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12:01 AM
what fun would that be
That is pretty funny.
I want a debugger for electronic circuits sooo bad :( Just getting an error where I misplaced a resistor or something like that, would make life easier and more fun :P
12:36 AM
sigh question used obscure tags to avoid getting closed >< stackoverflow.com/questions/34535633/…
@Tunaki My wife asks me that all the time! Now I can tell her that her question has been closed as a duplicate!
i cant believe no one tried to fix this title: stackoverflow.com/questions/32700017/…
As always, free of any pesky jQuery nonsense.
@Rizier123 Aren't there programs you can use to spec that kind of thing out ahead of time?
morning all \o
Morning! Good times are finally here!
1:39 AM
@SteinarLima That could be a programming question, if it weren't so horribly broad.
Well, choose whatever close reason you want :-) @TinyGiant
Discussion of close requests is allowed.
Yes of course, I didn't mean to discourage that.
if we use sd k.. if you then use sd f on the same post, will that reverse it?
1:48 AM
@SteinarLima I just very much so dislike people telling me to "go vote how I please" when I try to discuss a close vote request. It is actually a request to review your close vote.
@MsYvette No, you still have to unblacklist the user.
yep I thought so.. just wondering about how that affects smokey reports
And smokey still records that it was tp-ed once., even though it was later fp-ed
ah k thanks
Anyways, I'm out. Have fun
1:53 AM
@TinyGiant \o
2:31 AM
Sorry to miss the fun, but I'm off to bed. Good night all.
3:17 AM
Plop everyone
^ The never ending "Long Path Tool" spam.
Hmm...below is another deleted one. Fine.
Doesn't look offensive to me, though the question is too broad.
Is smokey drunk?
Maybe he edited it so quickly and smokey picked up this: metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/post/20434
3:58 AM
^^ repeatedly vandalising post.. == abuse
@SmokeDetector edited
4:45 AM
@SmokeDetector This spam is still there...
2 hours later…
6:44 AM
@SmokeDetector The spam still lives... stackoverflow.com/a/35822688/3155639
@AlexanderO'Mara dead
@MsYvette Much better. =)
@Mogsdad @Tunaki edited what do you think? thanks
@Drew this is the only one left to close in csharp_batch053_20160305_1615.xlsx
6:59 AM
@MsYvette - Are you sure?
@TheLostMind well maybe not so much now :D
I need to devote a day to work on Ada.
I see. I hope she is doing well
I have neglected her. busy busy busy, but got on top of a couple of things and will have time this week, I hope
Umm.. I hope so too :)
7:07 AM
I g2g for a bit. BBl \o
Nice to see you :D
Good morning
\o I got go for a bit.. catch you all later
C ya @MsYvette
@Magisch - Morning :)
7:25 AM
@Magisch "Mostly working in c and vba currently."
well that's some juxtaposition lol
@MillieSmith Why?
The company I work at uses these most
just that vba is constantly railed on for being a pretty poor language, and it's also a language used by excel people everywhere. And c is a very low level language that not many entry-level people use and has stood the test of time.
@MillieSmith I like C more
but alas, I can't be choosey :)
good, c is better :P. yeah, languages are dictated by the company.
do you do c++ at all
Hello all
7:44 AM
@MillieSmith no
@ChiragHirpara o/
@Magisch what do you use C for, out of curiosity
@MillieSmith Mostly in combination with inline assembly and normal assembler for drivers for embedded hardware like handscanners
Im an apprentice
ah, very cool
@Undo I'm now ... morning...
@rene plop
7:56 AM
needs coffee first
@user2314737 - No MVCE
frankly too broad wouldn't be a bad choice either
@user2314737 - When you have doubts, ask yourself - can adding code improve this question? - Yes, then its no MVCE, no?, then its too broad. Example - How to start a thread? -> No MVCE, how threads work in java -> perhaps too broad.
@TheLostMind ok makes sense
1 hour later…
9:10 AM
@SmokeDetector Lol. Well, he's not wrong.
9:42 AM
@Tunaki I forked your gist to suggest a small change but my newness to Git and GitHub is compounded by the fact that I'm on my phone: I don't know how to submit a pull request. :/
@WaiHaLee It's pretty annoying with Gists
I think it all has to be done manually
As in, Tunaki will need to pull your fork, merge the changes, and push to his.
