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5:00 PM
@TinyGiant human botfly ftw!
(google with care)
@AndrasDeak Aren't those just wonderful?
@TinyGiant *David Attenborough voice* one of Natures most magnificent creatures. Truly astonishing.
I think I broke the editor again... stackoverflow.com/a/35849316/3933332 <- At the very bottom, why don't my <b> html tags work?
You can't bold inside code snippet?
5:06 PM
you can't, can you?
otherwise you couldn't write html code...
nor asterisks
@Tunaki Yes you can. Here I got it to work: stackoverflow.com/a/32159552/3933332 But now I can't get it to work anymore...
I didn't know this was possible.
I'm going to bed late late late 4am
all blimps blimps blimps :D
5:08 PM
@Rizier123 What kind of sorcery is that? :O
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Bye, That's my usual time of sleep:P chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/29175501#29175501
@Tunaki Instead of 4 spaces just use <pre></pre> tags and if you still want syntax highlighting you have to also use <code></code> tags, e.g. <pre><code></code></pre>
@BhargavRao ah I'm tired
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW that's about the time I can see you log in usually...
@AndrasDeak hoiw?
4 AM here -> you're blimping around
5:09 PM
night night :D
ah yeh
@Rizier123 Huh
well it's coming together
good night:)
@Drew Done!
5:09 PM
@BhargavRao :D
night@Tunaki \o
thx TLN I appreciate it
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Bonne nuit!
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because qwerty — Drew 1 min ago
@Riz fixed
5:12 PM
@TinyGiant Thanks ;) Again
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW let me know when you're back on
@TinyGiant But they are still missing the indention with the list...
Oh, hold on
I'm probably longer at formatting and writing my answer than actually coding the code.
5:15 PM
Looks like that's just too much hacky for SO Markdown
Is bold part in code snippet even supported? Or it just happens to work?
Drew, NP :)
Some HTML is supported, including <pre><code><b><i><s> etc
IIRC I introduced Riz to that in the first place with one of my fancy answers.
So @Drew, how much did you have to drink last night, and was there ever actually a UI that you needed to build in JS?
5:20 PM
what ?
Anyone want to learn some iOS? 100 point bounty open by me: iOS Launch Storyboard: How can I change a Tab Bar's tint color?
@Drew That's what I was saying most of last night.
@TinyGiant I read that transcript. Well part of it, I was bored halfway through.
I've even answered the question, but I don't buy my own answer
@Tunaki You totally missed the offline part
5:21 PM
Too bad.
If you guys got some problem with my efforts to close, well, idk what to say
@Drew Had nothing to do with your efforts to close
@TinyGiant You got it last time to work :P Maybe now too?
@Rizier123 Thanks!
5:23 PM
@TinyGiant I don't know anything about JS
And I don't want to.
@Drew You said that last night
I hope others take over any effort there cuz I am a stooge
so what is the issue
I'll help you Drew. What do you need?
I am trying to understand TG's smear
wtf did I do
I'm not smearing anything, just want to know how much you had to drink
5:25 PM
get a life tg
Well I can't help you for that but if you need some JS front-end, I can throw up some jQuery magic.
Some one can build a front end for this. I have said it numerous times. A template. Shall I go back to the transcript
I have the middleware and back end covered. I know nothing nor care to about the browser front end
@Kyll what do you mean?
Because I don't use a browser. You peeps do of course.
I still have no idea what exactly needs to be built, and I was pretty sure last night that there wasn't actually anything, because I couldn't get anything out of you.
5:34 PM
Now if @TinyGiant wants to build a front end to my little world or some API that would be great
Oh a front end for the beehive?
@TinyGiant how about this. you enter your tag, and it displays the 20 worst questions at the moment that could be closed?
I have that in c# and the sexiest GUI. But that doesn't deploy
PHP or ASPX or JSF or whatever
Yeah, totally do-able, I just need to be able to request that information from the browser in some way, which means the info has to be online.
I got the rest covered. Someone do that
I thought we were going with AWS?
5:37 PM
@TinyGiant Could it be that it is a problem with the SE-Editor-Toolkit? And it is just displaying something different than it actually would look like? I mean you got the exact same thing to work here: stackoverflow.com/a/32159552/3933332 also with list, b html tags + syntax highlighting.
It is housed in my database
I need someone to build the GUI
@Rizier123 lemme see
@Drew I can build the GUI, I just need a URL to request the information from
Maybe @riz wants to write some PHP for that?
