flickr / Dribbble / Twitter / Pinterest.
@SomeGuy o/ \o
Ahh cool :)
@SomeGuy I highly doubt it tbh
Yeah, me too, but you never know what some people are like
Oh, also, if you leave this company now, will you be able to leave on amicable terms?
@PatsyIssa maybe worth pinging @rlemon. He is in that position iirc.
You don't want to leave by making enemies
Yeah, Lemon's been in that position for quite a while, I think
@SomeGuy yup i can leave on good terms here, need to give them a one month heads up
Sounds like an easy decision
@SomeGuy Again, exactly what I said :D o/
good day
@Leggy7 Good day makes it sound like you're leaving :D
I use to introcude also
good to know
@Leggy7 "Good morning", "Hello everyone" are the most common
I'm struggling on a problem and couldn't find any solutions around. The problem is how to create a download link for a mp3 filein old html4 page
@Leggy7 header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$file.'"');
Where $file is the real file name
You need to configure your web server to serve mp3 files with the Content-Disposition: attachment header.
@rlemon @mikedidthis You guys should get store.steampowered.com/app/238460
Patsy and I will too
so apparently server must be involved
no way to avoid configuring the server?
I figure now that default settings don't allow mp3 download
@SomeGuy will do. Reminds me of alien hominid.
If you guys are interested in 10 Second Ninja, this guy is giving some codes away
(I got one from him)
@SomeGuy Can you send them as a gift?
I can't access my Steam right now and I want one :(
@SomeGuy =(
They're activation codes, so sadly, you can't do that :/
@SomeGuy I can't download Steam client on this computer, and you can't activate through the website :( :( :(
@SomeGuy welp :(
posted on June 23, 2014

Previous My office. A safe place. The path to my safe place always felt good, today however with the VP and Head Builder in tow, it felt fraught danger. I yearned for a sip of coffee to calm my nerves, but whilst passing the break room I could not stop. Arriving at the office VP and the head builder looked around the room. The Head builders smile had started to falter as he looked around th

@Patsy would you be working directly along side her?
Can someone help me create a small part of JS I'm struggling with?
I'm more confused about how to tackle the DOM that I have
than the JS
@Billy Read the room description.
@rlemon not necessarily she part times and most of the time she works remotely
Thanks, but I know what it says.
I'm not asking a question, I'm asking for someone to actively help me to write something. It's a bit different
(A bit cheeky, I know, but this is the kind of thing that will take me over an hour, or someone else 2-3 mins)
@Billy Fire away
Let's see what we can do ^_^
@rlemon And they already told me from the start that they can't afford to take in someone that might leave after a year or two they are looking for long term commitment
@PatsyIssa I think working with gf can be very nice, I work at home, my gf too so we are together most of the time, I like it but I know most of my friends couldn't do the same.
I guess it depends more on the relashonship you have than on a "comon rule"
We freelance together as well
do you like it?
And the way things are going our relationship is actually growing for the better
so I don't think it should be an issue
Yup I like it, we're on the same page
@PatsyIssa I'm more into dubstep at the moment but this sound is pretty cool
@web-tiki tetrameth are awesome ^^
posted on June 23, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by usr */

        <!-- foreach $images : -->
        <div class="image">
             <img src="" />
That's my structure @SecondRikudo. Might be easier if you look here
Now basically I need to write a function that is gonna make sure everything is centred vertically.
@Billy A function? Vertical centering is CSS's job.
... inside the <section>
@Feeds lol, are foreign keys now considered bad?
Your point? Still CSS's job.
@SecondRikudo Not when I'm doing it on the fly when the window is re-sized.
And I was just adding that on, wasn't a point about CSS/JS
@Billy CSS's JOB
If you can make it work CSS only, I'd be more than happy.
Not only is this CSS's job, it will be faster, easier, and better in general than any solution implemented in JS
I agree. But CSS lacks maths.
which might be necessary. it also lacks the ability to check other elements sizes.
@Billy Why do you need maths in this case?
Vertical centering does not require much math.
@Billy it does the internal math for you, don't worry on it
Also, CSS calc() is a thing for like, forever.
you need what centered again?
as my wrapper is responsive (which affects the images), I want to be able to check image height, /2 and add margin-top (-) height/2
@SecondRikudo backwards support? Also, still no ability to check other elements
@Billy What do you need exactly?
Vertical centering of a bunch of elements does not require JS.
Can you make a jsfiddle of the problem?
for 100$ what is table-cell
or inlineblock
@PatsyIssa "What is"?
What do you mean?
@SecondRikudo I was playing jeopardy
!!youtube jeopardy
@SecondRikudo You see the <section> wrapper is responsive? I always want the images inside it vertically centred on the screen.
!!youtube fail
she seems offline
@Billy By the fact that my browser is having troubles resizing smoothly, I'm guessing you're already using JS on that page.
@SecondRikudo Not for that. Media queries.
@Billy everything can be done with css tbh
@PatsyIssa simply not true xD
@Billy Do you or do you not have an event handler on resize?
@SecondRikudo not yet. I was planning to create one
@user3739658 That means you need to find something better to do with your time than waste it on here ;)
^^ seems pretty sick
:O looks sexy
@ZachSaucier was it you who wanted to find a way to arange SO answers by views? If yes, did you find a way to do that?
I think it was me. No I didn't
KK might search some more on meta and ask there if I can't find anything
> “Stop what you’re doing, it disgusts and offends me” is less noble than “stop what you’re doing, it will hurt people who can’t stand up for themselves” - article on social psychology
Incoming spam
Also I miss the xkcd feed, why have it as a ticker
I want my italic name back >:'(

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