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if I were to make a little tool that downloads images from flickr...potentially en masse, what kind of legal trouble would I be walking into? would this fall under scraping or something?
@melak47 nothing if you won't make them available publicly later
@BartekBanachewicz nah, it's just about automating the downloading of a set/tag-ablum-thingy/photostream
nice. that liveworkspace supports intel 13
What is 'scraping' ?
@JohannesSchaub-litb I've learned the hard way that if you don't have a decent standard library, ICC is nearly as bad as MSVCC
Fffff.... Vector.map returns the original vector type.
@ThePhD downloading assets automatically that should be accessed manually
... Why... would that be... .. .illegal?
@ThePhD might be violating ToS
@ThePhD It would be if it's against Flickr's ToS.
I don't have to agree to Flickr's terms of service to have a script that accesses its image servers.
@ThePhD I think you do
75,568 and 19,568.
THe last digits are... EVEN?!
@BartekBanachewicz ohh
Must go upvote and ruin symmetry.
I wish I was drunk right now.
@DeadMG 2bad.
my tool wouldn't be doing anything a user couldn't do - only much faster. there's no way on flickr to download an image, with proper title etc
@EtiennedeMartel It's not even friday yet, man up!
no better way to repwhore than to claim symmetrical or divisible reputation.
@JohannesSchaub-litb I am the lucky one having access to it for free :)
@EtiennedeMartel why?
Because I need to focus.
hmm, the only thing I can see in the ToS is this: "Display more than 30 Flickr user photos per page in your application or use an unreasonable amount of bandwidth. "
You get focused when you get drunk too?
I mean, I haven't been drunk like crazy but when I had a few glasses of wine my perception and everything sharpens ridiculously.
Same reason as why you code better when you're tired: because you only have the brainpower to focus on a single task.
It also happens when I'm deliriously ill.
I once played a game while running an extremely high fever (I didn't know I had a fever).
I was playing with my Family and I was stomping everyone. Perfect combos, button presses, it was dumb.
When my Mom gave me a hug she was liek "HOLY SHIT YOU'rE ON FIRE" and then I passed out.
After the fever broke and I played again, I sucked tremendous big alien testicles.
actually though, those are the ToS of the flickr API, I don't use the API, I just look at the html...
Reminds me of when my brother played Resident Evil 4 while having a fever.
He had horrible nightmares that night.
Hahaha, oh god I could never play horror games.
I can watch them, but playing them I'd scream like a terrible whiny moron and hide in a corner and refuse to play.
so, I suppose I put a disclaimer in my license file that says it's the user's responsibility to be responible for what they do with the images from flickr, and to comply with the owner's license?
And then you abuse the shit out of it.
@JohannesSchaub-litb too high temperature of your body
@ThePhD My usual reaction to sudden enemy attack in Dead Space was to two-shot-kill the target. Purely out of reflexes.
@EtiennedeMartel Lucky you, I scream and blow all my ammo. And it wasn't even my game: my brother went away for a sec and he asked me to play.
@ThePhD You gotta calm down and focus.
He wondered why he was low on ammo when he came back.
I mean, especially in DS: enemies only drop stuff when dead.
OKAY so I think I have full enum flag support...
Shoot until that happens.
If there's too many ennemies at once, stasis them.
@EtiennedeMartel But... but sometimes they're only pretending and you can't be sure... ;~;
If you can't use kinesis on them, they're alive.
You have to be genre savvy. You're not a horror movie protagonist.
Think outside the box. Outsmart the AI. Abuse the level design.
@EtiennedeMartel shoot the boes in the toe in skyrim!
I guess I'll have to play Dead Space 3 or something and sack up...
I love it when websites put all the info you need in a handy little json thingy in the page source :3
@ThePhD DS3 isn't really horror
From what I've heard, however, it's only good in co-op.
That's unfortunate.
@BartekBanachewicz How to kill a dragon in Skyrim: shoot an arrow, hide behind a rock while he breaths shit at you, unhide, shoot, repeat until dead.
@ThePhD what the fuck
@BartekBanachewicz Flags, bro. Flags for enumerations.
Once I understood that, I was chasing dragons across half the fucking map.
