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op mentions server fault himself
@Drew I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Drew passed an audit!
@MaximillianLaumeister then you have a lot of closing to do in those tags stackoverflow.com/questions/10625585/…
@Drew The question I linked is a question about how to solve a math problem, which I believe is off-topic. The question you linked is about how to reimplement a function that ships with a piece of proprietary software, which I believe may be closer to being on-topic (I wouldn't vote to close the question you linked, because I don't have a strong opinion).
my point is there are skads of apparently allowable things here with tags that are for pontificating. Perhaps a meta post exists on it. Topic comes up a lot
I imagine a concerted effort like what KevinB or others are doing, tag by tag
Morning :), what did I miss?
@Sam 1. I can't find the bookmark of DRM. 2. Why do we have this? :P
1 hour later…
An error happened in User Watcher Manager
0: TimeSpan overflowed because the duration is too long.
at System.TimeSpan.Interval (Double value, Int32 scale) [0x00067] in /build/mono/src/mono-4.0.4/external/referencesource/mscorlib/system/timespan.cs:241
at System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes (Double value) [0x00000] in /build/mono/src/mono-4.0.4/external/referencesource/mscorlib/system/timespan.cs:250
at SOCVRDotNet.UserReviewStatus.<SyncReviewData>b__35_0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
@Closey Oh, I know how to solve this: @Sam
Drew passed an audit!
@Undo I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Does Closey monitor everyone's reviewing sessions?
@ShamasS Nope, need bot owner add user.
@Closey commands
Below is a list of commands for the Close Vote Chat Bot

    alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
    commands - Shows this list.
    help - Prints info about this software.
    running commands - Displays a list of all commands that the chat bot is currently running.
    status - Tests if the chatbot is alive and shows simple info about it.

    audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
    completed tags [min <#>] - Shows the latest tags that have been completed by multiple people.
And it's very good. It can track your review status and history. v1.0 you need tell Closey that you started review, but v2 you don't need do that any more. Hmm...we're testing v2 Closey.
@Undo It looks like you've finished reviewing . Is that right?
oo upgrades :D
thanks btw :)
@Closey no
@Undo It looks like you've finished reviewing . Is that right?
grrrr >:(
@Closey no
@Undo You've completed 40 CV review items today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 9 minutes, averaging to a review every 14.1 seconds.
@Drew You've completed 40 CV review items today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 194 minutes, averaging to a review every 291.2 seconds.
@ShamasS :D
"[I] noticed my fan started revving " as an Answer
@KevinGuan I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Closey end session
@KevinGuan You don't need to run this command anymore! Your session automatically ends when you reach either 40 CVs or the end of this UTC day.
But I need end the session now, @S...Ah, I pinged him 2 times. Todo: When see Sam, ask him how to end session.
2 hours later…
are low quality flags available outside of the queue, as in SEDE
Q: Database schema documentation for the public data dump and SEDE

Stu ThompsonStack Exchange releases "data dumps" of all its publicly available content roughly every three months via archive.org, and also makes that information queryable over the Internet at the Stack Exchange Data Explorer (SEDE). Over time, as new features and other bits of data are introduced to Stack ...

