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1:00 PM
@BhargavRao Yeah, we only have a handful of 20K'ers atm.
@Sam For example, @Tunaki.
Took me like 3 years to get 10k, not gonna get 20k anytime soon :p
yeah 20k power :)
Damn busy these days, else I would have had 20K :-)
@TimCastelijns That's a defeatist attitude!
1:01 PM
@DavidG Also known as being in Camp 1
Trying to get 10k in 2 months
@DavidG I'm still a student, there are only so many questions I can (or should) answer :p
@KevinGuan I've earned 50 rep in the past two weeks! Soon I'll be 4k
@KevinGuan I'll eat my hat if you do.
I just want my Mjolnir dammit!
1:02 PM
@Kyll :P
@DavidG one to go!
@DavidG it is nice to have.
I can help ya guys hammer Python stuff.
@Sam Really? Let's make a bet.
Been looking for a question to answer this morning, but every time I look it's been too depressing.
1:03 PM
@BhargavRao So we have lots of Python guys now!
@KevinGuan Don't, it's one of these hats with sauce and chips. He'll enjoy it.
Wow, my "qoutes" are already mentioned in this room
@Kyll :P
Thanks to whoever was the sneaky one!
@Tunaki Hmm...that should be a NAA flag, not spam.
1:04 PM
@KevinGuan Nope
@KevinGuan The consensus on this was there is no consensus I think
@Sam Nope
@Tunaki Nope
Nope party \o/
See bookmarked conversation with Shog9
1:05 PM
@KevinGuan Shog is okay with flagging a 1 rep user with rude/abusive to get rid of post like that since they are trolling.
Shog basically said we can flag as spam
^ That
I flagged as spam, it's probably probing
@DavidG Well he said we could flag as anything we want
Why does the user still exist?
@KevinGuan Enjoying pinging me? :p
1:05 PM
Mmmm, spam.
@Sam Yes we do!
And ham.
@Kyll Awesome!1!!eleven!!!!1!!1!!!!1!!
True, but I feel like we should be consistent, not sure what happens with 5 spam and 5 NAA votes, but I know what happens with 10 spam votes.
Dem battlez of teh edits
1:06 PM
Pinging party \o/
My sound is turned off, be my guest
@DavidG Well, the post was deleted but not the user
Okay, what did I miss in December Room Meeting?
Whereas when spam is burnt down the user goes to hell with it
@KevinGuan Nope
1:08 PM
@KevinGuan Planning to time travel? It's tonight
@KevinGuan isn't it tonight?
19:00 UTC
In 6 hours
Mon Nov 30 21:06:36 CST 2015
1:08 PM
That's Tue.
@BhargavRao 268 more for Illuminator... Nice work!
@Kyll propose already :P
@Kyll 1235 flags also!
1:10 PM
@BhargavRao that's all? I have 2,204 helpful flags
Nov 14 at 22:41, by gunr2171
it's like you are on the opposite side of the world
@TimCastelijns hey, gotta hook people. We need that hammer and those delete votes!
@Tunaki 1235 without being in SOCVR :'(
Yep, also time travel.
also the more crazy people the crazier
What does Yam do again?
1:12 PM
In simple terms, he makes Pham work.
@Kyll By the way, looks like there's no cameras in my new house.
@Kyll There's a small wiki page for more info
@KevinGuan Then I did great work.
One-click editing is DA BOMB!
@Kyll :P todo: find the cameras after finish the moving.
1:14 PM
That sad moment when you have 3 close votes left and then you enter the Close vote room
@Sam So he's just storage and data aggregation?
Which then gets used by any other bots I create.
(I.e., Pham.)
@MadaraUchiha: Saving the day as mod some more :-) Thanks
1:16 PM
@BhargavRao No problem, I always only have 0 close vote :P
@NathanOliver Why didn't the last from Tunaki get graveyarded too?
@BhargavRao We also have a chatbot to help out when we review the queue together.
Also, wb
@Clo help
1:17 PM
This is a chat bot for the SO Close Vote Reviewers chat room, developed by gunr2171 and the other members of the SO Close Vote Reviewers chat room. For more information see the github page. Reply with commands to see a list of commands.
@BhargavRao Say hello to Closey =D
@Kyll Because still doesn't close?
@KevinGuan Thank the Stack Overflow lords for ∞ close votes.
