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@R.MartinhoFernandes builds, and so far no AVs :)
parser/intel/grammar.h:42:41: error: C++11 only allows consecutive left square brackets when introducing an attribute
            line %= qi::eps >> label[ [&](const struct label & l) { tree.print(l); } ];
Are you kidding me C++.
compiler bug.
Both clang and gcc agree on this.
sourround with () :D
@melak47 Yeah, probably the only sensible thing to do.
But I have deliberately added a space there!
pfft, we're beyond issues with spaces now :p
And jumped straight into [ issues.
got a sample?
what is label
An assembly label.
no, I mean...what is the type of label. unordered_map? something else with custom operator[]?
@melak47 qi::rule<Iterator, label(), Skipper> label;
oh, gosh, now I need to read up on boost.spirit
why :|
I'm just discovering that somehwere between 1.49.0-beta1 and 1.49.0 the following code broke:
  using boost::spirit::repository::qi::kwd;
  qi::rule<const char*> dummy = (kwd("a") [ qi::eps ] / kwd("b") [ qi::eps ]);
And the interesting thing is, the set of changes between those labels is empty for boost spirit :)
So, it's likely phoenix, proto, or fusion
None of these.
@DeadMG I guess so.
What's neat is that I could make a compiler in scheme to llvm and compile the scheme compiler with the compiler itself later.
The main engineering paper in sweden just ran with the title, "old languages brings life". A company say they can outperform the current BIOSes and kernels by orders of magnitude. I have not the faintest idea why BIOS is there. Their recipe is using the old "assembly language". Quoted "This will speed up our code by several factors".
Is there any need to update stackoverflow.com/questions/577554/…
IMO they can go stuff their sock with a piece of coal.
boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/… There. I love modular-boost for bringing me bug bisection
@CaptainGiraffe Yeah. 'outperform the currrent kernels by orders of magnitude' Scam, or what?
@MartinJames It got my blood boiling.
why can't you find free payed applications anymore
@MartinJames depends on what kernel means here. Kernel is an awfully generic word
pirating was easier back in my days
erm, I mean, buying
@sehe OK, yes, but ' orders of magnitude' is not. To me, it means 'factors of 10'.
@sehe My translated link should indicate that they have a proper imagination of the kernel,.
@MartinJames yup
@Jefffrey ShareWare?
Yes indeed, orders of magnitude is to anybody dealing with numerals factors of 10. For us it might be O(N) vs O(N2) or O(log N) vs O(N!)
it's a really stupid expression "orders of magnitude" usually you have to provide the actual magnitude
Context would have to be implied or stated. No it is not a stupid expression
It's like "I could care less"
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Yes, it might be a legal shield, but it still won't stop the perps being beaten up on the pub car park.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix can't do much
I can believe how asm might be much faster... I have a PIC controller that can do things like x^2 + y^2 in one instruction.
most compilers probably have no idea of these instructions and that probably explain why the PIC compiler cost around 900$ to get basic optimizations
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Wow, what does that instruction look like? and what about overflows?
"On our terms, we met the pubished criteria. Our kernel design might be only 0.2% faster in real terms, but as we define 'magnitude' it is stil..... ". Conversation terminated by 9mm hole in forehead.
I don't know, i guess the controller handles it. never hard to work with that
If i'm not wrong, it's a 8bit chip and the calculation is done in 16bit registers so no problem
I finally successfully compiled Wide for the first time in like, a month.
now let's observe all my tests failing horribly.
yay, 4 passed 45 failed.
@PunyOne Can you still fix the accept? meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/5234/…sehe 2 mins ago
well well
You're easily worked up :|
Night all
@sehe Six pints of Lancaster Bomber, Anne lost her darts game, it's pissing down with rain, I can't get my feet under the desk 'cos 37kg of chocolate fur in the way and I've suffered from Motorcrap controllers before :(
feet warmer ...
soft, warm, chocolate feet heater @ body temperature ...
