This is a chat bot for the SO Close Vote Reviewers chat room, developed by gunr2171 and the other members of the SO Close Vote Reviewers chat room. For more information see the github page. Reply with commands to see a list of commands.
Below is a list of commands for the Close Vote Chat Bot
alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
commands - Shows this list.
help - Prints info about this software.
running commands - Displays a list of all commands that the chat bot is currently running.
status - Tests if the chatbot is alive and shows simple info about it.
audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
completed tags [min <#>] - Shows the latest tags that have been completed by multiple people.
If we can act as a community on flags (spam, abusive delete posts once they've aggregated enough) then we do use them extensively, mainly through Smokey
If not (NAA, VLQ) we do not report them here, as flagging once is enough and reporting them might make us seem like heartless downvoters, harassers, baby-eaters or something
@Kyll Oh. Now I see what you are talking about. That request was posted after I started the script so it more than likely didn't pick it up. I am in the middle of running multiple batches so it should get moved shortly.
@Thomas Thanks for joining us. While close vote requests are a nessissary evil, we do ask that you have at least full edit privileges before bringing these requests here. This way you have the power to edit the content first and do your due diligence to help the OP before it needs to be closed.
I care about moderation of SO, but I'm not yet skillful enough to be able to post a good canonical answer to a good question. Or at least not fast/good enough as someone else
@MadaraUchiha Sounds good. But I seldomly encounter problems that are not too localized to which I find the answer myself, or that are not duplicates. Will keep it in mind though, in case I do
@cybermonkey Not sure this is the right place to post that
This may be a good fit for Programmers but I don't know it well enough to advise OP on that. If you have knowledge of their question policies, feel free to comment.