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as long as you bought the bacon separately and fried it yourself
it's palatable, although still best when not mixed
@DeadMG mixed..with what?
pretty much anything
you'd need a whole lot of bacon to eat only bacon for breakfast
if you have bacon, eggs, sausages, and toast, you don't really mix them together, they just happen to be on the same plate.
I mean as part of e.g. sauces
Eggs are good.
i'll buy eggs too
mm now I'm hungry
the bacon I've encountered was more or less solid, how do you mix it into a sauce? o.O
You've never had meat sauce?
You melt it ... duh doy
I don't understand the question
@melak47 ion mixers
@melak47 You cut it up into far too small pieces and mix it in to some sauce.
Extracting data from XML using LINQ is heavenly.
I love extracting LINQ from XML
@DeadMG unless there's more bacon than sauce, I'd argue that's mixing sauce with bacon, not mixing bacon with sauce :p
@melak47 Cut it into little pieces and simmer it in the rest of your ingredients (including water) for ages. It'll still be there but it'll be kind of mushy and juicy and that's what happens.
dammit now I'm hungry. all this talk of food >_>
I mean, how do you make any sauce?
template sauce<ingredient T>
@melak47 Clearly needs to be a variadic template -- many ingredients of different types.
@Mysticial You were right of course, I was surprised.
@JohanLarsson I guess that explains the physics behind it. :)
Is the something like boost::variant in C#?
@Zoidberg what does it do
A: warning: non-constant array size in new, unable to verify length of initializer-list

Lightness Races in OrbitThe problem is exactly what the compiler is telling you. The dimension is known only at runtime, so you may only use runtime functionality, such as: std::vector<int> v(j, 4); // `v` contains `j` ints, all initialised to `4` If you have an element type that cannot be default-constructed,...

Anyone know a better solution?
@NolwennLeGuen It's similar to union except it doesn't suck.
@Zoidberg [FieldOffset] then maybe
boost::variant<T, U, V, W> can hold exactly one object of type T, U, V or W.
hi. I apologize greatly for all of the disturbance I caused yesterday. May I please speak with a mod in private so that I do not further disturb people publically?
There's no private chat.
By private, I mean in a chatroom with just 2 people.
Okay I'll my a room for us (I'm a mod)
@user1690130 How about just don't speak with anyone unless you're going to be not annoying? Why do you need to speak with a mod?
I am using dynamic at the moment but it's not specific enough IMO.
@Zoidberg I'm afraid object is the closest you can get to
do the classes have a common interface or baseclass?
@NolwennLeGuen :(
@JohanLarsson nope.
Is checking postconditions really that simple or I'm doing something wrong? auto&& postconditionCheck = makeScopeGuard([this](){ assert(foo.size() == bar.size()); });
public struct SampleUnion
    [FieldOffset(0)] public float bar;
    [FieldOffset(4)] public int killroy;
    [FieldOffset(4)] public float fubar;
@Zoidberg That's what I said
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Just plonk that fuckface.
@DeadMG Don't be a dick
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Literally everybody else in the chat already has.
you're basically the only one left who hasn't.
@DeadMG yeah, because I'm not a dick
I have not
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what are you doing here then
I am capable of restraining myself in conversation, and of dealing with marginally frustrating people, without requiring my computer to filter my mail for me
@NolwennLeGuen sometimes I wonder :D
he's just a waste of effort
who's this?
> marginally frustrating
Martinho is not *marginally* frustrating
that user999999 noob
whatever that number is
yea is on my plonk list
Yeah well I'm helping him out
You cunts
@DeadMG Psst, hey.
anyone coming on mumble?
@ThePhD wat?
You know how in HLSL they introduced Constant Buffers that can have names?
I'd come on mumble
but no mic on my desktop
have to wait for my laptop to get fixed
@ThePhD So you named one George?
iphone has mumble app
@DeadMG you lot are being a fuckton more offensive about him than he ever was in here
Well, for a while I've had a feature in my code where you could get a Constant Buffer in the shader by name, and then get the actual shader parameter by name.
perhaps take a moment to think about that
> iphone
oh no, not you, NOT YOU TOO
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Standard Lounge.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it's the puppy, what do you expect?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit He wasted a great deal more of our time than we ever did of his.
I don't mind people having iPhones. I don't mind them developing on iPhones. I do mind them using the term "iPhone" when they meant to just say "phone".
"Hmm do you know where I left my iPhone?"
"Yeah, up your ass you fucking shithead."
I did mean iPhone
what if they really do have an iPhone?
nothing else
like myself
However, I've begun to think of Constant Buffers as an implementation detail, because they don't really offer anything other than update grouping. I was debating with myself whether the need to get these buffers by name was actually important, since you really only set shader variables by... well, setting and getting the individual shader variables.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That totally wasn't fuckton offensive
@DeadMG kill yourself
I wish I could star two posts together
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ask for an edit?
I don't get why using the term iPhone is bad?
@JohanLarsson would break the replies
@Ell Heretic. Burn at the stake.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit If they're mine, I encourage you to star them both
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I agree btw
@Ell Do you say things like "so I was on my Dell Inspiron 25Z Desktop Computer with Microsoft Windows 7 the other day, surfing the World Wide Web over my PlusNet Premium Pro + Home internet account..."? No.
You say you're on the computer, surfing the web over your ADSL.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yes I do
When you fail to abstract away the fact that you have some certain brand of phone you're just being a fuckwit
but you're Cicada
we expected nothing else
"Call me on my iPhone"
"Suck it"
@TonyTheLion I'm not part of the SYSTEM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I like your style, son
@NolwennLeGuen But you are.
@NolwennLeGuen Thanks mom
@ThePhD Haha no, "fuckwit"!!
does the mumble config need a specific port?
My fancy vocabulary just got improved
Thanks Tomalak
how the fuck do you know who I am?
because internet
But it came at the expense of my feelings of comfortableness and security. ;~;
@ThePhD At least it came.
That's what Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...... never said.
oh my; I just spent around three seconds trying to find the key combination to make some text in chat red
i'm losing it
@NolwennLeGuen Finally he comes
@LightnessRacesinOrbit If you ever figure it out please tell me
Also, blinking text
With glitter
of course
Don't do it.
hmm what was it that glittered text
You'll give Nolwenn the means to ruin us all.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit People who get excited about a particular music group are groupies. Analogously, those who get excited about the iPhone are iPhonies (or just plain "phonies").
@LightnessRacesinOrbit We all know who you are.
@JerryCoffin ISWYDT
@EtiennedeMartel I bet that's because you're all just one person with the biggest collection of sockpuppets in history. SO is populated by you... and me.
Possibly, but doubtful.
Hive LoungeMind.
We simply like to take turns looking through your bathroom window.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Nope. There's also Johannes and myself. Oh wait.
Brb getting those bacon puffs
I'm gonna eat like a fuckwit
@EtiennedeMartel 1.7m sockpuppets and your imagination still sucks
I love this word already
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Wait a sec. Whose sock puppet am I supposed to be?
be careful
@JerryCoffin Yours!
Sock-puppet controlling itself.
@ThePhD Well, no
@LightnessRacesinOrbit My specialty.
@ThePhD But obviously when I'm talking to the sockpuppet I'm really talking to the person controlling it
posted on February 05, 2013 by Charles

