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my dream job would be world dictator, don't think it's easy to achieve tho
@m59 I don't refuse to get a job, but if I could make my job of this, then that would be awesome. If I can't make my job of it, then I search for a job, but if someone else makes a job from my idea, that I would hate.
@shortCircuit hm... so you say I should remove it from github ?
It's fine. That's how most people think. I just disagree :)
@towc can you make the first person you have killed Justin Bieber?
@TomW kill him? I'd torture him until I'm dead, then kill him, so he can't be the first
you should get a license at least
Yeah, I've looked at all kind of licenses, but they don't seem to be like what I want. Maybe that is because most people that think like me, won't publish their code on github.

I would like to have license like this, but I don't think it exist.

© Kasper Peulen 2014
You can make a local copy of this game, you can modify the code locally or in your github fork, but you are not allowed to publish it on your own public website.
Feel free to write a pull request and contribute to this project by fixing issues or by creating new levels.
But maybe, if I want to make money from it, I should just not publish it on github. I'm not sure if there are many github projects that are commercial.
@90intuition Have you looked at choosealicense.com?
@SecondRikudo Yeah, I've looked there, but I don't see any license that fits me.
@90intuition You can actually develop that as an actual game to help teach highschool level geometry.
If you want to make an actual job out of it, you shouldn't open source it.
Licenses work only in theory. In practice, if you have some success, some schmuck will take your code, rewrite it significantly and publish it under his own code.
And now you can't prove that it's your code
You can't even patent software.
level 11, why don't you accept an angle that has the opposite orientation than the preimage?
@JanDvorak that is a bug, I'm working on it !
@SecondRikudo yeah, the original idea was to make it for highschool students
@90intuition In which case I would advise you not to open-source your code.
If you're actually thinking about making money off of it, that is.
It still has a lot of polishing to do though
@SecondRikudo true, therefore I put on github, because I'm so bad with login system or styling etc. I know zero about that yet.
@90intuition Note that if you accept contributions, you cannot change the license without permission of all contributors
Important read for everyone: wiki.osdev.org/Licensing
hmm.. the contribution I got fixed a typo from crtl into ctrl
@SecondRikudo But I'm thinking about making money from ads en donations
I don't think about only selling it to highschool, I love that it is being played worldwide.
it's complicated, because even if I don't put it on github, it allmost as easy to copy the source code.
Just minify it
@90intuition have the code be on the serverside, now it's not copyable anymore
often when I start with a ray, after I click a point, the screen jumps down about half a page, the ray is placed pointing directly downwards and no undo entry is made
@JanDvorak never happened to me. I'm using chrome
600px screen height
Where i can check my javascript programs for errors?
@AvinashRaj on the console
you know where it is, I hope
how i open the console?
you mean firefox console?
27 secs ago, by Jan Dvorak
@JanDvorak yeah, the whole applet should be on your screen, otherwise this happens, I noticed it as well
Playstation or Xbox works too
@copy ?
did I miss smth?
Sorry, I will stop
Q: Reject Angularjs resource promises on route change

MacSo I'm working on a Angularjs based mobile app. When a user taps on each of the tabs along the bottom a new route is called which is loading the partial and controller. In my controllers I often then request data from the server via Angularjs $resource such as $rootScope.getPage = pageApi.quer...

