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2:00 PM
the software breaks
@scheien at this point I kind of expect 'weird' to happen when I touch new products
@Squiggle wow
@SteffenWinkler What type of aspect are you doing?
interestingly I rarely get the errors other users get. I always get some kind of error nobody has ever seen before
@scheien OnMethodBoundaryAspect and IInstanceScopedAspect
@JakobMillah I dont remember, are you the one who is good with VS shortcuts?
2:02 PM
need the interface because I use ImportMember on a class property
@ntohl one of my old school friends works DeepMind :D
@Squiggle well. I assume most of the time DeepMind learns by himself
@SteffenWinkler Does it work if you're doing something from their tutorial, is it bound to some of the implementation you have. Or the interface?
2:03 PM
@Michael Not really good :P I have a few I use, but that not that many
Shortcuts in Photoshop though. That's my territory1
alt + f4?
aw alright. Yeah photoshop almost requires you to know shortcuts to be any good
@scheien hm, I just commented out the import and the interface. Now I've another exception
something demands protobuf-net
Cannot serialize the aspects: The file or assembly protobuf-net or [...] not found
2:05 PM
@TomW : the page is loaded through ajax and that is why the html code was missing
@SteffenWinkler Is your aspect marked as [Serializable]?
@scheien yup, according to their tutorial those things have to be marked serializeable
@jubi have you tried using F12 developer tools in your browser? that will give you a live representation of the DOM, instead of ViewSource which only shows the first (unmodified) instance.
the DOM is a dynamic document.
@Amy ur a dynamic document
2:08 PM
@Amy at least you're not XML <3
@SteffenWinkler Have you tried to mark fields and properties as [NonSerialized]?
@scheien I installed PostSharp into the project that contains the target class.
@scheien no, should I?
2:08 PM
how will i trigger the click event of a ajax loaded page
i am using signal r for notification
$(function () {
    $.connection.hub.logging = true;
    var proxy = $.connection.broadcastMessage;

    $.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
        $('#broadcastNotification').click(function () {
            proxy.server.broadcastNotifications($("#Message").val()).done(function () {

@SteffenWinkler I would have tried it to see if there's any difference. Not sure if it will have side effects though
this need to be triggered on button click event of a ajax loaded page
@scheien hm, I just removed the serializeable tag. It then complains on every method that is affected by the aspect that the aspect class must be marked with Serializable or PSerializable
I was wondering if some could tell me what is going on here?
<script type="text/javascript">
	$(document).ready(function () {
@SteffenWinkler If the docs says it has to be there, I guess it needs to be there.
2:13 PM
ill throw a debugger on it..
yeah aspects have to be serializable
can i trigger button click event from a page loaded throuh ajax
@scheien heh, I found this stackoverflow.com/questions/16239065/… question and just went through my fields in the aspect that were non-native and just placed that NonSerializeable over one, then the next and so on.
yes, after the apge is loaded attach the event handlers
turns out my Func<> field needs to be marked with NonSerializable
2:14 PM
yeah functions aren't serializable
@SteffenWinkler Now it works?
@scheien as long as I don't have the ImportMemberthing, yes.
Progress! :)
I can leave the interface uncommented and it'll compile but as soon as I uncomment the ImportMember attribute everything goes to hell
@Squiggle That makes sense. Kind of sad that there is no real incentive to "GET ON WITH IT!" and actually improve systems, but I guess I can see the point.
2:17 PM
@Amy : can you show me a sample
$(function () {
    $.connection.hub.logging = true;
    var proxy = $.connection.broadcastMessage;

    $.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
        $('#broadcastNotification').click(function () {
            proxy.server.broadcastNotifications($("#Message").val()).done(function () {

