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12:00 PM
@Gimby Let's say that I failed an audit of my IQ test =D
back.? What did I miss
Hmm the question mark isn't at the right sentence
@Tunaki Hmm...you missed a waffle party.
You're lying.
Guys, can I disable those popups for room events?
@Cerbrus Due to the vast amount of customization chat offers, I'd think not
12:11 PM
Subtle :P
@Tunaki No I'm not - You can ask Smokey for that.
@KevinGuan It's Kevin Guan's fault.
See? Told you.
Boom, that must hurt
12:13 PM
@SmokeDetector Why Smokey why? :(
sd remove- the truth shall stay heddin
and afk
@Kyll Is the keeper of the horrible truth
@Magisch And you too ^
12:21 PM
@TheLostMind ok added the link in my CV to my bosses the website.. see if you can find it :D
I sit here
with Tonsolitis and a broken foot
and wait for the day to be over
any causal connection?
Do I want to know what Tonsolitis is?
I just have no luck
get better:S
12:22 PM
tonsolitis, need to google that
@Kyll special kind of throat infection, inflammation of the tonsils
more commonly known as marble infection
That does not sound any kind of a nice thing to have
Its not
penicillin ftw
12:23 PM
you cannot swallow anything
it all hurts like fire slithering down your throat. And you're sore and weak
@Magisch gargle with insanely salty water
if that makes you throw up, eat nutella with a spoon
good so you have time to review the CV and filter by then
ah, so basically it is the junk that when you're a kid you get your tonsils yanked and you get to eat tons of ice cream
Im still at work
got a doctors appointment after work
@Magisch salty water it is!:D
12:24 PM
@Magisch hope nothing serisou
I'm serious dude, osmosis will remove the swelling from your tissues, stopping the pain
if you can bear the taste of intense saltiness, it kicks ass
I get sick from the taste of salty water, so it doesn't work for me
studied medical science many moons ago
gotta go, don't get killed @Magisch
12:25 PM
@AndrasDeak \o
@AndrasDeak not promising anything
...help.... @Kyll is *gargled noises suddenly cut off*
Anyone got a shovel?
you guys are better than tv LOLOLOL
12:28 PM
here you go ---------D
@kyll no but I've got a hammer that solves most problems
@Gimby pst I think he already may have used a hammer
^^ that's a long handled shovel @Kyll
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Welp. afk for a while, digging a hole for my... flowers.
12:30 PM
@Kyll ahhhh k.. and I'm afk for a while helping you erm .. garden
Hey, guys and gals, guess what... I UPVOTED AN ANSWER!

Gonna go down the Vernon Arms and get ratted to celebrate:)
@MartinJames Was it one of your sockpuppet's?
@Kyll lol
@MartinJames Link
I wanna see that
cheer me up on a gray day that gets darker
Hola guys...
12:32 PM
HE'S ALIVE spears spears spears
Got a new project, so was busy...
Plop Praveen!
@Kyll Where..
Who. Lemme kill.
@Kyll Plop.
12:32 PM
@PraveenKumar Teh Smiley face one
@Kyll LoL. The magic guy?
Yeah, that one
Also, gtg. ttyl all
@magisch try "lumos maxima"
@MartinJames Not bad
@rene can you assist with this meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/318426/…?
12:41 PM
Why do drama always start on Mondays
@Tunaki Why do I always get sick on mondays
I don't want to have even more sick days
I already had 3 this year
where's the documentation on burniation? anyone here know?
@Magisch thanks
rene is working on something with Madara
12:45 PM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Woah...
Your new name looks amazing...
Like a reflection on the underlying mirror.
With a lateral inversion.
I need to documentation that rene linked in here. I can't find it
@Tunaki I burned 25 CV's on questions
All of them irredeemable garbage btw
@Magisch Burn 15 more on
afk for a bit.
12:52 PM
@NathanOliver Hiya
Sonofabitch am I the only one here who can't read? It pretty clearly says, paraphrased: "Here are the criteria: 1, 2, 3, 4. But it's not worth the effort for tags that generally don't seem to be causing any problems." Only in those cases where "tags get in the way, add confusion, start fights, take the place of better tags" are you supposed to raise the matter for discussion on Meta. — Cody Gray 10 mins ago
borderline, I wouldn't flag it
It is Meta.
