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@mikeTheLiar no clue bruh
yeah i thought it was something like that. I've tried changing it to a IList and ICollection
it isn't too happy with IEnumerable
I responded to the SO question, BTW. Rep farmin' ;)
@Squiggle Karma whore
totally. I'm still <1k!
i don't answer a lot of SO questions
ill keep taking the free 100 point handouts though
hahaa nicely done!
@ScottVMeyers try just making it a List<Item>. if that doesn't work, post the error you get here.
@ScottVMeyers yeah it would really help if you'd specify what the error is
@TomW he did, in his SO question
Cannot deserialize the current JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) into type 'BringIt.Models.Item' etc etc
guys I'm bored at my new job
What should I do?
I have already sent a notification to my PM
@Squiggle and for the case with IEnumerable that I responded to?
waiting to hear back
prime minister?
@TomW waiting to hear back
I'm getting an error in the client-side controller now when I try to build---Argument 2: cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.List<BringIt.Models.Item>' to 'BringIt.Models.Item'
change it to list in my model from ICollection?
wait but that's in my ItemList model
@KalaJ this is a startup, right? I would start wondering whether they think you know what you're supposed to do and they didn't anticipate having to supervise
how is it even possible that startups have "I am bored" moments
Go over code, see where you can implement better code
rewrite the system fuck everything
this is a startup
@ScottVMeyers fix all ur codez
Better to ask forgiveness than permission
@TomW damn. Too bad. I guess I'll just keep flailing around
@KalaJ if it's a startup, I suggest getting a handle on the business strategy/goals and invent work for yourself. Optimise stuff, improve reports etc.
@KalaJ look at the bug tracker, take an item, do it
^ or that
Worst case is you break the site in prod. And if you do, you can tell your boss the process sucks for letting you
50$ say they have no bug tracker
marks @misha130's words with a gold sharpie
<mark>My Words</mark>
So....my wedding anniversary is March 14th and I just discovered something...significant about that day.
!!urban March 14
@mikeTheLiar Nothing in that index. The last one is:
[March](http://march.urbanup.com/3771278) A Town in fenland, Cambridgeshire
Filled with chavs and retards
March 14th is Pi day
its the night before julius ceaser was assassinated?
@Amy or half tau day if you're a little bitch
i'm not, @KendallFrey
@Amy last year was 3 14 15
i'm a big pony
I thought you were a pony?
@mikeTheLiar well she's a dog now
I tried to submit a new math symbol ç - Cake. ç = Pi^2. No one liked it :(
I am so confused
Apparently we have to build a new web app for this project
And we're doing that in MVC
That's so fucking confusing! RUN FOR THE HILLS!
So we're gonna have VB.NET Webforms, C# ASP.NET Webforms, WCF with VB and C#, a brand spanking new REST API somewhere
And this new app in shiny MVC6 with all sorts of coding standards
I cannot even.
@Sippy That's actually not all that confusing
Do the other apps work? I assume they're all seperate apps
At least I get to use MVC \o/
We're 'improving' them
Vaguely separate lol
They cross over
Lookat it from managements point of view. If App 1 (Web forms VB.NET) is working and needed for client one, and the other app C# Web forms works for client 2, why would you spend money upgrading them?
That's why I wanted to work on a side project here
What you could do is step back and figure out if writing this new MVC app could take over some of the featuers of the other ones to slowly phase them out
It's all for one client.
And that is the idea :D
@RyanTernier why are we running for the hills? i'd rather run for president
how come in my DB ContactID is NOT nullable, but in my Code it is? why didnt EF mirror them?

/// <summary>
/// Unique Database ID of the Contact
/// </summary>
[DisplayName("Contact ID")]
public int? ContactId { get; set; }
@Amy u cant b president u r pony
nothing in the constitution defines a person.