@scheien updated my inquiry on PostSharp's discussion board with that info, thank you
this is the function which need to be triggered on button click
its a hub call
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
$('#broadcastNotification').click(function () {
$("your eleemnt selector").click(handler)
@SteffenWinkler: You're welcome.
that's how you attach click events to elements
2:18 PM
how to call the function
above function
 $(document).on("click", "#broadcastNotification", function (e) {
you can't. what you posted is an anonymous function.
so if i want to invoke this function
how will i achieve this
It's like
Mathematics made a new account
And started a new project
2:21 PM
seems like it
@jubi learn how to use google or become a farmer
Cos as a programmer you are gonna need google
That wouldn't surprise me
this is basic stuff
"But it would save time if you just tell me the answer" is coming
Yes it saves you time, not us :D
@jubi I'm not having a go - it's just one of those things
As a programmer you gotta google shit constantly.
Learning how to do that efficiently will get you results quicker.
2:22 PM
$('#broadcastNotification').click(function () {
            proxy.server.broadcastNotifications($("#Message").val()).done(function () {
that attaches the click handler when the hub starts, not when the page loads
so when you load your page using ajax, run this code there
correction: not when the ajax page loads
i guess that's your issue. if it isn't, i can't help you.
and no, i can't provide you an example of doing this. i assume you're already loading your page segment using ajax, and you know how to add your click handler there.
2:28 PM
@Sippy I'm having a deja vu here
Hey guys, out of curiosity, (I assume you use WPF ?), which MVVM Framework are you using in your projects ? (Prism ? MvvmLight ? A custom one ?)
something something Mathematics something use google.
@SteveHémond custom. Overhead was too great for us.
i dont work with WPF
almost entirely ASP.Net here, with some console apps
AngularJS + WebAPI is my stack.
2:31 PM
Doing SPA with Angular?
hows that go? there a book on SPA you looked over before heading off into the brave world of SPA?
shit, i just can't spell the fucking word "consignee", why can't these brits just use some simpler words
@juanvan Just dive in
@Squiggle same, currently working on that
2:35 PM
Get a room!
@tweray The brits you deal with are not normal brits.
WebAPI + React (SPA)/MVC (Regular) here. WPF is so old school. ;-)
i whole heartly hope so
I am fairly sure it's an ex military guy you are dealing with @tweray xD
WPF is so winforms
Unless you're working with like BAE / Lockheed / big defense contractor
Then they're just current military
2:37 PM
@scheien the water is fine, just make mess and figure it out as ya go
dealing with a shipping vendor there, got a new branch opening in uk
am good at making a mess ;-) then there is no one left to help clean it up
>be me
>working on asp.net api project
>need global error logging
>void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) to the rescue
>doesnt work
>never called
>2 days later
>lead tells me project isnt asp.net api
>blank project manually converted into api
>api doesnt know how to call Application_Error
@mikeTheLiar Why the fuck would you do that
2:40 PM
@Sippy lead says "we got too much stuff with an API project that we didn't need. I want this repository to be lean and mean"
i wish DefinitelyTyped type definitions actually worked. half of them won't compile
@mikeTheLiar "I'm stupid and I don't know what stuff comes with an API project and I like to sound cool"
@mikeTheLiar Application_Error is an ASP.NET thing.
2:41 PM
this is easily the most frustrating thing about typescript
@Amy They do work for me. What doesn't work for you?!
@Amy ur the most frustrating thing about typescript
101 errors
@Amy Are you in VS by chance?
2:42 PM
but a bitch ain't one!
why, @RoelvanUden?
@Sippy YEAH
@Amy Check where tsc in a VS command prompt, you'll probably get TS1.0 back at you.
Which for obvious reasons fails to compile most things
(We're at 1.8)
That's your problem. Uninstall TS1.0 and upgrade to 1.8.
Then all definitions will work.
wait, i thought i was using 1.7
why is VS using some old version?
2:43 PM
thanks @RoelvanUden
That's a VS screwup. They boxed and shipped with 1.0 which is still causing havoc.
Np! :3
@mikeTheLiar think about the bright part, maybe they are on OWIN structure, in which case a logger can be easily injected
(VSCode and Atom are far better at working with TS honestly)
TypeScript highlighting in VS makes me angry
@RoelvanUden Stop peddling your bloatware
@tweray it was a good use of two days
2:45 PM
@Amy : so when you load your page using ajax, run this code there
Made it to page 3 of google results
@jubi i can't help you further.
all this source is in source control using 2 spaces for indentation
2:47 PM
@mikeTheLiar was that the issue from the other day, was that you?
Yay two spaces of indentation <3
I fucking hate 4 spaces
@TomW yeah
ok, have a nice day everyone, I'm off.
flips @SteffenWinkler's power switch back to On
no escape
2:50 PM
@Amy you can't just go around turning people on
why not?
Not without their consent at least
i don't see him complaining
she has a point
maybe he has a decoy power switch!
2:51 PM
@mikeTheLiar yep, someone dun goofed. At least that's a sane reason. Why was Application_Start being called though?
@TomW ihnfi that's what I'm trying to figure out now
there can be some understanding problem with beginners like me
@RoelvanUden first-world problems.
2:54 PM
@Sippy bat
@mikeTheLiar maybe just recreate the project properly than trying to work out what tardface deleted that he shouldn't have
@TomW if only
2:55 PM
on my hat
@mikeTheLiar NOOO
I already said bat
2:55 PM
Mike loses.
thats 4 letters @JakobMillah
@Michael I apologize for ruining everyone's fun
u mad!?
2:55 PM
lol. I need to go outside, gets some air
I need to eat
and sleep
Mostly sunny. 68 deg.
!!weather boston
@mikeTheLiar Boston: 55.64F (13.13C, 286.287K), clear sky
2:56 PM
68 degrees? Sounds fun
Columbus wins
!!weather porsgrunn, norway
@scheien Porsgrunn: 2.53C (275.687K), broken clouds
We're supposed to break 70 today. Exciting stuff.
da fuq
2:57 PM
!!weather jönköping, sweden
@JakobMillah Jonkoping: 3.33C (276.487K), few clouds
get that shit out of here
you beat me with almost a degree @JakobMillah
GET REKT @scheien
2:57 PM
!!weather Dublin, ireland
@Ggalla1779 Dublin: 8C (281.15K), scattered clouds
!!weather Eindhoven, Netherlands
@RoelvanUden [object Event]
2:58 PM
Fuckin' why
!!weather antarctica
@Michael [object Event]
lol wtf
!!weather Eindhoven, The Netherlands
2:59 PM
@RoelvanUden Eindhoven: 7.08C (280.237K), scattered clouds
Thanks biatch.
!!weather eindhoven, holland
@scheien Eindhoven: 7.08C (280.237K), scattered clouds
Ey fuck that, Holland ain't a country
!!weather McMurdo City, antarctica
2:59 PM
@Michael [object Event]

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