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luckily it only cost me $6 to learn never to buy GTA
@Crow I can't help but feel like this isn't an answerable question.
yeah there is a movement right now trying to stop people from preordering gtav on the pc
@Jhawins in what way?
in hopes Rockstar will stop doing stupid lazy ports
I'm just trying to decide where to store static (but configurable) data on the application structure
If you make an app, it will do whatever you decide for it to.
@Crow, thought of making a general table for the store.. it has all the basic details in it...
yeah almost like a store config table
@BenjaminGruenbaum hey, there was an interesting question on promises today.
"random import loops" sounds like something you'd hear in a scifi film.
What I do is just store all useful data about the "stores" (venues) in a table. Then they can edit it if they want and the rest of the site data for them pulls straight from that database
@towc nudge cheese
So the links for them go in there. Phone numbers. Addresses. Contact people. Everything. But like I said, I don't see what the question is.
Any help regarding this problem here? Uncaught Syntax Error:: Unexpected Token o Paste: pastebin.com/fZ2HhTwb
that json is already javascript
you don't need to parse it
my goal is to use it in ko will it work in that format?
@Rijnhardt JSON is string. That's not a string.
I have no idea what ko is
ko == knockout
@Jhawins, how do you mean?
lol or it means another thing...
!!urban ko
@Jhawins [Ko](http://ko.urbanup.com/995976) 1)K.O. as in "knocked Out" can be used in life when someone is unconcious and also appears in fight games when there is a victor and the loser is K.O.

2)the dyslexic way of saying OK.
(I have a dyslexic friend and this is her joke, its not meant to be hurtful or nasty in any way)
@Rijnhardt You don't know JavaScript
@Jhawins, Yes. I will admit. I am still learning
Ok good. Long as you admit it.
You used this
@Jhawins. Can you please explain what you said...
var parsed = JSON.parse(someJSON);
The problem here is that... Hold on lemme grab the code
var someJSON = [{"GradeID":"1","Name":"GM8","Capacity":"25","SpringPressure":"0"},{"GradeID":"2","Name":"CM","Capacity":"23","SpringPressure":"0"}];
This variable's value is not enclosed in quotes, right?
Ah makes sense.. Thanks
it's a json itself
ur mums a json itself
JSON.parse works if the thing you're actually parsing is a string
(I found that out the hard way)
So it isn't a JSON string. JSON.parse can't parse an object :P
This is one of the few JS things I learned so far
Ah Thanks, @mrzepka
!!> var someJSON = [{"GradeID":"1","Name":"GM8","Capacity":"25","SpringPressure":"0"},{"GradeID":"2‌​","Name":"CM","Capacity":"23","SpringPressure":"0"}]; console.log(typeof someJSON);
@Jhawins "undefined" Logged: "object"
I mean you could define a function that could parse a JSON object
So, to answer my own question. That will work
@Rijnhardt Sorry, I didn't notice if you had another question :P. I was just helping you find that error
No it is all good.. Thank you.
But yes, that should parse fine
In JS can you have two functions with the same name with different parameters?
Is there a quick way to take what I have there and 'convert' them into ko Observable Arrays?
@mrzepka yes, if they're in different scopes
@mrzepka If you want to overload functions, then read up about function parameters
if you don't specify one, it is set to undefined
@KendallFrey that's exactly what I was asking about but forgot the term for it
I was thinking of defining JSON.parse(JSON Object) where it would parse the json object itself instead of a string
but it would be easier/clearer to just make it parseJsonObj
@Rijnhard someJSON is already an array
@Rijnhardt I don't use knockout :/. Good luck
@mrzepka What would you possibly be parsing a json object into?
@FlorianMargaine Promise.delay(time).then(function() { device.init(foo); }); // Object has no method init but outside of the Promise.delay stuff it works. :/
@mrzepka, Thanks
@rlemon what? where does device come from?
var device = require('./modules/device');
@Cereal not sure where I was going with that, I'm still wrapping my head around json. I've never worked extensively with anything other than Java
modules.exports = {
  init: init,
  foo: foo,
  bar: bar
json is just javascript object notation
a javascript object looks like { stuff: thing }
I know, but for some reason I thought that parsing it for it's individual fields was a thing
when I say "worked" I am taking a working project and trying to implement promises so I can have a feature work without callback soup
in doing so i'm breaking things :/
@jAndy Promise.resolve
then I realized you just do varName["field"]
Well you can access it's individual fields with someObj.someAttribute
@BenjaminGruenbaum Promise.resolve accepts multiple promises?
@rlemon you mean module.exports right?
@FlorianMargaine you get +1
@FlorianMargaine oh, you mean using it like Promise.all ?
jQuery has bad APIs that overload weird things together.
o/ @BenjaminGruenbaum
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, he said when( [promises] ), which implies multiple promises
I'm like... super busy :D I'm during exam period.
@FlorianMargaine yea
jsfiddle.net/92aCY and this works :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum just had my midterms
knock 'em down :D
@Mosho, @Benjamin, I write tomorrow.. Sigh.
my morning D:
What does this mean? Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/plain?
I thought that was blood on the walls
@rlemon yeah there's no reason really
@RalphWiggum nope, just good ol' safe rust.
@Rijnhardt the Content-Type is a plaintext format, but it's being used as a script
Fantastic, Thank You
@RUJordan WTH?
Is that an elevator stuck midway between floors?
Hey! I'm learning BlueBird! jsfiddle.net/92aCY/1
look at how much I've learned!
pats self on back
@rlemon awesome!
there's just something wrong
the error object is not well created
what's that?
Such a constructor can be minimally created like so:

function MyCustomError() {}
MyCustomError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
lol, BlueBird API docs
@RUJordan Are you still in there?
oh man
don't forget the stack property or you lose the stack trace
That's what I get for reading the docs :P
This is going to sound noobish, but let it be. Can someone please ELI5 what is Promise and Bluebird
!!urban eli5
@rlemon [ELI5](http://eli5.urbanup.com/6022912) Explain Like I'm 5.

