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10:00 AM
bank holiday? w0tdafuk?
"Mayday" -> "M'a aidée" -> "Help me"
u n0 nathing jakob snow
Bonky holibobs ftw
Seen the 2 episodes?
10:00 AM
@Squiggle wow that went over my head.
Jeez what a world...Trumps going to be president I think
Times like this I'm glad I have a nuclear bunker in my basement
@Ggalla1779 in that case I've to check if Amazon includes Popcorn in it's subscription program
@Ggalla1779 Please, elaboerate?
@SteffenWinkler Inform me if they do!
@Squiggle nice
Well Clinton is damaged goods...lost last election and Bernie is still chasing her
So I predicted it would be a Clinton/ Trump final run
so now going for trump for pres
10:10 AM
@Ggalla1779 So the thing with Clinton really striked hard?
what thing
@Ggalla1779 Clinton
I am meaning..Obama vs Clinton ... Obama won
sorry I actually dont know who defeated Mrs Clinton
Well, you said that Clinton is damaged goods
me no murican, so I am filthy casual in the subject
no I mean defeated at presidential election level...I dont mean Mr Clinton nonense
10:23 AM
uh, who was removed from the room owner list?
are there any free VS plugins that helps with including headers? apart from ReSharper? That is not free :)
@JakobMillah headers? Like C++ .h files?
@SteffenWinkler Ye
@JakobMillah no clue.
Don't do C++, problem solved.
10:35 AM
@scheien It's C++, not Java.
Then he still have the auto include header problem. Not saying C++ is bad, just that it solves his problem.
@scheien C++ is GREAT. And you don't really have many options if you do embedded :P
Can't say I miss it. Wrote some basic stuff for symbian a few (8-9) years ago. That was PITA.
Jakob what embedded systems do you do
/ micro controllers
currently learning C++ in my freetime. Want to get into drivers and fixing bugs in them (long/mid term)
10:47 AM
good morning
happy hump day
Why is wednesday hump day? :p
it's getting over the hump, i.e. the middle
!!urban hump day
@SteveG hump day The middle of a work week (Wednesday); used in the context of climbing a proverbial hill to get through a tough week.
10:50 AM
Oh I thought humpday was something along the lines of happy man , unhappy pillow
it's the day i met your mother
Okay grandpa, whatever you say
I'll come bring your meds in a sec
omg the return rek
funny enough, it's 9 months before your birthday
10:51 AM
@MaartenWachters lmao i like you
Did she even know you were in her?
I can't deal with these shots.
"I feel a slight tickle from a micro-pickle" - My mum 1996
10:52 AM
omg steve
you just got served by a teenager
i did
@MaartenWachters I used to do Microchip
VHDL as well
Microchip? I do micro controllers, meet steve, he does micro-dick.
Haha cool. I need to learn VDHL for my end-terms although we've covered the basics, we've not used it yet
10:53 AM
he's still hammering you
someone get steve a white flag
VHDL is the easiest shit ever. Never really used though
Our TFS is down due to a bad windows update? whatdafuk
We saw so much shit about PCB's
never used one in the labs though
Currently doing GES and I'm just throwing my arms in the air cuz fuck this
never used
Arduino was pretty fun
of course
10:54 AM
Transistors are basically in everything
ye, but what does GES stand for?
I googled and got a hit I thought you meant
Common emmitter CE Transistor
GES = Common Emmitter CE Transistor? Makes sense!
They are a bit mindfuck, but powerful
Well it's the first explenation i saw in my slides
but yeah its a type of transistors
which i'm having a lot of trouble with not gong to lie
Works like a water-crane
10:57 AM
NPN i can deal with
PNP is like ehhh
mosfet we've not seen yet
@MaartenWachters #lateresponse no, but in all honesty, she wouldn't even know if shaq was in her
thats all i got
you got owned.