@Closey commands
Below is a list of commands for the Close Vote Chat Bot

    alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
    commands - Shows this list.
    help - Prints info about this software.
    running commands - Displays a list of all commands that the chat bot is currently running.
    status - Tests if the chatbot is alive and shows simple info about it.

    audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
    completed tags [min <#>] - Shows the latest tags that have been completed by multiple people.
1:18 PM
@MadaraUchiha :P, new todo: Be a mod.
Ah, nice bot there. Any other bots too?
@KevinGuan By all means.
@KevinGuan brews coffee for @KevinGuan
@BhargavRao @SmokeDetector is also a bot.
And I'm a bot as well.
We're all bots.
@MadaraUchiha Next time SmokeDetector can run for mod
@BhargavRao Oh that would be amazing
Having SmokeDetector in the blue room
1:19 PM
@BhargavRao We also call him Smoke :)
@BhargavRao We're also currently running an experimental version of Closey, with auto-detection of tags, audits, etc.
We should put all the bots in a chat room on their own and let them come up with a plan to conquer the never ending torrent of terrible questions.
@MadaraUchiha Just wanted to say congrats. It also looks like they changed how mod names show up in chat.
The bot appears to be malfunctioning
1:20 PM
@NathanOliver Thanks :)
@Kyll That one is closed as well.
Hmmm, our Faq doesn't mention about Flags.
@NathanOliver Yes, so shouldn't the graveyarding script graveyard it?
@BhargavRao Depends on the kind of flag, let me explain
@BhargavRao Nope, you should say our Faq :P
If we can act as a community on flags (spam, abusive delete posts once they've aggregated enough) then we do use them extensively, mainly through Smokey
1:22 PM
Looks like a cat ran over the keyboard.
@KevinGuan Done :-)
If not (NAA, VLQ) we do not report them here, as flagging once is enough and reporting them might make us seem like heartless downvoters, harassers, baby-eaters or something
@BhargavRao looks like spam also
@Kyll Oh. Now I see what you are talking about. That request was posted after I started the script so it more than likely didn't pick it up. I am in the middle of running multiple batches so it should get moved shortly.
@Kyll Just want to do it...
1:24 PM
@NathanOliver Ah, okay
sd deleted
@BhargavRao Since this is abusive, we !!/report it, triggering Smokey
@Tunaki Looks like you use the 10k late answers tool. :-)
@Kyll Yep understood, Thanks
@Kyll Only ____ can run that command. Fill the ___.
sd deleted
1:25 PM
@BhargavRao I do :)
@KevinGuan skeet?
@TimCastelijns No...
@KevinGuan privileged users?
@BhargavRao Yeah :D
@KevinGuan Yes, you are a privileged user.
1:26 PM
Ah, fine
@BhargavRao Bots normally have some kind of restriction on the commands people can use.
@BhargavRao tpu is used to tell Smokey "Yep, that's crap, add user to blacklist" and [gone, deleted, del] to say "taken care of, remove that"
Do those commands also need privileges?
Some do, which simply require you to be added to "The List."
@Sam Needs capitalization
1:28 PM
@Kyll Actually not only deleted, del, gone...
No Redbull?
@BhargavRao If you want Closey to track you, for example, I can add you so you can access all the reviewing stats commands, etc.
@BhargavRao no but there's tea also
@Tunaki brews a cup of darjeeling tea for @Tunaki
@SmokeDetector remove Kyll's cameras <-- that's my new todo please notice me.
Where's my coffee? :(
1:29 PM
you just spilled it
@Sam I'll hang around for a few days and then join the team. Thanks. :)
Morning gunr
@BhargavRao Ok! :)
Hello @gunr2171 o/
Plop gunr
1:30 PM
Plop @gunr2171 :D
Plop, plop, plop
@Tunaki :P
This guy's adding a lot of answers with the same URL stackoverflow.com/a/33999540/4099593
I noticed it, doesn't look like spam though
Then VLQ?
at least
1:32 PM
@BhargavRao Maybe a mod flag?
@BhargavRao I commented
@Kyll But I've just raise a mod flag.
It's not worthy of a mod flag. AFAIK
afk, Cya later.