FFS. My RasPi order was postponed 1 day, and that's just moved to "end of March" D:
ponies can be president
@RyanTernier to stop the legacy app from becoming an unmaintainable fleapit because only the useless dev(s) are prepared to work on it. Anyone still using that product can get bent because if it's broken it stays broken
@Sippy Don't discriminate! The US Is a tolerant society... right? they value... differences?
@Squiggle My internet was meant to be installed 2 weeks ago
@Sippy did you accidentally move into a house that doesn't exist?
@TomW I said from "managements" point of view. A lot of times they don't think like that. But I totally agree. Old legacy applications are a bane to most bottom lines in small companies
I interviewed a couple people that worked on AutoTrader.ca - one of Canada's leading automotive sales sites. Written in .NET 2.0 Web Forms and it is ALL ATLAS/AJAX. Management won't pay for it to be upgraded because "developers should be able to work on old technology"
@RyanTernier yeah so, hopefully somewhere there are competent managers who understand that there are good business-centric reasons for keeping stuff up to date
@Squiggle Maybe
That wasn't why though
new-build, though?
"Your appointment has been scheduled. Our technician will be at your home between the hours of 6 AM and 9 PM"
@RyanTernier Developers can work on old technology. They just won't unless you pay them.
There are always desperate devs that need the job though.
@Squiggle Refurb
The reason is because it is in an old bank, so the wiring is all in the cellar and he couldn't get into the cellar because I don't own it.
Well shit.
@mikeTheLiar You can always request the tech. to call you just before they arrive.
@RyanTernier yep sounds like the AutoTrader I know. Heard the same about their tech stack
So he left, and I had to call to re-organise it, and BT fobbed me off and said it was my fault and I'd have to wait 2 weeks
@RyanTernier that's operating under the assumption that they give a shit
@TomW They approached me to join their team. My first reply was "I've interviewed about 5 of your employees looking for work at my company. Let's talk about technology and technical debt". ohhhhhhh it was so much fun
@RyanTernier Lol
I'd love to have that much fun
I do not like green eggs and ham I do not like them sam i am!
@RyanTernier hohoho. Maybe they will start to understand that the stuff has gone bad and needs to be thrown out
Considering what AutoTrader runs on
I'm surprised it still works
@ScottVMeyers Ugh, my kids are so picky. You make chicken fingers - they love them. You make chicken fingers with a different type of breading (darker or lighter) and they won't eat them because it's different! GHAHHHHHAHSFQEGTWEGUEWHTIUPWQHY :((@@##*TY #@P*Y @#%%*Y@#
/drinks vodka
@RyanTernier "Fine, I'll eat them, you go hungry :D!"
@RyanTernier they eat it or they go hungry
See we Brits know how to parent
Was the rule I lived under
Although clearly not cos have you met kids in the UK
hahah mine's the same way, autism tho
That works if mommy is working a night shift
we do the same dinner every single day
@RyanTernier Solution: replace management's computers with 10-year-old models because "management should be able to work on old technology"
lol. Our rule was "eat now because we might not have food later"
@Jeremy Oh I was harsher than that when they talked to me :) I've had 8 interviews this past month. Every interview I turn it into me interviewing them. I've had 8 offers so far. Apparently Managers like it when candidates get on top =D
Does this seem confusing: var cache = Storage.GetEntityCache<List<TEntity>>(typeof(TEntity).Name);
yea, get rid of the var keyword
management wants candidates who want to be on top
@Greg do you have the right lang ver to use nameof()?
hey hey
@Greg In all honesty it does seem a bit confusing. It seems that you're getting a type of List<TEntity> from a TEntity.Name
hi hi
<inappropriate comment about kendalls mom>
@Greg agree with @RyanTernier. Removing var and naming cache a little better will help.
@SteveG <nonsequiter about panini>
<another nonsequitur about tfs>
<praise jicamajs>
@SteveG InappropriateComment<T> where T :Mom
@SteveG do you have something in your eye?