@SteveG Took you long enough to come up with a response.
i know :(
Perhaps that's why your wife was complaining to me, you take too long to come up
10:58 AM
i was literally trying to think of a response the whole time
and way too quick down
well, considering my wife is your mother, and she got around, it'd take anybody a while to cum
scrape the sides
@wadry this is what I was after yesterday
If you want my comeback you'll have to scrape it off your nans teeth steve
At least keep it classy
11:00 AM
whats a nans
@Mathematics fair enough
oh, so you mean your sister?
hey whatever floats your boat
I wish i had a sister
Steve you're so slow
11:00 AM
took you like a good 10 min to ocme up with a comeback
you smoked me
like bro, you're out already
what can i say
It's ok steve
11:01 AM
I need my wit ready, throwing a party this friday
As a host I need to be witty
My work is throwing us a james bond themed casino party lol
I am so confused
at a luxury venue
seems decent
I don't have a tuxedo ...
11:01 AM
you going as goldfinger?
@Sippy thats awesome
i was such a bond fan when i was young
'was young'
lol i'm done
11:02 AM
Haha sorry steve
white flag
you broke our steve
@Sippy That is the lamest theme ever. It's only for the higher managers to not have to put any effort in to dressing up 'cos they already own a tux.
We had one once, too. It was balls. BALLS.
@Sippy lmml
I'll stop now. But don't forget this, next time I'll come after you
11:03 AM
@Squiggle I'm just gonna go make money from my coworkers at poker lol
I have two tables in SQL server each has a column called StartTimeStamp that is a datetime2(7), yet this works SELECT * FROM [dbo].[AccountTotalAggregate] WHERE [StartTimeStamp] = '2016-05-02 00:00:00.0000000'; and this doesnt SELECT * FROM [dbo].[PositionAggregate] WHERE [StartTimeStamp] = '2016-05-02 00:00:00.0000000'; Both tables have data with that value
@Squiggle as long as you bring your disguised as a ballpoint-pen laser, everything will be fine.
James bond party sounds sick though
Mine will probably be lots of beer pong, chilling
@Sippy you should go as nerdy Q.
@Squiggle We were discussing what to wear and I said "I'm going like this but with sunglasses"
11:06 AM
who can see sharp here
not me
I got glasses
<-- as shown here
@KuthayGümüş I'm not azure what you mean by that question
@Squiggle Would you say you have a short circuit;
I got a q for c# developers, a mvp asked that to me, can you do this challenge ? stackoverflow.com/questions/37021362/…
11:14 AM
Oh my god in 1 hour i'm going out for the most delicious burgers in belgium
sitting here in my lecture drooling
@KuthayGümüş The anwsers you have are correct, remove all is the way to do it
@KuthayGümüş You can't modify a collection whilst you're iterating it
@KuthayGümüş don't use a foreach loop, use a for loop (that will allow you to do what you want)
@KuthayGümüş It's a feature of the language - you cannot remove an item from an enumerable whilst iterating over it using foreach. And as @AlexL says, List has a Remove method for this very reason.
i'm not saying its a good idea ... just saying it will work
@wadry I never thought of that
I am a bad programmer.
@MaartenWachters enjoy your diabeetus
Or maybe the reason I never thought of it is cos it smells
@Squiggle I'll co-enjoy it with your mum :)
@Sippy there are situations where its a valid approach
this could be one I suppose
11:17 AM
I have had to do the deep copy thing before
@MaartenWachters what does that even mean?
@Sippy You and me bro
Think that was at uni though
When I was le pleb
@Squiggle You ween't here for the wit fight, nvm haha :) <3
@Sippy 'was' -> 'am'
Watch it clock boy
11:18 AM
@MaartenWachters no no I saw it - I just have no idea what you're implying by saying you would enjoy diabetes with my monther
My mother is awesome and lives a healthy lifestyle.
Yo call me clockboy once more and I might get into the whitehouse too
@Sippy you can create a list of things to remove then iterate over that as well but that smells a lot
@Squiggle :( sorry
You never heard of clockboy sippy?