For what?
5:39 PM
I would prefer PHP cuz it is trivial and porting to some other world is free
mister softie costs moolah
@Rizier123 we need a designer GUI Cimm type
Let me show you some screen shots of my c# world. We need the top 5 useful screens of them to be avail to all via a browser
don't get @cimmanon to design your app she will put flowers and doges all over it :-P
GUI for what? Why PHP?
because it is sitting on a server and dang it needs to be served
No, you don't need to build the GUI @Riz, you need to output me some JSON based on GET variables.
I don't really know what you are talking about? I mean for what do you need a GUI? Just displaying some db data?
5:43 PM
hi folkens
You don't need some PHP. Just have an API that JS can query
no Tuna we need a website
cuz otherwise just Tuna / France uses it
Pull the information from @Drew's DB
@TinyGiant You mean: URL = xy?abc=4 -> PHP into: ["abc":"4"] -> JS or so?!
5:44 PM
@Rizier123 I'm doing the GUI in JS, but I need a way to get the information to display, which is in Drew's DB. So we need you as the middleman
I thought there was a c# back-end already
dont focus on whether or not it is PHP MSFT ORACLE whatever. We need a simple webpage that has about 3 to 5 major things to steer people to close stuff
Write a question and I will answer it on SO :P
not some API for god's sake
Just use wordpress
5:45 PM
Sorry, bad interwebz
@Tunaki there is one. Who would just install it ?
You want it?
If you tell me what exactly I should do / code I can try it.
@TylerH ead
AWS can host C# app right
good, perhaps Tiny could drive the process cuz I have NO skills in a browser
5:47 PM
@Rizier123 I want need someone to put up a script that can do this, I could write the PHP myself, but I don't have a server, and seeing as you're better at PHP, and I'm gessing you have a server, you're my first choice.
Hey @Drew look at this one stackoverflow.com/q/35850432/1743880
Here is an idea. We get an aws server. I do the middleware backend db stuff. TG drives the GUI side
@TinyGiant I don't have a server, which I could use for this :(
Awe darn.
And the answer is not what TG said a few days ago: "Go do it, tell me when it is ready"
5:49 PM
Well we need a server that I can query
A server is free
You can mock the requests temporarily
With a URL that I can access
I get a server and TG and I work on it
it is linux. and MYSQL sorry cimm
(@TinyGiant stackoverflow.com/a/35849316/3933332 How did you do that :O? Thanks)
5:50 PM
GET /poop/java/1 -> returns page 1 poop Java questions
@Rizier123 Just indent the first line, no double new lines in the code block
cvpls.com is available
perhaps @maytham-ɯɐɥʇʎɐɯ can do it.
@TinyGiant You are now my personal formatting support.
sure I can do every thing
@drew what should be made
5:52 PM
@Tunaki More like GET /url.php?tag=java&cvs=4&count=20 returns an array of 20 ids for questions with 4 close votes
good. cuz people forget the mission. Then come back later and are like So What Did You Do
Hey, I've already got the queue built. All I need is to feed it JSON
We need an external DB that tracks our activity. What you have voted on. What is hot. What is a batch. And about 10 to 20 other things
All I need is a URL that I can send the query to and get a response. That's it, that's all
That only occurs with an external system
You need a lot more than that Tiny. You need a redesign of the approach of close voting
5:55 PM
If you get the server up and running with a URL I can access, I would recommend Riz as the PHP writer.
Back in a minute
Not some silly little userscript. A system. A new external system.
I will create a screencast of my current c# screen. You peeps tell me how you can deliver that functionality for all of you in a browser
Cuz I am not a JS programmer. And I don't want to be
I can convert my queue script into whatever you want, the point is that it is already built. Set me and Riz up with a server and we can make it into whatever you want.
@drew laravel, mysql and api,
plus a nice dashboard ;)
I want an external database and PHP aspx that Tuna can point to and be real time data streaming
Basically, the batches, LIVE, like what I have and he doesnt
6:02 PM
Totally, if you want it realtime then we're going to have to set up a websocket, but yeah, no problem, just need a server with a DB and PHP set up.
And a mobile app. I want to look at a question and swipe left or right.
@drew php aspx is that combi?
Plus a system like I have that shows what you have voted on, what you havent but those little features can grow over time
@maytham-ɯɐɥʇʎɐɯ it is a conceptual. The server side is not important at this point. Rather, who is the guy that wants to DO IT
@DmitriPavlutin See Bergi's messages. The pattern seems to be weak.
