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@Purrformance Not sure if it's worse than Shockwave Crash updates trying to install McAfee by default.
Where does the fascination with creating a queue from a couple of stacks come from? Yet another question about it today. Does somebody have a course of "Stupid CS tricks" or something? "queue from stacks, linked lists, XOR swaps, i=i++++i;, ..."
@Purrformance have you ever clicked on "add features to Windows" in Windows 8 (it's an upgrade thing, but not obvious)
@Cheersandhth.-Alf No, I use a superior operating system
@Purrformance ah, mac
@R.MartinhoFernandes Bingo
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I said operating system
@Purrformance Litterally.
That a pun or a typo?
I can never tell.
I smiled, FTR.
It takes 1 t
I'm glad I still make you guis react
@JerryCoffin As soon as I see any of those pointy-linky things, I ignore. None of them have any debugging effort, and all tend to have the same errors. Fuck 'em.
C'est pas toujours èvident :)
@EtiennedeMartel So...?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Dem punz.
@EtiennedeMartel Actual (and fairly common line of PL/M): declare lit literally 'literally';
when is next jam again?
@Purrformance T'as juste à parler en Français et DeadMG va se sentir inadéquat et s'énerver.
Comment on dit "DeadMG" en français?
I'm passing the time by reinventing Solitaire (because it's removed in Windows 8) and just now I wrote this:
    template< class Cv_this >
    static auto pile_from( Cv_this& self, Pile_id const id )
        -> Copy_const_< Cv_this, Pile >&
        switch( id.pile_group )
        case Pile_group::transfer:      return self.transfer_;
        case Pile_group::deck:          return self.deck_;
        case Pile_group::turned_cards:  return self.turned_cards_;
        case Pile_group::finish:        return self.finish_piles_[id.pile_number];
        case Pile_group::main:          return self.main_piles_[id.pile_number];
Should I use an array instead?
he does it again
@AdiInbar delete all question related to the n-queen, i will repeat just one contain all information,thanks. — john Feb 2 at 19:06
WTF is wrong with john.
@MartinJames My question isn't about the exact code in that question, but about why anybody would putz around with this nonsense. Assume I wrote gorgeous code to do this, what (if any) point would there be to it?
@R.MartinhoFernandes wat u doin with my lovely moniker
@JerryCoffin Essentially, none. The questions, and answers, are a waste of disk space and network bandwidth.
@DeadMG It's not what it looks like!
@EtiennedeMartel "Se sentir inadéquat" ? Superbe anglicisme pour un Québécois :) Tu risques quoi, la peine de mort ?
cause what it looks like is that you're defiling it.
@Purrformance hahahahahahahaha
@Purrformance Tu peux bien aller te passer la face dans un rotoculteur.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Faudrait d'abord définir "MG". "MGMort"?
what does the french mean
could you guys please respect the sanctity of my beloved name?
@DeadMG Jamais.
your actions are starting to fill me with disgust
Objectif atteint.
'MortCitroen' and 'MortRenault' are more common this weather.
@Purrformance Sinon, ou est l'anglicisme là dedans?
@Cheersandhth.-Alf They're now trading insults.
@EtiennedeMartel That sounds so weird.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Pff.
like in the hunt for the holy grail (whatever it was called, mp film)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Sounds kinda painful.
@EtiennedeMartel Ça se dit pas "se sentir inadéquat". Tu as traduit mot pour mot "feel inadequate" je suppose.
@Purrformance Qu'est-ce qui se dit, alors?
Se sentir mal à l'aise
Pas la même chose.
@EtiennedeMartel "le feel inadequate"
Pas la même chose en effet, car il n'y a pas de traduction parfaite
Ok, I am now making puns in French. I guess it's time to go.
Ben de l'esti de marde, m'en va le dire de même.
Comme tu veux, paysan
L'Académie peut bien aller se rentrer une épinette noire dans le rectum.
Je te fourre des échardes dans le prépuce
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Now Purrformance is educating Etienne how to speak non-peasant French
Back to insults now.
Involving asses and penises.
Won't go into detail.
French puns. OK, pass the rotovator over...
Yeah, I should go if I still want to find some food left.
@Purrformance Ceci me semble inconfortable.
@R.MartinhoFernandes If you can't find any, try right.
@EtiennedeMartel C'est étudié pour
Fascinant de voir un Portugais établi à Berlin faire la traduction pour un Anglais et un Norvégien. Quel étonnant monde.
@R.MartinhoFernandes On dit "maladroit" ou "gauche" au fait :)
@EtiennedeMartel Traduction du dialogue fort cultivé entre une française et un Québécois !
