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4:00 PM
though it's not a commute kind of car :p
@AdrianK. @Sippy likes those
@TomW Mazdas?
@AdrianK. mps?
@AdrianK. yeah, those are great
@AdrianK. I am gonna drive Guy Fieri around town so he can stuff his troll face with burgers
4:00 PM
Whats the point of a rear wheel drive?
@Michael FUN
@Michael go fast turn left
@Sippy what does that mean?
@Michael stunts, and they're easier to build that way.
@Failsafe want. Colleague just got back from Florida, had reserved a Camaro, was unavailable, got a Challenger instead. Was not unhappy
4:01 PM
@Failsafe you cant turn left on front wheel?
@AdrianK. Is it a mazda 6 mps?
Or is it the old man version?
@TomW I would LOVE a challenger
@Failsafe unfortunately they don't go round corners
a manual is 6k more expensive than the base version
the only time i've seen an automatic cost less than a manual
Just as well gas is so cheap in the US hey
4:01 PM
@Sippy looks like a fish, moves like a fish, steers like a cow?
@Sippy I'm not sure. Have to find out but I doubt it
literally no manual option on the base
I wasn't expecting that big of a response. I have Visual Studio 2015, which does not appear to have any SSIS tools in it. I tried to find BIDS, but ended up having to get what appears to be a SSIS package IDE stuffed in a Visual Studio 2008 shell
@AdrianK. The one I was looking at was a 2.3L turbo 250bhp ish
Anything like that? :P
@Failsafe That'd be awesome LOL
4:02 PM
i've opened up my options though
0-60 in about 6 seconds?
@Sippy 2.0 Turbo Diesel 130hp, Manual
wait if you have a rear wheel drive, will your car actually turn properly?
that sounds so weird
@AdrianK. ah :D
the base camaro is a turbo v4
4:02 PM
like it has to steer from the front still
0-60 in 5.2s
i would love to get a camaro SS
@Michael rwd not uncommon
automatic rev matching
Works for various German executive cars
my partner prefers RWD cars/trucks because its easier to do donuts in the road
4:04 PM
so the backwheels spin, but front still steer?
just trying to stay productive while they try to figure out what we need to work on next... i have a feeling they're gonna be letting my team go in a month. i've already been thrown under the bus for not being productive enough.
@Michael that's fairly common
@Amy LOL. What stuffing? ahaha
@Michael yes?
lol i dont know much about cars
4:04 PM
what, @AdrianK.?
I feel like front wheel drive is rarer that RWD
what would be neat is to have back and front wheels spin and steer
some cars do that, @Michael
Like 90% of sports cars are RWD
then you dont need to parallel park weirdly
4:05 PM
of course, all cars have wheels that spin
@Amy I might take that too verbatim, sorry
most american muscle is RWD
the scion FRS and subaru BRZ is RWD
when are we going to get flying cars? i was promised flying cars
4:06 PM
@Amy 2015
@Amy they're called planes
as it has been fortold
@Bardicer Dang dude :-/
@Failsafe good god the mpg makes me cry
4:06 PM
they dont need to be spheres. just a wheel that can turn 180 deg.
And/or helicopters
@TomW Yea
still better than my current car
@Squiggle yeah.. bad career move. i shoulda stayed where i was. but the money is considerably better for now
my car is like 140k+ miles
down to like 19mpg
@Bardicer Where are you based?
4:07 PM
> .tx
You shouldn't have much trouble finding more work if the worst happens :)
God somebody cocked this solution up royally. Just trying to figure out how they fucked it is hurting my head.
@Squiggle yeah
i don't think finding something else is going to be difficult. finding something that doesn't require me to commute into downtown houston will be difficult
i'd be well into the six digit figures for a salary if i were willing to make that commute
@Failsafe looking at BMW, but do not need. Can afford, but is a big money sink I could be spending on other things
@TomW you could buy 2 camaro's for that price
4:09 PM
@TomW you also don't get turn signals
@Failsafe and not afford to run them
but yea obviously i would buy a bmw if i could afford it
they are so damn nimble
@Failsafe American muscle cars are rare unusual imports over here
enabling you to cut people off with precision speed
And fuel is about 4x
4:10 PM
@TomW The new camaro trims look sexy af
if you want to cut people off with precision, you need a Hatori Hanzo sword
apparently a HUGE improvement over the last 7 year trim
@Failsafe and nobody would know how to work on them
@Amy Nah, more like Arai Shakku
@TomW Move over to america then
you can test drive any muscle car you want all day
I like the idea but owning a pony car (hi @Amy) is a statement to the effect of "I am a panini"
Over here.
4:12 PM
looks over there
All I see is a panini.
Hello panini my old friend
( * ) <- |%|
(I don't know how to do an ascii panini)
8===D Ascii peninis
4:14 PM
                _.-~       ~-._
            _.-~               ~-._
        _.-~                       ~---._
    _.-~                                 ~\
 .-~                                    _.;
 :-._                               _.-~ ./
 }-._~-._                   _..__.-~ _.-~)
 `-._~-._~-._              / .__..--~_.-~
     ~-._~-._\.        _.-~_/ _..--~~
         ~-. \`--...--~_.-~/~~
that's no panino. Looks like a toastie.
I was pretty damn good at ASCII art... once
(☰☰☰) <-- is the best I can do
4:15 PM
Aug 15 '12 at 15:42, by Kendall Frey
         __+`"j  _,,*-,
  `,   *`/ 'Y7 |"/ FY* |
 ^*-\ / I ___` |/___` /   ,'
`*-,*`   /    *v'    ' `./_,'
  yY7   |       L     I  *_-.
