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12:03 AM
hi @Sippy
This #dropouthillary shit is bants
how is she not barred and disgraced at this point
american politics is weird.
gah 1am again
bed time
1 hour later…
1:28 AM
yay, my code is finally in prod
2 hours later…
3:28 AM
@Codeman that is a good feeling
4:17 AM
hi everyone
quick question :Using JSON Request and Response in WCF,If someone send a JSON data with missing tag,how can i handle it in WCF?
1 hour later…
5:42 AM
@Dinesh_Dini Have you tried adding IsRequired=false to the [DataMember] attribute?
@Codeman I found a bug
6:04 AM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan no ..
Has anyone looked at the new docs.microsoft.com site yet?
No real content migration yet, but it would be nice to have the clunky MSDN interface get a facelift.
6:32 AM
looks like a few articles and not much of a design
plus whats wrong with msdn really
@misha130 Navigation is very slow.
On another note - I'm profiling for performance hotspots in my app and found that a very commonly used method is Map - a method on a data object that take the ~40 fields it has and create a key-value dictionary from it. By reflection.
The class changes every once in a while and there are several variants for different clients/deployments. I'm thinking of the best way to improve performance without having to add a field to a straightforward set of myDict.Add("myField", this.MyField) calls.
I'm thinking of using reflection to create individual Expression<Func<MyObject, object>> expressions for every property once, at program startup, and then calling these to retrieve the values at runtime.
I'm wondering if that's feasible.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan was aware of it. It'd be nice if they'd actually finish migration this time
Last time a load of msdn content got migrated, a load of it screwed up, still can't find everything. See broken links now and then, still
of course thats feasible but I personally am always scared of "do at start up and retrieve at runtime"
Its a good way to do things but I always have it in my mind that it wont be there when I ask for it
6:52 AM
Well, that was easier than I expected.
is there a performance boost?
Profiling now.
@misha130 I think as long as you're only building this stuff from type metadata, which can't change during the lifecycle of the process (I'm pretty sure it can't...) then I think you're good
@misha130 Not a noticeable improvement, no.
That makes sense but too bad
since its expressions
7:18 AM
Lame :(
7:30 AM
I am so excited to be learning Agile
8:10 AM
I'm actually enjoying this relatively tight profile->change->profile again loop I'm into today.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan whatnow
@Sippy We have a relatively intensive data processing module that handles incoming data, the volume of which can be relatively easily expressed as "Events per second". So the first step was writing some tooling to calculate our EPS, then I profile the processor, find hot spots, fix/optimize them, and measure again.
Cool :D
The advantages of straightforward ETL loops is that it's really easy to find hotspots.
I need some assistant
8:14 AM
For instance, finding out that a minor lookup that checks if an incoming field is part of a BlacklistedValues field turned out to be a hotspot, because a dev accidentally made the DB callto retrieve the blacklist on every call. Which bumped up my EPS from 800 to 5000 when I moved the call to the init phase.
g morning
who's good at resumes here ? please raise left leg...
i did >D
@Mathematics just write a good presentation letter and what you did rockportinstitute.com/resumes
@Mathematics there isn't much to be said about resumes, just keep it as clear and concise as you can and add just the important info
8:30 AM
Good morning
good morning
it's rainning T.T
Rain is good
Why does everyone say rain is sad lol
no it's not, it means I can't go to the park at lunch time
Yeah you can
Take a raincoat lol
If it's any consolation I can't see a single cloud.
@Sippy it's good if you're watching a cool moovie in the couch with your gf and the fireplace is on... not when ur working
8:32 AM
Wee are learning Agile in class
I love rain.
For our methodology clas
That's nice moon.
@Sippy you wanna change? You stay here until it stops raining and the sun is shinning again and I take your place :p
@Mr.Toxy Where do you live
8:33 AM
@Sippy Lisbon, Portugal XD
That's a first
Raining in Portugal, blazing in England.
Sippy, I have my first presentation today
That's nice moon.
whaaaat? how is that possible? sun in england? thats a miracle
@Mr.Toxy Who knows.
Global warming maybe :D
8:36 AM
No one has ever said that.
Ever. In the history of words.
@Sippy it's a meme xD no one needs to say that it's just a joke :p
I still love rain
Which I guess is a good thing as I live here.
8:38 AM
hahahaha yeah it's kinda cool, but I find it a little sad
meanwhile... does anyone really uses Panini?