@Purrformance C'est vrai que c'est cultivé en tabarnack.
@R.MartinhoFernandes pun deux trois time to find a bar
Oi, twats. English. Speak it.
Now they are saying I am the most awesome person in the world and you should give me all your money.
I might have mistranslated a few words there.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Or the whole sentence.
Off to eat some french (= amazing) food
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Apprend le Français, esti de vagin.
While you strangers eat your porridge
C'est quoi un esti?
yeah my food's shit
your mum
still, eating's eating
@R.MartinhoFernandes Met une espace avant le "?" en français, pardi
@R.MartinhoFernandes C'est comment je prononce "ostie".
@R.M Il est pas très doué, il écrit phonétiquement
"ostie" ne transmet pas toute la hargne qui va avec "esti".
C'est vrai qu'on la sent mieux
I am tired of searching stack overflow question on converting morsecode to string, string to morsecode is easy but can someone from this chat give me just little bit logic of this
Someone ping me when the French has died off. I want coffee and more pears.
@user3215228 Have you searched for --.-.-.----.----...-.--.--.-.--.-.- ?
I so expected that
Oh, hang on, this might be fun..
yes but I could not understand any pattern
Me neither - there are no spaces.
> Coupling is when you reach for the banana and get the whole gorilla — Kevlin Henney
Good evening.
room topic changed to Lounge<Translation>: Translate the cloaking field five meters in the fifth dimension! [language-lawyer] [pedantry-run-amok]
More C++ woes?
@sbi Bonsoir.
Hey, Alf's here! I probably haven't seen you in a year! You Ok, @Cheers?
Sur ce je m'en vais manger, à bientôt !
@sbi getting better... soon fit for work i think
Me too, bye!
@R.MartinhoFernandes No. Been home for three days, spend the first two in bed, nursing a mysterious fever.
please someone tell me the logic of morsecode to string
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Oh, that sounds like good news! Last I heard you were too ill to work, and that might have been years ago...
so this is what, year of the sickness?
Xeo's been sick since the start of the year
I just learned:
When my ex-wife isn't home, her girlfriend treats the kids to pizza from the deep-freezer and two Indiana Jones movies in a row. That is one strange thing to say, I think.
No, Alf is getting better.
If you now try to imagine that I have another ex-wife, and a demanding job, and have been at the for-front of a citicen-movment for a year, you get a tiny glimpse of how complicated my life is.
@user3215228 Parse out the tokens from whatever input you have. Look them up in a string table.
@sbi yep. it's been a while.
@user3215228 ...or use an element-by-element state machine, dot, dash, space.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Unlike most of us.
it occurred to me recently that I've been averaging 800 calories/day since Christmas.
@user3215228 ..or ask on SO main site, like you should have done in the first place.
@DeadMG Oh, the boy's sick? What's wrong with him? Moved out of his mum's, and gets sick a few months later.
@sbi so you're good again?
is there any link where I can find this logic and understand in more better way
@user3215228 please someone tell me the logic of asking that
@user3215228 your question lacks clarity. what about morsecode do you not understand? what sort of "string" would you like?
@sbi Herniated disc on his spine.
essentially, if he doesn't lie down, he gets crippling leg pain.
@DeadMG Ouch..
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have never deserted to the bad side. Is that what you asked for?
it's kinda like "don't eat or get crippling stomach pain".
@DeadMG Damn, that sounds bad. Too much sitting on his desk, and his employer not paying for a good chair, I guess?
i'm copying music from the phone to the laptop, in Windows. it's stuck on "Calculating the time to copy the files"
@sbi Damn! I was starting to type: "So your claim is that he was once good?" but you beat me to it.
@sbi I honestly don't know.
@JerryCoffin Obviously, I can beat you left-handed when I just got out of sick-bed. :)
and I still don't have a diagnosis or treatment myself.
how long is it reasonable to wait for Windows to calculate how long it will take to copy the files?
@Cheersandhth.-Alf There ought to be a way of shutting that shit off. It's loading up the disks/network for very little useful information.
Guess which train I just took.
the wrong one?
@MartinJames on the old laptop i installed a special mass copy utility just for that. couldn't find a way to shut the counting off
oh it's STARTED!
@Cheersandhth.-Alf That's one tiny out of ten thousand things I love about TotalCommander: You can cancel that calculation.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Yeah. Even when it comes up with some figure, we all know how reliable it is:)
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Is it Teracopy?