 /  `*__"        \     I~:,\
|K'  /.u \ ______''_____\*+:`
|L|' `'/  \  ""   J_""  |  | |
|     L    '__  _(__)--'   : ,
 \q,` ,       ^^  |-,_  _,/  `
  \L   "..____,.-'    "`    /
   ', dy              ___,-*
@Squiggle better than |%|
☰ -> ( * ) < - ☰
|%| is a nerdy joke in itself
the modulus of modulus itself
to all stupid put all Modulus in your asshole
what was the name of the cat? it was from a cartoon
Work have instigated some sort of dumb throttling against Google, so I can't even load certain websites because the googleadd resources can't resolve
and the CDNs are broken
4:19 PM
garfield is better without garfield
garfield is glorious
!!youtube garfielf
It keep Garfield but removes his dialog
In Garfield Minus Garfield Jon is just a lunatic. Shut Up Garfield shows you what's really going on in Jon's life.
4:22 PM
^ live action interpretations of Garfield panels, with bonus music videos
WTF limit reached
That is very disturbing in a way I can't quite put my finger on.
No, wait, I can put my finger exactly on it.
I need a side project that would help me learn angularjs, Akka and Unity lol
all three of them togheter
4:31 PM
@KalaJ I would like a project to play with Akka Unity EntityFramework and Reactive Extension. Tested with FsCheck
scalability ensured
I would like to use something that is not BizTalk.
no bug shall escape
@scheien My family has a 9th gen civic which is nice... but not nearly as sophisticated and fun to drive as a golf, I think
But I will need to try both.
I will probably test drive the 10th gen for giggles... especially since I'm going by the honda dealer today anyway
> WebSphere
4:34 PM
Nov 4 '15 at 19:18, by Squiggle
Oct 13 at 17:58, by Pheonixblade9
SAP/ABAP coincidentally is the same sound my butthole makes whenever I get an email asking me to come be a consultant for it
Ok, not these things.
@ntohl I'll do it
just give me an idea to work on lol
@KalaJ just reimplement Google for practise
good (ugt) night
who is feeling like a hero and wants to help a newb get unstuck with a JSON deserialization issue?
@ScottVMeyers Just ask your question fam
feelin like an hero
4:40 PM
ask ask !
trying to POST a one-to-many relationship. I don't think I have the ICollection setup right in one of the methods or model, but I just can't figure which one
I"ve never worked with relationships before
@ScottVMeyers we talking WebAPI/MVC here?
I'm getting a JSON deserialization error when I try to POST. The array I'm sending doesn't match what it's expecting.
and can you confirm you've separated your view models from your database/EF models? ;)
Post example of model and JSON. Use gist if you can.
yes, but also not sure if type is correct in VM since I've never used it before
4:42 PM
Collection should be fine
whoa, never used gist before
it's just a text-sharing tool
gist.github.com assuming you have a github account?
You can use it anonymously
yep, i'm looking at it
should I just add my models and VM or do you want the controllers and html as well?
@TomW do you know what the magic piece I have to add to get Application_Error working is? I re-created the autosupplied FilterConfig class but still no joy.
4:47 PM
just a general idea of the C# model structure and the JSON
you know what, hold on.
using jackson javascript will make your life easier. It is built for this kind of situation. — Aizen 13 hours ago
jackson? why would you want to?
that was somebody's reply
ah you have a SO question pending
Man, fuck jackson. JicamaJS 4 lyf
4:48 PM
if you click on the "13 hours ago", it will take you to my pending question
yes I do have a pending question
should I not?
@ScottVMeyers nah it's fine, he means he can look at your code there instead of on github
yeah i was hoping that would be helpful
@ScottVMeyers do you have an example of the JSON that's being sent over-the-wire?
you've got some code ` this.itemListService.save(this.itemList, this.items)` - what does itemListService do?
I'll add the service file to the question. trying to get the JSON for you as well
@Squiggle Do you know much about how EF handles deleting? does it cascade by default?

I tried doing _dbContext.Database.Log = Console.WriteLine; It only showed the entity that i deleted but it didn't show cascaded deleted (Which I know occurred)
4:53 PM
@Michael my understanding is that it's dependent on the database fk settings. I doubt if it automatically cascades.
aye it doesn't cascade-delete by default.
ok i've added the service code
you can configure it at the db level, or you can configure it in EF: stackoverflow.com/a/17487948/1034004
ah isee
still curious as to why it doesnt log
@ScottVMeyers so over the wire you'll have something like...
   "itemList": null,
   "item": [{blah}, {blah}... ]
4:57 PM
{itemList: {title: "new list"},…}
[{itemName: "new item", itemQty: "10"}, {itemName: "awesome item", itemQty: "15"}]
{title: "new list"}
ah OK :)
sorry my browser didn't want to run there for a while
aha I see what's wrong
    public class AddItemsVM {
        public Item item { get; set; }
        public ItemList itemList { get; set; }
really? you're fast
i need a collection there?
you see? you're passing an array of Items, and trying to map it to a property in your VM that isn't an array
4:59 PM
yeah, but I've tried. oh. i haven't tried it as an array
item : [] won't map to public Item item {get; set;}
you need a public IEnumerable<Item> item { get; set; }
or something

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