@sudorm-rfTelkitty Tickles and itches, much like PIC assembler.
Hope you washed your feet & socks recently ... otherwise poor Bailey :x
dafuq SFML... In debug all is well, I compiled in release and suddenly it can't load the images properly...
I'm done!
@CaptainGiraffe it's a ds30f2010 but unfortunately I never had the chance to try my dev board :(
trying to find the software for creating subtitles/captions for movies is impossible on a mac
I'm so frustrated, jesus!
@Jefffrey why don't you use vim!
> creating
@sudorm-rfTelkitty I don't wear socks. I only wear sandals if I'm going out socially. Bailey doesn't seem to mind much - it's easier to grab his ears if barefoot.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix you mean, manually?
@Jefffrey the srt format is a text file
> sir,,,I am so Happy to tell you that i am the new chief executive of MicroSoft !!i am passionate about Computers and Programming and i hope that i can share all i know with u guys .also I wish to continue to learn more about the same . a wonderful Day to everybody, thank you for reading my post!!
for a 3 hours video?
I would be 22 before that is finished
for a 3 hours video it's a suicide
don't worry people never talk a lot in films
it's not a film, it's a review
and he talks pretty much every second
text to speech is your friend then copy paste
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I already read that shit. Sorry, no star, try harder:)
just bought my new domain name
@LightnessRacesinOrbit happy?
> Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to orlp.me
Though that doesn't exactly mean much
the server is up
ping it
partly because you didn't put anything up yet, but mostly because it's Chrome
just no webserver
no support for non-existant websites
fucking Google
BFN - gotta sleep(7*60*60*1000);
> The Super Bowl was the most-watched television event in US history
god that is so fucking sad
it's not even a decent sport
rugby is nice
I can't believe people like something I don't like.
The humanity.
American Footbal is rugby for princesses
I don't even like or watch handegg but I can see why it's entertaining.
@Rapptz It has nothing to do with me not liking it. It has everything to do with it being entirely made of shite
like how Gangnam Style had the honour of being the first YouTube video with a billion views. Like, wtf
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I think I'd be more worried about having 50% of the US believing in creationism
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix not at all the same thing
that's a philosophical opinion.
liking the Super Bowl is not a philosophical opinion. it's a gesture of idiocy
superb owl?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit creationism isn't a philosophical opinion
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix er, yes it is
@JerryCoffin I can definitely say the Sennheiser headphones bring out all the sounds, even the low bass.
And it somehow doesn't overpower the high sounds from the tweeter.
I feel like I should take these headphones off, because they'll turn me into an audiophile. ;~;
I use roland rh-5 monitor headphones
I use M50s.
M50s ?
But if I wanted a budget headphone I'd go for Sennheiser.
Of which brand?
Dat 131 dollar pricetag.
top tier headphones
only problem is that my motherboard does not have much volume
while reading creationism on wikipedia, I believe that there are multiple types of creationist
so I need to get a headphone amplifier
Doing my Fundamentals of COmputer System home work now.
I have to do floating point adds and multiplies by hand. ;~;
Can't I just link him to coliru? :c
@Rapptz Roland RH-5's are top tier headphones with a $30 price tag
If I wanted <$50 headphones I'd definitely get some Sennheiser
ok, maybe I got something
but there are a lot of good budget headphones
What really matters in headphone is the jack, choose one that won't break within the week
@ThePhD :)
@Rapptz At the risk of sounding arrogant, I'd call either the upper end of the bottom tier or the bottom end of the mid-tier. Top tier would be things like Sennheiser HD-800s or HD-650s, Audeze LCD-3s, Fostex TH-900s, or (possibly) Shure SRH-1540s. I haven't listened to the Shures, but they've built good enough stuff for long enough that I'd guess they're not bad.
@melak47 Don't you smile at me! I know you're judging me. ;~;
It's not nice to judge and sneer at the misery of others!
