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12:02 AM
Should I trust RVO?
@mash yes
So returning a huge container is as fine as returning the container.begin() ?
I guess I'm going to rename my bastard sorting algorithm derived from exact sort/cycle sort to mountain sort. It sounds cool.
@JerryCoffin lol
12:21 AM
1>D:\Dev\boost_1.59\boost/typeof/msvc/typeof_impl.hpp(150,20): error : nested name specifier for a declaration cannot depend on a template parameter
1>                     struct base_type::id2type // This uses nice VC6.5 and VC7.1 bugfeature
You would expect the MS people to use boost as a regression test.
This is when I use Clang/C2 :v
Oh. Wow.
I think boost may be confused about what compiler I'm using :v
I do sorta feel for the the MSVC people though.
12:23 AM
Once they add something like that, they can never remove it.
nah, I do think they want to get there with the two phase lookup...they just can't find a good time to do it :v
I'll believe it when I see it.
History indicates that MSVC takes backwards compatibility very seriously.
Why wasn't any study on which C++ compiler build the most efficient executable or are the executable built by them are more or less the same?
error : explicit specialization of non-template struct 'id2type_impl'
1>                     struct id2type_impl<true>  //VC8.0 specific bugfeature
just how many "bugfeatures" does boost use :(
12:36 AM
@melak47 As many as it needs to work with MSVC.
@Morwenn and now those hacks fail to work with Clang/VC :(
@melak47 Yeah, I doubt that Boost.Config or some equivalent module will have to detect this as well.
@BartekBanachewicz hi :3
In order to gain 1kg, you need to eat 10000kcal over what you use
How the fuck am I supposed to eat 10000kcal
12:40 AM
Boost.Context that is.
Could be a long time before boost anything works with this :/
I need to buy more steaks
@BartekBanachewicz in what timeframe? :P
You're not supposed to gain 1kg a day :v
I lost 1.something kg with a 1k calorie deficit per day
@Lalaland No, closest thing I did was a bot for SC:BW using BWAPI
Do you people listen to full albums from time to time?
12:50 AM
usually only when I lose track of it in the background
Sometynes yah
I often listen to full albums and really enjoy, but just read an article saying that it's not the case for most people today. So... of course I was wondering :p
@Morwenn On my tablet in the train, on shuffle.
@Borgleader off with his head!
@BartekBanachewicz Over several weeks you silly
If you eat 10000 kCal a day you will collapse and turn into a neutron star or sth
12:55 AM
any reason to not precompute hashkeys besides size?
i live in sweden
@GregorMcGregor Interesting.
The Islamic Republic of Sweden
I am question unbanned on meta
12:57 AM
Neutron potato.
But it's like I am question banned, but except I can ask questions, but if I do I might get banned again ... more like limit = limit +1;
@JohanLarsson None. If you don't care about size, cache everything.
Okay I'm confused
How is it legal for raspbian images to be distributed when they contain a proprietary graphics driver?
Maybe it's not
1:15 AM
Man I am gonna be well disappoint if such a prominent project turns out to be illegal or whatnot
what are you trying to do?
@Ell It depends on the license of the graphics driver.
Copyright law is pretty darn flexible.
> In her first public interview since taking on the CEO gig at Yahoo, Marissa Mayer outlined her priorities both inside and out of the company: "I think that for me, it’s God, family and Yahoo"
That's a pretty stupid answer.
1:20 AM
Which sorta fits as Yahoo is a pretty stupid company.
The only good decision that Yahoo has ever made was investing in Alibaba.
@melak47 typedef double __m128d __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
So it trips over when it sees __attribute__
@lala its not about copyright law I dont think
1:27 AM
@melak47 amaze
sorry, that was for @ElimGarak :)
@orlp that looks ok as is
@Morwenn this is gr8 song
@Lalaland it doesn't; if the driver isn't gpl, it can't be distributed with the linux kernel
@Ell Old but gold.
@GregorMcGregor Yeah, Clang joys
It wants to fight a lot, though, it confuses the shit out of existing code.