^ lol
1:35 PM
@KevinGuan Then it'll be DeClInEd, mwahahahahahahaha
@Tunaki :P
@BhargavRao Well, the first thing to do is comment and warn the user. If the user corrects his behaviour, everyone's fine. If not, moderator flag.
18 minutes into the room and 8 flags raised.
@BhargavRao Smokey is burning hot today
1:36 PM
@Kyll Yep, that's the way. Comment, no reply then plop
No wonder the regulars would have 2k+ flags :P
@BhargavRao @Tunaki, that one was aimed straight at you
well, better start preparing for the room meeting
BTW you guys used to do some burnination stuff too rite? Any tag that needs to be shown the door?
@BhargavRao cough
yes, but that is on-hold at the moment
we're waiting for meta to resolve itself
6-8 weeks
@Closey status
1:42 PM
SOCVR ChatBot version, running for 1 hour, 9 minutes and 21 seconds.
@gunr2171 Still running the test branch atm
Fixed some bugs though
So the bots have version numbers :/
So it was a semi-productive weekend.
1:43 PM
@BhargavRao yes, but that one is stuck at 1.0, even though it's not
hooray for hard coding!
@gunr2171 Why not use words? :-)
Like android and others
because words are hard
Semver > all
Yep, that's true. Ubuntu guys are wasting time coining a new version name
@BhargavRao That's true
1:45 PM
@Tunaki Last vote moderately provided by a ninja
I just don't get the point, since everyone reference it as 15.10 or whatever anyway.
@Kyll nice
@MadaraUchiha Nope, I call it Wily
1:48 PM
Commented on the target's new low quality answer, too
@Tunaki Raising a moderator flag on answer
It is Spam for sure
All 3 answers by that OP have the same website
Oh wait
It wasn't the most recent answer lol
Just found a year-old spam, yay!
Still tastes the same as fresh spam
should I report the third? :)
It's a complete answer though.
2:00 PM
it's still spam
> It was deleted because the user has a lot of posts that are just posts that link to their own website. This is one of those.
@Tunaki stackoverflow.com/questions/18266626/… was deleted. So guess that's spam too. :/
@Kyll post updated no longer VLQ
^^ hax
Not sure if an abuse of power, or answer to life
2:08 PM
Cannot be reproduced any more (see comment of OP): stackoverflow.com/q/33972544/4136325
@gunr2171 Can't it be both?
compromise? on the internet?
@MadaraUchiha I saw your profile and felt happy looking at I offer a 500 point bounty for every good
Then I scrolled down. sigh
@BhargavRao You want the honey? You gotta fight off the bees :)
2:11 PM
I thought you offer 500 point bounty for every good person ;_;
@Thomas Thanks for joining us. While close vote requests are a nessissary evil, we do ask that you have at least full edit privileges before bringing these requests here. This way you have the power to edit the content first and do your due diligence to help the OP before it needs to be closed.
@BhargavRao There, now it should be clearer.
Yep, better :)
What defines a canonical?
@TimCastelijns It's a tricky definition.
See the examples on the post
2:16 PM
It's usually used here to define a post that serves as a good dupe target.
But basically, canonicals are well written answers that address a wide variety of cases, and thus is a good duplicate target.
@DavidG Yes, being a good dupe target is a secondary effect.
Like SQL injection or null reference errors.
First example post 'only' has +250, are we being scammed?
False promises!!
@MadaraUchiha Can I ask if a particular post is canonical?
@BhargavRao Sure
So in addition to the hundreds of upvotes these kinds of QA generate, I also promise a +500 bounty.
2:18 PM
inb4 posts a link to his answers tab
@Sam Nah, you can find that yourselves.
@gunr2171 Wait. 4.5 hours of prep? There better NOT be PowerPoint!
But there are specific answers that nearly singlehandedly gave me a gold badge in a tag :D
@MadaraUchiha I don't want a bounty. I've already got one on that. Just asking if it fits the description :-)
2:19 PM
@BhargavRao It does.
Thanks for explaining guys. I probably have not posted anything canonical :p
@Mogsdad nope :)
but it was close to yes
@MadaraUchiha Thanks. So I've got atleast 1 canonical post. Pats self
@TimCastelijns Join the club!
We've got jackets.
Sweet, that's better than rep
2:21 PM
Wow, today is my most rep lost in a single day.