@ThePhD I'm sure you can. The question is whether you'd rather do that, or pass your class?
@JerryCoffin ... Can I do both? :D
I think I prefer doing floating point math by hand to the class where we had to do tcp packets by hand :p
@ThePhD I'm afraid this is likely to be an exclusive OR.
@ScottW such deep, much thought
@JerryCoffin I don't like this truth table.
@ThePhD so how you liking CS? :D
@melak47 Shoot me now.
This has nothing to do with programming anything. ._.
mwahaha we tricked you!
At least the CS Theory course, I can imagine lexers and parsers and stuff.
@melak47 Have you tried TCP packets in VHDL?
The rest of it is just formalizations of bool f = true;
@JerryCoffin no, we just did pretty simple VHDL things
@melak47 I was a little surprised at how easy it was, at least to do some fairly simple things (e.g., collect stuff on an FPGA and stream it to the laptop over Ethernet).
we basically only used VHDL on paper :/
@ScottW If you want truly the best, there's really no competition: the Sennheiser Orpheus rules. Of course, the price tag is utterly ridiculous, but they sure do sound sweet (I got to listen to a pair back when they were new and my ears were a lot better).
@melak47 Oh -- that sucks. Got to at least run it through a simulator to have any fun.
@ScottW At least IIRC, I did, yeah. My wife and I bought a pair of headphones for our niece when she graduated last spring. Listened to a couple dozen pairs of decent budget cans, then ended up buying some that sounded crappy because my wife liked the exact shade of pink they came in...
@JerryCoffin Then again, there's no such thing as the 'best' headphone
@xslr The Orpheus was substantially better than anything else I've ever heard (other than live music), and I've listened to a lot (of headphones, high-end speakers, and quite a few live performances).
@JerryCoffin I have never heard of the Orpheus, but the best headphones depend on the specific sound signature that a person likes. It can vary from person to person.
@ScottW ^^
@JerryCoffin Well you wouldn't want an ugly headphone would you? :)
I suspect that some people think headphones are a kind of accessory like watches and fancy hairties.
inb4 Beats.
tbh, they can make you look pretty dorky.
There is no such thing as a perfect pair of headphones when there are so many crappy music out there
There's good music too.
It is almost like buying a sporty car in a city full of traffic jam
@xslr The Orpheus is transparent enough that most of signature you hear is the signature of the venue where the recording was made and the equipment it was recorded with. I'd made some recordings years ago with a Tascam deck, and more recently with a Nagra D. While the difference is fairly audible with most headphones, it became almost painfully obvious with the Orpheus.
for showing off yes, but for enjoying music? better get a quiet place and buy some expensive sound system
a $1000 pair of headphones are no remedy for having to travel on the subway or work in a noisy work place
Make no mistake: the Tascam deck was decent for its time, but the Nagra is downright amazing.
@sudorm-rfTelkitty Headphones are more practical. getting a quiet place isn't always possible. But headphones and IEMs can function in a larger range of environments.
yes, headphones are practical but getting really expensive headphones to enjoy music is not
@sudorm-rfTelkitty expensive is relative to your income.
unless you count the times you carry your expensive headphones to scenic places and listen in there
@ScottW yo scottie doggie
@xslr I am sure if you earn a million a year you can afford a quiet place with a view
@JerryCoffin wow. that's some serious gear. I hope i can audition it within this lifetime.
@sudorm-rfTelkitty Close your eyes and imagine the view.
Q: Stackoverflow Users: MUCH more likely to downvote than upvote?

RR TRThis seems to be a pattern. Others seem to have noticed as well. It's like I'm surrounded by people who very routinely feel like "WHAT A STUPID QUESTION! GOD! GET OFF MY INTERNET! GOSH!!! IDIOT!!!" Feel free to downvote this question as well, Napoleon.

@ScottW busy, you?