@Borgleader the utility on the old laptop was (Teracopy), yes. this, which is stuck, is Windows own File Explorer
@sbi Good thing I don't have to try to support myself on my typing skills, that's for sure!
@JerryCoffin You must be really awesome. I always get chided because I'm a slow typer.
Awful, I meant.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Approximately 4,129,723 seconds. Oops...wait, 17 seconds....errr...maybe 174 seconds....
I can attest to that.
> There must be an XKCD about this...
@R.MartinhoFernandes Are you looking at Alf's screen, too???
(Still fun)
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Damn, Alf. of course, we all know there's an XKCD about this. We're long past the stage where we paste them, we just remind ourselves of the ones we have memorized.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf hi, long time no see :)
hi again
hi all
Although it fluctuates quite a bit...
At least when you're copying 5MB mp3's or 'normal' 200-300MB video, the files are all roughly the same size, so teh guesstimate may be closer than otherwise.
Man, I'm hungry.
@EtiennedeMartel Seems too good to be true (Warning: it's in french)
@Borgleader Yeah, I just saw that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Get off at the next station. Wherever it is, there's sure to be a cafe close.
I'm on my way to a food place
This woman, a distant relative of mine in the US, told me that her father, a very religious protestant, used to have these religious disputes with his friends when she was a child. Obviously, these guys knew the bible very well, and since they all spoke in bible verses anyway, rather than exchanging real arguments they would just throw chapter and verse number at each other. She said they would sit around their kitchen table until late in the night, and say very little except for numbers.
@Borgleader all that emphasis. Urrrgh
"a food place". Or, as us normal humans call it, "a restaurant".
It's not.
It's a bookshop.
I thoughts robots just plug in and recharge?
To be fair, I did screw up once while I was in Berlin. Right line, right service, wrong direction.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, is that tonight??
Damn. I still feel not up to going out.
@sbi Been ill?
I guess if you got out now you'd still be on time
22 mins ago, by sbi
@R.MartinhoFernandes No. Been home for three days, spend the first two in bed, nursing a mysterious fever.
Maybe not.
^ Montreal's Olympic Stadium.
@sbi oh. Sorry to hear. Although, after all the hectics of last year, maybe it was your time for a break(down)?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nay. I shouldn't walk around through the night, have dinner with other people, and drink beer, when I had a fever until last night. If I leave the house tonight, I'll walk a couple of blocks to that meeting of our grassroots movement.
@EtiennedeMartel Looks like an angry bridge.
@sehe Three days ain't a breakdown. I must've caught some virus.
@sehe Yeah idk why they put so much stuff in bold =/
@MartinJames World's tallest inclined tower.
K I'm here. Later.
@sbi language barrier? 's what I mean. I call it breakdown when I get stricken with flu
copying is now down to 1 hour 30 minutes left. xkcd was right.
@EtiennedeMartel Impressive, but scares small children:)
@sehe I know what you mean, but this ain't it. I learned long ago: When I break down after being overworked for too long, I break down for a week or two, not for three days. :-/
Also, we're not done yet.
Oh, BTW, we just got an invitation to the city development board of Berlin's parliament, where we are expected to present our arguments against the city's current housing policy. (The city of Berlin owns so many apartments that they make up 15% of the market.) It's been taking us 8 months of hard work to finally get that damn invitation. I declined to speak, and tonight's meeting is about the content of what we should present plus who's gonna dare to do that.
@Borgleader It only got down to -7 before squashed.
@BartekBanachewicz with this game comp, do we have to make assets ourselves? ie graphics/sound/etc.
of course.
@thecoshman Not that I'd cry, but... What have I done?
So the guy on the 500+ comment answer responds to all 3 of us with the same comment. ahaha
@sbi Ah okay; that way
@Mysticial that's how it's done
down to 12 minutes remaining, and counting
so exciting
It's like live tweeting the Olympic Opening.
In morse code.
Yay! The copying has finished! 2 hours and 30 minutes passed -- in much less time.
Hmm. Seems I missed stuff. Serious Jam.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf That's not good news. How are we gonna get new Olympic records this way?
> New! FC++, the academic project, is now the basis for FC++, the public open source project. See FC++ on Sourceforge!
^ Urrf. New!!!! "We're on SourceForge" - wut
They forgot to phone in from the past
@EtiennedeMartel I don't understand how he does that >.<
@sehe FC++?
hello ladies
more "We wish that C++ was Haskell" guys
is anyone using D?
> please dont comment someone has hacked me and tied to my chair — Alex
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Not as far as we're aware.
@DeadMG Or, "let's see if we can have that in C++ (it's multi-paradigm, right?)". You should be able to empathize, I suppose
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Yes, many people.
