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ooo we're getting an Internet-enabled coffee machine at work.
Queue hijinks
I cant imagine how that would work
@Ggalla1779 duh
The Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP) is a facetious communications protocol for controlling, monitoring, and diagnosing coffee pots. It is specified in RFC 2324, published on 1 April 1998 as an April Fools' Day RFC, as part of an April Fools prank. An extension is published as RFC 7168 on 1 April 2014 to support brewing teas, which is also an April Fools' Day RFC. == Protocol == RFC 2324 was written by Larry Masinter, who describes it as a satire, saying "This has a serious purpose – it identifies many of the ways in which HTTP has been extended inappropriately." The wording of the...
I'm a tea drinker, so RFC 7168 could come in handy :)
TBH it's a crappy RFC. HTTP 418 isn't necessarily an error, IMO.
@scheien Not rn
but but its not April 1
But I have played it
Soldier:76 is OP
@SteffenWinkler Shut up you graphics whore lol
Who the fuck cares what it looks like if it's fun to play? :P
@Sippy Are you thinking about Minecraft?
@Sippy THIS. so goddamn much
Nah minecraft is shiiiiit
But I would play it if I found it fun
@Sippy ok fuck you too
I dont like it, but a lot of people do, and it looks like shit.
I don't care what games look like
@scheien This I don't understand. Minecraft looks fine, just different
@Sippy Do you play Dwarf Fortress?
what the hell is dwarf fortress lol
you need to play DF at least once
minecraft is love minecraft is life
It's the extreme example of gameplay over graphics
Looks rather interesting
Is it actually fun
@Sippy massively
Looks like Terraria for MSDOS lol
Possibly the most complex game I've ever played
@Sippy lots of fun
@TomW indeed
@Sippy not at all like terraria
@KendallFrey it looks like the board game we were making with my friend when I was about 7
with crayon
the basic idea is you give instructions to dwarves and build them a fortress
you need to manage a bajillion things to have a successful fortress
@KendallFrey You are right. It's different.
The interaction between different things is so complex that even the developer is surprised by some aspects of the game
It creates puzzles as emergent gameplay
So yeah, deep gameplay
also morning nerds
@Failsafe I was wondering which pleb would bring that up
You are the pleb.
@Sippy Says the person who didn't get his comment pinned
Who's the real pleb
Like, I need this specific thing, but there are a dozen contrived steps to get it, and each.one can have unintended consequences that will screw up your plans in unexpected ways
Wow you got me there.
@Sippy meh i said "Happy Star Wars day" about 4 hours ago
Catsplosion is awesome
@wadry You can be a pleb too then :D
@Sippy i thought plebery was the pint of this room
you have a point.
aren't we therefore all guilty of being plebs just by being here?
wadry pls.
the world is not ready
@Sippy → Sippy moved to Trash can
@KendallFrey did you just move sippy to the trashcan ... lol
I never click your links.
@Sippy This is not the chat room you are looking for.
Friday moved to Friday
Kendall moved to The beat
grrrrr, am always annoyed
Is anyone here french
God no
Meh, friggen droids ... always broken
@Sippy the french don't understand code
There's some very highly repped Frenchies in the JS room :D
point made i think ... i'll stick to my previous statement
anyone here good with windows command line? I have searched the google and cant really find a consistent answer on how to create files with the command line.
From my observations it really seems like: (almost anything here) >SomeFile.txt creates a file..
yeah, something like that
not sure what command is a good one for that
Thats the way I know
echo > file
in linux I would use touch
I hate how inconsistent that is
on linux it's easy
what he said
@KendallFrey no that would give you Echo is On
well balls to windows then
guys I have a webservice in a ViewModel constructor. But is too slow and the listview (in the view) isn't showing with the information
@AlexL actually putting echo infront of that command writes txt to the file
@Michael yes it makes a text file with "Echo is On" in it
But it would write "Echo is ON" in the file
oh.. yeah
Do you guys use any spec batch file editors ?
