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2:00 PM
ugh, Cait Jenner.
how much longer until she changes back?
Anytime between now and never.
@Amy interesting, could be because this code is executed by hangfire on a different thread
@NicolásCarlo that's probably it exactly.
I guess.. shes going to experience what its going to be like to be a woman without almost all of the downsides
2:02 PM
lol right?
Like being able to run someone over and not get in trouble.
must be nice
run bugs down
damn there's a guy at the office who is in charge of all networking stuff but has nothing to do, so he passes 8h a day looking at facebook and magazines and listening to music (rofl)
@Mr.Toxy I want to be that guy
2:04 PM
@Mr.Toxy just means he's good at his job
or means the company has no projects
there is always a network problem
@juanvan not if done right
@mikeTheLiar nope he just has nothing to do hahahaha there is nothing to do about networking here
@Michael there is always a new threat
he patched them all in advance
2:04 PM
@Mr.Toxy any good sysadmin doesn't do much
@Michael I would throw myself out of the window if I was 8h like that a day
ya those at the ones that are known
anyway, does someone know if I can set a property on every sub/childcontrol of a control by setting a style on the parent control, without specifying every sub/childcontrol inside the style?
^that sounds fun
@SteffenWinkler Winforms?
2:05 PM
@mikeTheLiar nope WPF
does Winforms has styles?
Winforms has no style
woot woot
@mikeTheLiar he's not a sys admin I think. When I got here even the boss said to me that they dont know what the heck he does
Then he's really good at his job
2:06 PM
when you have the red stapler you know the job
@mikeTheLiar nooooo XDD he has nothing to do not because he handles everything quickly but because there is literally nothing to do in his area here :p
@Amy "I was a sysadmin once." "I know. You were doing well until everybody died"
@mikeTheLiar lol
2:09 PM
@Mr.Toxy we appear to be talking past each other. If you want to believe this guy gets paid to do nothing and is a worthless waste of space I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise.
@mikeTheLiar there are definitely people who get paid to do nothing though
Raising my hand
@Michael yep. They're called managers
@mikeTheLiar well every person here says the same thing to me, that he has nothing to do in his area, so... if they work with me they must know right?
@Mr.Toxy you could ask him.
2:11 PM
@Michael better not Im just finishing my internship here HAHAHAHA better not do it
well at least I ear is music from here and when his bold head starts walking around I know it's time to leave so it's not a worthless waste of space as mike said
You guys know that most senior developers are managing people right
It would be easy.. just be like "hi.. are you the network guy? .. i've been kinda interested in networking and was wondering what you think about it as a positon? What is it like?"
@Michael yeah thats not a bad question. (Wondering)
meanwhile the coffee is over and sleep is attacking me T.T
So Im curious
where are you all from?
2:16 PM
@mikeTheLiar country I mean
can u tell me a bit more about how is to work in this area, what to expect, etc...?
I'm finishing my course and Im curious what to expect out there xD
@Mr.Toxy that is a country
Well Elsweyr is a desert country. Moon sugar is a growth industry, can't go wrong there.
Why is null a thing
@Failsafe - language
@mikeTheLiar Elder Scroll doesnt count xD
2:19 PM
@TheLostMind There is no anti-cursing rule here >.>
grabs the popcorns
waits for the fight to begin
@Failsafe there are, however, anti-hexing charms
And panini's
@mikeTheLiar ohhh, neat. Should've figured that out myself :/. I had read about that Resources thing before. Or more specifically that every control has such a Resource property
2:21 PM
!!google 0xFA1569B
I bet you're all from the states hahahaha
@Failsafe Google is broken and that doesn't mean anything
Oh yea caprica is broken
@Failsafe you failed
It's just a random hex number
2:22 PM
wheres rlemon
tell him to fix
@Failsafe Google shut down the API
It's nothing to do with Cap or rlemon
!!are you alive
@Sippy By all means
I mean technically we can still blame him tho right
She's fine?