I'd say it's probably a good call to move it into a full fledged repo, that has better tooling for collaboration.
10:20 AM
@MadaraUchiha Ah - I see. At least it's not something obvious I've missed - thanks.
10:42 AM
what do you think of this answer?
@MsYvette Looks fine to me
@JonClements thanks
11:05 AM
If anyone's around we could do with some spam flags on this ^^^
is that typo3 thing source code available or just some trust me binary deal
@MsYvette umm... so you requested spam flags, yet never did your own? :p
@JonClements huh?
@Drew it's owned by the OP. If you look at the Op and read the fine print
@MsYvette I think Jon is suggesting that you didn't flag, or somehow your flag wasn't registered
11:15 AM
@JonClements oh yes!! I flagged it
wasn't mine registered???
I am merely asking is it something the guy can be encouraged to show source code etc
@Drew his first post, new account and it read like an ad.. so sorry
it is not a question of who owns it
oh sure it reads like an ad. Just well, first post, set the guy right, if he is willing
@JonClements by jove you are right man! I didn't flag... sorry, oversight, I flagged something on super user, does that count? :D
11:17 AM
tbh - I'd probably have disputed a spam flag on that anyway... not enough to go on - the other flags were more correct :)
I thought everyone had been abducted by aliens it was so quiet!
@JonClements speak english man!!!
Sorry fingers claws in the wrong position in the home row
What because he had a nice photo of himself, yet it was just like many other spam posts
@JonClements likely story where is Jon ?
11:20 AM
Haha... I first saw that one yesterday - love it :)
I'e bookmarked it I love it so much :D
@MsYvette btw I still don't know the answer to this riddle (this image)
and I've gone through wikipedia's "keyboard layout" article:D
probably a giant arachnid
or two-handed qwerty bashing
@maytham-ɯɐɥıλɐɯ it's unclear to me also
@AndrasDeak I think that image I linked above could well provide the right type of answer... maybe different species
@MsYvette one that lives in your wardrobe, probably:P
one of the less-deadly animals
@maytham-ɯɐɥıλɐɯ I want upside down letters too! how did you get them :D
@AndrasDeak hey!! punch punch thump smack quwack
11:38 AM
@MsYvette try and fail
seriously I do not remember, how I did it
it is a good question for SO
@AndrasDeak I Cannot copy and paste that!!!! how do you expect me to assimilate with the humans with that kinda typing..
@maytham-ɯɐɥıλɐɯ what to have a competition in downvotes and speed of close votes.
@MsYvette Use your human hands. I pasted it myself.
or what do you mean?
11:43 AM
Maybe...you're already seeing it upside down? The southern hemisphere always confuses me;)
@AndrasDeak I dunno!!! I've lost the plot hahahahaha
@maytham-ɯɐɥıλɐɯ the ascii table!
you will find Unicode Character fitting different alfa bet
copy and paste
@MsYvette have you actually seen the link in my message above?
yes if you find a you will also find opposite a in that table the same for m etc
11:44 AM
@AndrasDeak yeh but I'm wanting upside down letters upside down upside down. accounting for southern hemisphere
isn't "upside down upside down" basically the right way up? :p
@AndrasDeak ooooooooooooooh no.. I forgot to look at the link!!!! :D
@JonClements depends on if you're talking mathematically or as a parent.. two wrongs don't make a right Jon
oh... there's another upside down there...
@MsYvette but three lefts do :)
11:46 AM
@MsYvette Wꙅ ⅄ʌǝʇʇǝ
@JonClements not if there is a road island or one way streets
@AndrasDeak this is just bad to worse
you can
1) mirror vertically
2) mirror horizontally
3) doing both, you get that one above (180 degree rotation)
there really aren't any more options, are there?
or do you need a different order of letters?:D
11:48 AM
pst who's Zalgo or has Jon lost his mind .... again
@MsYvette the pony he's coming
ok they've both lost their minds
@MsYvette look by using some of unicode i have been creative to create some thing like this MsYvette Ɯsʎʌǝ⟘⟘ɑ
@maytham-ɯɐɥıλɐɯ ah nice, yes I'm looking in between counselling the insane :D
11:50 AM
ok I gotta do two things...
