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my safewords are my current internet speeds xD
The universal safe word should be Yahoo
@RUJordan Wow. It's not that here lol
> Bruce Schneier believes safewords are fundamentally insecure and recommends that you ask your partner to stop via public key signature.
!!afk drive time
@Loktar you around?
@KendallFrey oh my god that's brilliant
#stackoverflow is down, which means half of developers are now twice as productive, and the other half are useless.
XKCD hover text
@Loktar I made you a background
@SomeKittensUx2666 It's probably more like 80-20
Ok, time for work. BBL
!!youtube they took our jobs
where'd you get that pic of @Loktar? I'm almost turning gay...
@monners Work?!? WORK?!?
!!afk looking for something nice to weak to @RUJordan's party tonight. Who knows ;) Maybe i'll get lucky.
@KendallFrey Ok, time for work. BBW (source)
wow @rlemon thanks
@Loktar thanks for the funny caps, you saved my regex
haha, alright I need to go ship my atari jaguar
Oh my god they have a rooster for the "they took my job" derpin xD
lol man that image is so retarded its great
> God Bless the U.S. AAAAAA
God! Guns! Freedom! Fast food! MURICA!!!
@SomeKittensUx2666 the only thing wrong with your tweet is that I'd be twice as productive if the chat was down lol
But i'd be 3x stupid
So there's a specific intelligence:productivity ratio that must be maintained
oh my god, I just realized they took wheatly's jerb
I wonder if the dead chat correlates to the down Main.
It's hometime for east coasters
I'm an east coaster F:
It's also late for working people in Europe
@copy I hope you're at home?
I mean, time to sleep if you have to wake up at 6am
Ugh, I could only wake up at 6am if I lived close to my jerb
Ugh, I could only wake up at 6am if I lived close to my jerb
Ugh, I could only wake up at 6am if I lived close to my jerb
Living far away from work has a huge downside... if you oversleep you're absolutely fucked
@BadgerGirl did I double post? It said I timed out =x
tricksy hobbitses.
always timezes out the precious.
I'm not sure how to identify the current user with passport (adding another social network)
Status updates for the Stack Exchange network, including http://t.co/VY1vdMiR. You can also find more detailed updates on http://t.co/uCcZjNx5.
228 tweets, 1.2k followers, following 1 users
Worstall's Law: "In the end, every organization will be run by those who can stay awake in the committee meetings."
never used passport
it doesn't expose req
It's not supposed to be used for this
Surely you can't pass in a req value somehow?
so I can't hook something into session
Maybe call a function that returns session data?
Not sure how, but just thinking visibly
Passport gives me the data returned from the service (TW, FB, etc) and a done callback
this is perfect!
I now have a 2 display setup thingie
Passport is as close to code magic as I've ever experienced.
It is like: " don't worry bro, I got this "
the other monitor is quite old, but about 1.3 times bigger than my current one
My two monitors cost almost as much as my PC :/
@rlemon and that's the problem I'm running into
also, with my new THREEjs knowledge I decided to make a new minigame: 'b10k 3D'
all of the possibilities!
obviously, level editing would be quite as easy and intuitive, but still
@SomeKittens when I'm done my poop I can try and assist.
I guess that I'd have the user edit every layer separately
this is awesome! I can edit the code on one screen and see the result in the other
holy shit! I can even play minecraft in 2 screens now!
even tho the proportions aren't quite right
It is really, really fun to go "tsk, tsk, $100k base salary? This is a poor joke, right?"
When cost of living is 87k .. Idk
are there any stats on users who have answered questions vs asked?
based on @SomeKittensUx2666 tweet I would think its like 1 to 3 in terms of productive and unproductive devs realistically
@monners ps4 isnt bad
my only issue right now is lack of exclusive ps4 only titles
Ah, there's nothing like riding to work in freezing cold rain to wake you up in the morning
should I be using a controller or keyboard for Castle Crashers?
nvm game just told me
@rlemon My dad's salary when he retired was equivalent to what I started at.
kinda poetic when you think about it.
You're picking up where he left off
Is it advisable to build up regex patterns from other regexes?
I could use some advice on how to get my passport google/facebook auth to persist when the server restarts.
For instance:
this.space = new RegExp("[\\s]*");
this.word = new RegExp("^[\\w]+$");
this.words = new RegExp("(" + this.word.source + this.space.source + ")+");
@SomeKittensUx2666 I think I know this one!
You're saying if they are logged in with google, you want to add facebook also?
woohoo new work monitors
@SomeKittensUx2666 when you configure the strategy, you just check if they're already logged in. I know a good tutorial, just a sec.
@Loktar Now I'm really temped to get the PS Vita for this live play or whatever you call it
@SomeKittensUx2666 dannnnnggg I got railed.
