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I just realized this entire business runs on less than 100 hours of work each week between 3 people.
@LucasB also, why is your site in one language and the background is in another: fivoo.com/img/bg-overlay.png
SCREAMS "I borrowed this background"
@Retsam I love it so much :D
also a few of your other images are in English
idk. I personally think it looks sloppy
Animus vox is my favorite by the glitch mob, but that one's probably second.
@rlemon maybe it's for bi linguals??
then you would offer a /en/ site as well ;)
all in /en/ or all in /whatever language that is/
!!youtube bloodhound gang
@NickDugger Do I want to watch?
Always. Bloodhound gang is fantastic
also on one of your client sites what is it half portugese and half english?
that is just confusing
!!youtube friday
@SecondRikudo That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!youtube semicolons lonely island
@rlemon I was jesting...
@Retsam Yes. I love glitch mob
Just organized my email
multiple inboxes = <3
One of these days I'll learn to not go out for lunch at noon
@Shmiddty When would you go to lunch then..?
@ParagGangil Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1:30pm or 11am
Has anyone here used Sitecore (CMS) before? We're starting a lengthy transition process away from it at work, but it's been hell to work with
@Shmiddty too busy at 12pm.
We usually go at 1
I just waited 45 minutes to get a sandwich
yeah fuck that
That's half the cost verizon charges... For the same service
Well, there's a reason verizon can get away with it's prices
It boasts the best speeds and availability of all carriers
And I've never had an issue with speed or service, and I've tried sprint, AT&T, comcast/cox internet
nothing compares
but it's also area variable
I can get hughesnet
See we have GREAT coverage around here from everyone. I'd have to drive over an hour to get out of 4g, and I don't think I can go far enough to get to where 3g drops off.
That's why I'm so confused by the lack of internet.
AT&T says they won't do anything for me, but I checked and clocked 7down at the house on AT&T
I keep on clicking X on my main Main tab and I'm getting annoyed >=(
What's wrong with this `regex`? I want to add a line break `<br><br>` after each second (2nd) seperator (.)
`jsonText.text.replace(/(\.{2,}(\s+))/g, '\$1 <br><br>');`
it works without `{2,}`
this works: `jsonText.text.replace(/(\.(\s+))/g, '\$1 <br><br>');`
@SomeKittensUx2666, @rlemon Which parts, exactly, don't work? I gather there's a problem with mustachify, anything else?
well anything that uses .findById
or name or w/e
@Zirak She can't find a user's ID by username
also it seems undo is a problem
@SomeKittensUx2666 Everywhere, or just on mustachify?
Because it could just be a typo there
5 hours ago, by Caprica Six
@Jhawins I have no idea what happened:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdn-chat.sstatic.net/chat/css/chat.meta.stackoverflow.com.css?v=3e101a301527">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="//cdn.sstatic.net/stackoverflowmeta/img/favicon.ico?v=3e101a301527"><link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="//cdn.sstatic.net/stackoverflowmeta/img/apple-touch-icon.png?v=3e101a301527"><link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Chat for chat.meta.stackoverflow.com" href="/opensearch.x
got this a few times
Anyone notice chrome on linux crashing every time you drag highlighted text...?
!!stats Zirak
@rlemon Could not process input. Error: a.findUserId is not a function on line 205
@Zirak everywhere
@twiz I'm using Windows
@rlemon Weird...
Well, if you're like me, and you click and highlight text constantly while you read things, its is INSANELY annoying
only change on my end was FF updated
Q: Can we change up the favicon image for chats?

RUJordanSo, I don't know how user-specific this is, but I have (had, at the moment Main is unpinned so I stop getting them mixed up) both the chat and the Main site pinned on my browser. Being as pinned tabs only show the sites favicon image, I was wondering if we could have a slight but noticeable vari...

@rlemon That's been there for weeks though
!!stat rlemon
@Jhawins Could not process input. Error: a.findUserId is not a function on line 205
not weeks
If anybody else has both chat and main pinned, you may share my pain. (not really pain but would save me slight annoyances on the daily) :P
maybe a week
Yeah bro. At least 2 weeks
Waste time proving me wrong ;)
did it
and you are wrong
@rlemon Nope ;)
Look harder fool
It's there
@JanDvorak Thank you for that irrelevant piece of information.
Can we start a boycott on blogs posts that don't include a publish date...