@ntohl haha
@Sippy no one in britian likes rain, where you from (actually)
wich damn connection string should I use for this:
User ID=xxx; password=xxx; Data Source=ORCADB1_QLD; Connection Lifetime=10; Max Pool Size=50; Min Pool Size=1; Pooling=true; Persist Security Info=true;
wich type of connectio string I mean
I dunno what you mean
8:46 AM
User ID=xxx; password=xxx; Data Source=ORCADB1_QLD do I pass just this? or do I need the rest? never worked with oracle connection strings b4
I though oracle connection stings had more brackets
Well they quite resamble SQL ones
so I think I'll just use them as so
I don't know anything about Oracle
np thx anyway
Does anyone know - if you switch your culture/language in Windows to French
What language header gets passed with your http requests?
Is it 'fr' or is it 'fr-FR'?
Also why the fuck is this not a fucking god damn standard oh my god.
8:52 AM
cause of that
you will find your answer there
So Accept-Language is browser specific is what you're trying to tell me
Which is even less fucking helpful
@Sippy this is the code fr-fr
So that means there's no common standard among websites, and there's also no commonality for web browsers
Globalisation can suck my ass
@Sippy yes thats it sippy, firefox uses one, chrome other, and so on. but that code should work for all
Everyone should learn English.
It won't work for all, because we have JS resources and the ASP.NET provider for loading resources isn't smart enough.
8:55 AM
well from that site It work for me every time
My only option is to have a resources.fr.js and resources.fr-FR.js file.
I don't think you understand my problem :P
The website was a nice link though thanks for that
@Sippy Im probably thinking in something else XDD
np @Sippy any time
lol lol I build the project passes with no errors, I debug it's says it found some erros but the error list is empty -_- damn VS bullshit
wow why people like c++/ c so much over like c#
its way more complicated than c#
had it for 3 years and what you do in 1h with c/ c++ you do in 15 min with c#
OLE DB Provider was not specified in the ConnectionString. An example would be, 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;'. i got this erro wile openning my connection, do any of you know what the heck the provide is on where can I get it from? or can I just use Persist security info?
@Mr.Toxy Provider is probably the server
it isn't
im so tired today
9:06 AM
@Sippy The connection string they gave has nothing called "Provider", hmmm I will try to see
@Sippy that fucking sucks T.T go get yourself a cup of coffe and don't do shit today
9:18 AM
yey I've found the correct connection string but I dont know about the provider yet, have to ask
@Sippy you kept asking me if I am British or not, why you don't answer yourself now :P
My god americans are dumb.
Sorry Americans of C#, you guys are the exception to prove the rule.
@Sippy hahahahah sippy
Hurray for random product requirements that are a pain to implement!
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan like what? XD
9:23 AM
"You know that listbox that updates in real time and is auto-sorted according to date? We now want the currently selected item to stay in place even if the rest of the list gets sorted".
well I had to sort 1730 errors manually bc of the fucking crystal reports dlls and the reports tempuri namespaces
took me 3 days
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan thats not difficult, just set the value for DateTime.Now on the load
even if you sort every thing else you will always have the date
that is difficult, to for example with 4th selected element. sort the rest of the lines like 1-3 sorted, 5-22 sorted, and 4 is an odd ball
@ntohl maybe Im not understanding the real issue
if I understand the problem correctly
but he could just store the current date and update it
9:29 AM
there is a listbox constantly changing because of the real-time sort
even if he sorts the list he can always set the value to that
but the value might be in 2.nd or 10.th line after a real time sort
and this way it will be duplicated
and a value will miss
@ntohl yes but Im saying that he should store the current date separatly
They're all sorted by modification date. I want to keep that date on the selected item, but not sort by it.
Let's say, object #3 is selected. Then a new item is added to the top of the list, which should push my object to #4.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan that really sound like a Linq query would do the job
9:31 AM
Instead, I want it to stay at #3, and have the proper #3 skip it to #4 and continue on from there.
oh okay
a fucking difficult LINQ i must say
The list's size is static - I always only show the newest X items.
@ntohl yeah, I was thinking in another situation
So I'm thinking that on every change, I check the index of the current item, add and resort, then move the selected item manually back to the original index.