@RyanTernier see if you can draw people down the road of "the manager class is an antipattern"
But enough about business, lets talk about code
@SteveG Insult<T> where T : IMother<Kendall>, IGrandmother<Kendall>
Any suggestion for what I would google to find out how I can make this API know about the existence of Application_Error?
i have a piece of bitter in my eye
Parallel.ForEach(panini, kendall.Insert);
you can't just insert panini into any hole! that's inhumanity
trump is popular because free college doesn't exist
The Guardian's editorials are awesome.
Trump is popular because he's different. He can't be bought, he is extreme, and he's not doing things to "make big companies happy".
people are too uneducated to see what he's doing
well, his supporters at least
i like how we're already talking about the article. you guys are fast readers!
@Jeremy I read it yesterday
At first I Thought trump was running so he could push someone else. There was another well written article that stated the US would assassinate Trump before he could ever become president.
and/or geniuses @Squiggle :^)
I'll take the latter
@RyanTernier i half believe that
I'm just a Guarniad reader
Bohemium Grove is most likely active trying to find ways of illuminatying him to hell prior to election
he might be assassinated
He is definitely an ass
That is actually a damn good point
His supporters are hearing something completely different to you
@SteveG I expected Obama to be assassinated by now
me too, to be honest
Info-bubbles are a terrible product of the Internet culture
Had anyone noticed that he'd been talking about trade? I hadn't
I hope he kills that new Trade agreement with Canada
!!youtube donald trump china supercut
is a winner guys
haha love it
when he loses the election, i'm going to follow him around with a sign that says "LOSER"
I'd take him over our pretty boy Trudeau
or maybe "LIGHTWEIGHT", or even better "LEIGHTWEIGHT"
what a yuge idiot
@RyanTernier I envy 'nadians for their Trudeau right now.
Europe has turned right-wing and a bit neocon and I don't like it one bit NO SIR I DO NOT LIKE IT ONE BIT
The Swedish are trying to be less Swedish?
Bork de bork puta de immigrantse inde ghettoa bork de bork
I still think Don Cherry would be the best PM for Canada, He'd give Trump a run for his money
Europe hasnt turned right wing
they arent evicting immigrants
Sweden is still sweden
PM of canada still goes "BECAUSE ITS 2016"
i'm pretty sure trump likes beastiality
labour party will never win in uk :(
ukip is a joke
@SteveG something something his wig something bestiality lol
something something
@misha130 imho what lost them the last election was their ridiculous glove puppet of a leader
no shit
They've got one now that a lot of people disagree with but at least they largely respect
@SteveG if you're gonna talk about fucking animals at least spell it right
They changed leaders?
@KendallFrey don't talk about your mother like that
cant see any article about that
@mikeTheLiar ok I won't
@misha130 errr seriously? Jeremy Corbyn?
you are talking about nigel farage or the labour
@misha130 the fallout from the previous general election - when Miliband stepped down and Corbyn got the leadership
Protectionist policies in the U.S. would be kind of interesting at the moment
I havent been following labour, but I have been laughing at UKIP everyday
Since it seems like the global economy is flailing and the U.S. doing relatively well
@RyanTernier that site is neat, I wish it existed for more things...
And our exports are already fucked anyway
Not that it's a good idea. Just "interesting".
I think people have stopped talking about them as much now that the Tories are going full eurotard
Crossing fingers that the infighting is enough to break them
> eurotard
@TomW wins "word of the day". [golfclap]
We would award you with a trophy, but the C# room trophy budget is already used up, so here's a pencil sharpener instead.
What is/are a eurotard?
!!urban eurotard
Anyone use the new Asp.Net Console Application?
@mikeTheLiar eurotard someone so excessively pretentious (read: black turtlenecks, copy of Camus under the arm, possibly [emo glasses]), but has no real intelligence, is commonly referred to a Eurotard.
@Amy We could award him a year's subscription to IntelliJicama IDEA instead
Black turtlenecks aren't pretentious, they're tactical.
@Greg I played around in the template, but I dunno what I would actually use it for.

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