2:22 PM
rlemon can fix the google
@Sippy It's not, in Haskell
@KendallFrey why don't you and Haskell just make out already
@KendallFrey that's great if you're a crazy person
@Sippy What makes you think we're not?
coooofffffffffeeeeeee I need cooooffeee pls someone send me coffee
2:23 PM
@Mr.Toxy Can you chill out a bit please
It's like having a hyper child in here
to all Kendall put all Haskell in your asshole
You didn't actually think that bulge in my pants was part of me, did you?
Which is why there's a mod breathing down your neck
@Sippy hahaha oh sorry T.T
2:23 PM
Jan 12 at 16:55, by Markus Werner
to all stupid put all "Panini" in your asshole
whats this panini thingy? srry for the ignorance
!!tell Mr.Toxy panini
Panini panini, now I am leaving and having day off tomorrow. You know why? Because I'm SWEDE!
@CapricaSix I saw that xD but what does it mean ?
2:25 PM
Cap is a bot.
No let Cap answer
@Mr.Toxy it's very Zen. Panini is love, panini is life.
ohhh damn Im laughing now hahahahaha
@juanvan Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
2:26 PM
@Failsafe That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
stfu bot
2:26 PM
I thought for sure there would be a finger command
there his
it's an escape sequence
like this
~ Escapes in Excel
escapes in real life
!!xkcd escape sequences
that movie is Great
2:28 PM
@mikeTheLiar Something went on fire; status 403
caprica pls
!!xkcd houdini
@mikeTheLiar Something went on fire; status 403
caprica pls
Fine cap, I'll do it myself
2:29 PM
skype for business keeps freezing
why does JavascriptEngineSwitcher prevent you from embedding enum types?
it's really pissing me off
@Failsafe try Skype for srs business
@mikeTheLiar We only have the enterprise package not the nc1701 enterprise package
we dont get that functionality
@Failsafe can't wait till they scrap all the old lync infrastructure for all the new slack-ish stuff.
2:31 PM
@CuddleBunny I hope microsoft buys discord
someone needs to do a face swap with trump on that
someday the birds in the attic will grow up and leave the nest, till then it sounds like a bird sanctuary in this place...
@Failsafe I don't think they'd buy anyone in that arena after deciding not to buy slack
2:34 PM
I wish they bought slack too
i need a lightweight chat client that isn't complete shit
the skype team doesn't even work with micrsoft that well
I don't think it is worth the price tag, it is so easy to build an alternative.
skype was good... but b4 microsoft bought it
I don't think the skype team handles skype for business though
Obviously not, because they would've done so already
The skype team are all a bunch of jabrones
Google hangouts tho is underrated imo
2:35 PM
I think it was a pretty recent decision and it will probably start surfacing in the next half year or so
They hate other microsoft teams and management, and act on their own accord 90% of the time
they can't be as bad as the windows store team
"surfacing" I see what you did there
bad really bad is the windows 9 team hahahahahahha
2:38 PM
"Who controls the present now, controls the past,
Who controls the past, controls the future" RATM had a good idea of that
@SteffenWinkler holy shit, if this is for real this is big news
That be some Huge news
@Mr.Toxy That doesn't make any sense
@mikeTheLiar according to german heise.de it is. They got 5 Qubits available, apparently.
@Mr.Toxy fuck you I won't do what you tell me
2:39 PM
@Failsafe it's a rage against the machine song...
I now have to read up on quantum computing
@Mr.Toxy I understand that much, but it still doesnt make any sense
@mikeTheLiar hahahahahah :D \m/
IBM'S research on that matter started like 30 years ago so...
