I prefer the if(not first) approach and assigning the first bool to false in the bottom of the loop.
Before doing it that way I used to do if(first != end) out << *first++; while(first != end) { out << ", " << *first++ } but I don't like doing it this way anymore.
I've decided that I'm going to create a C++ tutorial website as I learn in order to improve myself and improve the current state of C++ tutorials on the web
So I'll just say it instead of begging the answer through questions.
I'd wager that most people here don't like C++ web tutorials because they the authors generally don't actually teach C++. They The authors generally don't actually know C++, they the authors generally know C with some C++ sprinkled in and it's full of errors.
A beginner like you trying to teach people would have the same errors that other tutorials are plagued with.
My recommendation (for programming in general or C++ specifically) is to learn via good teachers. The catch-22 is that you can’t really tell whether a teacher is good or not until you don’t need that teacher anymore. So it’s more of a non-recommendation.
@Rapptz Nope. All I recall is that there this one equation one is supposed to use instead of the mistakes everyone is making (or used to be making, before that one article).
mmmh I recall there were some relaxations for things like using blah = foo; and static_assert, which is definitively not covered by attribute-specifier-seq
@Rapptz Hopefully yours is up-to-date
ooooo I have n3337, that’s FDIS or pre-FDIS or whatever!
It infers void if you don’t return anything (it has to, at least for compatibility with C++11). I don’t think that extends to functions (special rules!!!!!111).
> Starting with the 6.2.0 release, VTK now provides support for mobile architectures, specifically iOS and Android. The new OpenGL2 rendering backend supports both OpenGL ES 2.0 and 3.0. VTK’s build system has also been simplified for cross-compiling to mobile architectures.