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You're more angry than usual
Which is probably why that Tim Whatever idiot keeps bringing up reddit, because they heard it was bad somewhere for some #digusting reason and are now parroting it without thinking BECAUSE THINKING IS HARD
@Lalaland Free speech doesn't mean what you think it means.
@LucDanton I do and I feel extremely insulted if someone tries to compare us to that
Le Lounge Army
But that's trolling
Oh Tiny Giant not Tim Whatever, whatever
shoot me
I'll 360 noscope you kid if you ever test me again
but it's important to get tested
or you wouldn't know if you bleed
@RobertHarvey Yes. I understand how the "right of free speech" doesn't come into play here.
However, I still think there is an ideal of free speech you can strive for.
Allow dissenting discussion.
Use tools like plonking and ignoring instead of banning.
But the Lounge is a cesspit and must be shut down
There's a difference between dissenting discussion and contempt.
One is constructive. The other is not.
One man's freedom fighter is another person's terrorist. It can be really hard to draw that line.
No, it's easy to draw the line
When I'm right and you're wrong so ha
@RobertHarvey False dichotomy
I agree with you, there are limits to civil discussion.
But sometimes it can be hard to tell.
Lettuce discuss the Wonders of Verilog
A: Is luwak coffee halal or haram?

SayyidKopi Luwak isn't haraam as there's no Shari' reason for it to be. Just because it's defecation of the Toddy Cat, it's still put through a process of change that makes the original state different. Yes, defecation is impure, however chemical changes can happen and make it allowable.