@EtiennedeMartel yup
skyrim is so bad...
I mean, it's great if you take it as a comedy
I only like the shouts.
@BartekBanachewicz But it was a best seller. :D
I liked Skyrim at lot at first.
AAA title that lasted for 2 months.
I watched my friend play it for a while, and I was dying from laughter
But as I kept playing it, I kept comparing it to Fallout: New Vegas.
I rather have Pokemon with high replayability than Skyrim.
Hello people. Does anybody here have an explanation for this behavior? I had an answer, but it does not satisfy me. stackoverflow.com/questions/14756691/…
And sure, the gameplay is better, but that's mostly because the engine is better. The story and writing? Sucks ass.
Still, I managed to wrest 60 hours out of that, so I can't complain.
Aren't recent titles have shitty story and writing?
The cool thing about Skyrim is that the Library is actually usable.
There's books in there that you can actually read.
@tom_mai78101 Play Spec Ops: The Line.
@AndyProwl ICC tends to be more permissive than MSVS
I meant recent titles from last week.
... But that's really the only memorable thing about it.
@tom_mai78101 What went out last week?
@BartekBanachewicz MS Visual S? what is this S programming language
@melak47 Studio, or was that an attempt at being funny?
@EtiennedeMartel idk, let's check
The year 2013 will see release of numerous games, including new installments for well-received franchises, such as Army of Two, BioShock, Crysis, Dead Space, Devil May Cry, Fire Emblem, God of War, Grand Theft Auto, Killzone, Lost Planet, Pokémon, Sly Cooper and Tomb Raider. Game releases The list of games released, or due for release, in 2013 in North America. Q1 January–March {| class="wikitable" |+ "align=bottom" | |- style="background:#dae3e7; text-align:center;" | Month | Day | Title | Platform(s) |- | rowspan="26" style="text-align:center; background:#ffa07a; textcolor:#000;"| J...
@Bartek: VC10 also permits it. Clang and GCC do not
@Borgleader ~_~
what about this devil may cry thing, is that any good
@melak47 so I'm told
@melak47 Yeah, biggest release was DS3.
@tom_mai78101 It's a slow release month, what do you expect?
Grand Theft Auto is getting a new clone?
@MooingDuck I haven't played any other of the series though
@ThePhD GTAV comes out in september.
@melak47 Devil May Cry is the series. I don't know the name of the latest game.
@EtiennedeMartel But...but...but....It concides with the Chinese New Year holidays.
@ThePhD It's not a clone, it's their biggest one yet.
@melak47 From what I've heard, it's good if you don't compare it to the rest of the series.
Oh, well then.
@MooingDuck the name of the latest one is "DmC: Devil May Cry" :p
@melak47 WTF. That's just stupid.
@melak47 Devil Devil may May Cry Cry
Q: Efficiently cast unsigned to signed

JoshuaI always subtract by 32768 when I have an unsigned short that I want to convert to a signed one. Is that the fastest way to do it, or are there faster ways?

@MooingDuck Numbers are so 2011.
Downloadable Media Content: Devil May Cry.
^^ wut
Or (Devil May Cry)^2
@ThePhD BaBaRaRaCuCuDaDa!
Game development title makers are just silly.
Well, the devil just cried.
Lollipop chainsaw massacre
@Crowz I'd play that
Brokeback Mountain massacre.
@MooingDuck I find it less stupid than the last entry in the Super Mario Bros. series, after running out of names for them they called it "New Super Mario Bros." and the latest "New Super Mario Bros 2"
I mean wtf Nintendo, get creative
It's a real game
@melak47 You can
hmm...make flickr downloader....or play gaemz
@Crowz Yeah, a Suda51 game.
Apparently Suda51 is only getting more and more tame.
This ain't shitty at all: Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning
Hey hollers.
It seems like nothing can reach the mind-bending level of Killer7.
Hey solers
@LightnessRacesinOrbit hey fellow romulans
@ThePhD EarthBound.
@EtiennedeMartel Old game.
When I grow up, I'm going to be a loser.
But it's subtle. Unlike Killer7, which is pretty much "in your face".