1. Change my SO name to include chars people in the northern hemisphere can parse
2. Answer a question
for 30 days...?
1. new name done Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW tick
thanks given to @maytham-ɯɐɥıλɐɯ for inspiration
you do know that it stays that way for a month?
@MsYvette you are welcome indeed,
11:52 AM
thank you kind sir.
finally I can read your name:P
anyone have a spare 5 minutes to provide critical feedback?
@AndrasDeak ikr!!
oh, you've been meaning to change your name anyway:)
Yes and yes.. @maytham-ɯɐɥıλɐɯ you win the name change competition and @AndrasDeak you also get a prize as a helper of bringing the change into being.. you share first prize drum roll
11:54 AM
1. I now use the change name
2. a smile :D
But you have to share the smile!
smiles ftw
One gets : the other gets D
11:54 AM
I love grumpy cat :D
ok for providing so much good will, the sponsors have generously provided us with an extra smile, so you each get a smile :D :D
nailed it
11:56 AM
the after winning interview So @AndrasDeak what do you plan to do with your winning smile?
I'll put it in a bank, fatten it up in a few years
Excellent idea! @maytham-ɯɐɥıλɐɯ what plans do you have for your winning smile?
No plans yet LOL
12:11 PM
I'm back. Good morning all.
@TinyGiant That's, hum, interesting. Thanks Tiny! I'll read that!
Hiya o/
12:13 PM
Hello everyone!
Zondo is from the ends of the earth dramatic theme music
Hello @Tunaki
Sorry. I meant Plop!. I am really really sorry.. Plop!
No Plop. Plop disallowed.
12:16 PM
@TheLostMind no.. Tunaki is like a fish... so it's swish not plop
@Tunaki swish \o
@Tunaki - Ok (sad face here.. )
@MsYvette - Swish and flick.. Its leviosa, not levi-o-sa :P
@TheLostMind ah of course.. my bad :D
12:18 PM
:P @MsYvette
@pp_ - Too broad :P
@pp_ yep too broad
accio Tony the Pony!
@JonClements will you stop that!! You keep making references to things out of the blue man... :D
@TheLostMind pst I think Jon could share your name
12:20 PM
I usually use a SQL database to "develop" my SQL tables.
@MsYvette keeps you on your toes :)
@MsYvette - I am not scared of Jon (@JonClements I am just kidding.. I am seriously kidding. Please spare me :P)
ok goes to google
@JonClements this?
@Drew totally out of votes, used them up on your files :D
12:21 PM
@Drew When do you sleep?
@pp_ - He is a bot
and bots dont sleep
He's a really incredible bot, though. He's been involved in conversations that would have convinced me he was human.
Drew doesn't sleep.
@Tunaki - Takes one bot to know another :P
@zondo - What you didn't figure that out?. Yes, sometimes his owner takes control.
Yup :)
12:24 PM
If Drew is a bot, why can't we merge him with Smokey?
@zondo - Drew is more human .
@Tunaki French nutella tastes a wee bit different than German or Austrian nutella
(I blame you)
And it would hurt his feelings
I don't like Nutella.
12:26 PM
^ spam
Hmm, you took advantage of the fact that I was writing a comment to earn Tuna points. Shame on you!
@MadaraUchiha @WaiHaLee Agree with Madara, I'm making it a repo
12:40 PM
To make Fork and PR easier, the "Merge NAA and VLQ flags" is now a repository: github.com/Tunaki/merging-naa-vlq-flags/blob/master/…
@MsYvette Page not found?
@WaiHaLee ^
@Mogsdad this @Tunaki
I think maybe I used a link from my editing profile sorry
@MsYvette > Stack Overflow is the largest online programming network and repository for programming. Users contributions to the site are measured in reputation.
^ not sure it is appropriate
12:43 PM
@Tunaki ok removing it.. Mogs suggested the reader may not understand what rep is
@MsYvette It reads great! One typo: "Users**'** contributions..."
> and assisting in the moderation tasks.
And if the interviewer wants to expand, you can talk about reputation
@Mogsdad oh I took that out.. do you think it should stay in??
12:44 PM
@MsYvette - Internship / developer TCS?
are beta sites suitable candidates for question migration?