you're just a cat
go eat your food and scratch furniture or something
I'll just emptyquote this forever
@JonEricson Basically I'm assuming that I'm talking to reasonable people that can follow some form of consistent logic and what I'm seeing is the exact opposite of that, plus shitload of knee-jerk reactions and an alarming problem with reading comprehension. Which is frankly extremely annoying. — Cat Plus Plus 17 mins ago
@CatPlusPlus lethal C++ exposure
@GregorMcGregor I am convinced a number of accounts on there are just trolls.
I remember digging up evidence of at least one of them.
@jaggedSpire alas, it was too late to save him
@Lalaland Allah knows best.
@Lalaland I wouldn't doubt it
I am still not receiving anything on that socket this is annoying
@Lalaland You have too much time
@GregorMcGregor use socket.io
@GregorMcGregor Use websockets.
@GregorMcGregor Someone be stealing yo packets
Check the tubes
probably the god damn government
spying all up in my business
scott you're just a dog nobody cares what you think
Good luck, I've been doing that for 5 years
Well, no, 3/2
But it sounds better that way
@ScottW Eh, that sorta crosses the line. Posting stuff to get banned is just stupid.
For the most part, SO and the mod team do a wonderful job.
Chat's been shit from the start at this
I’ve got a bikeshed to paint indent, where and how would you put those requires clauses
@ScottW :( but I'll miss you
everything sucks you all suck
kick @ScottW y/n?
@LucDanton I think that's fine
if you break his spirit he'll stop trying
It's the init list that ruins everything anyway
@ScottW stop complaining
@ScottW Have you used reddit or wikipedia yet?
@Lalaland :)
@CatPlusPlus I used to not mind them but I think I’m starting to agree
@BoltClock break him emotionally
run him down until there's nothing left
But to be fair, the moderation on reddit really depends on the sub. Some subs do a pretty bad job.
but emptiness
@ScottW for the red panda pics I cross-post here anyway
Some are pretty decent.
@ScottW for the unprofessional cynical shock-and-awe offensive content
reddit administration however is quite shit
@ScottW Entertainment.
What else would you spend life doing if not seeking entertainment?
Eating meat
You can't eat meat all the time.
Watch me
1. It would be uncomfortable because you would be full. 2 It would be expensive. 3. You would get fat.
I have learned that you can always get fatter. (unfortunately)
I'm out
so long and thanks for all the fish <3
Yes but are you fat
@nick you're doing this on porpoise
@CatPlusPlus Yeah I am. Chocolate is my weakness :(
Trying to work on it this year.
Smaller portions. More vegetables.
Walking 35 minutes a day. Little things.
oh my god finally receiving packets this winsock api is retarded
I should start exercising
But on the other hand
So I'll be fat and die who cares
Supposedly exercise isn't that effective.
Portion control seems to be where it's at.
It's a combination of that and diet
And diet is not really about amount, but composition
But that's all the research I've done because I don't feel particularly motivated to actually do anything anyway
@GregorMcGregor wait why are you wearing winsocks
Live fast die fat
@ScottW Some people die ready; some don't
Ready for wha
@CatPlusPlus Ready with less regret than they could
@ScottW people tend to look uglier when they are fatter. And looks are important for a lot of things.
And plus a lot of people believe that death is but another gateway to another life
So yeah.
Not to mention the health stuff.
@VermillionAzure Funny how that's always has 'but suicide is bad' provisos
@CatPlusPlus People also think that life has purpose
I do believe in that. I also believe in the veil philosophy
People are also dumb
Slight amounts of overweight don't appear to be too bad health wise. It's the obesity where it becomes a problem.
@CatPlusPlus By membership that also includes me and you
@VermillionAzure Yes
@CatPlusPlus So if we're all dumb how does that affect our argument? Nobody is more right on the grounds of smartness
Some people are dumb
Some people are so dumb it's wonder how they manage to breathe without a manual
@CatPlusPlus And that's an uncertainty you may not be able to qualify enough to actually serve as a good basis for an argument
I don't understand why everyone is so hurt by this
I'm clearly a fucking idiot for engaging meta echo chamber
Like, who cares? A mod walked in here and shut down a dirty joke.
2 minutes of silence. That is all.
Because Jerry might be inclined to leave
You know, free speech is a privilage
Rights are rights until you abuse them
I don't give a fuck about this site, it can die thrice for all I care
@CatPlusPlus And yet you keep coming back
I think people in here are incorrectly attributing to stupidity which is better explained by situational factors.
But I do care about keeping this room together
I do because I do think I care
It's all about people
People are the worst which is problematic because people are the only thing worth living for
But I don't understand why we have to get angry
@VermillionAzure In spite, not because
@CatPlusPlus Well perhaps you do care?
@VermillionAzure About the people, which is what I said, like twice
Are you paying attention
@CatPlusPlus The internet is made up of people. All the content isn't just mirrors on a wall
The site is nothing more than a necessary hurdle
But if you hate SO then you would have left
S what I said
You separate SO and the SO chatroom and the SO moderators but they're still related
No, really? Tell me more
@VermillionAzure Cat hasn't done anything on SO in ages. Look at his recent history.
@Lalaland Eh, fair enough
@CatPlusPlus: I'm not judging you or your community. I am, however, disgusted with just about everything I read in your transcript this afternoon. If you are serious about fixing the problem with how people react to messages in the C++ Lounge, you should find ways to respond to flags and bans other than trolling for more. — Jon Ericson ♦ 8 mins ago
I'm commander cat and this is my new favourite meymey
To be honest, I think the move was a bit weird
@VermillionAzure It all comes down to the basic question of how these rooms relate to SO as a whole.
@Lalaland SO is a community. We are communing.
if you think of SO as a game, then you see a pattern repeating here that's been common to multiplayer games for... well, decades now.
Chatting is a part of communing
@Shog9 what do you mean?
@VermillionAzure Folks sign up for the game, end up making friends, stop playing but keep hanging around because of the folks they met.
Bittervets emerge
This is basically EVE
@VermillionAzure some people disagree.
@Shog9 I guess
Except with less spaceships somehow
@CatPlusPlus no fuck you C++ is totally a spaceship XP
I'd request a feature but it'll be declined ha ha ha
And you do notice that all the chats have a different culture than the main site.
@jaggedSpire Way ahead of you
Much more laid back and less serious.
@Lalaland To be honest chats are just a nice socialization feature on the side. They have only the social aspect motivation to keep providing it
Chat should remain strictly professional
@Lalaland #disgusting
One day I'll spell professional correctly on the 1st attempt
@GregorMcGregor Hello, Mr. Gregor. How are thee today on this fine day, sir?
@GregorMcGregor :( you edited
@GregorMcGregor You can shorten it to 'stupid'
eh, tar has simple syntax
tar acf, tar axf, tar you're just bad
never got that meme
'Twas but a rush on the midwinter season for pilfering the coffers of the megalomaniac behemoths of the capitalist mind
I'd mention USBs, but I only have to turn them when I'm fumbling in the dark. :\
The only other flag you might care about is -p but that's for system images mostly
How art thee to deal with such a dilemma in these troubled times of inconvenience? Mark!
I just memorized by rote the tar commands I need.
Sorta like git in fact.
Verbose mode isn't very useful
How about feathers
To cross the street
I want to play the new DF but I just know it's going to be painful
Why must Fun be so cruel
@ScottW out of context nonsense star
Home Alone
@ScottW And I'm going to refuse to admit I didn't get that reference: Haha, oh man I knew that
this room has hit a new low
Our stupid TVs got into their stupid heads that it's perfect Christmas film
So they play it
@Shog9 Why is there so much mod attention lately?
So I've seen that
Are you guys looking to shut us down?
About 15 times
@RobertHarvey We've infected you. D:
Q: Request for community attention on a moderator's behavior

NoobleIt has come to a handful of people's attention that at least some of the newly elected moderators might not be exactly up to challenge. Here's a message that very clearly demonstrates this incompetence, that was a result of a particular argument that appeared in one of the SO chatrooms: Madar...