11:19 AM
I was referring to you not reading documentation earlier :D
@MaartenWachters lol psych
Like a pleb :D
oh that guy
Didn't realise they called him clockboy
11:19 AM
Well I was reading it
I just didn't understand it
I try my best not to be the annoying newbie really hard hahha
@AlexL my point is not getting sum of the function as a result. there is a way, mvp told me, @Sippy @wadry @Squiggle he said, do not use for.
@KuthayGümüş you can use exclude
@wadry how ?
!!msdn exclude linq
@Squiggle Something went on fire; status 403
11:23 AM
var numberListTemp = numberList.Exclude(i => i == 5);
    foreach (var item in umberListTemp)
        totalNumber += item;
like that maybe
well, shit.
but then you don't need the remove
job done
@Squiggle i know how to use ! just asking for he will see its gonna make deep copy, i do not ask that
but then that can be compacted further to ...
@wadry nope
11:24 AM
totalNumber = numberListTemp .Sum();
@wadry u still make deep copy, using templist.
@KuthayGümüş Ok its a fact of the language that you cannot remove an item form a list during a foreach
you could perhaps "rewrite the rules"
@Kuthay the mvp explicitly told you to remove an item from a collection whilst iterating it?
Well i'm off now have a good day. Thx for the bants @Sippy @SteveG
Or he told you to solve a problem?
11:25 AM
basically override remove
@MaartenWachters later
@MaartenWachters have a good one
@MaartenWachters my mum wishes you an enjoyable afternoon
@KuthayGümüş You want a function that Yields the values, that are not 5? So it's still enumberable, and not making any deep copy
@Sippy he will show me the answer in 3-4 hours.
11:26 AM
foreach (var item in umberListTemp)
        if (item != 5)
            totalNumber += item;
same net result
without the removal
When you say MVP I'm wondering what you mean lol
@Sippy Most Valued Player, obviously
Anyone played Overwatch yet btw?
@Sippy what's that?
11:27 AM
@Sippy no is it any good ... i tried paragon but wasn't overly impressed, although it was an early alpha
Blizzard's new game
Yeah it's fantasticccc
Paragon looked a bit meh
Epic Games make some gooooood shit, but sometimes they make flops like Bulletstorm.
I think Paragon is set to be a flop.
@Sippy what genre is it?
It's too damn slow.
@SteffenWinkler I have no idea.
@SteffenWinkler moba
Oh, paragon is
11:28 AM
@wadry ugh, we've enough of those already
yeh that's my thought
And they all suck
but its fps style moba
Overwatch is a bit like TF2 but 6v6, and the player characters and combat is very different
makes it a bit different
11:28 AM
It takes from a lot of different game types
It's very very enjoyable :D
Open beta starts in .. 1 day?
my think atm is the division
really in to it
I am going to kill this SQL server in a min, near identical tables I forced all the values to be exactly what im looking for yet it still fails for no reason
Anyway, foosball time
@Sippy holy shit the graphics suck
@KuthayGümüş random thought ... why must you remove whilst iterating? ... or do you just need to exclude certain items from the collection?
11:32 AM
@ntohl haha, that's pretty good
@ntohl @wadry that's exactly like a hard-coded implementation of .Except(), isn't it?
i need help
i just can't figure out what cuss word / series of cuss words, he was trying to blank out here: f******bac**m
it's been bugging me for a while
f'n back?
then whats *m?
@Squiggle Yeah. I guess Kuthay Gümüş thinks .Exclude will call .ToList somewhere in the background
@SteveG I'm glad I'm not the only one bugged by that
11:46 AM
@SteveG don't think you will ever have an answer
@SteveG It look like it was actually f******b*ac***m or something like that
@SteveG "fuckdumbaclam"
11:47 AM
that's the best I got
@Sippy You playing Overwatch?
@SteveG fuckingblack**m?
Perhaps he was using glob notation? ** should resolve to any child path...
tsc C:/**.ts
MVP = Most Valued Pizza

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