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3:00 PM
I'll review it later today.
hey Tim
@Mogsdad You've completed 40 CV review items today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 27 minutes, averaging to a review every 40.4 seconds.
@Sam One other note: I'm filtering on multiple unrelated tags, so unless Closey monitors for all of them, tag monitoring will probably see many "no more" events.
@Mogsdad That's fine. But when do you update your filter?
(The tag tracker can handle up to 3 tags, if given a chance.)
3:07 PM
@Sam atm, I'm still using [twitter-bootstrap] [.net] [css3] as suggested by Closey last week, and haven't changed in, oh, 5 days.
I guess it'll just all depend on what reviews you're given.
It seems to. Since it can identify reviews, maybe that could take precedence over the tag monitor?
Audits aren't included in the tag tracking.
Since they don't honour your filter.
Anyway, I'll take another look at the mechanism later.
(If anyone's interested, this is the core of the tag monitor.)
3:34 PM
duplicate request?
appears so.
going to be closed as too broad, though
That is what I chose.
@gunr2171: (Late reply to your chat message) Thanks for the instructions. Why should I edit a question which I think should be closed?
Also, this edit to that post should be rejected: stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/10388088
3:42 PM
Good evening
@Thomas It's not that you need to edit that post, it's that you should have the option to if need be. This is not a hard-and-fast rule though. If you think that it can't be salvaged, even with editing, then that is acceptable
@Mogsdad Why?
Ok, then it's clear.
also, I should have not said "don't post requests if you are under 2k", take it as "try to limit requests if you are under 2k"
Then I have cvoverflowed myself already a number of times..
3:45 PM
remember, there are more people in the CV queue than here in chat
flags should be more effective than chat
@kayess just pretend you have 100k rep, it will be fine
@gunr2171 Is it also ok to both flag it and post it here?
I could rename myself to Kay Skeet then
@Thaillie if you are also flagging it, posting here would only help to expedite the closure. I think that should only be used if it's dangerous to keep open.
3:48 PM
@kayess not appropriate, need double the rep for that ;)
really, everyone should be relying on flags and votes, rather than a select group of other people.
@gunr2171 Maybe add that to the FAQ?
It is, just not in that exact language. I can add that in at some point.
lately I only post a cv request if it is something that should be closed right now. If it isn't that urgent I just vote to close which gets it into the queue and hopefully closed.
^ exactly
3:52 PM
@NathanOliver To avoid the question going into the reopen vote queue.
@Mogsdad I've found that it's more frustrating when bad answers get edited to invalidate user flags. If I see an edit like that in the reopen queue, I generally vote to keep close, and hope others do the same.
@Mogsdad Ah. Wouldn't it be better to approve the edit before the question gets closed so it won't go into the reopen queue and the fluff/typo gets fixed?
@JAL Keep on hoping, but remember robo-reviewers will likely reopen it. The edit is superfluous, and since I believe the question is irredeemable, approval of the edit will be a waste of reviewers' time at a minimum, and counteract closure.
@NathanOliver Why is that better? The person who suggested the edit would miss a learning opportunity.
Don't polish turds, right?
The question was not closed though, is it ok to approve then?
3:56 PM
@Mogsdad Isn't that what the H&I queue is all about through :P
@Mogsdad The user has know way of knowing that there are close votes on that question and they may not know about closing for resource request. I think it would be better to approve the edit and then you can ping them in a comment letting them know. Otherwise you should use the custom reject edit response and let them know that they shouldn't polish a turd.
@NathanOliver NO.
Knowledge of the existence of close votes is irrelevant.
The edit has not improved the question.
AND the question is off-topic.
Sure the edit improved the question. It fixed a typo and removed the fluff.
It did not address the serious issues with the question.
If some more editing would have done it, I would have made them myself. (Feel free to check my review & edit history for ample evidence.) However, there was nothing to salvage here - no valuable answer to save. And since the question is only asking for a framework, there's nothing in IT to save.
4:12 PM
Okay. I get that. I'll try to remember that.
@NathanOliver As with everything we do here, each is free to do as their conscience dictates. I'm just providing my rationale.
I just hadn't seen those before. If meta says this is the way you should do it then normally that is they way I will. They still wont convince me to jump off a bridge though.
@NathanOliver What if Shog himself were to give out a 500 rep bounty to all that do?
500 rep to jump off a bridge?
You may get extra from the UVs.
4:16 PM
@Sam maybe for 500K
@MadaraUchiha Jon beat you to that, yesterday! Still cool. But how does a non-moderator get past the max barrier? (e.g. i.sstatic.net/rkU5j.png)
@Mogsdad I got 1 extra ;)
reviewing their own posts
@kayess Transformers?
@Mogsdad :D
4:18 PM
@gunr2171 Ah - right!