9:33 AM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan that could actually work
I still haven't convinced the product team that have a sorted list behave in an unsorted manner might be more confusing than having an item shift position in the list.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan you're right thats kinda confusing for the client
if you could just move have the dates shifting position would be alot better
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Hahahaha
What a fucking stupid requirement
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan so you say that you want the current date to be the first index at all times but it also needs to be updated?
what happens, if the selected row would naturally fall off? For example static size is 10. User selected it when it was #8. 3 more items added. The selected row would fall off, and the realtime query wouldn't even select it
9:35 AM
@ntohl We already have a hack that prevents a selected item from being bumped off. It'll stay at the last position.
@Avner can you not do it like this: determine the current position of the element in the listbox, sort the listbox, reposition so that the selected item doesn't appear to move, but is still sorted?
It's less confusing, since it's still the oldest item, and the items between it and the one before it aren't as interesting.
@Sippy That's my current thinking, yes.
that requirement is really dumb
Seems the easiest way to achieve what they're asking for
9:36 AM
yeah. Just it's still difficult to implement
why in the heck do thwy want that in that way
It means I'll have to stop using a live-sorted CollectionView and do the sorting manually. :-/
@Mr.Toxy Because customers have complained that the item they're currently working on keeps jumping around in the list.
Or, at least, that's their interpretation of what the customer is saying.
I think that if they're currently working on the main item view, they're not really looking at the list.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yes you'll want to check every time it changes wich sucks. the number of elements changes or it's just the same?
@Mr.Toxy The number of elements is a configuration switch, so it won't change much.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Damn so that is not that easy has to check if the number of items has changed
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan well your Idea seems that it will work
9:43 AM
Is there any stylish way to have a null keyvaluepair?
@misha130 What are you using KVPs directly for?
@misha130 how so? you can use dictionary
returning a key value pair from a method
later I do things with it and after I am done I add it to a dictionary
@misha130 You probably shouldn't. KVP is an internal part of a Dictionary and doesn't really stand alone as a data structure.
You can return a Tuple or a tiny custom class.
@misha130 I would say to use a dictionary, fastest and easy way
why do you wanna return in the end?
9:46 AM
why do I want to return in the end?
I want a key/value
no no sorry I mis read the question
with it clearly saying key and value
tuple will give me Item1, Item2...
which sucks
misha why not just return the dictionary?
its too much to return a list for one item
@misha130 you can add just one pair
9:47 AM
I just did tuple
its cool
@misha130 No more than Key, Value.
its reasonably more understandable
oh screw it
@misha130 you could do it even with an array
there's so many ways
But I am trying to make it most understandable for the person that will be using it
if I return a dictionary or an array
9:49 AM
the best way is, what do you need to do after you return the value? Will you do something more with it?
its just ????
@Mr.Toxy An array is even less clear than a tuple.
@misha130 Wait for C# 7 and tuple decomposition. :)
yea I've seen that
pretty cool
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I dont get why no returning a dictionary it its intended for Key/value pairs, even if it's just one
but tuple works as well
The person whos using it will have to do Dict.First().Key and Dict.First().Value
its just unclear
9:50 AM
just that
@Mr.Toxy Because, logically, you want your function to return a single key/value pair.
what is the key?
you cant know the key..
@misha130 use the index
It's like public string[] GetName() which returns a 1-element array.
Forcing the user to get the first item.
yes ^
9:52 AM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yeah I get it it's easy to have jus the pair
Not only "easier". It's actively confusing. It's exposing a contract that it will never fulfill.
If I was calling @misha130's function, I would now feel the need to check if there are more than one entries in the dictionary, since a dictionary is, by definition, a collection type.
hmmm hmmm
@Mr.Toxy As you say, there are many way. But they're not all equal.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan exactly
just use the one that suits you the most
9:56 AM
you could return the key and out the object
or the other way around
@Mr.Toxy "Suits you" should take into consideration factors beyond just "it would work".
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan "Suits you" I think it means that you took those factors into consideration
just look at this everyone
what the heck
10:10 AM
hey all. I have problem about websocket im using websocket-sharp
I have a server with
- Intel Xeon E3-1270 V5
- 64GB Memory
- Dell PERC H730 Mini RAID Controller
- 4x 256Gb SSD
- RAID 10
A recruiter just called me like "Hey man, we worked together a year or two ago, I'm blabla from blabla"
Forgot his name the instant he said it, had no idea who he was
Are recruiters even people?
I have a socket connection which is for send data to user , get data to user, insert in sql, select in sql
But when there is about 200-300 client websocket is disconnecting all clients
and nobody connects before i close and rerun socket application
So any advice ?