1:39 AM
@Ell 'packaging' doesn’t fall under copyright/license, ask a lawyer
Oh wait I'm an idiot
ah wait no I'm not
now I'm confused over whether I'm an idiot or not :3
You're just a badlet bby <3
@LucDanton that is very counter intuitive to me
when in doubt…
I wonder why various encoders can't be distributed
1:40 AM
@Ell copyright and licensing govern works
It can't be distributed if license says it can't be distributed
if a third party 'sells'/distribute (nebulous word here) software they’re not the licensor
@CatPlusPlus What if you're a rebel like Ell?
daddy doesn't understand it
she always said she was good as gold
1:46 AM
@Lalaland whoa nice way to overengineer infinite recursion :) /cc @orlp
@Rerito how is that simpler...
I don't like configuring linking and directory options in Visual Studio for projects that much.
thats why I'm going to use makefiles instead.
@edition Solid logic right there.
@Borgleader Adorables :D
Level Appropriate Encounter
@CatPlusPlus on weekends
@CatPlusPlus oh nice
1:53 AM
less monocle, more devil worshipping
is that lounge gaem>
@Ell Do you actually like to play those games?
7 messages moved to bin
I haven't played
I really want to play Trade Empires but I can't get it to work in wine or virtualbox :/
1:54 AM
@JackSmith please refer to chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/1/sandbox
@GregorMcGregor low priority, ouch
Good night
Night, Jefery
all hail @RobertHarvey
1:57 AM
@Jefery good night friend
@Morwenn man I'm on a simon&garunkel adventure now
why is ip maddr add not working jfc
jesus fried chicken
person is angry at me for disagreeing with them
hi guys
HI jack
2:08 AM
> Mystic Forge Stone back in gem store now, with a free one
and python having a retarded setsockopt interface doesn't help
Wellp, Just Cause 3 isn't what I expected it to be.
Oh look AAA release that has issues on launch
With DLC
almost always AAA
2:10 AM
SeasonPass™ technology — A season will pass until it works proper.
I have a quick curious question
How would I find the max value for a certain number of bytes?
@SuperstarGamer-Trent Has your questioned attained sentience?
Yes it has, I am a afraid
Well lets say I had 9 bytes, what would I use to know the max value for it?
@ElimGarak Modders will fix it right???
@SuperstarGamer-Trent Oh, gawd, fine... 2^(n*8) - 1.
2:13 AM
Thank ye
@SuperstarGamer-Trent depends on how many bits per byte
It's the SuperstarGamer byte, 42 bits.
Oh wait I thought you meant how many bits per byte
This guy is confused beyond belief <3
2:14 AM
I am, I sure am.
the answer is 2^(n*CHAR_BITS) - 1
MSVC is getting spiffy paste.ubuntu.com/13589538 with their coros
I don't even know C++ I just was curious on how to know the max value with a certain amount of bytes.
2:15 AM
Ell was actually asking about the beats per minute, to maximise funkiness
(Please dont hurt me, I am a Java scrub)
@sehe Enjoying Update 1? :D
Not exactly. But it looks unusually modern for code samples out of Redmond
Yeah, their code samples are kinda sad.
I want to learn C and C++ but I just hate compiling them
Eclipse Java has spoiled me with the maven build and jar export
I'm used to "ENTER - ENTER - ENTER" and done
Also they confuse me a lot anyways. Like, what is with headers?
2:17 AM
@SuperstarGamer-Trent you don't even have unsigned types ;)
That's the worst part.
C and C++ hate you back
I know they do, I know
Autographed types only with SuperstarGamer.
Are there any good tips to learning C++? I've tried but it really confuses me.
2:18 AM
Do you have a rope and a stool handy
@SuperstarGamer-Trent Just one, learn the basics first prior to attempting learning C++. :P
Basics as in?
Like I know Java, Python, and PHP. So I know the basics I would think
Basics as in Visual Basics
> I know Java, Python, and PHP
IRTA "I have cancer, diabetes and AIDS"
When he said basics I thought he meant like bare bones, such as basic types, basic syntax, etc.
@GregorMcGregor could you not?
2:23 AM
@SuperstarGamer-Trent Then you're all set to make your first great commit to the Kernel
And yes I know Java isn't like well by some and I know almost no one likes PHP. The only reason I use PHP is because I have to if I want to make PocketMine plugins. (A MCPE server software)
@sehe I don't understand
I'd understand people being shocked by the next message, but that one...?
@GregorMcGregor WTF!?!? That response is also out of whack ("I don't think you compiled this code :(".. wut, it will compile fine)
@GregorMcGregor wtf is that
2:26 AM
Someone interpreted the output of their linter a bit too literally I guess
It's an automated scripts "Using checkpatch.pl fixed the check."