The meeting isn't for another 2 hours and 45 minutes right
drone army
P... Drew
4:19 PM
that stupid SO notification had me worried
2pm EST
"You have a scheduled event starting soon"
In 3 hours...
was thinking it was like 11AM and I missed it or it was moved to 11:30AM or something
I didn't get that notification
4:20 PM
to me 3 hours is not "soon" for a reminder
@JAL are you registered for the event?
I believe so
@JAL did you register for the event?
hmm.. it shows you are.
I get it as an email and an inbox notification, between 15-18 minutes after the hour
Oh weird, I got the inbox but not the banner
4:21 PM
I am talking about the inbox notification
banner is not until it starts
got it
their people called my people
@MadaraUchiha What should be done with questions like this? It isn't a request for off-site resources, and it has some decent code answers. Unfortunately, it's also a magnet for link-dominant API answers.
notice the username and the link
4:27 PM
@Tunaki potentially NAA.
look at all the other posts by that user
@Tunaki He's promoting his own blog
nite sir
4:28 PM
@Tunaki I would mod flag. All of their answers link to their blog and there no is attribution.
@Tunaki edited
@NathanOliver same
@kayess Night
@kayess laterz
josilber seems to be on the case
@Mogsdad The question is already protected.
4:30 PM
Just downvote and flag any link only answer you find.
hopefully he looks at the other answers
Bye bye rep.
@NathanOliver flagged them all
nvm. looks like he is.
4:31 PM
all posts gone
@MadaraUchiha Yeah - which only stops very low-rep users. The most recent adds were by people who should know better.
@Mogsdad Downvote and vote to delete.
Makes sense. Thanks.
room topic changed to SO Close Vote Reviewers: This room is for the weekly close events, discussion(s) about reviewing, and coordination of site-wide cleanup efforts. Please visit our Team page: stackoverflow.com/teams/11/socvr which contains our FAQ. [we-wait-for-shog9]
grammar fix
+ "contains our FAQ"
Does it?
4:35 PM
> For our detailed room guidance/rules, please see our FAQ.
"and coordination of site-wide cleanup efforts" sounds better to me than "coordination of cleanup efforts site wide"
looks good to me. afk
that's it, out of flags for the day...
@gunr2171 May I get a team invite
4:42 PM
I thought I sent that over steam already, let me check
I don't recall, though I can't check right now since I'm at work
"HaploTR" right?
hum, steam doesn't keep a history of chat, so I'll have to send it to you later today
unless you want to give me your email
Here is a good example why pile-on comments is not a good idea
4:45 PM
^ check message history
thanks, sending email
omg, 7400 rep, such a pretty, even number
check spam, just in case. One person had it go there
> Damn vote limit reached; Wait again for 7 hours.
wb Tiny
4:48 PM
oh yeah @TinyGiant, I was meaning to ask about this:
Alberta bred of the year is Tiny Giant! Congrats to all. #NightofChampions @CTHSALTA #npark15
(one below and 5 up)
ergo, @TinyGiant is a horse
"On the internet, no one knows you're a horse."
It's official, I'm a faqing horse.
4:51 PM
Secretly a unicorn.
words to live by
@TylerH did you get the email?
@TinyGiant I'm sure this is a given, but I expect a donation to SOCVR from your winnings. Checks can be made to @rene, or bitcoin to me
All proceeds go towards members-only jackets
Wait, aren't I supposed to get money from my sponsors?
@JAL that's going to be the most expensive inside joke
4:53 PM
WB Tiny
@NathanOliver ty
I've give you $20 if you paint SOCVR on your chest and take a picture
how does that sounds for sponsorship?
Sounds like.... a party!
4:55 PM
@gunr2171 yes
I'm now in
: )
"Part of the ship, part of the crew"? I was expecting something like "disappearing into the background"
Users complain when we downvote and don't comment, users complain when we downvote and comment, you just can't please 'em.
I'm in he says, as his fingers flail across the keyboard, sshing into the kernel and hacking into the mainframe to ddos the irc and downloading an extra GB of RAM
@gunr2171 I didn't want to give away what I actually did
@TinyGiant Damned if you do, damned if you don't
I guess what they are all really complaining about is the downvotes.
4:57 PM
@TinyGiant well yeah; wouldn't you
everybody hates losing internet points
they're even more important than real points
@TylerH Of course, what else would you expect?
@JAL i didnt think they gelded race horses
reminds me of when i failed an audit for choosing "looks ok" for a code only review, got review banned. After the ban my first review was a code-only review which i downvoted, and it turned out to be a "good answer" audit, and i was review banned again.
@JAL There are ways around that you know.
@TinyGiant yeah, stop reviewing!
4:59 PM
Or negate the audit system, which you should never do.
@JAL lol
@TinyGiant never ever

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