I took a break while SO was down, lol.
PS Vita kicks ass
remote play is pretty cool
@Wert I know of no reason why you'd want to do that
@KendallFrey It makes long regular expressions more readable
"makes....regular expressions more readable" <- BUAHAHAHA
@copy example pls
(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:(?:(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]
)+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*"(?:(?:
\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(
?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[
\t]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\0
31]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\
](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+
passReqToCallback beautiful, thanks @m59
@KendallFrey The split up version of that regular expression
@SomeKittensUx2666 ;D
Anyone looking for a small bit of sidework?
@copy is what?
I could use some code-review and most importantly tests.
So, it's basically just test writing.
@KendallFrey More readable
I can't read it anywhere
Because I don't have it
I have no idea what you're trying to tell me.
@m59 For what, Angular?
It would probably be node for now
@KendallFrey I'm presenting you an example of a regular expression that is more readable if it were broken up
I'm presenting to you a request for an example.
"X unreadable therefore Y is readable" is quite the solid argument.
@m59 Oh, so Mocha stuff
@SomeKittensUx2666 yeah, it's probably just a few tests. I've tried to figure out testing on many occasions and it hasn't clicked yet.
"Kendall is a stinky poopoo head therefore it is more readable"
Copy wins.
@copy I can't read that either
looks like someone's trying to build a parser
Then you suck
@m59 Yeah, I'd be up for that, depending on the time needed.
<-- sucks
@SomeKittensUx2666 I'll let you know when/if it's for sure.
My boss mentioned he would contract some help if I needed, so I think that would be ok.
@copy Also, that's not doing what the original question was, which is concatenating regexes.
Yeah it was mainly for readability but also so I could test each case individually.
Ducked out for a bit to search around.
concatenating strings would be slightly more acceptable, but I'd still only use it for converting dynamic values into regexes
\\\\ someone needs verbatim-strings baaad
So you were being a bit Quacky?
@KendallFrey Yeah it wasn't exactly ideal just something I was playing around with.
playing around is good
Too much and you'll go blind.
@rlemon I think you're thinking of something different.
@rlemon You got that right
I found and modified this regex (/"(\w+\s*)+"|'(\w+\s*)+'|\w+/g) on a question which allows you to extract command line arguments of the form arg1 "arg2 option2" arg3 'arg4 option4'
I thought the shell does that for you
Any idea how to force it to not capture the quotation marks? I couldn't get the non-capturing group syntax to work.
@Kendall if you hold it too your ear you can hear the Ocean.
@Wert You're using JavaScript, you're stuck
I'm so bored
If you used a real man's regex engine, you could do lookbehind
@rlemon bored stiff, as it were
@rlemon make awesome canvas demos
On mobile :/
@KendallFrey Lol yeah found that too. Why doesn't the non capturing group work?
idk, can't see your code
I'd be up for TS
Maybe when I get home.
@KendallFrey Ok like so:
(?:") is exactly the same as "
It's (") that's different, because it captures it into a group
But doesn't the (?:...) symbolize a non capturing group meaning the characters inside it shouldn't be captured?
They aren't captured into a group, but they're still matched
!!urban wfh
@rlemon WFH Working from home - when your slacking off and not wanting to do any work.
I'm actually accomplishing things!
Yeah thats exactly what I want. I want them to be match but not captured into the result.
If you don't want to match characters, you have to use zero-width matches, like anchors and lookaround
Lunch time hanky panky?
JS doesn't support lookbehind
So your best bet is to match everything, and put the important bits in a group for you to extract
I'd listen too him. Kendall knows his /shit/
@KendallFrey Ok I think I understand now. Thanks.
function doItems(array, methodName)
	for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++)

doItems(items, "doThing");
this looks ugly
window[prompt('gimme a function')]();
I need to call this in (at least) 4 places, should I just plop a loop in each one?
I would forEach if it wasn't also verbose. (Want lambda!)
@KendallFrey _.invoke(array, methodName)
oh wait
that seems pretty minimal to me, anyway
underscore? not adding a library for shits and giggles
What are your general opinions of langs like Coffescript, LiveScript, etc.?
Worth looking into?
@KendallFrey yeah, just saying :x I use it everywhere
so your only grief is with writing "function"?
with forEach? It's just plain verbose
don't see how you can get any better without lambda
I prefer the loop
@NathanJones meh
I like coffeescript
there, I said it
@SomeKittensUx2666 wow I'm lost. So, my sessions persist on the server (mysql store to deal with server restarts) but I actually lose the session if I close the browser....
I can't see how that's possible. It's like its clearing the cookies only for localhost...
What addons do you have?

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