@Crowz I can dream anything, so I became a loser.
@tom_mai78101 Old experience.
@EtiennedeMartel I'm too young to fall for that.
I meant in recent years
@tom_mai78101 No, I'm serious. EB might be a crappy game, but it's quite the awesome experience.
I haven
Tutoring has to be the easiest job ever...
't seen an EarthBound or Killer7 game reecently.
@EtiennedeMartel But, I'm unable to enjoy it. :(
Also, apparently fans are making an Earthbound 3?
Quick question: Casting from unsigned to signed where the number is out of range. Is that UB or IB?
It's like Spec Ops: The Line: for its flaws (and there's many of them), play it anyway, because you'll never experience anything like it.
@Mysticial IB?
@ThePhD Implementation-defined behavior.
indifferent behavior? :D
I thought it'd just be DB: defined behavior.
Heh, I’d forgotten that Google had a 3D plotting tool
@ThePhD why would it be defined? What would 3000000000 be when cast to a signed number?
@MooingDuck No no, I meant hte acronym.
As far as standardese goes, hell if I know. :c
@KonradRudolph Damn, I don't have WebGL.
@tom_mai78101 WTF?!
what kind of back-ass browser are you using?!
@ThePhD oh, usually it's "Undefined Behavior", "Implementation Defined Behavior", and "Well Defined Behavior".
@KonradRudolph IE9
@KonradRudolph maybe he has IE10 with WebDX :3
UB, IB, and WB?
Well, I guess those are good acronyms too.
Warner Bros.?
@ThePhD I don't think I've seen WB as an acronym before, but it makes sense.
@MooingDuck No you have. You see it all the time in theaters.
Of course. People don't spend a lot of time talking about well-defined behavior. It behaves itself too well for that. :P
@tom_mai78101 :P
@ThePhD right. Talking about things that work as expected is not all that interesting.
so, what style command line options do people prefer. /bla, -bla, --bla...?
@melak47 @@@@@@bla
I like -bla.
That I like.
- and -- make sense to me.
/ makes less sense.
I've started using --bla in my programs, but I make sure they still support -bla mainly because I still feel like I prefer it as a user
/ can do one
maybe <insert unicode banana here>bla
ipconfig /all <--- Really?
@tom_mai78101 slash ALL the IPconfigs
question: is the sqrt method slow? For example, if you were checking if a number was prime by iterating through every number before it greater than 1 and doing a modulus, would it be faster to iterate to number/2 or sqrt(number) ?
@Zoidberg really?!
A primality test is an algorithm for determining whether an input number is prime. Amongst other fields of mathematics, it is used for cryptography. Unlike integer factorization, primality tests do not generally give prime factors, only stating whether the input number is prime or not. Factorization is thought to be a computationally difficult problem, whereas primality testing is comparatively easy (its running time is polynomial in the size of the input). Some primality tests prove that a number is prime, while others like Miller–Rabin prove that a number is composite. Therefore we might ...
@Crowz Many people used the square method.
So, as I was saying,
can you go backwards?
 O((log n)c log log log n)    ... what?
@ThePhD Careful with that, I think it only jumps.
So you can jump too far ahead and fuck up your memory.
@EtiennedeMartel ohhh fun
@EtiennedeMartel Great way to decrypt your files. :P
You also can apparently go backwards
I've re-ran this line like 5 times. o_O
I prefer the "execute until point" thing.
@EtiennedeMartel breakpoints? :p
So far I just use breakpoints everywhere.
I prefer to Breakpoint all the lines, and then press F8.
Easy F10 feature.
@tom_mai78101 ..why don't you just F10
I know.
It was an old habit I can't let it die for.
I hardly ever use printf or cout-style debugging, unless its a problem that spans more than one execution cycle or loop or something.
@melak47 Almost.
@ThePhD sort of neat thing, you can attach printfs to a breakpoint. so you don't pollute your code :3
I already polluted my code with red dots. I hate smallpox, you know?
@melak47 :O I never knew.
I ramboed the police station in Detroit in Human Revolution
but you just don't get enough ammo back from the bodies of all the police officers
@ThePhD Tell them to sell an expensive IDE, and you'll have what you wanted.
still worth it. :p
@DeadMG Great to see you're efficiently exterminating your fellow man.