And that person obviously does not know C
So the script is - unsurprisingly - broken
it was almost foolproof though
The script is correct but the programmer is wrong
2:27 AM
Both are wrong. If the script did this transform (as claimed in the commit message)...
time to sleep
sup nerds
this is my life now
what is this horror
@SuperstarGamer-Trent More fundamental than that. For example, if you had the basics down, you would've never asked that question. The answer would be obvious to you.
2:29 AM
@ElimGarak True.
Don't rush it, that's the worst mistake people make. Everyone wants to make Crysis 4 without dealing with the first triangle.
that edit ruined it thanks
sorry, bby, I'll make it up to you... In bed.
@edition How 3d digital content creation tools abstract the underlying triangle primitive for easier modeling is hardly relevant here. :P
I suspect this to be the greatest act of mansplaining of all time https://twitter.com/__HpFans__/status/670176428722384896
@sehe While we're at it, let me tell you a few things you don't even know about yourself...
2:33 AM
Ok. Let's have it
@sehe what?
You're wonderful, bby <3
Erm. Not so sure
how did that interview go
2:35 AM
Nicely. No job interview there yet though
Things are slower than I anticipated
Usually, my interviews go pretty well, though
Do you livestream your solution to the questions they ask
Interestingly the more concrete job interview didn't have me solve any challenges. My "general intake" today did, though
i'm sitting here like an ass using immutable data structures and reading about TLA+ and people at Toyota are like #define MAKE_CAR_GO 1
> Everyone is in zerker including the tank, and the druid didn't even seem to be in staff very often. So I guess druid heals are no substitute for good movement and spacial awareness.
LFG full of 'LFM tank/heal full asc'
A new kind of MMO, with no holy trinity and no gear grinding!
2:48 AM
well in dungeons full zerk 4 war + 1 mesmer/elem has been the norm for like ever
ever since they unveiled Druid the community has lost its mind and well
22 hours ago, by Luc Danton
> That Nomad's gear came in handy.
That’s toughness, vitality, healing power
no joke
seriously though
I’m super cereal
@CatPlusPlus I don't think MMOs would work without grinding.
The problem with MMOs is that you need a large playerbase always on.
2:50 AM
@Lalaland hold on, what’s written here is 'gear grinding'
Well GW2 is a p good attempt at no-grinding
@Lalaland Well you could make a game that's actually fun to play
A radical new approach
The issue is content.
Do you grind in PlanetSide 2? I know that around the release I had fun and that was it, but then again there was the F2P side of it
lol I crashed vim??????
more like the console
2:52 AM
It would take a ridiculous amount of content to keep enough people online without grinding.
now let’s watch those goalposts zip by
@Lalaland Not really
In online games player interaction is part of the content
And actually, the most important one it turns out
MMOs usually have really bad player interaction.
Which I know, is sorta ironic. But that's been my experience.
2:54 AM
Maybe I just need to find better MMOs ...
Because MMOs are usually Bad Games
@Lalaland You realise how many there are out there? Hence the 'lol' when you said 'usually'
But neither that nor grinding are fundamental to the genre
Not every MMO is korean
It's just bad uninnovative projects that try to clone WoW
GW2 has some grinding but thankfully it's optional
2:58 AM
Clearly you should make an MMO Cat.
I was mostly making fun of how they advertised the game
The one MMO to rule them all.
@CatPlusPlus atm ascended gear is not very accessible, although that really only matters for weapons
ascended armour as pointless as ever
One day maybe I'll manage to finish a MUD
But I suck at writing so it'll be bad anyway
oh wait high level fractals, I forgot because they suck
3:05 AM
I too wanna make an game
oh no, I've visited SO for 30 consecutive days.
rip you
@GregorMcGregor You should make a potato simulator.
That's SanctuaryRPG
omg coroutines in VS2015 Update 1 good thing we use 2013
makes sense
3:34 AM
> Image not found
> confused by earlier errors, bailing out
thanks, concepts
I'm confused too
i do not know C++
ironically it appears that GCC was confused by later errors
wait what
3:41 AM
i am just watching things
annex-base/include/annex/tuple/tuple.hpp:68: confused by earlier errors, bailing out
iteral before 'const'
annex-base/test/traits/invoke.cpp:38:30: error: expected ')' before 'const'
literal c/p
did GCC ate some of the errors ._.
iterally the worst
no cursing
what are you even doing
compiling, duh
well clearly not
3:47 AM
watching things @Gregor
like i said i do not know C++
i am a watch man
just watch it
4:07 AM
I've seen you guys do multi-line code snippets but I just don't know how you do it
there’s a button that pops to indent the lines for you
or indent them
yourself if you want to waste time
Use shift-enter for
multiple lines.