@zondo He passed the Turing test then? :p
@MsYvette 50/50. If you're going to mention reputation, you face the problem that an employer may not entirely understand. Leaving "that my reputation..." out would not hurt at all.
@cybermonkey Not really...
@TheLostMind I started as intern and then stayed as paid developer on one contract (they have gone broke... and it's one of the bosses from there that has put me forward for another job..)
12:46 PM
Agree with Mogs.
@JonClements He got A++
Whats TCS? @MsYvette
then that answers my query about why Hardware Recommendations isn't a migration target on SU then :-).
@Mogsdad ok, yes. if it's 50/50 and with tuna's feedback, I'll remove it and remove the rep comment.. should we go to another chat room?
@zondo Excellent - next onto the new SkyNet project... we're thinking of these machines that look human...
12:47 PM
@TheLostMind it's a company, that I don't really want to name, I'm embarrassed by them.. Maybe I should take my work from that and put it in my freelance work
@JonClements You know you could actually take a picture of a real human, and use that for his profile picture. No one will ever know. You could just get a stock photo...
@cybermonkey The migration list is deliberately limited to avoid the community migrating poop... If you can prove it's definitely off-topic for SU and definitely on-topic for HR - then you can flag it and ask a mod to migrate - but you have to be convincing about that criteria
Your CV is awesome. No need for another room :D.
@Tunaki and @TheLostMind please come here
@MsYvette - I would say any programming experience you have in there is good
12:49 PM
now you're in trouble. She owns your soul
@JonClements if interested this question is the one I'm referring to. IMHO the OP's asking for hardware recommendations.
@Drew - ?
@cybermonkey Yep - I'd flag it with "other" and ask a mod to migrate to HR - it's OT for SU and from what I can tell on-topic for HR :)
is this answer spam, or just link-only? He suggests the usage of a non-official library.
@Adriaan not spam for me
1:01 PM
yup ^
Still DV + VLQ then.
DV definitely
answer's gone now.
1:23 PM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW thx for the votes. I gotta get some more recruitment going.
@Drew pleasure love.. I always do a check.. I just let you know, as you work hard and I like to show an appreciation and support :D
yeah now we need to help out the swifties. Jal and Eric.
They are sleeping those slackers.
1:41 PM
@maytham-ɯɐɥıλɐɯ: How do you pronounce your username?
This is all part of the room's secret master plan to take over SO
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Why is your name like that
@Magisch she's finally snapped :)
@Magisch sssssshhhhh, there's a mod here, he shouldn't know
@Tunaki I tried to hide it, do you think it worked?
we have a plan?
1:44 PM
Oh hi @rene o/ :)
@zondo I really do not what to say
@Magisch Lucky you struck that out so it's completely unreadable :p
@JonClements ;)
2 hours ago, by Ms Yvette
@maytham-ɯɐɥıλɐɯ I want upside down letters too! how did you get them :D
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW btw congrats with your new profile name
1:47 PM
@maytham-ɯɐɥıλɐɯ not that you're biased at all? Is there some upside-down username cult that's starting to trend?
do you think it would help cut down on garbage if answerers received notification that the question theyve answered was closed?
no it looks just creative
Jon Clements-sʇuǝɯǝlƆ uoſ
@cimmanon IMO, they wouldn't care
zondoopuoz That looks really weird.
@Tunaki you dont think so? i answered a fair amount of garbage questions early on because i didnt know any better. do i look like someone who doesnt care?
1:49 PM
It still looks weird.
@cimmanon Yes :p no I guess it depends more on the rep.
But I've seen a lot of < 500 rep users that didn't understand why answering obvious dupes with poor answers was not great
@cimmanon I think it would open up more meta-drama, now not only from the OP of the question but also from all that answered
@Tunaki I'm a cute ninja puppy - I don't need username gimmicks :p
I think it should be like a plague that infects this whole room. We all need username gimmicks!
Except for me.