Oh, i can't paste my code on that console.
it's not clear where the outer tangent line segments should end. At the tangent points?
some texts are repeatedly appears on that console. Like,
POST http://chat.stackexchange.com/events [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 682ms]
POST http://chat.stackexchange.com/ws-auth [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 667ms]
GET https://chat.sockets.stackexchange.com/events/201/1352cb7745a74c499e69d67bf87768eb [HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols 2336ms]
@AvinashRaj is there a problem with those? just get another page if they annoy you
but you can disable them if you want
@AvinashRaj that would be the network tab. Check the console tab. In chrome it's the far right
i'm running firefox.
right click the console and uncheck: 'log XMLHttpRequests'
@90intuition You can make two versions, a public one and a "premium" one
!!are you alive
@SecondRikudo I killed her
Looks like bot is still down
i already put two codes on that. But i can't able to execute.
yay! I've completed all levels!
someone who made that name for a website was totally frustated of "this name already exists" or was drunk enuf that he fell asleep with his finger on th o :D
@JanDvorak Welcome to the cool(?) kids' club.
despite having kinda messed up on the last one.
@AvinashRaj do yourself a kindness and open a new tab and start the console there...
and you have to write 'r' and press enter or console.log(r);
Lol, of all the places to open a console he does it in the page which constantly litters it XD
wait, why doesn't your browser use websockets?
@JanDvorak Neither does yours.
Not for posting new messages.
@shortCircuit i opened that console on new tab.
copy and pasted the two codes. How i run that?
add a console.log(r); in the end
wow. It works.
But how i remove that unwanted messages.
which ones?
messages from SE
where are you running your code from?
Hi Guys, any one got an idea on how I would reject / end an Angularjs resource promise?
firefox browser console
@AvinashRaj on which page?
wait.. there are two different consoles for two different tabs.. the one you see/might see now is for this page, the code is in the other console on other page.
Hmmm, i guess not :)
@Mac maybe if you dump us a fiddle showing how you got the promise
@FlorianMargaine Well, we changed directions, in a way. Since we have to rewrite parts of it, @Zirak thought it'd be better to restructure it as well, and improve the code. So, we're doing that. I haven't worked on it in a very long time, though
@Zirak Did you do anything after the login script stuff?
If yeah, I've got some free time, and could work on it some
@SecondRikudo how would someone remember how many o's are in it?
@AwalGarg Browser history / Bookmark.
hmm, pretty weird stuff we have on the internet.
Is the output displayed within double quotes?
    var b = NaN; typeof b;
    "number" <-- double quotes;
    var c = 5+6; console.log(c)
    11 <-- no quotes.
@AvinashRaj only strings
@JanDvorak Ok, sure. I've just posted this too stackoverflow.com/questions/24352236/…
Thanks for all.
ya strings actually..
the most intersting iss closure and this and semicolon :(
and prototypal inheritance
@AbhishekHingnikar 1) Bad, I don't want to talk about it. 2) I'm not watching a Yo Yo Honey Singh video :p
don't worry ... make a college where iit students are not allowed.. only pure talent..
PSA for Indian Bros: Hinduism.SE is in Private beta. Come join and help grow the site.
Hmm, i'm already there.
no. we are bound by javascript and php and some other languages. no hinduism..
@shortCircuit Yep.
hehe, I don't believe any *ism actually.
i like feminism
@shortCircuit How to run .js file?
with node server, probably
@SomeGuy I've done some stuff, but right now I don't have a second to spare.
So it's mid-adapter
Are you getting enough sleep, at least?
How to run .js file from a command line on Ubuntu?
it depends what the js file has. if its some library like jquery you need to include it in head within script.
idk ubuntu
@AvinashRaj For NodeJS or Rhino or something?
Really @AwalGarg?

Proposed Q&A site for comedians, people who wanna lol, and people coming back frustrated from work requiring fun.

Currently in definition.

Sorry today itself i started to learn js.
@AvinashRaj js primarily runs in the browser
@SecondRikudo Superb site. This is what i'm looking for.
@SecondRikudo Not really! It was like SEKidding...
I'm guessing you don't want NodeJS or any other server implementation of javascript.
So you need to run it in the browser.
@SecondRikudo hahaha, XD. Post that on the proposal of comedy.
@SecondRikudo in jsfiddle in a browser
Can anybody help me with mongodb and angularjs ?
posted on June 22, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Just 10 days left to be join the new kickstarter!