@RUJordan here:
(function() {
  var link = document.createElement('link');
  link.rel = 'shortcut icon';
  link.href = 'https://i.sstatic.net/G6SC0.jpg?s=16';
@twiz I do that a lot. I think I would've noticed... But I'm not on my nix machine right now so I can't check
@RUJordan wtf is the benefit of a pinned tab?
it opens on browser open, doesn't have an X button so you can't accidentally close it
smaller tab so it doesn't take up much space
my chat now
Your chat image is of me? xD
Plz keep it
Forever and ever
dude, I commented it on your question :P
> Unfortunately, I see that our Internet service does stop right down the street from your location. I do apologize for that.
This is fucked
@Jhawins dude I know the feels
we are stuck with this shit ass internet when the building the street over has fiber
@Jhawins that's, verbatum, the exact message my mom got with Verizon for where they live
There are no options for wired internet...
Literally verbatum. Verizon stops down the street from my mom and dads house
failing pretty hard at html here. How can you put a h3 and an anchor side to side?
@rlemon No see.... You at least can get internet, it's just slower.
@Crow headers are block elements
Honestly.... I might not rent the house..
My job is online.
@Crow h3's are meant to be block elements
@Crow put the anchor inside the heading
@Jhawins I'm not even joking, you might want to check out another spot. For a developer, internet is EVERYTHING.
derrr okay what rlemon said. I'm dumb
We needs internet, and lots of it, at all times, with no limit
I don't have internet in my apartment--but that's because I'm a cheap bastard
@NickDugger that is all I have
internet === all entertainment + work
I sleep on an air mattress, so there
If I lived alone I wouldn't have TV (maybe basic cable for sports) I would literally only need netflix
your back!
It's actually pretty comfortable
I did that for like 6 months. fuck that.
I sleep on the cheapest roughest ikea mattress
4 weeks I was a queen air mattress until I bought my bed
love it
It was only $40, and I've been on it for 3 months now. Think of the money I'm saving!
I got my bed for like 50% off because it was a floor model
Costco. $600 for a thick, memory foam topper matress and box spring
so worth it
he threw in a mattress pad so i'm cool
If the access is just up the street... Why can't I get them to run the line lol
got the queen + box spring + topper for like $500 all in
@rlemon a bed is something I will not go cheap on
@Jhawins Because they would lose money if they do it
this was just too good to pass up
the bed is perfectly fine. comfortable
I love my sleep, but it's so hard for me to fall asleep that I need a good mattress to comfort me
Heroku's status page is 502
I could have got the floor model for 50% off or payed regular price for one no kids have jumped on
dat gateway
@rlemon I wouldn't mind. It's not like some kid shit himself on it lol
I slept on worse things in college
however my bed is ~4 years old now.
One being a booze stained tile floor
@RUJordan ohh yea it was clean. I still made him throw in a washable mattress pad.
as long as you use one of those CSI UV lights on it before you buy
like another $100 right there
Then there was the tyedye spill of 2012 where I got drunk tyedying a beer drinking competition shirt and passed out in the dye on the porch...
Good times.
Basically I'm down to this...
my next bed I've already picked out. I'll buy it near the end of the summer
 30 GB Monthly Data
15 GB Anytime Data
15 GB Bonus Bytes
 10 Mbps Download Speed
 2 Mbps Upload Speed
$1600 :/
The irony too...
For $80/month.
Or find a new house... God dammit this is ridiculous.
Geez, those plans suck
@Jhawins no. Capped internet blows
This is just fucking ridiculous. I live in god damn murica!
I thought I had bad options...
@Jhawins COMCAST
@Jhawins *bumfuk, murica
comcast isn't here
I alone used 35/40gb plan my mom has and I wasn't even doing my normal interwebbing
Comcast is my only real option if I want speed over 15mbps
@Jhawins cox sux
Don't go cox, they will ram their own name right up the bhole.
consider moving closer to civilization
I pay out the ass for internet. but hey, it is the best I can get in my area without going fiber
~ $120/mo
@rlemon :O
for what
Rogers bundle. *upto 150 down, 75 up, unlimited bandwidth.
I see about half those speeds.
but it is hella faster than anything Bell offers for the same cost
@RUJordan Dude you think I give a fuck
and all of the lines are owned by Bell or Rogers so .. eh. I pick the faster of the two
I've been looking for a house since mother fucking December.
As in actively looking ready to move that week
@Jhawins got a down payment together?
I have everything.
I could move in tomorrow.
I am also looking, so it is fun to play the "real estate" game
I'm just renting... So deposit. But yes.