thanks was just browsing stuff @TinyGiant
It looks like you can get some information about close flags and votes.
Is that SPAM? Doesn't look like
fp but rubbish homework question.
But a teacher giving assignments
Flagged as VLQ.
Comment: "Hello, this is stackoverflow, not homeworkoverflow :P"
@Tushar Oh, I saw a comment like: Looks you have confused between stackoverflow.com and domyhomework.com before :P
good thing tag was in that question. That'll bring in the appropriate eyes
the big dogs
Saw a comment on accepted answer asking to upvote Question, "You should up vote this question too so it's not a negative anymore."
Is it a good thing to do?
Asking for votes
heck no imo
I've seen Is it ok to ask to upvote/accept my own answers?, but the case here is opposite
for new users though, it is often good to do a little education for Accept an Answer
I can imagine exceptional situations where it could be tolerable (but usually there is a better forum for that); but absent any such context, I'll chime in with another no
Here's the Post link, if you're interested to see stackoverflow.com/questions/33988683/…
@Drew Not a new user
definitely no
but that was before it was closed as duplicate; he could probably not see the dupe votes
Probably, yes. But the answerer(60k+) must've
and still didn't closed the question
he's a gold in like 3 or 4 of the tags
flagged the comment for mod attention
I was about to ask about flagging
it's not unusual for high-rep users to answer everything they can; that's one of the ways you obtain a high rep
if a golds answer lame questions that could be dupehammered in tags I frequent, they often experience a bit of a tongue lashing
one gold guy would say about his own answering "well it takes too long to look up the dupe"
are there any good meta questions about that? how to respond to high-rep users who act irresponsibly (rep wh***ing)
I do agree that finding the dupes is excessively cumbersome in some cases
though I've been getting better at it
mainly by not using the SO search facilities at all
Better to use Google to search on a site-domain
though one ctrl-tab from here I am also toying with data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/edit/399277
which is very useful at times (only SQL gives me the jitters)
some of them frankly are like the top 50 or 100 for your tag. Revisited again and again and ... As if they aren't in a spreadsheet available, if one really cared. They dont
considering the treatment some newbies get here, it would perhaps not be out of line to call out on the rep wh***s ... but it's not really a job I personally long to do; nor do I think it would help foster a good atmosphere in the longer run /-:
but educating the regulars is more likely to have some effect than trying to educate a never-ending stream of newcomers in a hurry
who enjoys it. no one
so, anything like "I am doing this because <link>"?
I like to put comments under a solid answer (especially a low rep guy's answer) to alert the OP with rep=1, hey look here, here is a good answer, you might consider marking it with the Green Check mark. That is the way we roll here (with a link to meta showing how you Green Check mark it)
yeah, exactly, but with a (reasonably canonical) link to "do not rep wh***"?
all the proposals I have seen to remove rep from questions which were marked as dupes (for example) have been shot down. The most obvious proposals have obvious drawbacks, of course
so for the time being we are left with (a) do nothing, which clearly isn't really satisfying, or (b) trying to educate the rep hoarders
some of them clearly do not participate in anything like meta or chat, so there is a chance to reform at least some of them
just by pointing out existing documentation, or something like that
I can understand a low rep guy doing an answer that is obvious. I don't expect golds to do it in answers FGITW saying missing semi-colon or a small cut and paste. That's for comments for golds in my world view. Then again, they are gunning for ranks in the tag. Page 1. Who knows. No solution.
Morning o/
Hi all! Could I get some help in ? I don't know what's different about tonight, but the cruft is piling up more quickly than I can deal with it.
@Drew I actually did such abominations to get both my and gold badges
For the greater good :D
one of my best scoring answers (I have few) is one saying missing semi-colon
the one that took an hour and I like the most, I think a zero
And one of my best is "0 is the same as -0."
My top answer is surprisingly decentish
My second from top though... stackoverflow.com/questions/9680037/…
^ Flag as LQ ;-)
Heya. Morning.
@TigerhawkT3 what sort of help are you looking for? Review the queues, or incoming questions, or what?
yeah what he said
Mostly just keeping an eye on incoming questions, watching for dups or syntax error typos.