In part 8, STL digs into the do-while loop, casts, one definition rule (ODR), and his variadic template array sorter. There is a lot of information in this episode, so get comfortable, tune in, and learn. See part 1: Name Lookup See part 2: Template Argument Deduction See part 3: Overload Resolution See part 4: Virtual Functions See part 5: Explicit and Partial Specialization See pa

@LightnessRacesinOrbit Oh...okay. I guess I must be misunderstanding this whole sock puppet thing then.
@JerryCoffin ok
@JerryCoffin it's one person with 1.7m accounts. and then me.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm quite sure I only have 1.6m accounts...
There's 100,000 free-thinkers he hasn't accounted for!
well I'm now on Mumble through my phone
@JerryCoffin oh there must be some others then
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I think they got wiped.
@ThePhD But believe me: I deserve the rep, if only for my mind-boggling typing speed.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf ?
@JerryCoffin It's impressive
@LightnessRacesinOrbit If there's anyone with 1.7m accounts, it's that underaged kid who keeps creating accounts and getting them deleted.
It's also impressive how you bring yourself to appear so fucking clueless most of the time :D
@Mysticial hehe
He's probably typing with four keyboards.
One for each foot and one for each hand.
A: How to shuffle a std::vector in C++?

Nolwenn Le Guenstd::random_shuffle(cards_.begin(), cards_.end());

He's got 4 core of his brain dedicated to typing.
51 score!
fuck off!
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Ah, thanks!
Wow, multiple mods were there.
I noted 12k emails... I guess some people don't read much emails
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Alf against the world again. Don't you ever get tired of this bullshit?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hidden Markov chains tend to be that way. Having created artificial stupidity, my next challenge will be AI.
Alf Pilgrim Vs. The Mods
@ThePhD sounds like a court case :P
@JerryCoffin I guess
@TonyTheLion Or a kick-ass videogame where you get to play as one of the C++ Loungers and troll/defeat the Seven Evil Mods.
@ThePhD And you get to date @NolwennLeGuen ?
No thank you
@Borgleader I wanted the game to be enjoyable, not vomit-inducing. :c
That might be a good easter egg.
When I get into learning how to make Web games,
I'll make a quickie of Alf Pilgrim Vs. The Mods and hide it somewhere on the site.
@JerryCoffin Stop editing this answer!
I wonder if cunt would be a good variable name for a container type object.
@EtiennedeMartel whether
cunt<finger> your_mom; your_mom.reserve(5);
@EtiennedeMartel container of unsigned natural tumblers. why not.
I guess a cunt could be a container just like testicle is a container
has the blissful second meaning that your mom is a cunt
hey, we're back!
back to cunts and penises
boost::variant<empty, dicked> cunt; ?
there - you're famous
The same could also probably apply to assholes.
Leave my customers out of this..
I didn't need to be famous for that
I'm already notorious for coming in when the subject of sex is ever mentioned
@TonyTheLion so to speak
All the puns.
oh no
dat unintended pun
@sehe's punometer will go off any second now.
oh man, sex puns are too easy
what, you thought you'd get away with that...?
puns'* ?
shoulda seen that cumming
@TonyTheLion well, that was an anti-climax.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit no; on the internet there's no getting away with a spelling/grammatical mistake
Alright, so, Kotaku gave Dead Space 3 both a NO (because it's not Dead Space) and a YES (because it's a great co-op game).
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ahahah
@TonyTheLion s/,/;/
@EtiennedeMartel so, what, it's just ... 3?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's Lost Planet: Dead Space edition.
A co-op third person shooter with quick movement, large well lit environments and universal ammo (thus removing the whole "resource management" aspect)?
That's not survival horror.

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