Used when you want someone to explain something in the simplest way possible.
!!google what are Promises and why should I use them
this urban is pretty cool
wait, maybe Object.create takes care of it
Good morning gentlemens. I'm going to the vegas this weekend, any protips?
!!tell Rijnhardt urban hobknocker
@Rijnhardt hob-knocker when a guy hits you in the face with his penis.
@FlorianMargaine nope
@rlemon anyway, that's why I made newerror :P
function VersionError(message) {
    this.name = "VersionError";
    this.message = (message || "");
    this.stack = (new Error()).stack;
VersionError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
gives me stack traces also
I'm not sure if new Error() as a constructor is really preferred??
@rlemon you mean both give you correct stack traces?
@SecondRikudo yes that's a broken elevator
@Jhawins no they got me and this other guy out within 20 minutes
@Rijnhardt Read the links rlemon gave you on promises; as for bluebird, it's pretty much the most popular library that implements promises.
gives me a stack trace :P
I got a house :D
Thanks. Will do so tonight.
For sure
@RUJordan Huh?
@rlemon remove the catch in your code see the stack traces
Partay in Indiana everyone
@SecondRikudo the elevator picture
Yeah that sucks :|
@RUJordan Well, you should be thankful that you aren't this guy
I refuse to watch that out of circumstantial fear
@FlorianMargaine yup works well
lol 3(technically 4) bedroom house, ~1900sqft on 3.5 acres that I don't have to mow. $750/month. Indiana ftw
I'm not going to mention DC prices
Dude that's $200 more than I pay for a 2 bedroom tiny apartment
@mrzepka I live right outside DC
@RUJordan im at UMCP
@RUJordan Don't watch it if you wish to take the elevator in the following month or so
Well I paid $600/month for my 900sqft 2 bedroom apartment. But it was in what is known as the nicest apartment complex in the county.
@mrzepka no idea what that means lol
Just was the only place renting at the time
@Jhawins Where at?
@RUJordan Maryland, College Park
@Retsam I was 50/50 between Warsaw and Fort wayne, now like 70/30 more towards Warsaw. Same general area.
Dulles Airport, VA
7 miles North of US 30
And the best part.... You can't see another house from my house :)
Note to self: stairs at dulles
@jAndy lol
<script type="text/javascript">
if (!(typeof worldHasEnded == "undefined")) {
} else {
@Jhawins Nice. Indiana housing prices are so nice.
For sure. Renting with my brother that makes ~$400/month with utilities, and we still have a spare room.
You know, I think <label for=""> is one of my favorite native HTML features.
It's so useful.
@RyanKinal An even more useful feature is <label>Label: <input></label>
@RyanKinal I dunno, hard to beat "<a href=""></a>
@Retsam lol, truth
No ID and you get to have a div less most of the time.
@SecondRikudo Also a good point
Turns out I know my landlords daughter though... And I've always had a suspicion that my eldest brother "did the deed"
Yeah, I prefer the second syntax, though it generally only works if the label is directly adjacent to the control.
Only possible drama I can see haha. I'm excited.
I haven't had internet in a month aside from mobile data and at work
@Jhawins You poor poor man
Get this man some reddit and some pop culture reference quick!
Ha. Fuck I just want to be able to code away from work.
The potential downside of being in a less dense area is poor internet provider choices.
I'm having inconsistencies between reading a cookie via JS and reading a cookie via C#. Same cookie, but I'm getting two different results, because I set the cookie in two different places in JS. The C# is being wonky and reading from the wrong path
Sort of related: (fourth box)
@Retsam 20mbps is max here... That's with a dual dsl connection where they use 2 lines together.
It used to be 10 down 1.5 up max and that's what I'm expecting at the new house.
There is only 1 option for internet in the county for actual wired dsl
$60/month for 10down 1.5up
Double ouch; I was paying half that for twice that.
Well, maybe half that for about the same as that, come to think about it.
Yup :)
@Jhawins Whaaaat?
Century Link has huge operations in Warsaw though (even fiber) and I'm going a lot closer to there. I'm hoping it's either as good or I'm almost close enough to the fiber support
For 60$ a month you can get like 100mb down here
Anyone here good with cookies?
Sounds like canadian pricing
@NickDugger Depends, ask away
That $60 you have to fucking work for too.
They won't just let you have internet. They want you to have a phone too
@SecondRikudo damn for 100mb down here its $100 :(
but for $50 its 65mb
I am writing bdView=SOMETHINGHERE to my cookies, but I am doing it in two different places. Instead of overwriting it, bdView now appears twice in my cookie
So basically you have to pay $60 for internet and ~$30 for a phone you'll never ever use (or even plug in). Or spend the time bitching and bitching and bitching and they will always give in
@SecondRikudo Where is here?
@Retsam Israel
@SecondRikudo Ah. Yeah; well part of the reasons our prices are much worse is that America is a lot more spread out.
@Retsam I guess
@SecondRikudo The state that Jhawins and I live in itself is about 5 times the size of Israel
Size isn't everything bro

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