6:05 PM
@Kyll I think the question is weird. Your answer tried what's possible at least. :)
@DmitriPavlutin Heh ^^
so @Rizier123 @maytham-ɯɐɥʇʎɐɯ you guys ponder it. We need some one to actually do it. We also need SSL
The mods need total access and it needs to be transparent
@Drew If you need a server, I don't have one.
6:07 PM
I have servers
So you just need some PHP code?
So I guess you don't want me in on this now, or what? I don't know...
@DmitriPavlutin So did you discover what the room is ?
oh TG you get to do like 90 percent of it
@Kyll Yeah
6:09 PM
Last report is fishy
Might be disguised spam
Ok, well set us up with FTP access for a server, then we can start working
sd f editing
@TinyGiant Why insecure ftp, and not secure sftp or ftps?
@maytham-ɯɐɥʇʎɐɯ can you do high level 2 php files to feed to tiny giant
6:10 PM
@Ferrybig sure, why not
@DmitriPavlutin Feel free to hang around and participate, we welcome all motivated moderators =D
@Kyll Ok, will do. Thanks for inviting and the tour ;). Have a nice evening.
@maytham-ɯɐɥʇʎɐɯ laravel would be great
I think so every thing is servered there
@DmitriPavlutin Thanks, bonne soirée =D
6:12 PM
Laravel is amazing :D
The hard work is not mine. It is the screen designers
do we have a shared document for all this brains storming
I did set up a slack, but I'll set up a new one because that one is kinda messy now
What are we going to name this?
6:17 PM
I was going to say poop-shovel
what is a decent screenr thing t use
Whoever wants to be in on this, give me your email addresses
You mean that server thing? (Where I'm totally confused, what is actually going on, only that I know I should code something)
Yeah, that thing
@Kyll are you in on this?
6:21 PM
I gave my email address. Plus it is on beehive
Yeah, I've got you.
Plus @maytham-ɯɐɥʇʎɐɯ is in
Need his email
@TinyGiant Gn?
send me an email tg
6:22 PM
Am I what in who?
You're in, just give me your email :)
Yaaaaay I'm part of something!
Alright, @maytham-ɯɐɥʇʎɐɯ @Rizier123 email addresses?
6:25 PM
and pasted
Alright, email invites sent.
@TinyGiant Can you quickly join the new room?
Hey I want in!
\o/ +69 today \o/ I can afford to go downvote-hunting high-rep personalServicesWorkers who have answered multi-dups :)
6:41 PM
Okay, I'll keep that in mind...
Didn't know I was so rude that I had to be warned
the popup, probably?
Weird things are going on in this room. I get half of it, maybe less.
@Rizier123 which one?
@Tunaki do you want in on the dev process too?
6:46 PM
@AndrasDeak yeah, just read the MSO post
@rene I also got the popup, I think it may be something new on stackexchange, also got it on drews campaigns channel and the CharCoal HQ
@TinyGiant Wrote you an email to your Github email.
@Riz invited
6:49 PM
@Tunaki you can send me an email to my github email address too if you want in.
Do I need to read back the transcript or can someone give me a summary what the consensus in this room is about the stop burninate posts (and maybe also the rename one from yesterday)?
I know nothing about that.
no discussion about it
consensus is that nothing has changed
@Tunaki saw that
6:52 PM
@TinyGiant Where can I find it?
@rene link?
@cimmanon there's no !!ead command here :-P
@Tunaki It seems to be spam, it has been posted before on another stack website
@Tunaki Check your SO inbox
email sent
@TinyGiant what is this thing you guys keep referring to as 'the thing'
We're building an interface for Drew's beehive.
Basically he has a program that finds questions with a certain number of close votes in a given tag, we're turning it into a queue
6:56 PM
Want in?
How you gonna vote on it while using your SE credentials?
I mean, I don't know if I have anything to contribute but sure
@rene Are you planning to answer the first one?
I'm thinking that the actual queue interface is still going to have to be a userscript, so it can run on this site and we can make everything 1000 times easier, but we'll see
@Tuna sent an invite
6:59 PM
@Tunaki I think Cody Gray wrote a decent answer as well as MsYvette, I have nothing more to add that would be better.
@TinyGiant I was wondering who commented on such an old answer :-P
Let me know when you've sent it
invite sent
7:04 PM
Cody and Hans are great. Just saying
Yeah, they have a better feeling of what needs to be done and not to be done then I have, for sure.