You can do quantum computing on your computer right now
@Failsafe my translation: As long as nobody can time travel, future (winner) controls the past (history). If someone invents timetravel he can and will manipulate the past and thus control the future
2:40 PM
@SteffenWinkler "history is written by the winners"
@KendallFrey intel will start to sell chips intended for that (for the general public), from a news in Tom's hardware
@mikeTheLiar or poeple that can time travel
@mikeTheLiar unless the loser creates a timetravel machine. But yes that's what I was going for
@Failsafe IBM has a functional quantum computer apparently, my bullshit-o-meter is malfunctioning
you can use libraries too
2:42 PM
@mikeTheLiar I don't buy it, IBM has been doing nothing but mainframes since 1975
@Failsafe and typewriters
@mikeTheLiar not just now, for some years aparently
International Business Machines Corporation (commonly referred to as IBM) is an American multinational technology and consulting corporation, with corporate headquarters in Armonk, New York. IBM manufactures and markets computer hardware, middleware and software, and offers infrastructure, hosting and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology. The company originated in 1911 as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) through the consolidation of The Tabulating Machine Company, the International Time Recording Company, the Computing Scale Company and...
I clicked on that IBM link expecting some IBM style whitepapers and other nonsense... but this actually looks pretty slick
2:43 PM
> In 2013, Booz and Company (now known as Strategy&, a subsidiary of PricewaterhouseCoopers) placed IBM sixteenth among the 20 most innovative companies in the world. The company spends 6% of its revenue ($6.3 billion) in research and development.[93]
I don't even know what a mainframe is
@KendallFrey You are incredibly lucky
@KendallFrey but you preceed mainframes?!
@mikeTheLiar If I recall correctly 2 years ago they said (well an insider) said that they were practically done and would have a working computer in matter of months to start testing
@KendallFrey it's more important than a secondary frame
2:44 PM
@KendallFrey where bus was the main network architecture before they talked about Ethernet people at work would have all their terminals connect to the same mainframe
@Failsafe also IBM build BlueGene and other supercomputers
@KendallFrey think of it like all people in your office connecting to the companies VM on a server
@SteffenWinkler I, too, can put the word "supercomputer" on the side of a CICS system
why is it that you need to declare functions before they are called, yet you can declare a variable in a class after it's initialized. like class foo{ foo():var(5){}private: const int var;};
@Failsafe CICS?
!!wiki CICS
2:47 PM
Customer Information Control System (CICS®) is a family of mixed language application servers that provide industrial-strength, online transaction management and connectivity for mission-critical applications on IBM Mainframe systems under z/OS and z/VSE. CICS is middleware designed to support rapid, high-volume online transaction processing. A CICS transaction is a unit of processing initiated by a single request that may affect one or more objects. This processing is usually interactive (screen-oriented), but background transactions are possible. CICS provides services that extend or replace...
@AjeetKljh what
for good practice you should inicialize them before utilizing the, because of code inheritance some vars wont be accessible from some places in a funcion @AjeetKljh
@Amy this is gibberish, right? I'm not having a stroke or something
Wtf did i just read
2:49 PM
i think so, @mikeTheLiar. you aren't having a stroke
@Failsafe I'm not sure what CICS has to do with a super computer but I sense you've an agenda here...
@SteffenWinkler Yes it's called "Fuck IBM"
IMHO IBM is the most important IT tech company that currently exists.
2:50 PM
but IBM is big brother
@SteffenWinkler Who cares? They make some of the worst solutions outside of Oracle
@Amy you misspelled "Microsoft and Apple"
what is it that you're doing when you make a header at the compile level
2:50 PM
wow fancy :O
@SteffenWinkler they built a fucking functional quantum computer
@AjeetKljh what are you talking about
@mikeTheLiar that's what IBM did, yes. Part of the reason why they are the most important IT company currently
Im so fucking tired that my eyes hurt
then go to sleep
2:51 PM
@SteffenWinkler I'm agreeing with you, this is pretty important
@SteffenWinkler but why just talk about it now? thats been there at least for 30 years
@Mr.Toxy what are you talking about?
@Mr.Toxy what has been where for 30 years?
Do you know what a quantum computer is?
we have not had quantum computers for 30 years
2:52 PM
@SteffenWinkler IBM started doing research on it almost 20 years ago
srry not 30
@Amy we've not had quantum computers for 30 years
they started research for it
@Mr.Toxy research != existence
@mikeTheLiar that depends on the research, but in this case, yes.