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[close] [turtle]"
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW no, I can't, I'm busy atm and I seem to agree with Cody Gray somehow.
@Magisch Are you being serious?
12:55 PM
tbh if it was my choice I'd burn all tags besides the truly unambiguous ones (language tags) and be done with it
@Magisch well thank goodness that's not gonna happen
@Kev I have gotten chewed out for less egregious chat posts. This is a permanent comment
@rene ok
in Charcoal HQ on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 15 secs ago, by Sally
^ started my copy until @Undo gets Smokey restarted.
So it's Sally instead of the real SmokeDetector until smokey stops crashing
12:57 PM
@ShadowWizard Kinda sorta
umm... isn't this the main room for Smokey?
oh my, Charcoal is. Sorry guys!
@ShadowWizard Smokey watches over all of SE
we are but a piece of that
@ShadowWizard hi
12:59 PM
@Magisch I know, but it's in several rooms. :)
@Magisch probably not the post that was the issue then.
@ShadowWizard how are you?
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW hi! So here you roam.... :D
@ShadowWizard yes! and happily! who would've thought??
1:00 PM
@ShadowWizard I've buckled down and become a constructive member of a society! thankfully :D
@Kev I mean the language
haha, glad you found your goal in life, @MsYvett ;)
Im not sure but I tend to think such language merits offensive flag comment deletion. No strong feelings about it though
@ShadowWizard it looks like your babies are growing and happy :D
Im an angry german and today I am particularly angry because I have tonsilitis
1:02 PM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW actually that pic is old... need to update. :)
Come over to the Den for more casual chat! :D
@ShadowWizard link?
Nice answer @Braiam. You might want to link to this cooking Meta you posted yesterday
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW well said
Hello @ShadowWizard o/
1:05 PM
@pp_ thanks :D I was worried I was a bit harsh
Maybe I just have a different opinion then most people on tags, but I think there should be only language tags and every question should be allowed exactly one or two, not more
people tagging stuff unnecessarily annoys me and it makes people think they can ask garbage questions here
But since changing SO policy is a fight against inertia its better to work within the current system
Waits for smokey
Smokey fails when there is a question mark in a full caps title :/
> All-caps body
Post - All in caps
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW It was a good call to start off agreeing with his/her main point
1:10 PM
Yikes, new bot? Or Smokey's down?
@pp_ well I do, I don't like the rant feel to it and it abuses people
14 mins ago, by Ferrybig
in Charcoal HQ on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 15 secs ago, by Sally
^ started my copy until @Undo gets Smokey restarted.
Aha, Good guy @Sally
@Magisch why not write an answer?
@Tunaki Im not healthy enough and I don't care enough
MMMM - Monday's Meta Madness Musical - can live on and die on tuesday without me
1:15 PM
@Magisch hey take it easy man, have time off work if you're unwell.
@Magisch Ask the bar staff at wherever you were last night.
On another note, if you die, this final post would be your legacy
kidding, dont' die :D
@MartinJames I never had a drop of alcohol in my life
@Tunaki If he dies, I bags his downvote allowance.
1:17 PM
@Tunaki Yes
@Magisch No wonder you're ill.
^ yep
@Magisch TTTT - Tingling Tuesday's Techie Trust? Or two people crying? (TT) (TT)
Im always the person who has to keep the idiots from destroying stuff at parties
1:18 PM
@rene yes! thanks, the link I had is dead
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW I linked you to that 30 minutes earlier =( chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/29175055#29175055
pulled back to room by pings
@Tunaki hello!
@MartinJames I don't feel like im missing alcohol
@Tunaki I didn't see it!!! :'( sobs vehemently
@ShadowWizard Hello
1:19 PM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW guess you meant to reply to second message, link to Den? chat.meta.stackexchange.com/rooms/721/shadows-den
See you there! ;)
(warning: Den allows ping attacks ;))
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW don't worry. I blame rene for not reading the entier transcript, obviously.
@BhargavRao Hello!
@Tunaki entier -> entente tunakì
I was sure this room contains only requests... see that's not the case...
@ShadowWizard It's rene's fault.