And edits that substantively change questions, negating existing answers.
Hey @TigerhawkT3 :D
@KevinGuan post the python here as normal
@Drew :P
@TigerhawkT3 So what's the matter?
read up 1 page max
1/2 page
OP asked a question, got an answer, made a substantive edit to their question that invalidated the existing answer, got an answer for the edited version, had the question rolled back to the original (by yours truly), and then accepted the edited-question answer.
So now there's a question with a totally inaccurate accepted answer. Is there any way to salvage any of that?
> While my answer is for this input 123,456,(753,862),487 version of the question now it seems there is an edit and is being reverted to the original.
Hey @Tim :D
Hello @TimCastelijns
maybe through an exorcism
@TigerhawkT3 Ah, looks like OP asked two questions in one question. But the accepted answer is only for the second question...I'd suggest vote to close this question as...I have no idea, wait me find another question..,
Hmm...And looks like Closey also doesn't love me...
@Closey alive
@KevinGuan I feel fine.
@Closey So did you notice that I've just passed an audit?
@TigerhawkT3 I think this maybe little helpful, check the question, my comments, and what we were talking about: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/27089688#27089688
I went with a "could not reproduce" close vote. Thanks for the suggestion.
@TigerhawkT3 Voted, that would be the best solution :P
How is everyone on this fine morning?
@SmokeDetector I'd say this is spam
Yeah I'm back
Morning all!
Hey! I just want to say that! :P
Is it Monday morning spam day?
@DavidG Don't know, and why are they like tag?
Let's delete that tag, then the spammers will haven't a tag can use :P
@UNICYCLEZRDEBESTINDEHERE Did you see this meta post? meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/311422/…
Huh? It's sad that a 5k rep user doesn't know how to rollback an edit.
He does know how, he's asking if he should.
sd deleted
@DavidG Nope:
A) Sanity check, B) how? I don't see a rollback button or a history button? — Michael Dibbets 1 hour ago
Reviewers, hold on! Stop trying to get more rep because today is the spam day!
sd deleted
Yup, spam
@Cerbrus Star that message if you think notice others is needed :P
Nah, the question barely survived for 60 seconds
sd deleted
31 seconds
10 seconds
@Cerbrus Really?
* 30
Compare the timestamps
This is fun ;-) Like whack-a-spam
Yeah, looks like I could be a Marshal soon.
I like the name of that badge.
One of the easier golds to get
I need to flag more
@TimCastelijns Because we have Smoke :D
@Cerbrus 395 helpful flags
Let's see who'll be the first Marshal :)
Even without smoke it's easy :P there is so much shit to find
@KevinGuan You'll probably beat me to it
@Lafexlos why? Nobody replied to me:(
394 flags here too
I hate my fat fingers. :D I really do. Anyway, hello.
@TimCastelijns Ah, but have a coffee machine is good huh? :P
@KevinGuan brews coffee for @KevinGuan
@DavidG Wow, Let's see who'll be the first Marshal :)
I'm at 928/976, but have been at it for a while
@TimCastelijns at least you have 11k rep ;)
At least? :P what do I not have?
A Ferrari boat
@TimCastelijns Do you have a Ferrari boat? :P
No :(
His edit almost made the question better
@TimCastelijns :P
TUs can delete that question immediately right?
@DavidG Trusted User
It only needs 1 more DV now
: An user with 4k rep can casts 2 votes on a post.
@TimCastelijns :(
Your opinion on question/answer quality is not worth more than the opinion of someone with less rep
that's the current model, but that doesn't mean it's the only possible model
I'm not particularly defending his proposal, just reminding you that the rules can be changed if you can argue for the change
what I would like to see is some lenience for the "I changed my mind" scenario
You mean unlocking votes?
if I close vote and then discover a duplicate, I can't retract the close vote and then nominate for closing as a dupe
for example
I know what you mean
@SmokeDetector deleted
dang, too late
@tripleee I quite like this idea. change vote type once only, but perhaps not to close once you have retracted.
Your comment is obsolete now
^ False positive
@TimCastelijns Yeah, I've deleted it now
An error happened in User Watcher Manager
0: TimeSpan overflowed because the duration is too long.
at System.TimeSpan.Interval (Double value, Int32 scale) [0x00067] in /build/mono/src/mono-4.0.4/external/referencesource/mscorlib/system/timespan.cs:241
at System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes (Double value) [0x00000] in /build/mono/src/mono-4.0.4/external/referencesource/mscorlib/system/timespan.cs:250
at SOCVRDotNet.UserReviewStatus.<SyncReviewData>b__35_0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
@Sam Is Closey running old version still?
@Closey commands
Below is a list of commands for the Close Vote Chat Bot

    alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
    commands - Shows this list.
    help - Prints info about this software.
    running commands - Displays a list of all commands that the chat bot is currently running.
    status - Tests if the chatbot is alive and shows simple info about it.

    audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
    completed tags [min <#>] - Shows the latest tags that have been completed by multiple people.
6 hours ago, by Kevin Guan
But I need end the session now, @S...Ah, I pinged him 2 times. Todo: When see Sam, ask him how to end session.
I've just logged on, gimmeh a moment...
Hello o/ @sam
By the way, Closey also doesn't love me :(
@KevinGuan It hasn't started yet.
@Sam Oh, I mean almost 2 hours ago, I passed an audit but Closey didn't notice that.
Yeah, ik.
That bug's also causing those errors.
I think.
@DavidG I pulled the latest changes last night.
@KevinGuan What do you mean?
@Sam Ah, understand. Never mind.
@Sam Pulled as in reverted?
What about email developers instead of post error messages here?
@DavidG As in, updated the package, and updated the bot to use the latest package.
@KevinGuan Not much need really.
These things rarely happen anyway.
@KevinGuan You can't.
Sessions automatically end at UTC 00:00.
@Sam :(
@Sam Looks like it might error if you get 2 reviews at the same time.
@KevinGuan You've completed 40 CV review items today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 404 minutes, averaging to a review every 605.8 seconds.
@Closey Very good, 605.8.
@DavidG We talkin' about the same piece of code here from last night?
@Sam Yeah, it looks like the only way it could produce an error like that is if the first and last reviews are very close together.
So, theoretically, doing if (activeRevs.Count > x), where x is larger than 2, should solve that then.
Not sure, I'll have a look
I'm gonna check out this completed tag "ignoring" issue...
Hmm I might be wrong
Well, it doesn't help that we don't have any line numbers to go by.
It's line 144, that's the only one that does TimeSpan.FromMinutes
What about this question? Based on this comment I think OP got another problem about encoding. I was thinking about ask OP add this error into his question. But then this question will become another question.
@TimCastelijns Any ideas?
@Sam I actually can't see how that code errors now. It's got a min/max check in so the number cannot be out of range.
@DavidG Line 140 also results in a new TimeSpan being created though (latestRevTime - firstRevTime).
@DavidG Exactly.
@KevinGuan I think you can handle that better than I can, I'm not an expert in python
@Sam Yes but the error say it happens in FromMinutes:
> at System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes (Double value) [0x00000] in /build/mono/src/mono-4.0.4/external/referencesource/mscorlib/system/timespan.cs:‌​250
Yeah, but I wonder if calling .TotalMinutes internally calls .FromMinutes().
As you said, the min/max check shouldn't be allowing this to happen in the first place.
@TimCastelijns Tim: SCORE 221 POSTS 142 POSTS % 29. Kevin: SCORE 219 POSTS 211 POSTS % 93. See, you have 221 scores and I only have 219 scores. You know more about Python than me :P
Another wonderful Monday...
I'm going to run Closey locally.
See what madness is going on.
@Sam locally ?
Hi all
@KevinGuan Closey runs on gunr's server atm.
@Abimanyu Hiya
When it's running there it's difficult to debug stuff like this.
Hey @Abimanyu :D
do you mind if i join with you guys?
Join? You mean just chatting?
@Abimanyu OUTER or INNER join?
s but I have few doubts just felt like interfering in your conversation thats y asked
chatting is fine but please keep in mind that we do have an agenda here; see the friendly link on the right-hand side in the room's description
@Abimanyu However, remember check our team page and the FAQ on Github first. ;)
@KevinGuan but I have been around 3 years more than you, so you are catching up very fast
And i rarely answer python questions anymore
sure @KevinGuan
@TimCastelijns Actually I joined SO almost 90 days ago :P.
Ah, afk. Cya later.
"doubt" means you're from India, right?
@SmokeDetector "spam"
Gone quickly
@SmokeDetector deleted
@trip s sir
@tripleee s sir, I am from India
just curious; welcome!
and new to this chat things... I thought we can ask our doubts here... sorry for the inconvenience and to enter here without any knowledge. C u guys...
@Abimanyu You haven't caused any inconvenience. :)
you can probably find a room closer to your topics of interest; perhaps we can give you pointers if you tell us what you need
there's a PHP room over here -> chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/11/php
K sir, can I ask my doubt now? My doubt is in Cakephp. I searched many blogs even stackoverflow but I didnt get the answer.
You can not ask programming questions here
I am trying to use associations using tables from different database
personally all I know about PHP is that it should be avoided like the plague /-:
Nov 26 at 11:24, by DavidG
is a typo.
@DavidG farming more stars
@TimCastelijns K Tim I will look for some other way...
@Abimanyu try the php room
@TimCastelijns sure.. Thank you for your suggestion
A: how to find the version of a linux kernel source tree?