@RobertHarvey Yeah I know
So are you guys gonna take action or something?
It's a movie that just gets better with age. As a kid, you love it for the timeless story of loneliness and redemption; as an adult, you love it for the blatant sadism.
Like are we being under some sort of observation/evaluation for shutdown?
@VermillionAzure You guys should be a lot of things. But surprised shouldn't be one of them.
@CatPlusPlus I feel like it's the same problem with music.
It's ruined for you after reading satanic fan theory?
@VermillionAzure I'm sticking my head in the sand and assuming we're like a train wreck
@jaggedSpire Ahahaha
@RobertHarvey #surprised
The original song might be fine, but the repartition gets to you.
I don't really hate the film, but it did become sort of a joke around here
@GregorMcGregor just keep in mind it (almost) has 'fesse' in it, problem solved
no one wants to see that, Scott
professe lionel
sorry, stray comma. No one wants to see that Scott
Also true
We tried a showering stream and there was very little audience
@Shog9 Can I chat in private with you? Make a room or something?
I like black labs though. They're big lovable goofballs
Please don't talk with Cinch
He's going to write a tutorial about moderating internet sites
I'd love to talk but I'm working on stuff
@VermillionAzure I guess; you could also send an email.
@Shog9 Wait, but I can't directly make a chatroom right?
why not?
wait how?
@ScottW DId you also know that 90% of the rep belongs to the top 1%? And that our very mods are elected from that same top 1%? Who is going to watch out for us common people, the ones with only a measly 100 rep. We clearly need a communist revolution. We, the masses must seize the means of rep production. Viva la revolution!
/s of course.
@Lalaland but upvoting rings are against the rules
@Lalaland You say that but
Jun 7 '12 at 0:45, by Cat Plus Plus
We're the resistance here.
@Lalaland /s kills the /s
Mar 6 '12 at 15:16, by Cat Plus Plus
Meta bad, mods bad, we're the resistance, et cetera.
Funny how things don't change
Life is the ultimate joke
@ScottW Actually
Jul 22 '11 at 19:29, by Cat Plus Plus
We're the resistance here.
@jaggedSpire technically, it's only against the rules if they catch you :P
@ScottW It's only polite to wait until people are done
Discord is pretty nice for chat.
@Rapptz It doesn't seem to have a hostable server though :/
@ScottW like we handled that Don guy?
The one who abused the flags and stars?
Yeah that was brilliant handling good job mods
@ScottW Don your weapon
@CatPlusPlus Yeah. I don't think they plan on supporting hostable instances either.
There are some frontends like that for IRC/XMPP
Anyway the problem remains convincing people to switch, not tech
I like this room.
There's a lot of history here.
I don't like removing history.
Speaking of, should make a transcript scraper or something, because like hell they're going to publish a data dump from chat
It'll be a year before anyone even responds to the meta post
@CatPlusPlus you can do that right now. Pulling chat history is easy.
It's not the "is possible" part. It's the "we're lazy" part.
I could probably reuse a lot of the StarGazer code.
Yeah web scraping is really not a difficult task
Well, up to scale, but that's not relevant
You don't even need to scrape. The API is quite good.
@ScottW Switch where to?
The API for what
I'm not
The undocumented chat API.
I said my words about that already enough times
@Lalaland Helpful
@ScottW What's wrong with this chat? It is pretty good.
No one likes us.
I don't think there's API to get arbitrary history
@Lalaland Are you talking about the websucket
Unless they didn't limit whatever powers 'fetch previous posts'
But that'd be silly since UI blocks it
@ScottW Nope. Been sleeping. :)
But that'd be entirely what I'd expect from this chat
What happened?
@GregorMcGregor I think it's slightly different for pulling later history.
I still think that meta post was beyond dumb.
I had no idea there was an API for pulling history
It was basically "hey everyone it's that time of the year again, shit all over us again"
@Rapptz yeah but it's done so it's pointless to rehash it
Maybe it got someone to actually think for onc- yeah no it was dumb and pointless
@ScottW So the retard has gone #fullmacintosh? :)
@GregorMcGregor like I said, its undocumented. You have to use chrome inspector.
@GregorMcGregor The posts you got out of it weren't even that funny.
You had Mr. Tire Fire (gr8 analogy there friend) and Mr. Obsessed with Reddit.
they were mostly baffling
@ScottW OK, I get it. This is the one thing that probably is a good reason for moving away. :)
the tire fire was high on weeds
So was the upshot of all this that the room was frozen for two minutes, someone stuck up their middle finger, and hilarity on Meta ensued? Because if that's all that happened...
The /events thing that fetches some of the backlog uses some silly computed key instead of any kind of decipherable offset
It'll be easier to just go from day one transcript
@RobertHarvey No one cared about the room being frozen for 2 minutes.
Then what did you care about?
people being banned for no reason
How long?
@CatPlusPlus the key is the message id. Quite simple. But the events thing doesn't go back very far iirc.
7 days
oh the duration
No one cared about cosh being banned either tbh.
@Rapptz I think we only mostly got one fun thing out of it #sad
I sort of care

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