1:56 PM
yes, but it would potentially train future curators (ie. users who care about content on the site more than they care about getting rep) earlier, getting them to recognize crap and help close it sooner
@maytham-ɯɐɥıλɐɯ Amazingly - that just ends up looking like normal ascii :)
@JonClements yes it is unicode ascii :)
@Magisch yeh like @JonClements said!!! LOL I've been teasing him all day that he's lost his marbles! I just love the upside down of it and it appeals to my sense of humour as being in the southern hemishpere and people in the northern hemisphere now finally being able to see my name right side up :D
@maytham-ɯɐɥıλɐɯ congrats on your new smile!!! :D
2:14 PM
@EricD. there is a swift batch in the hive. Dozen questions
2:32 PM
I made some clarification github.com/Tunaki/merging-naa-vlq-flags/blob/master/… because sigh I know Meta will nitpick and red-circle me.
@Jon As a moderator, do you think it would be a good idea to make that change?
@Tunaki I'll have a look in a minute
2:49 PM
well that's not really spam
Close it or mark as spam?
Do we actually need a tag?
was wondering the same :D
Ah looks like it's a jQuery plugin...
Must have been created by a girl :P
I have just been complimented. I was pinged on a question that I hadn't had any activity on by a user I've never heard of.
2:52 PM
@zondo Congratulations maybe?
Do we actually need a tag? It only contains 1 question
@Tunaki I wanted else to cut my hair by laser, that sad question deleted.
> I don't have any laser hair that I want removed. In fact, if you know where I could get some laser hair added, I'd probably appreciate that.
Yeah I saw lol
3:08 PM
Hiya @Petter o/
you can do gone : )
Fine? :)
Hiya ....
@PetterFriberg 1000 Tuna points to you. Beat Tuna twice in a row.
Everything under controll?... you got some new CV votes?
@Tushar Na... Tuna needs his few points...
Is the request off source stackoverflow.com/questions/35827899/… .... or do I answer... where to find it..?
Feels like request off site stuff....
3:12 PM
@Tunaki One thing... is that NAA flags on accepted answers jump straight to the mod queue, and recommend deletion (even if there's 6 of them) - only delete on zero or negatively scored answers...
However, if there's 3 actual deletion votes (not just recommended) - the deletion will occur as that's 3 x 20k users using a delete vote instead of recommending
Interesting, Is it the same for VLQ flags?
Umm possibly, can't think right now, flipping between reading your doc piece meal and flipping between writing SQL and an email...
TaskRejectedException: too much concurrent task, try again later!
you flip a lot?
Normal people reading this chat would probably think its nerd central
Nerd (tm) Central (tm)
3:17 PM
I never use VLQ... maybe because I never understood when to use it... either Abusive, NAA or SPAM or down vote...
@PetterFriberg VLQ Is supposed to be for irredeemable garbage
like "How do I do X in c" "You shouldnt use c mate c++ for life m8"
Then its also NAA or Abusive..., or just downvote... but thats me I can never find a case where I should use that insteas of the others...
I also use VLQ for "this lib may help you github.com/somelib"
@Magisch wait... I thought we were the normal ones?
@rene normal - what exactly is that again?
3:26 PM
@Tunaki that explains a lot
@JonClements I'm confused now, you tell me
tell you what, now I'm confused?
^ that's normal, see?
Haha... I need more tea and to wake up: I so completely misread "Name of the new flag: Ideas are welcomed" - was thinking "that's a rubbish name for the flag..."
3:38 PM
@Tunaki Jasper report maven for you..... stackoverflow.com/questions/35826301/…
@PetterFriberg One-click away from the hamemr button. Left a comment.
hammer hammer...
@Jon I now remember I read somewhere that flagged NAA and VLQ went straight to a mod queue yeah, can't find it.
Also - you'll recall from the post that ChrisF wrote regarding auto-flags - we also get flags on "disputed" reviews
@FarazDurrani thinkin' of you big guy, recursive stackoverflow.com/questions/35826327
3:45 PM
(they're generally less about the post itself and more to find blatantly bad reviewers though)
hey guys
@JonClements Ah yes, I'll add that also. Thanks.
3:54 PM
does anyone have any thoughts/opinions on this burnination/disambiguation request? gist.github.com/cimmanon/649bff26c2c3af1020b6
@Tunaki You've missed the bit about positively scored answers won't be deleted by recommendations... :)
@cimmanon Not sure. I could imagine on-topic question not about specific CSS preprocessor (but I'm not an expert so...à
@JonClements digging up transcript :)
the only other css-preprocessor related question i can think of would be as a meta tag (i am writing a css preprocessor...)

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