user5620987What you doing I'm a navy seal. Dare remove my comments again and i will remove your nans spine

@Tunaki Oh, same guy as this one
May be time to flag for user to be removed...
I already mod-flagged the post
deleted by DavidG, tripleee, Madara Uchiha♦ 52 secs ago
Madara to the rescue :D
I still wanted to add a comment but maybe he will be back again ...
@tripleee He won't. I destroyed him.
Let's see him make a new account
Haha I was just about to say that I'm liking Madara's style, but now he's here I'm not going to say it :)
just wait for user5620988
Almost certainly
@Tunaki Spam
well it's gone
we're so good we didn't even need to report it
@Clo stop bot
@Sam I'm shutting down...
I'd like to thank you all for surviving participating in SOCVR's Perpetual Testing Initiative. Your contributions to the science of Closey will go down in history (probably).
Hey everyone! (SO Close Vote Chatbot started, linux!)
@Tunaki But the Bayesian thingies!
Plop everyone
Hey Kyll
I'm back :)
Plop @Kyll :D
wb, and Plop
The completed tags bug is now fixed.
Hey everyone! (SO Close Vote Chatbot started, linux branch test!)
Hi C bot
@DavidG Turns out that the package update for the bot wasn't pushed.
The package itself successfully deployed, though.
@Sam I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Sam What's new?
@KevinGuan Bug fixes.
God damn
Good morning
Plop Nathan!
Hi nathan
Hey @NathanOliver :D
@Sam Okay
@Sam It looks like you've finished reviewing . Is that right?
@Closey Yes
@Sam Ok, I've marked it as a completed tag.
There we go.
@clo my completed tags
@Sam Showing all tags cleared by you that I have on record:
 | Tag Name                | Times Cleared | Last Cleared            |
 | c-c-c-c-c-combo-breaker | 1             | 2015-06-02 20:22:34 UTC |
 | agpl                    | 1             | 2015-05-29 18:39:48 UTC |
 | creative-commons        | 1             | 2015-05-29 18:36:30 UTC |
 | non-gpl                 | 1             | 2015-05-29 18:33:38 UTC |
 | seo                     | 1             | 2015-05-19 20:01:46 UTC |
 | html5                   | 1             | 2015-05-01 21:25:54 UTC |
Went into answerer profile of the last two , only two answers on tool recs recommending the same software. I have raised a moderator flag.
Best tag at the top.
@Sam What's that? :P
It was a joke.
(Did some shameless invitation on a spammy post)
@Kyll famous SOCVR :D
@Kyll Rene would be proud.
@BhargavRao hey
@BhargavRao No need, plenty of people in SOCVR under 5k, let alone 20k. — DavidG 1 min ago
@DavidG No need of 20k or me :D
@Kyll Plop
Hey @BhargavRao :D
I like him already

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