There's a button in chat that does that?
@LucDanton that was p. good m8
made me chuckle
4:14 AM
It only shows up when you have multiple lines already.
Like this.
@caps move your cursor up or down a line to make it appear, at least that’s the trick on my browsers
//tonight co-worker and I learned that this
if(auto iter = map.find(key) != map.end()) {
//is not equivalent to this
auto iter = map.find(key);
if(iter != map.end()) {

//when map is of type std::unordered_map<int, T>
Wait, what's the difference?
I admire the particular attitude of throwing syntax at a problem under the hope that it could, possibly, make sense and solve the problem at hand.
Also, isn't there an operator precedence issue with = and !=?
4:19 AM
@LucDanton After 4 hours, we were trying everything.
precisely not
there is no assignment operator in use
@LucDanton After 4 hours we were trying everything.
Wait, what's auto iter = map.find(key) != map.end() then?
@caps were you starting from the first snippet?
Isn't that the = operator?
4:21 AM
It's a definition for the if block
@Lalaland iter is a bool that says whether or not key is in map.
@caps Why would you think it's the same?
@CatPlusPlus Not paying enough attention to detail.
Thinking it wouldn't compile if the meaning changed the way it did.
Stupid assumptions.
@LucDanton I had refactored the second snippet into the first. It introduced a bug where the values at key were not being removed.
So we were looking at all the different things that had changed that might cause the bug, and when we tried reverting that particular change it was fixed (of course)
4:22 AM
I’m genuinely surprised that you can make it this far without getting a hang of C declarator syntax. As stupid as it is… it’s still a syntax.
Oh I see. There is a special case when you declare a variable.
or maybe I just don’t care that much about assignment
I’ve done my fair share of (foo = bar) == baz though :|
@caps it’s too bad you didn’t try something like if(!auto x = blah blah) since that’s always invalid; that’s the one I tend to wish for since it’s the opposite of if(auto x = …)
look how helpful the compiler is, sorry @caps lol you fucked up on several levels
i.e. what you wanted wouldn’t even have worked, maybe, assuming a declarator is somehow connected to the assignment operator
@caps Did you find out which of the overloads of erase were being called?
4:28 AM
None of them seem to really fit for a bool.
@TonyTheLion :D
@Nooble I'm sure
Ah, I see, bool -> int
That really shouldn't be implicit, but whatever. Backwards compatibility with C I guess.
@Lalaland 98<99
Well, I was referring more to the old technique of #define TRUE 1
4:37 AM
#define FALSE 0
bool -> int doesn’t really help with that
It does when you want to call a C function that takes in a "bool"
0 and 1 are ints
that’s the 'that' I’m referring to
Yeah. I am just saying that the bool -> int conversion is probably helpful for interop with old C code that predates the bool type.
@LucDanton how about any -> any
4:43 AM
semi-related, I was curious enough to lookup ! and in C++ it operates within bool
@GregorMcGregor Perhaps you should write a proposal.
It's clearly the implicit cast we all need.
it’s probably the only one isn’t it?
Moi aussi je peux opérer dans ton bool
that doesn’t operate on int or larger; or on pointers; is what I mean
4:45 AM
Avec mon gros pointeur
T'aimes ça les 64 bits
g lé bool
yep even ==/!= (and presumably the rest of the bunch) perform 'the usual conversions'
dunno where the to-be-removed, deprecated ++ fit into the picture actually
5:25 AM
> [concepts] requirements not being applied to aliases
Proposals welcome!
it’s the GCC tracker
Is that an index fund
> note: template argument deduction/substitution failed:
sigh scp -3 does not work on mingw for whatever reason it seems
5:29 AM
concepts make everything better
would concepts make scp -3 work
> Cannot evaluate function -- may be inlined
well fuck you too
> internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
He is Luc Danton, the breaker of cimpolers
5:34 AM
to the creduce-mobile
Is GCC written in C or what
not at all
it’s C++
> Is there a male counterpart to being a virgin?
5:54 AM
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Okay, I have a serious question
Is there any way to undo a bounty?
I accidentally set one on a stupid question in the physics site:

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