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I too am mobile when I walk
at any given point there is what? 2-300 chat users? we're a drop in the stackexchange pond. no one cares
I become immobile once I sit
We're nothing in the grand scheme of things
And by that I mean your mom
@TonyTheLion apparently bored noobs on meta do
I like how Koala made that post
Koala hates himself for this now but he shouldn't
MomSchema is too large, please delete more files to accommodate.
@rlemon I wonder how much % of total site rep that is though
Lounge alone is well over a million rep combined
@CatPlusPlus NEW WHAT
It released yesterday
:27255575 It's Nooble2016 pleb.
Get with the times.
Actual patch notes:
> Alcohol causes inebriation, erratic behavior, unconsciousness, death
:27255575 You came a little late there, bud
@Lalaland thejoke.bz2
how to abuse a meme in 9744 easy steps
oh boo 123-reg made whois privacy not-free :(
We clearly need to elect Nooble as mod.
@BartekBanachewicz Are you claiming that the "It's one of the most important agro industries" is the part that makes it okay? I'd been assuming that was still in the part that needed some context to make it be not horrible. — resueman 2 mins ago
I swear I am dumber every time I read a meta comment
you quoted my message?
@BartekBanachewicz Can you even get dumber?
I think IRC could replace snackchat fine
@GregorMcGregor sure I did
oh my what have you got yourself into
with IRCv3
@Ell does it have direct responses?
it has sasl auth, user metadata, message tags
@GregorMcGregor +7/-19 so far
@BartekBanachewicz you could use message tags to implement that I think
@Ell hmm
well show me a working implementation and I might think about migration
@Ell so far I think Miaou is way better
it uses it's own protocol, right?
who cares
Stack uses its own protocol and we've been fine with it for infinity
It's a negative for me
We haven't been fine with it for infinity :P
Don't you remember Lounge<chat>?
there was reason people wanted that
@Ell you can ~hack~ it because it's ~opensource~
You asked who cared
I answered
@Ell yes and it was moderation
@Ell I asked who had a real, actual problem with that, not the uncontrollable urge to ~hack~ things
you said "who cares"
and that's what I meant
anyway really you can implement a custom backend for miaou I'm fairly sure
I'm looking into it now
why don't we standarize a Lounge protocol
so that everyone could have their own client
that would be fun
dunno might be JSON based for me
and over websockets, every language has websockets now
this way everyone can have their own chat
@BartekBanachewicz irc or xmpp can pretty much already do what we want
and at the same time we'd be able to communicate
it's a matter of writing a so chat style client
@Ell IIRC XMPP didn't have direct replies either
dystroy.org/miaou/login this is pretty good open source chat written by a JS regular
not saying use it
just interesting project is all
5 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@Ell so far I think Miaou is way better
> JS regular
@BartekBanachewicz ahh, missed that
my bad
I'd rather get colonoscopy than use a JS project
@GregorMcGregor guess what m8
XMPP has direct replies
this chat is js
no it isn't
@GregorMcGregor you're using one right now
javascript isn't a real language
the denial
it is known
I want IRC
more IRC
soon we will write js for our cars
that is kinda cool and scary
that's a p good shot at population control
MAKE_CAR_GO(thousand callbacsks)
callbacks? please. Promises
@Ell I'm just not sure whether shoehorning our needs into a bulky protocol like XMPP makes sense
Broken promises and shattered dreams
Why is it shoehorning?
"we have too many chinese! just throw in a couple NaN and increment some strings or whatever"
and how much does "bulky" matter?
@rlemon the fact that it only took you 10 years to rediscover monadic interfaces tells an interesting story
@Ell nice try
google is already using javascript for its cars: bbc.com/news/technology-34808105
> Google car pulled over for being too slow
Anyway trading one lock-in for another is silly, hence why chat should be on an open protocol regardless of whatever clients are or aren't
@BartekBanachewicz me? no.. I'm not ECMA :P
besides, the history of JS is interesting and depressing
Ok so this stuff you have to drink is kinda salty, but not too bad.
just be glad its getting its shit together finally.
JS is a homophobic language like its creator
@rlemon s/interesting and/
I can see myself hating it in a liter or two, but for now it's ok.
> In September, Google said it was working to make its cars drive "more humanistically" following complaints that they were too polite.
@Jefery lol
you get used to it
@GregorMcGregor all you do is troll isn't it?
No, it's not sperm
@rlemon wow ad hominems now
@Jefery I did hate it but managed somehow
do not underestimate its power
@GregorMcGregor no, observations.
