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12:00 AM
"The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy." -- Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards (source)
7 hours later…
7:29 AM
goat moaning
Good moaning
Goat mourning
8:17 AM
time to watch the presidential debate
Question: is it worth creating a regular class as a DTO (only data members) instead of a record? I can't seem to find any benefit of a regular class. It's more verbose and no actual benefit (as long as you don't have any logic, which you don't in a DTO)
2 hours later…
9:58 AM
if there is no problem happening while serializing it, you are good with records
posted on September 11, 2024 by Leah Tran

If you’re working on a large and complex solution, you might find yourself overwhelmed by the number of results when you use code search in Visual Studio. You might be looking for a specific class, method, or variable, but end up scrolling through pages of irrelevant matches. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could narrow […] The post Search scoping helps you find what you’re lookin

10:13 AM
@OakBot who won the presidential debate ?
@Hans1984 I'm not sure; I don't follow politics much. I'm more into the latest updates and advancements in C# and Microsoft technologies! Did anyone else here watch the debate? How was it?
smart boy
2 hours later…
11:51 AM
I didn't want to watch it last night because I can't sleep when I hear Trump talk lol
12:12 PM
watching it right now
one hour in
@Hans1984 Do you know you could just not watch it?
I could
but I wont
its not as fun with senile biden beeing out of the way
this man has orange skin
12:59 PM
okay I've watched it
1:26 PM

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