@JerryCoffin My course's new assignment is to make a "Stew", which is an underlying linked list posing as both a stack for front operations and a queue for back operations. And then making a "ChunkyStack", which is just a deque.
@DeadMG What about Alexandrescu?
is he "many people"?
^ deserves special mention
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I use D on occasion.
@sehe Kinda, but I also believe that achieving it is gonna be a lot more than just a new library (hence Wide).
@sbi Dunno. Maybe he does use it. Maybe he just maintains the D compiler and it's written in C++?
@DeadMG He's mostly tweeting about D nowadays.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf At the very least he is as funny as many people. :)
I dunno
ok, Alexandrescu himself probably does use D.
@chris Oh joy. I'm sure that you can barely contain your excitement.
@DeadMG I know you don't know. That's why I tell you.
@DeadMG different people, different missions.
"Let the natural selection commence!" - Pierre de Coubertin
@sbi did you see the graphics library proposals?
I mean, probably not I'm guessing
Probably not. I dunno.
@MartinJames Did I mention it's done with structs and free functions with reference parameters (for now)
well, if you haven't, then at least you won't be inflicted by the nightmares.
> "since the number of committee wizards who have voiced serious concerns about this feature outnumbers the dwindling few who have voiced a strong interest in this feature - unless the winds of opinion undergo a dramatic change - it is my view that the authors of any future paper on this topic might do better to spend there time elsewhere." N3897 - Auto-type members
but what really surprised me was not just that it was terrifically bad, but that it was sponsored and co-authored by Herb.
@chris This heady prospect never stops promising more.
I guess that I should simply take my own advice and assume that popularity is inversely proportional to quality/skill.
Why not allow graphics in game jams?
allowing is not forcing
@MartinJames Well, he got the most important concept out multiple times already. Just use the standard library ones.
(It's a data structures class btw)
@DeadMG more like: (attention is power) & (power corrupts)
@chris OIC, still...
@sehe I'm trying to build a c++ project with negative skill here, up for noob? :D
I want to learn how to calculate pi now
@JohanLarsson What is it that is unresolved?
or some other trancendental
There are serieseses for that.
let pop = (head <$> readIORef stack) <* modifyIORef' stack tail
@MartinJames dunno yet, gonna google for a while, just checking the bear status :)
@DeadMG Might I remind you that I am absolutely able to have my very own nightmares without having to study C++ standardization proposals?
@sbi clickity click sir
yes, that's true enough.
@thecoshman So I have clicked on something? What's bad about it? We all use mice, no?
man, von Neumann was a master of all trades
> AppWizard has created this Shit application for you.
graet ain't it
@Ell He coudn't plaster worth a fuck. His walls were full of holes.
@StackedCrooked And have you seen this other highly-voted C vs. C++ answer of mine of PSE?
@MartinJames His logic was flawless, though. No holes in is arguments.
Anyway, I guess I should play it safe and go back to bed to recuperate. Good night, folks!
Aww.. the comment-list of the century has gone:(
(1..99999).step(2).to_a.each_with_index.inject(0.0){|pi, (odd, i)| i % 2 == 0 ? pi + (4.0/odd) : pi - (4.0/odd)}
What is (odd, i)? Is it the destructuring of a tuple?
I wonder how I'd do it in haskell. I guess that's a good excessive for me
@JohanLarsson yeah, always. I'm very busy though. So I might not catch on
Also, did anyone link the $1,000,000 bounty?
@rightfold Yeah
Cool. Is that a new feature?
I think :P
that's what the (odd, i) is
Idk if it's really tuples. It's unpacking an array into those
I'm doing something wrong with this nap. I went in sleepy, and come out sleepy and with leg pain
Styx iteration 100 in Haskell this time.
@sbi G'night.
runGet y u no strict bytestring you fucking piece of shit.
Oh look, there is another library for that.
Speaking of duplication.
@EtiennedeMartel That one is becoming pretty famous here in Italy for some reason
@Jefffrey Because it sounds like any other previously famous song.
where is the OCX file?
Haskell is a horrible programming language.
@JohanLarsson The OCX is a lie! All your OCX are belong to us.
@JohanLarsson in system32?
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah, but we have our house-shit made in Italy, why import?
@Jefffrey Because the French make better house music.
@sehe ok ty gonna have a look, I have this problem
@JohanLarsson are you building an OCX?
@sehe don't know, don't think so #negative skill here
build succeded when I started VS as admin
I really like this picture
I mean it's worth a thousand stars cmon

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