well, i'll just drop the question: recently publicized C-derivative, hosted in github, featuring namespaces, multipass compilation, string manipulation and dynamic array sugar
@nightcracker Me too. But it gets a bit on my nerves once he starts randomly pinging people directly. Also, it's not just this room. He was harassing other rooms too
@user1690130 Nope, I can’t at least; I have fully used my vote allowance for today.
You posted in chat that you can't find the folder "bard-mozrepl-abcdefg". You also posted a screenshot (four times) that shows you are in the folder "bard-mozrepl-abcdefg", at which point I refused to continue to help. If you can't find the folder you're in, I'm not going to walk you through writing a website scraper in perl. — Mooing Duck2 hours ago
So what's hot these days with C++? I've been looking for a reason to get stuck into it again. The Broodwar API had my interest stoked, hopefully they'll do one for SC2.
@Shog9 Thanks for checking up. I sort of lost patience when started plinking me (and several others) directly. I'll try to remember to just keep ignoring next time. Thing is, ignoring requires a group effort and that doesn't always work out in a busy lounge
@DawidJoubert There's a video of a guy on youtube using the directx calls or something to keep track of whats going on. Maybe that'd be of interest to you (I'd link it but I seen it like over a year ago)
It's crazy how the screen scans around the map insanely fast to update it's unit counts and stuff etc... Would be interesting to do an AI but with a further limitation on how far it can move the screen per frame.
@sehe Well, if y'all flag-delete one message, he's gone for a half hour. Two and it's an hour. So on and so forth. So, y'know, don't need to burn all your flags on one guy, unless you really want him gone for ages
@Bartek: Have you seen the video? The guy interprets DX calls to determine what is on screen and then sends in keyboard+mouse commands to control what he is doing as-if he is a human player. The AI can achieve an inhumanely high APM. The real test is doing the AI but limiting it to an APM that a typically pro player achieves.
@BartekBanachewicz There is. It just forces you to leave the room. You can still come back, if you're the impolite sort who doesn't know when they're not wanted.
@Bartek: The real difference is that the AI was able to provide individual commands to each unit on the battle field (doing the path finding manually) where as even the pro players rely on select groups and commanding the group together. Then where required micro'ing.
Kicking in chat is pretty useless and/or pointless. Everything that happens when you are kicked is, you are sent to the room list. There's no kick message, no "kicked by" message, no kick reason, nothing. For all a user knows, it's either a transient bug or a network hiccup. How is that useful?
completely unlike where I went to, about 1 girl per class but usually with zero passion for programming, poor grasp on any sort of math, and no previous coding experience
I have a problem when i try to translate Yes from english to romanian Da, No to Nu and Not sure to Nesigur so $variable could have values Yes, No and Not sure
Here is my code:
<?php foreach ($dom->find('tr') as $node) {
if (is_a($node->children(0), 'simple_html_dom_node')) {
if ($n...
haha! i had this one girl in a project in college, once
i had to rewrite every single line of code she wrote
i remember a specially painful module, in which every function received double pointers for no reason (void**, this was C), and then immediately de-referenced them
my guess was she fiddled around with the code until the compiler stopped complaining, then proceeded to copy paste the technique all around. It had 500+ lines
afte rewriting, the file had less than 80. True story
fictional indeed. Why did they have to so pretty, God, why
@doug: My experience was similar'ish. Some were good, some great and some mediocre or average. Not all were hired as experienced some were hired as graduate developers so really my experience was no different than with male developers.
i haven't had the chance to work professionally with women in tech, but what I gathered from college was that they were discovering programming just then. They weren't any worse than men, it was just that most men had started playing with code as teenagers, and had an early start
profession aside, coding as a hobby seems to attract more men
@uʍopǝpısdn I worked at a place where the accepted practice to make a new report is to copy and paste one that exists and change a few things - and it was vb6 that had classes. 100% procedural mess. they even called random things in other unrelated forms
I'll never forget one of the leads saying "oh god don't touch that code, it's used everywhere"
they told their customers that it was not possible to make resizable forms. I overheard it and made a resizable form helper class that night. I went through all the code I owned (the entire payroll engine) and put resizing in and setup a meeting to show it off. they ended up saying they didn't want to add it :|
When you take initiative in your own time you still get in trouble because the manager has no idea where you are spending your time during work hours and so assumes this takes time away from your other commitments. I think it's best to find employment where they identify that you really have a passion for IT and trust you to manage your own schedule.
@doug65536 I onced got the praise of the entire marketing division because one day, walking by a machine, I saw these 20-char width text boxes that people were using to enter MUCH larger amounts of text; and took an hour to expand them
@doug65536: Worst part is to realise that they will not only bury your hard work but even rebuke you for doing the work (in spite of it being on your own time)
funniest part, the previous designer (this was designer code) had actually tried to make them larger, they were set to 100% width -- it's just that they were nested in a NASTY structure of containers that were not that large
Sometimes I like to try experimental things which will bloat the time estimate. I don't think it is fair to put this on my employer because I haven't given them the opportunity to decide whether they are happy with the risk to reward ratio. So I just do the experiment on my own time
Pretty much me too upside down. Thing is it is 1 based I believe.
Mention to a laymen how every new flash stick or memory card or something is double the size of the previous one and then tell them it's a conspiracy. A cartel to stop manufacturers from producing half sizes and cutting the market up.
Like: You know you get 512MB sticks? Yes. You know 1GB sticks? Yes. Have you ever seen a 1.5GB stick? no? See consipracy
I blew my friend mind this morning when I turned his laptop upside down and showed him not only does he have a legal Windows 7 copy but the CD key is right there and he didn't need to pirate it.
@doug65536: Yes. I mix memory often. There is some value in having dual channel or triple channel memory however only the most top-end motherboards support this. For it to work the memory has to be the same size (will fall down to the lowest common denominator latency) but ideally the exact same chip for best timings performance.
ditto. I only boot windows to play games, and every now and then, the stupid thing will decide on its own it needs to reboot RIGHT NOW in the middle of a match
actually it gives me the chance to postpone it, but doesn't have the decency to check if i can see the notice or not
Haha that's funny. Worst thing about the notice is you can choose to postpone like either 10 minutes or 1 hour. There is no 6 hour or 9 hour option... Dammit.
I can't believe windows still doesn't have a standardised application manager. Every single *** game and application has to role out its own installation process and its own uninstall process. This is how the registry gets so messed up.
@Jerry: That thing makes it easier. To be fair though I've never made one manually as Visual Studio has a wizard for doing it and as you don't do it often it's no big deal. Presumably this wizard uses that API? I am not qualified to have a serious discussion around it.
@DawidJoubert I sort of tried once, but it was still new enough (and library support minimal enough) that the attempt didn't last a whole day. I can't even remember what I decided to do, but it was fairly simple -- and at least at the time, I'd have had to write essentially everything from the ground up myself (up to and including bindings to the API stuff I needed).