@TinyGiant "invited" Means you sent me an email back? If yes, I wouldn't have received one.
@Rizier123 You should have gotten an email from slack
I like the slack name
Lol, inorite?
7:09 PM
Nope, at least not yet. (But you got mine right?)
Sent it again, check your junk mail
I just hit the 'Rebuild all' button instead of 'build' :(
ahh well, time for some reviewing I guess
@riz anything yet?
nope, really weird
7:16 PM
nothing in your junk or spam?
@cybermonkey like this?
> helpful - Looks like this was edited into better shape now
@AndrasDeak yeah, except better :-)
@TinyGiant Finally received it, wow that took long :D
7:26 PM
@Tiny What's with the invites? Send me one too ... :/
Who coded that site? It looks cool.
@Rizier123 Which one?
That SO shit shovel
@Rizier123 Slack has been around for a while.
@BhargavRao check your SO inbox
7:29 PM
Invited!! \o/
Well not yet, let me know when you've sent the email
@TinyGiant Oh, I though one of you guys did it, because slack and stack :P
Lol no.
I wish I wrote that lol
7:30 PM
@TinyGiant Done
Invite sent
He wouldn't have time for SO if he were supporting Slack
Yeah, no I don't think I would
So...if you're slacking off, you're still on the job?
The only thing I hate about slack is that they ask to create a new account each time and then they link the new one with the others.
7:33 PM
Yeah, that does kinda suck
yeah, I wish I could just use one account for all rooms
well, "droplets"
Evening. Heh, what's this welcome splash screen on chat join?
It detected you were not a good SO citizen
7:39 PM
@BhargavRao \o @Tuna
and that you should pay your tribute to Lord Trogdor by flagging questions.
I'm thinking of dropping the h in my name to make it Bargav, so that @Bar will ping me
@Tunaki What did I do wrong, pop'?
@kayess lol
@rayryeng \o welcome
7:42 PM
@kayess hi :) I come here from time to time. I haven't been here in a while.
@rayryeng Hehe, noticed that:p
hahaha yes :)
Hi @ray o/
@BhargavRao hello sir! Nice to see you again.
I see some one say Sir and I remember the military joke in that JS question :P
7:43 PM
sorry I'm not familiar with that joke :3.
Someone asked a question, How do I report military time in Javascript.
oh :) I get it now lol
The first comment was Good Morning Sir. The time is Date.getTime(), Sir
hahahah :D
7:45 PM
I thought it will be Good Morning Vietnam!
@TinyGiant If you need test capacity let me know
@rene Good evening you little fairy of close voters \o
@EricD. how good are you with UnicodeScalar types ;) stackoverflow.com/q/35852624/2415822
@rene K, once we have something built we'll get as many people using it as possible.
7:47 PM
@Tiny \o
Thanks all for the close votes o/
@kayess o/
@kayess waves
@JAL not that much :p
@TinyGiant And now I got the second invitation email.
7:48 PM
Any c++ guy could help this OP? stackoverflow.com/questions/35814978/…
@Rizier123 lol
@kayess Isn't that too broad or opinion based? I read it as "how do I restructure my project?"
@kayess it looks too broad
^^ That, and --------------------------------------- that ^^
Ah! Ok, right.
7:50 PM
@EricD. No worries, just playing around with it.
@kayess your heart falters just for a second, and see what happens
just closeflag it all:P
@kayess it also has a deleted answer ... for how to do it in c#
@EricD. also just put a bounty on this. Trying to figure out how far you can push launch storyboards.
@AndrasDeak lol, Good evening
@rene How do you see that? Ah, might be your high rep
@kayess evening
7:52 PM
@kayess I happen to have some rep...
you see deleted posts past 10k
and incidentally, you can make crap posts become deleted past 10k:P
vote to close at 3k, vote to delete (<0? <-3? voted stuff) at 10k
Noted. I need to get myself *sd to get to 3k and fast, or else I might face getting rene'd anytime soon!
there's a bounty awaiting
7:55 PM
Which tag?
@kayess Tunaki probably means a tailor-made one
@AndrasDeak Probably :\
oh! \o TY again @Bhar
@kayess I am highly surprised that the bounty did not get the post more views :/
7:58 PM
@BhargavRao Well, it's a lower traffic tag though:)
@kayess Yeah, the only possible reason
Welcome to Stack Exchange chat! Keep these in mind: what have I done now????
@kayess blargh
@PetterFriberg You cv-pls'd too less a today :p

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