Why i can't able to copy and paste the code on jsfiddle?
@AvinashRaj You should be able to.
CTRL+V works. But there isn't an paste option while right-clicking.
Works for me...
i think two benzodiazepines should be good
where did the bucket go?? :(
oh no .. "You are not charged for creating a bucket; you are only charged for storing objects in the bucket and for transferring objects in and out of the bucket. The charges you will incur through following the examples in this guide are minimal (less than $1). For more information, go to Amazon S3 Pricing."
2 hours wasted..
lol but i shouldnot lol ..
so the big thing is amazon and i am the man i clown-pants
> Warning: The remote and local branches have diverged; please
resolve manually. Deleting the local *built code*
WHAT do i do ?
@SecondRikudo do you know how drop-tunes work? i mean when i do this jsfiddle.net/R523G and click on play there is absolute silence, but that is obvious because its the sharing link. But if i click on download and copy the address from where it is downloaded and replace it... there is a music.. but it expires.. how to solve it
@shortCircuit Don't host on dropbox?
then i am doomed ... there is no where to host... i have to upload to soundcloud...
@shortCircuit Get a VPS...
yaa thats my last option
and i am movig quickly towardsit..
@shortCircuit ...
$1.33 a month... your domain consts more...
@SomeKittensUx2666 If you're going nerd, do it properly: He needs to respond with SYN/ACK
@JosephMarikle Dunno if it's relevant any more, but to you (the js user), there's no difference. getElementById returns an object, an Element, with certain properties. You use it like you use any other object.
If you want to see the how, as in what happens when you call the function, you can always look into the source of the major open-source browsers.
Here it is in Chromium: code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#chromium/src/third_party/… (get is defined just above it)
I'm trying to crash grunt, but process.exit() will only exit the current task. Does anyone know how to crash all the processes?
@m59 hmm... can you cause a system overheat?
lol I'd rather not do that :)
@Zirak did u actually read all of that?
@shortCircuit Nobody in their right mind would read the entirety of the source code
then parts of it
I've read droplets where I cared, and expanded on what I wanted to know (for instance, how does a script tag get parsed?)
The aforementioned question taught me a very esoterc IE "feature"
<p id="moose">Hello World!</p>
<script for="moose" event="onclick()">alert('moose')</script>
does that work in other browsers?
I seriously hope not.
Doesn't in Chrome and FF, so I assumed it wouldn't
good :-)
On the one hand, it's so terrible. On the other, it has a certain allure
It has.
Time AM/‎PM I'm great thanks for chattin with me I found your name in the skype members search :) whatcha up to?
Some guy just added me on skype randomly
quiz: what gets logged when you call console.log("%d", "500") in Chrome?
My heart says 500, but my brain says NaN
It's NaN, but why?
twenty-nine fifty-six
@RyanKinal Put in random crap, those still aren't properly done
Random crap isn't working
Also, leaving the second field blank results in "Both fields are mandatory"
Refreshing results in another single-"word" captcha
fill them with the same text
Solution: Twitter -> @UbiSoft -> Your captcha sucks [picture upload]
I mean, that doesn't mean I get to play Assassin's Creed any time sooner, but... hey... whatever.
@JanDvorak %d? what even is that?
@towc format as number
@JanDvorak didn't even know that there was something like that in js 0.o
%o = format as object. Perhaps the most useful of all formatting strings.
@JanDvorak why?
It keeps parts of the output browseable as objects
@JanDvorak example? for me it only returns the string
what browser?
@JanDvorak chrome
console.log('%o', 'string')
returns "string"
try console.log("here is the head: %o and here is the body: %o", document.head, document.body)
is it like c?
@shortCircuit except way better.
Try it out.
@JanDvorak cool!
never seen it before
then why does not %d work
it expects a number
d? where can I find a list of all of those stuffs and thingies?
A Java based OS
@towc a little bit of C knowledge .. format specifiers
also, the official documentation linked from MDN
@Zirak so, that's how facebook did that thing! c%
expandable JavaScript object.??
Try it out and see.
ew .. got it..
Hey there, is it possible to detect the moment when all javascript in a page is finished executing?
define "all". If your function is called by the browser, when it finishes, the control goes back to the event loop
or, do you want to detect there are no event handlers installed, no pending ajax requests, no pending timeouts, no active intervals... ?
Yes, that would be amazing if its possible
What should happen when two pieces of javascript attempt to wait for all other javascript to finish?
Or, are you merely intereseted in the moment when there are no pending events in the event queue?
They should wait untill the other scripts are finished, then execute themselves after and when they are done, I want that exact moment, I hope you nderstand me :p
Let me explain my issue
there are too many things that could potentially produce events
what do i put in the chromium code search to see how script tags are injected in page?
@shortCircuit their URL?
@shortCircuit Think for a few moments.
I've made a couple of test pages for my thesis which is partly about comparing javascript visualization libraries. I want to compare each library with each other, performance wise
You can work your way backwards from javascript. What is a script tag called in javascript? How do you tell it apart from other ones?
@Jef have them announce when they are done
> One of the uses of the outer product is to construct projection operators. Given a ket |ψ⟩ of norm 1, the orthogonal projection onto the subspace spanned by |ψ⟩ is
That's an option, but it'd probably be very convoluted
cot damn linear algebra
I have used: $(window).load(function() { before, but that does not include the time it takes to parse the data I am passing to a certain library
I've been reading this sentence for 20 minutes
In case you don't know, you have HTML<tagname>Element, like HTMLAnchorElement and HTMLBodyElement in javascript
Searching for that is where I'd start if I had nowhere better
Certain libraries have after render event, but not all of them do, so I am looking for some kind of universal function. Which I can for all libraries
this' what happens when u(i) don't care about technical terms.. :P
dig hingnikar.com +nostats +nocomments +nocmd
can anybody run that and tell me the outputs ?
this is nicely written code.. human readable with a nice interface like thing ^_^ .. i can't understand a lot of things... i never looked into other people code... (except tutorials)
what's dig?
@JanDvorak man dig :D
dig - DNS lookup utility
dig (domain information groper) is a flexible tool for interrogating
DNS name servers. It performs DNS lookups and displays the answers that
are returned from the name server(s) that were queried. Most DNS
administrators use dig to troubleshoot DNS problems because of its
flexibility, ease of use and clarity of output. Other lookup tools tend
to have less functionality than dig.
I'm a Windows guy
Linux doesn't have intuitive command names, but at least you can trick other people into deleting their hard drive
@JanDvorak Weren't you more of an ass guy?
@copy lmao
we actually did that :P
i don't remember the exact question asked but we all were suggesting him different ways to hurt his computer more
You must be real friends
on stackoverflow iirc even Jan took part in that madness
not dystroy just Jan
Oct 15 '13 at 7:31, by Abhishek Hingnikar
rm -rf * / #removes everything from root
Firefox does a similar thing: Checks for="window" and event="onload()"
stackoverflow.com/questions/19375318/… <- any super high rank person can see it ?
Are @media queries glitchy in non-Dolphin browsers?
I'm only getting it to trigger in Dolphin with a high max-width
i used it in androids firefox and chrome.. nothing was glitchy
What query do you use?
ScriptLoader :( i always like the idea of keeping simple, its just that i can't make it simple .. tragic
user image
@AbhishekHingnikar ^
i never found out what happened to dilip yadav :-(
:D :D
@AbhishekHingnikar I can only assume he followed through with the suggestions in the comments
m_element(..) . why use m_ infront of everything
@AbhishekHingnikar that's cruel
@towc I AM CRUEL
@AbhishekHingnikar and the js room loves that!
@towc admit it, you want the same.
for this
@AbhishekHingnikar how couldn't I?
@Mosho totally worth it
seriously $3,300
and i now feel i should update my gravatar
looks like a cheeky dog
the kind you would wake up with its anus on your face
^ new gravatar :D
if someone's looking for a little game to play: managore.itch.io/sunandmoon
@AbhishekHingnikar it's awesome!
it has to be.. rlemon made it !
there should be a cousin of mustachify.me called sixtiesfy.me
has anyone here used ember?
oh caprica :-(
msutachify is having 500 :O
@AbhishekHingnikar :P
no caprica no mustachify either
end of world !
but at least you have your awesome new gravitar!
hello all
anybody well versed in WEBGL ThreeJS and Physijs?
I'm trying to implement a physics library in angularJS and failing misreably
these should drop to the floor and I can't figure out why they don't...
I should start learning webgl at some point in life
 under hoisting, mdn says "However, variables that aren't initialized yet will return a value of undefined."
    var x;
    console.log(x === undefined);
 shows true.
then what implementation does it suggest?
console.log(x === undefined);
var x; ??
@shortCircuit What do you mean?
It's not a "don't do this", it's a "this is what happens". If you want x to never be undefined but be 3, then var x = 3
ok in simple statement. i want to see an example of variable hoisting.
Q: JavaScript function order: why does it matter?