These men, with their families.
Meh, they were all probably abusive men anyhow.
He did the world a favor.
The Punisher
Coming soon
@EtiennedeMartel What? They wouldn't give me the access I wanted.
therefore I murdered the whole lot of them.
I remember that
in old videogames you could just
stroll into people's houses
loot their chests
you can still do that
take their books, their vases, their dogs and cats and valuables.
@DeadMG You could have hacked their shit.
Or snuck around.
The Legend of Zelda games have those features.
Pay Rate: $70,000 - $100,000 Holy shit programmers get paid this much?
You are a terrible operative.
I thought it started at like, 40k
@Crowz Depending on area.
I'm sure it starts at that
@Crowz Starts there and goes up fast.
@Crowz That's only if you're A) Successful, B) Lucky, C) If you stayed there for more than a year.
Try Japan, where as a programmer or animator you get paid peanuts. ;~;
It makes me hesitant to actually want to go live in Japan.
@ThePhD They get paid like mangakas.
@ThePhD You should. Porn. Porn everywhere.
I live around Cambridge, so competition is ridiculous around here
@Crowz You could move, you know.
Or just apply anyways. ._.
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah, I took both of those approaches in the past.
Because, believe it or not, your peers aren't as fantastic as you think they are.
this time I decided to go with Terminator-style augments/approaches.
@DeadMG -I'll be back
but Haas wouldn't let me in when I picked "Crush" as every dialogue option
Okkaay, I finished the internal part of the build system :toot:
unsurprising, but unfortunate for him, because I immediately shot him in the head.
@CatPlusPlus What build system?
For the game I work on at work
q_q why do you all get amazing workplaces
I can switch build variants from Unity
They are senior.
@tom_mai78101 Censored porn.
@Rapptz You can by uncensored porn for a premium.
Not legally.
Hence the premium?
@Rapptz That includes an waived fee of 2800 yen
@ThePhD Well it'd probably be shot in another country
Oh shi... Mustn't make others know our trad secrets.
Expanding system NTFS partition should be safe, right?
@CatPlusPlus :3c Good luck.
@CatPlusPlus NOpe.
I still have to visit Japan.
But I need to keep learning japanese first.
@CatPlusPlus Your hard-drive will fail.
q_q I'm so bad at it right now.
What why would it
@CatPlusPlus Karma's a bitch.
Ignore me, because I dreamed to be a loser 18 minutes ago.
I'm stupid and I made the system partition 150GB
Instead of doing it the sane way and putting everything onto one
If the bug continues to persist, I am ragequitting out of life. Forever.
what are the features?
@ThePhD Or you could just give the source code to me..
Oh, even better, it's 100GB not 150
@CatPlusPlus Why are you shrinking?
@Ell Batching of ShaderParameterBuffers, run-time mix-match of compatible shader methods, efficient RAII on all shader methods, ease-of-use ShaderParameter setting ( shader.Parameters["ViewProjection"].SetValue( mysexymatrix ) ), etc. etc.
I'm not shrinking anything
Also efficient batched GPU calls underneath.
For once in my life, I realized I'm staying up late. 1:51AM and counting.
@ThePhD Y U NO Parameters["ViewProjection"] = mysexymatrix;?
@DeadMG Uh. If you want me to, I can add that in right now. I just throught being explicit might be nice.
One moment~
How is Set more explicit than assignment operator
Well, some of my set operators have multiple arguments, so I just kept it that way.
What should operator= return?
The Shader Parameter itself?
of course
Hm. Okay.
operator= always returns *this unless you have a strong reason for it to return something else.
Like a proxy of the object or something!
... But that's a discussion for later.
My system also has built-in, non-expensive Value getting.
So you can get the values currently set on the ShaderMethod, without having to do a GPU call.
@CatPlusPlus 100 is not too bad. I even made mine 120GB once
hmm...commandline arguments... --bla=value, or --bla value?
I always return "return other;" i.e the source object
that way, the rhs is returned
whoever downvoted me to 3.800... lol nice
nice round number

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