They've been researching plenty of shit that doesn't exist
2:53 PM
i answered my question. what i meant to ask was what does the compiler use a header file for
Is it real quantum computing though
So we can't talk about this because its been researched for 30 years?
@mikeTheLiar 2 years ago a person that I know that works for them said to me that they were finishing everything and would have a function computer within months
or just a buzzword to sell cloud subscriptions
@Failsafe 5 qubits apparently
2:54 PM
@Failsafe well according to IBM their website interfaces with a real quantum computer...
@Mr.Toxy yeah and my uncle works for Nintendo
holy fuck
@CapricaSix stop
caprica lost her mind
2:54 PM
6 messages moved to Trash
@rlemon Cap's going crazy
@Amy thank you
@Amy not that what Im saying. Im asking why just now? thats not that "recent" the research started some while ago
@SteffenWinkler What is a real quantum computer
2:54 PM
!!msdn Linq exclude
@Failsafe nah someone just put her on the quantum computer @IBM
F5'd her
@Squiggle Something went on fire; status 403
@Mr.Toxy because they actually made it work
2:55 PM
^ :S
a lot of stuff is broken right now
@Failsafe one that isn't unreal
I can "research" FTL travel but that doesn't make it functional
2:55 PM
google is returning 403 for everything
@Sippy how do I know you're really from the internet?
@mikeTheLiar yes but apparently they already made it work like 2 years ago/ 1,5 years ago
@Amy I was born in 1993.
Are there public logs of it's speed
anything diagnostic
that we can analyze
@Sippy you're a youngun
2:55 PM
@Amy As is the internet.
@Sippy the internet is old
jfc 1993 was 23 years ago
@SteffenWinkler The internet is the same age as me.
Apple said their iPad 3 was the "best iPad ever" but it was a gigantic pile of shit just like the rest of their products
2:56 PM
@Sippy not really no
Yes really yes.
so how can i trust what IBM says
@Sippy in '93 I was in grade 3 wearing hot dog shorts eating cheese and crackers
The precursor to the internet is not the internet.
It was darpanet.
@Failsafe well it's IBM xD not Wolkswagen
2:57 PM
@Mr.Toxy So? IBM has been ripping enterprise off for years
@Failsafe so did Microsoft and so what xD?
@Sippy just in case you aren't kidding the internet as we know it today started in 1982.
"Well it's IBM" isn't a reason i should trust what they say
@SteffenWinkler I was kidding but that's also wrong
it's precursors started in the early/mid 60s
2:58 PM
IBM has that medical project a robot thats really amazing, I would say almost as important as the quantum computer
> In 1982, the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) was standardized, which permitted worldwide proliferation of interconnected networks.
I remember the first time I got on the internet. We used lynx to read a text-only version of Yahoo
I see a Asp.Net project with the methods: void Application_BeginRequest(Object source, EventArgs e) and protected void Application_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) in the Global.aspx how do you get these methods put into the Global.aspx because they arn't there by default?
TCP/IP == the internet as we know it today.
2:58 PM
@Michael just add them?
The world wide web is the internet we know today
b4 you had several typologies
no the WWW is a small part of the internet @Sippy
a really small part
2:59 PM
well, a large part
ok so headers tell the compiler what to "expect" before running the code? so if you want to call say a declared void function foo(), it will look for 'void foo()'?
Deep web and infra web are larger
you can keep you tcp/ip -- telnet all the way baby
@KendallFrey only thanks to netflix and youtube it grew
@SteffenWinkler but the www is what the layman would call the internet.
2:59 PM
@Amy they don't get auto-implemented some how?
@CuddleBunny and he would be wrong, also we are not layman
I cba to argue about this cos everyone has different opinions on what the internet even is.
@AjeetKljh are you asking about C++? This is the C# room.
@Michael no
also it could be argued that streaming isn't part of the WWW
2:59 PM

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