I'm paying $55.31, just internet
Im just saying, my experience with them says to disused people from Cox because of my shitty experiences.
like here I wouldn't even dare think of buying a house unless I already had 65-70K to my name
But I feel you
I look for houses anytime I want to feel inadequate
Lucky for you renters are highly desired, so there's a solid chance a security deposit won't be required
getting 27mb
I pay ~20euros for internet + unlimited phone + tv and ~50 channels
off speedtest
fuck yeah, France
25% down + closing costs + moving costs :/ eek
@rlemon I'm renting. The renting to selling ratio is like 1:100
My brother said he's found several apartments and townhouses for us that are nice and don't require a down payment
I had the cheapest security deposit ever... it was like $120
There are no houses for rent.
oh, and I have fiber.
I want this fucking house
Fiber one
@Jhawins ahh. well I'm looking for a house in the ~220k ish area. figure 70K down should land me a good mortgage rate.
What house?
"fuck yeah, 'murica!" <- well, France's better than you at internet.
still, 70K is a lot to save. :/
Korea is better than all of us at internet. fuxing 5G
@FlorianMargaine Same here minus unlimited phone
HOPEFULLY I will be able to buy a house by September of next year
We're contractually obligated to pay $80 for TV alone :(
And that's basic cable
@RUJordan that is why I just have internet
basic cable here (~30 channels. 4 good ones) is like $65
don't watch TV for a few years and you don't miss it
basic cable in france (~20 channels) is free
@rlemon I told my roommates I didn't want a box for my room because the I've watch actual TV in my room twice. And they were both NBA playoff games last month. Otherwise my PS3 + Netflix dominates
as in free beer
@FlorianMargaine nothing is free
@RUJordan yea. why the hell do people still need cable.
@rlemon I concur. I haven't watched TV since high school, and I can't believe I spent so much time wasted in front of it.
the only stuff I watched was like Sci channel or the history channel. both stream from their websites
I occasionally liked Discovery Chanel, but it got stupid.
@NickDugger well you are young. but when I was a kid in the 90's TV was actually good.
@rlemon tv should be internet streamed so that it makes them focus on faster, cheaper internet
I got SOME 90's tv... I'm not THAT young... am I?
@NickDugger you were born in 94 or 95?
My TV is set in stone to ESPN lol
This blows :(
I don't watch sports other than the Olympics
91 baby!
@Jhawins Agreed
92 is best year
@NickDugger you were 1 when Power Rangers aired.
you are young.
The year I decided to grace you mortals with my presence
@rlemon either you're so Canadian you forgot to list hockey, or you're a terrible Canadian because you forgot to list hockey
@RUJordan do you mention breathing?
@RUJordan sorry 92 is better. first of the Back to Back Blue Jays victories.
you can call yourself old if you remember watching both world series's
@FlorianMargaine I.. don't get it =x
@Jhawins LOL at your txt msg
try to have more than 2 pandajs.net/games/flyingdog
Lol right
God damn. If I don't get something nailed down today or tomorrow ill have to back out of renting the place.
@Jhawins move to VA in september man, I need a roommate
My birthday is in sept lol
@Jhawins move to Canada
Let's all move to Denver and get one, giant JS house
K guys work out a schedule
I can't live with my brother and his gf anymore. They're getting married and I'm still incredibly single and I can't hang with a close close couple without getting bored
I'll live with all of you
Couples are so tame and co-dependent D:
@RyanKinal did you just waste like $0.30 text to reply with "lol"
Well... My girl isn't going anywhere. But we don't have a typical tame and dependent relationship lol
There is nothing tame about what we do
I need a live in maid. Free rent so long as you clean my fish tanks and keep my appt clean.
@rlemon I'd be happy with the same thing, but I'd also have to be allowed to bang her.
in html, how can you make an element half way between two elements?
So essentially a gf that I pay
...So essentially a hooker.
@rlemon who pays the food?
a live in hooker
now that's what im talkin' bout
>in html, how can you make an element half way between two elements?
like overlapping elements?
When baking, how do you bake banana bread?
Also, rujordan doesn't want to live with a couple, he doesn't want to hear sex moans every night
!!forget wheatly
@SomeKittensUx2666 Command wheatly forgotten.
at least it's not his sister and her bf
He was effectively fired.
@SomeKittensUx2666 wat!! NO WAY!!
!!forget SomeKittens
@NickDugger Command somekittens forgotten.
@FlorianMargaine naw, thankfully I haven't heard them at all. I just can't stand the bickering, constant need for schedules, and "Don't do that you'll get in trouble" speeches

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