@IbrahimAlkan no helpful advice no, have you tried SignalR?
No but im thinking of it
10:19 AM
websocket-sharp doesn't look production ready
its marked as a pre-release
doesnt C# has a library for that?
I donno
But is 300 user is too much for a websocket?
@IbrahimAlkan Im not sure, but It shouldn't I think
Sounds like a process crashing, or faulty or misconfigured network hardware
@IbrahimAlkan why dont you use deafult c# library, they have TcpListener and so on
System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream I think that's the namespace for it
10:29 AM
@Mr.Toxy TcpListener/NetworkStream isn't a WebSocket library.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan you can use it to write a websocket server
It will be a lot of work i think
@Mr.Toxy Sure, but why would you want to? You can also use it to access web services and HTTP servers, but that's why we have HttpClient and other higher level abstractions.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan just sayin. it's good to have some alternatives xD
well of to eat
10:45 AM
its the proper alt for it :^)
10:56 AM
Everything else should die in a fire.
(You're using it right now!)
oh I am a so fanboy
dapper everyday
and now this
almost lunch time
I'm actually gonna walk
To the shop for lunch
Seems crazy
Lunchtime has ended. I am now trying to code while full.
Nah it's thursday, coding has stopped for the week now.
11:03 AM
I lije that spirit @Sippy
I don't write code anyway
I'm devops now.
I have 2 deadlines on sunday
@misha130 ouch :\
lyf iz tuff
We're finishing up the first week of the sprint.
11:04 AM
That is not a complaint though, no no no
Noooo no no no
I'm the one who says my deadlines for now XD
Not when the project is VB.NET WebForms
Every single sprint task of mine has either been completed, cancelled, reworked or reassigned to someone else.
give me all dat devops work
How long are your sprints Avner?
11:04 AM
I make them 1 week
2 weeks here
1 week - too much organising
yea but you are stuck literally for 2 weeks
would you recommend any music ?
@misha130 Two weeks, theoretically.
11:05 AM
something within the lines of Defnotes, Five finger death punch, ratm, etc...
@misha130 Well, I would be stuck if our sprint planning meant something.
or something else I dont care XD
I murder people who touch sprints
M - U - R - D - E - R
why @misha130
11:07 AM
because this way no clients can bug anyone
we are all protected by the shield of "we are busy"
@RoelvanUden there is goto in that code
all websites are blocked in this damn company
I thought we have burned that up
I like the goto
it's useful sometimes
Doesn't matter, it's in a library, you don't notice.
11:15 AM
fucking proxy server
everything I try can't bypass that damn thing
@Mr.Toxy Well, I was recommending the Butthole Surfers' "Independent Worm Saloon".
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I'll try to find it with my smartphone xDDD
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan found it :D
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan listening to "The Wooden Song"
@Mr.Toxy That's actually the only quiet song on the album.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan hahahaha cool! Im listening "Tongue" now
♪ I dont give a fuck about the FBI, I dont give a fuck about the CIA ♪
My favorite bit about them is this line from their Wikipedia page:
> at the end of the tour, and without a place to live, the band collectively decided to move to Winterville (a small town outside Athens, Georgia), where they admittedly made a hobby of stalking members of R.E.M..
11:25 AM
I really like this song
"Goofy's Concern"
off to lunch
c ya
Ok i have decided against lunch since it is too much of a walk
a hunger strike
@misha130 go get yourself an awesome lunch
I wanted kebab today
15 minutes of walking - no, sir
@misha130 thats nothing go eat XD
ill just order a pizza from home, fuck the police
11:33 AM
I wonder if I can order pizza to the office
that would be gr8
11:45 AM
I have brook my phone screen :( and I need to get my data from it
but I have the lock screen
is there anyway to remove it from computer
@BadroNiaimi What data?
Just copying files off of the internal storage shouldn't be a problem by hooking it up via a cable.
11:48 AM
are the most important to me
Aren't they synced up automatically?
Which phone is it?
the problem is that the phone is locked
I have the password but the screen is broken
you need to unlock the phone in order to access to his data from pc
Depends on the phone.
Sumsung Galaxy S4
You can probably boot it into system restore/fastboot mode and access the files via ADB, but that probably won't help you with contacts.
Don't you have it set to sync to Google Contacts?
11:51 AM
no :(
I have the ADP tool but it failed to detect my device
also the remote control is disable
there a way to move the drives on the left side of explorer? like it better when the Libraries were at the top

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