1:22 PM
@ShadowWizard We're actually all robots putting on a facade of sociability to distract the real humans from finding out our plot to take over SO, and @Tunaki is our leader.
And I thought @rene is the leader... :D
Lord Tunaki is the leader and we all bow to him
He's the only one without actual avatar...
@ShadowWizard merci!
1:24 PM
@Tunaki it's always rene's fault!
2 mins ago, by Sally
@ShadowWizard It's rene's fault.
yup ^
@Magisch Sounds fishy to me.. :(
@SallyDetector is smart.
1:25 PM
Aaand back
Wonder, Sally was always Sally around here?
@Kyll is our terminator
Sally is Smokeys sister
and his replacement, for now.
Mean with the name "Sally"
@Magisch He'll be back...
1:26 PM
This room is filled with crazy people.
@Tunaki That's what the voice said you'd say!
@Kyll Hey! I want my voice back!
The real Smoke Detector ^
@Sally k
yup ---v
1:28 PM
that's funny, cos SD came in after you posted the smoke
Too broad? stackoverflow.com/q/1028250/1743880 Warning, highly upvoted
@Tunaki Looks like it by today's standards
Ewwww... Haskell :((
I have to get back to my bombs and blimps people
1:30 PM
Afk for a few mins. Going out to have free food
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Small edit to your awesome answer
@Sam o/
@Tunaki merci bcp!
1:34 PM
@Sam \o
@MartinJames Eww, a grumpy english c programmer
@PraveenKumar Gaaaa[...]aarbage
@Magisch Right!! :(
1:37 PM
@gunr2171 \o
@gunr2171 \o
@gunr2171 \o
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: Calculate CVV from Credit card tracks? by Bestfiora6868 on stackoverflow.com
1:43 PM
@cybermonkey Why? According to rene we should use gone
@Ferrybig didn't notice that
@Sam \o
tehre's abetter one
1:49 PM
@Sally k
typo no?
@Magisch User removed from blacklist (5302854 on stackoverflow.com).
hold your downvotes people it was a typo
still not a stellar question but not offensive
@Magisch why??
1:49 PM
I would categorise it as a typo, not a harmful action, for me it is f
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Might be a typo
down vote

I want to ship my
clearly a typo
oh really?? ah k sorry it's such a bad question I figured it was a troll
@Magisch Flagging your message as offensive! =p
ok I will go back to blimps
1:50 PM
@Kyll hahahahaha
@Kyll flagging this chat room as offensive
@Kyll some say the server's gold and some say the server's blue..
Im voting to close this Kyll because it is unclear
god I can't find it
which is funny because A) I'm a room owner, and B) I actually have that button
1:51 PM
well I'll let it leave
@gunr2171 Clicking it would unleash such a mess
@Tunaki Aw
Tuna you have 40k rep
Time to start the mass bounties?
@gunr2171 waste of time editing this question IMHO, it'll stay closed anyway..
1:54 PM
@gunr2171 Thanks gunr, that's so sweet to offer bounties on my answers!
I wonder if its actually legal to channel rep via mass 500 bountys
@Magisch Not if you target users
But some users have given dozens of thousands of rep
@Magisch that's what Madara (or what his name was, 75k rep) is doing, by giving 500 rep to each and every canonnical answer
I have yet to recieve a single bounty
because as a programmer I am merely mediocre
@cybermonkey for the record, there are no close votes on it
1:56 PM
@Magisch I feel your pain. More so: I am a mediocre programmer in MATLAB, which only attracts schoolkids with homework problems
downvote certainly, but I'm not going to cv it. Borderline good enough for me
@Adriaan Read that as "home wrecker problems", chuckled
@gunr2171 thought it was already closed... still, bad idea editing that because it's a bad question..
@Adriaan Im 6 months into C and VB6
literally useless
> user posted after being shown a quality ban warning
1:57 PM
on here
that's new
@Kyll that's what most of the MATLAB tag consists of basically :(. I more or less quit answering and usually CV everything as gimmeh teh codez or duplicates
at least you're moderating. I wish the Java community did this.
@Tunaki it's a small enough tag to do that. We've got the MATLAB chatroom with a few resident gold badgers for the duplicates

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