@sudorm-rfTelkitty A good headphone setup is gonna be much cheaper than a loudspeaker setup of similar SQ.
lol, closed already
@xslr I can do what without expensive headphones
@sudorm-rfTelkitty that's great :)
In the end, your enjoyment of the music is what matters the most.
@ScottW what kind of dogs do they have?
@Mysticial Smells of butthurt
I still want to find a good home for Hershey, though, because YOU GUYS THIS DOG IS SO WONDERFUL. @PHS_SPCA http://t.co/fVADDk96MP
Wil Wheaton so nice
I rarely downvote.
@ScottW You have a couch outside? o.O
Oh lol
@StackedCrooked Same. There are better ways to butthurt people than to downvote them. :)
That place looks familiar
I've probably walked through it before
@ScottW cute ... are you throwing out the garbage, the couch & the dog? :p
There is a subtle difference between "most people want to downvote omgggg" and "most questions are absolutely @~!"ing rubbish". It results in your confusion. — Lightness Races in Orbit 8 mins ago
If only! In the past month, folks on Stack Overflow have cast 1,230,392 up-votes... And a paltry 143,646 down-votes. — Shog9 3 mins ago
o.O thats a lot more upvotes than I expected
it's endemic
going down the shitter innit!
Man. Americans are retarded. This dumb Coca Cola advertisement incident is just plain sad.
omg omg omg cute <3
@ScottW Awwww :3
@Rapptz I haven't see it, I have only heard there was a controversy about it. The only thing I saw from the Superbowl was the Budweiser commercial.
What are people so pissed about?
You should see it
Just so you could see how moronic people are here
@Rapptz People are pissed because their National Anthem was sung in other languages?
(The ad is great imho)
Not an Anthem
but yes
That'll teach me to read the youtube comments (even if it seemed intelligent)
They were also mad that there was a girl with a hijab
posted on February 05, 2014 by Scott Meyers

About a year ago, I blogged, "If everything falls into place the way I hope it will, there will be a book about 10 months from now. If. I'm not making any promises." Smart me: it's been 12 months, and there's still no book. In part, that's because I decided to expand the scope of the project to encompass C++14 as well as C++11. That required that I familiarize myself with C++14, which has only

@ScottW Never worked with SNES at all.
@ScottW A little, yeah (before LCDs, you had those on computer monitors too...)
@ScottW Pretty much, anyway. There were a few vector graphics displays, but they were pretty rare except for a few nerds who hooked computers up to oscilloscopes and used them as a display.
@ScottW Hmm...now that's a good question. Is there any port on a modern computer you could use to drive an oscilloscope? You could use a sound card, but that's probably way too slow to use as a display driver. This bears some thinking...
@JerryCoffin I thought it is the other way around: feed signals from oscilloscopes into PC and use tools such as matlab to analyse it
@JerryCoffin By drive, do mean drive the display directly? or feed digitised waveforms?
Many modern scopes are built around PCs anyway.
I couldn't concentrate today ...
@sudorm-rfTelkitty An oscilloscope doesn't generate a signal. It's pretty much a display device. Well, I suppose if you want to get technical, an oscilloscope does typically have something like a 1 KHz square wave (or possibly sine wave) generator that's accessible, but it's just kind of an adjunct to the oscilloscope proper.
@xslr Yes, I meant drive the display more or less directly. At the time, we connected a couple D2A converters, and use their outputs to drive the 'scope inputs.
I did Engineering, so surely I know what an Oscilloscope is for? :p
@sudorm-rfTelkitty From your description, apparently not.
apart from the soundcard, analog VGA comes to mind
jhasbdjhvasd MSVC
@xslr That takes for granted that you're doing a raster display. To do it with an oscilloscope, you're normally driving the horizontal and vertical inputs directly. This way you can draw (for example) a sloped line with no stair-stepping.
oscilloscope is for measuring waves ... or to be more specific, usually signals (which are just a bunch of waves) when electrical/telco engineering is concerned
@melak47 That's also what I'm feeling right now.
they are sometimes connected to circuits
@MarkGarcia template question on SO, I change one thing, works in MSVC, works for me. Of course it doesn't on gcc or clang :p
@melak47 One technique I'm experimenting now is to use clang-cl for template diagnostics.