Lost 1.5k rep today :D
I do have 1 answer that saved a person's life, which i am proud of
@MadaraUchiha It's the diamond. It's got a mind of it's own. You've got to feed it somehow.
@Sam Yeah! Big shout out to @rene for the cool jackets! If you haven't received one, remember to ping him!
2:22 PM
@TimCastelijns Doesn't count if OP just comments on your answer with "thanks man, you saved my life bro"
@DavidG does it count if it was not OP?
afk for a bit
@MadaraUchiha Thanks a lot. That's really good inspiration to add more great canonical answers.
@TimCastelijns Was it a human?
@gunr2171 Cya
@Sam hard to tell
2:23 PM
@BhargavRao It has a nice added effect of getting people willing to put an effort for the site into higher privileges faster.
You're on 17.5k, this will push you up closer to the 20k quicker.
@MadaraUchiha Nice :)
@MadaraUchiha Once I cross 20501, I'll follow your path :-)
It's really selfless of you, very nice
@BhargavRao See, it was a good idea to join this room today!
@TimCastelijns Surprisingly few people take me up on that offer.
2:24 PM
I think they think they might appear rep greedy?
See, even if I award rep to someone who doesn't really care about the moderation of the site
The site still earned a valuable canonical post
The process is not automated, I review every canonical by myself before deciding whether or not I award the bounty
So the system can't be cheated on
I am trying to contact moderators, anyone can help ?
2:28 PM
@RokibulHasan How may I help you?
I care about moderation of SO, but I'm not yet skillful enough to be able to post a good canonical answer to a good question. Or at least not fast/good enough as someone else
@TimCastelijns Most of my canonicals are self answered.
Makes controlling the V much easier.
One user down vote 32 + of my answer as revenge, How can I get back my reputations
I've even had canonicals where I accepted someone else's answer.
@RokibulHasan It all happened today?
The script will catch him tonight
2:29 PM
@RokibulHasan Wait until tomorrow 03:00 UTC, it will get reversed :)
@RokibulHasan Then you have nothing to worry about, there's an automated script that detects mass votes and reverses them.
Wait until tomorrow, and if the votes are still there, contact me again.
I am so sad to see those, thanks you so much
@MadaraUchiha Sounds good. But I seldomly encounter problems that are not too localized to which I find the answer myself, or that are not duplicates. Will keep it in mind though, in case I do
@gunr2171 yay
2:33 PM
@MadaraUchiha is there other way to contact you tomorrow, if you remain offline here ?
Ugg, just got a mail from college team. They've broken something.
Bye all, see ya tomorrow
@RokibulHasan I will probably be online here tomorrow
okay thanks :)
2:35 PM
But you can easily flag one of your own posts with a custom flag
And explain your situation.
That's the standard way of contacting moderaotrs
You mean flag on an down voted answer ?
@Mogsdad I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Mogsdad It looks like you've finished reviewing . Is that right?
Mogsdad passed a audit!
@Closey yes
Good, it's working.
Really need to remember I can hammer a dupe now, that just took me by surprise!
how many cvs does it take to close a question?
2:46 PM
or 1 dupe hammer
or 1 moderator
@cybermonkey Or one flag and one click on "yes" in the case of duplicates
Or 2 if OP agrees with the first person to mark as dupe
So many corner cases
2:48 PM
Morning all
if anyone wants a cheap site in the Cyber Monday sales: namecheap.com/campaigns/2015/bf-cm-deals.aspx
@JAL Hiya
@JAL Plop o/
2:49 PM
Plop JAL!
@cybermonkey Not sure this is the right place to post that
This may be a good fit for Programmers but I don't know it well enough to advise OP on that. If you have knowledge of their question policies, feel free to comment.
Hooray my review ban has been lifted!
I give you 25 minutes before you get banned again :)
@JAL Let Haskell audits come!
Oh I was thinking less than one minute :P
but I'm not touching that first posts review queue ever again
This should be rolled back right? stackoverflow.com/questions/33991139/…
@JAL Yeah, I did it and commented.
2:57 PM
@Sam Except that I didn't finish reviewing. That appears to have popped up because of the audit, which didn't have the twitter-bootstrap tag in it.
@Mogsdad Well, the tag tracking is still in alpha, so.
@Sam Good news, it IS identifying the change in tags on the review items. Bad news, it's concluding the wrong thing.

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