Chris TolworthyOriginal Question: JSHint complains when my JavaScript calls a function that is defined further down the page than the call to it. However, my page is for a game, and no functions are called until the whole thing has downloaded. So why does the order functions appear in my code matter? EDIT: I ...

console.log(x); // intuitively, this should be a ReferenceError
var x = 4;
o i see..
Hi, people.
Zirak, y u take away the user function D:
Nobody used it
And it was terribly implemented anyway
how long u JSing?
@Zirak has been jizzing for a long time
It's starting to ache
Aww. I liked it. It let me see how much rep somebody had
!!tell CCInc help stat
Why is the bot down
I'm too old for this
@Zirak one day you could tell me, how you progressed in your js . i mean from a position i am in. i know something to maybe write an app with js in 2-3 days but not enough to be a wow.
@Zirak Bring 'em back.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Raise an issue with which commands you (see: the community) want brought back and why.
@shortCircuit uh, wrote a lot of js, argued with people here, answered questions on SO
hello all
is anybody versed in threeJS around ?
I can't get the physics engine to kick in here:
and i can't figure out why...
Q: WebGL ThreeJS and PhysiJS in angularJS unable to launch physics?

vimes1984OK here goes I'm running some Webgl experiments using ThreeJS and PhysiJS wrapping them in angularJS. and I can't get the gravity to kick in,you can find an example of my problem here: http://buildawebdoctor.com/canvas/#/spiro_eight I'm getting a plethora of errores in the console: gl.getProg...

Read that as 'CSS injection attack'
link to a very good and comprehesive-even-for-guys-like me THREEjs tutorial?
@somekittensUx2666 thanks
/me is busy with D3
@towc I've been reading there docs today
great place to start
Q: Skipping promise chain after handling error

mjombleUsing the https://github.com/kriskowal/q library, I'm wondering if it's possible to do something like this: // Module A function moduleA_exportedFunction() { return promiseReturningService().then(function(serviceResults) { if (serviceResults.areGood) { // We can continue with the re...

@Feeds done.
Hehe.. something went wrong processing this arraybuffer image
@Schoening Seems legit
looks like your average captcha, actually
Anybody worked with peg.js before?
@Wert no, but I'm familiar with Jison if you want to try that
peg.js looks cute, just tried it, not bad.
Yeah its interesting hold on a sec while I read some documentation on Jison. I'm new to parsers.
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