I remembered the days when we were stuck in the e.e. labs for 3 hours at a time, making measurements on oscilloscopes
@JerryCoffin I'm not sure about the details of VGA, but if you could 0 out the blanking timings and feed special data along the RGB lines, it might be possible to draw arbitrary patterns in x-y mode.
I got tumbleweed badge! :D
@xslr Maybe, but it would be non-trivial at best.
I wanna 100k rep on Stackoverflow :p
looks like chromecast now has an api for streaming from android, and other devices.
Time to RE the protocol.
@sudorm-rfTelkitty I need 10k, I want 100k ;)
@xslr so now you can stream your android screen to a desktop display which is rotated 90° :p
@Borgleader lol you are quite close to 10k :)
@melak47 perfect for watching stuff on the big display while i sleep ^^
@sudorm-rfTelkitty Meh, I've been at 7k for a few months lol
I wanna see all the deleted stuff :(
fuck type_traits !
@Borgleader Deleted stuff is nice. Especially on meta.
@Mysticial I've actually bookmarked this when I get there.
wtf, there's Beer?
@Rapptz ..and more beer.
I prefer wine ... living in a farm country surrounded by wineyards
There is a train station in the Sydney CBD called Wynyard
Wynyard ... wineyard
coincidence? I think not
Unless it's a yard for wynners
@melak47 :3c How's it feel?
Also, -127 in 2's compliment is 1000 0001 (binary), right?
I feel betrayed, and disappointed in myself. I should've known better ._.
I'm not tripping balls?
@melak47 Than to use MSVC? :D
@ThePhD than to trust that what works in MSVC is correct :p
I can't wait to run my engine through GCC.
Shit's gonna be a glorious party of compiler errors.
@ThePhD should be
I don't get something. Why are most design patterns books written using Java?
yay I just fixed an imaginary bug and it only took me an hour !
@GamesBrainiac Because non-Java programmers are smart enough to not join the GoF religion ;)
Gang of Four
@Borgleader are you saying patterns are useless?
@Borgleader The funny thing is GoF was written using smalltalk
@A.H. Not useless, but if I've seen people learn about patterns and fall into this trap where they couldn't code without using patterns. They would look for the pattern that was closest to what they needed and shoehorn it in.
Which is bad practice (imho)
@Borgleader Same thing with java programmers, they want to use objects everywhere where you can get most things done with simple constructs.
@GamesBrainiac Singletons!
@MarkGarcia Dependency Injection!
I once saw an article saying nobody really understood Dependency Injection. Don't remember the argumentation though
Most confuse it for Inversion of Control.
If I really wanted to study design, I would probably just study the robot's repos (and other loungers) instead of buying a pattern book
Q: In Visual C++ , Call A Function And Execute Rest Of The Program, Simultaneously

user3273780i.e Parallel Programming or Threading, It Should Be For Visual c++ not C# Could You Just Say Me The Basics Of How To Work It Out

I don't think there's a single complete sentence in that question.
@Mysticial What Bugs me The Most is The Stupid and inconsistent Capitalization of Every fucking Word
"1983 - Bjarne Stroustrup bolts everything he's ever heard of onto C to create C++. The resulting language is so complex that programs must be sent to the future to be compiled by the Skynet artificial intelligence."
Rather old, but just lovely.
@Borgleader I like headfirst
Probably around 12%. — Kerrek SB 10 mins ago
Hahahaha xD
@Borgleader lol
but isn't sending/receiving on loopback fast anyway ?
@MarkGarcia sounds like tdwtf
@Borgleader lol
@Xeo Yeah, but derp comics.
hi @ScottW!! You still here?

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