@Jefery boring then
@CatPlusPlus yeah I'm just not sure whether this needs to be an existing protocol
for the first time, stay close to the toilet
someone ask cat whether he has me plonked still
ITT Andy and Jefery sharing hookup tips
I'm already sitting on the toiler
Phone and computer hooked up
Next liter nearby
Cool. I crapped my pants because of a 2-second hesitation
Plenty of igenic paper
@rlemon well I fail to see any so called "trolling" in my messages
paper? you don't use three seashells?
apologize if that is what I come as through
49 secs ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
someone ask cat whether he has me plonked still
The good news is that you get to see my reactions live
@CatPlusPlus ^^
Cat doesn't know what he is missing
@GregorMcGregor lol
oh come on
you can plonk me on LoungeChat once we get off here
Jefery do a live cam
I'm beginning to change my mind about this
Bartek weren't you in favor of plonking half the room just a few hours ago?
@GregorMcGregor lol
@GregorMcGregor #disgusted
I think that mumble will be enough
yes put the mic you know where
for ~~digital surround~~
live streaming
^ see what I did there
no compliments pls
@AndyProwl Yeah :/
Bartek and Cat are leaving to have their own chat?
I'm actually ahead of schedule this liter
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, and they'll plonk each other there
wtf is jefff doing?
preparing to get his ass violated
@AndyProwl oh nice :V
I'm more worried I'll puke actually
what are you getting colonoscopy for
Why would you puke? o.O
Don't worry jeff it's going to be fine :)
Because salty stuff makes you puke
did lounge give you rectal cancer already
You won't puke
the worst thing that can happen is that you will stop drinking it
It actually says on the farmacy paper that nausea is kind of expected
fuck cancer jokes
As someone familiar with getting surgery's, I'm sure your doctors will take good care of you @Jefery :)
@GregorMcGregor Not that I know of
it's not a joke andy
cancer is never a joke
@GregorMcGregor what about capricorn?
@ElimGarak /cc @Cat
Ok, so what I'm actually wondering is, how is the sedation @AndyProwl @Ell
@Jefery is it partial or entire?
This is why we test nuclear weapons on deserts
@CatPlusPlus lol
Sedation is fun it feels like dying
@R.MartinhoFernandes more like prepping a backup plan
You lose feeling of your limbs first then everything gets dark then nothing
If its entire, you just go out like a light
And you wake up after what feels like 5 mins
and then wake up wondering what happened
@Jefery If it's partial, your head will start spinning after a few seconds and you will be confused but not completely sedated. It's not gonna be pleasant, but you'll manage
and how it went "so fast"
@TonyTheLion Not entire for sure. AFAIK is along the lines of "your muscles move slower"
I love when head spins
Will I puke then?
my last surgery, they asked me if I wanted entire or partial
@Jefery No
for a 3 hour surgery
I was like, please do full sedation
I don't want lie there three hours, hearing you carve up my foot
@AndyProwl And you are still yourself?
@Jefery Yeah
You don't start rumbling about things you would rather keep secret, right?
At least I did not
reminds me of that surgery I had to get my penis shortened
are you afraid you might spill all your secrets?
I mean, there's a tube blowing air up your ass why would you even start revealing your secrets
have you seen that movie where a sedative failed and the guy remained conscious
like what porn you watched yesterday?
@ElimGarak yeah.
when they were doing a heart transplant
and he felt his ribcage being cut and stuff
@AndyProwl Exactly because of intimacy going on :P
> intimacy
what is the most intimate act 2 people can share
no, what you'll most likely feel the urge to say is "ouch" and "stop"
I love it
or "harder"
you never now until you try
I get to be a woman for like a couple of hours
@ElimGarak any place that sells stuff, basically.
@Jefery I find this offensive
@GregorMcGregor Video games
slippery topic @Jefery
@BartekBanachewicz I think you're talking about the Island, when Michael Clarke Duncan has his heart taken?
delete before flag
@Rerito maybe
Come on people, reddit is awesome
@KarelG lies
it's shit
reddit is to shit what ketchup is to tomato
and packaged in similar tubes
bluedit would be better
reddit is terrible
yet I am on there every day
I must be terrible
How can I use this tool on OSX? github.com/bishopfox/untwister
found on reddit: youtube.com/watch?v=8KQQyMZqLIE that is one proud papa
@DNC Install Gentoo
is there /r/colonoscopy
mozilla uses hg
DAE like the opening scene of the new james bond
A joke that sounds terrible unless you make a connection that most people won't... This is a great example of provocative, alienating, and inappropriate content that one should anticipate leading to a possible ban on a site like Stack Overflow. — Jeremy Banks 45 secs ago
Jeremy Banks needs to chill out. Seriously, he's way too invested in things that ultimately don't matter.
@GregorMcGregor your provocative and alienating content is totally inappropriate
You guys are seductive aliens
@GregorMcGregor taking a shower
In java constructor name & method name can be same.
See you later guise
@PravasiMeet Apparently Java has different namespaces for types and non-types.
but why it isn't allowed in C++?
there's a meta thread? wow
I had no idea
@PravasiMeet Because C++ isn't Java and hence is allowed to have different namespace rules.
@Cat I'll wait for the initial flurry of bug-fix releases for DF.
@fredoverflow: why C++ compiler can't differentiate between constructor name & method name?
Is there a faster way to shift a string segment around other than iteratively copying characters one way or another? I want to shift a segment one character to the left, but I'd like to avoid a loop. However, there doesn't seem to be a better way to do it.
@набиячлэвэлиь seems like Gentoo is for Linux?
@PravasiMeet Because there is probably more complicated cases that would lead to parsing ambiguities.
@fredoverflow: ok. is there any difference between C++'s namespace & java packages?
@DNC It's a Linux distro; I'm suggesting removing OSX and installing Gentoo
@Owatch Why avoid a loop? Sounds like a weird goal.
Q: C++ Namespaces, comparison to Java packages

Mr. BoyI've done a bunch of Java coding recently and have got used to very specific package naming systems, with deep nesting e.g. com.company.project.db. This works fine in Java, AS3/Flex and C#. I've seen the same paradigm applied in C++ too, but I've also heard that it's bad to view C++ namespaces as...

@R.MartinhoFernandes Because loops add complexity.
Plus, if you didn't need to use one, wouldn't you rather not have it?
@fredoverflow: thanks for link.
rolls eyes
@PravasiMeet All I did was google "difference c++ namespace java package" ;)
@fredoverflow: in ur answer about difference between UB, unspecified & implementation defined behaviour you mentioned about C++ abstract machine? What is it?
It's the abstract machine that C++ programs run on.
@Owatch Write a wrapper class that has a reference to a string plus a start index, and then implement operator[] with the % operator or something?
@Owatch std::move(begin(cont) + 1, end(cont), begin(cont)); cont.erase(--end(cont));
@PravasiMeet Are you sure my answer mentions it? Because I don't remember that... linky?
@набиячлэвэлиь That's an iterative copy.
@R.MartinhoFernandes: what do you mean exactly by saying "C++ abstract machine"?
This is in C.
Probably misunderstood'im
@AndyProwl blissful ignorance
@Owatch In the C++ room!
I know I know.
C room's dead. Always is.
@Owatch How often do you need to rotate the string around?
@PravasiMeet It's the machine C++ programs run on. It's what their semantics are defined in terms of.
@PravasiMeet it's defined in the C++ standard
@fredoverflow Pretty often.
@Owatch Don't worry Lounge will soon be
@fredoverflow: yes. I am sure
Maybe around 10 times per string.
@Owatch If you had said "only n times, where n is the length of the string", then I could have given you an implementation that is efficient af.
@Owatch Resurrect it!
But there are many strings.
@Owatch Mostly the G kind
@fredoverflow: it would be better if you tell clearly about C++ abstract machine
@fredoverflow 10 times, where the length of the string varies. But is typically around 50 characters.
For maybe several hundred strings.
@PravasiMeet I have no idea what you're talking about. Please provide a link.
@Owatch Are the strings at least 10 characters long?
@fredoverflow: difference between UB, implementation defined & unspecified behaviour. just google it.
@fredoverflow No. They can be any length. I can't control that.
@PravasiMeet WTF. Just link it.
Don't make people chase the things you're talking about when you can simply link it.
> The semantic descriptions in this International Standard define a parameterized nondeterministic abstract machine.
The abstract machine is what's defined in the standard. Do you want me to copy/paste 1500 pages? :)
> a parameterized nondeterministic abstract machine.
I want that ^
You can't have an abstract machine.
sounds better than my computer :P
@fredoverflow why not?
@TonyTheLion BOGOF at Poundland.
@TonyTheLion Because abstract things are abstract, not concrete.
And why the downvote? The OP said it helped him, he accepted the answer, and suddenly a wild dowvote without any comment appears. — Bartek Banachewicz 4 mins ago
@fredoverflow oh sux
fucking Snack Overflow
community my ass
@R.MartinhoFernandes reminded me of this
> "Hey, Bob, I've got a jar of pickles, and I can't open the lid. Can you help?"
Bob says, "Sure, I'll give it a try."
"Great! The jar is in the storage room in the basement, on the third aisle, top shelf, second from the left."
@TonyTheLion However, all computers with a conforming C++ compiler are implementations of said abstract machine.
ah I see
So technically I have an abstract machine
but isn't abstract
Your concrete machine is-a abstract machine, yes :)
@ScottW I love you too <3
@TonyTheLion not abstract, all the abstract implementation-defined stuff is overriden in derived machines
you're a doge
@ScottW Ay Er Ceee! Ay Er Ceee! Ay Er Ceee!
@ScottW My takeaway is: Don't discuss the naughty topic. And since I don't have much to contribute in that area, anyway, I'm perfectly fine with it.
@ScottW I'm staying.
So the meme around my personality here is no longer allowed :( RIP

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