I have been using Notepad++ upToNow but is there a editor with the purpose of creating batch files?
copy NUL EMptyFile.txt
will give you an empty file
someone good at resumes here ?
are people in uk really care about resumes ? u think ?
@Mathematics yes, it will determin if you get an interview or not
Its more about buzz words though
isnt that the point to interviews?
turn up, spout a bunch of buzzwords and leave
uh no
If you're buzzwords are long enough you get the job
oh and the mandatory fail to implement FizzBuzz
see .. fact ... the follow up comments are even funny ... (bunch of failed implementations of FizzBuzz
Information from my boss:
I have finally got a complete new TFS server up and running and migrated the old information.
So start use it and report any discrepancies and I will try to see whats missing.
@Sippy pfff, I just don't like the style. Those comic-like graphics are a deal-breaker to me in most games.
@JakobMillah you use an on site tfs server?
@SteffenWinkler why
@juanvan What does "on site" mean? :o
@KendallFrey @wadry that depends entirely on wether you are interviewing with someone from HR or someone from IT
Some of the most awesome games I've played have had cartoon graphical styles
@Sippy because I just don't like it
why would you interview with HR
@JakobMillah one you admin
@wadry Following up on your suggestion, I've got this code... but it (correctly) says DrugResult does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator':
@juanvan Yes
int[] ids = (int[]) drugResults.Select(x => x.DrugResultId);
using (var context = new DrugComplianceEntities())
	var entities = context.DrugResults.Find(ids);
	foreach (var entity in entities)

there are a few games were the style really fits, but for ego-shooters it just doesn't mix. @Sippy
How do you loop over entity items?
@KendallFrey you usually interview HR, especially in bigger companies. At least that's my experience
@SteffenWinkler Borderlands?
the fuck do I know @KendallFrey
What's an ego shooter
@Alex do you have 1 or many? look at the return type ... looks like you are trying to iterate over an entity not an entity collection ( based on what the error states)
@Sippy never played it. Doesn't run on Linux
@wadry I'm trying to get many
@Sippy a game where you control a character from the character's POV. Usually.
@Alex but does find return 1 or many?
A first person shooter?
@Sippy yes
@wadry oh
ego=me/I=first person
I can name at least 3 cartoon graphics FPS games that are at the very top of my list of awesome games.
You missin' out :)
@Sippy TF2, Minecraft, ???
TF2 isn't even on my list.
Minecraft isn't an FPS.
it can be
I would also differentiate between whatever you would call minecraft's style
and cartoon style
@wadry You're right; Find() only returns one element... Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns the first occurrence within the entire List<T>.
@Sippy tastes are different
Do you like FPS games?
@Sippy that's called ugly in my book.
I'll need to use a Contains
Or do you only like games which have nice graphics?
@Sippy yes, both.
So you will only play a game if it has good graphics?
We are discussing games? Nice!
not 'good' graphics but it has to look not ugly/not bad.
In 10 years, all the games you currently play which have good graphics will be overshadowed by the engines they have.
Will the games of today be shit then?
Speaking generally.
I've just never understood the "graphics are the most important aspect of gaming" crowd
Trying to 'get it'
@Sippy judging from the past, yes. For example, I played CS 1.6 in ~2013. Looked at screenshots recently, holy shit it's ugly.
Minecraft, Tibia, Stardew Valley, Pokémon on Game Boy
There you go
@Sippy not the most important part. But graphics are important to me.
@SteffenWinkler So you had might as well not play games because graphics will always be improving
There are a few games that get exceptions on that. Lemmings for example
Thus rendering all games shit at the time of their release until their demise
@Alex Probably just need to use the force, or a where clause might be a better fit
I don't get it.
Dungeon Keeper 2. Great game
@Sippy no, it's an adjusting process. Currently CS:GO looks nice enough to me for example, in 8 years it might not look nice anymore because graphics will have improved to a level where CS:GO graphics are shit
@Alex var entities = context.DrugResults.Where(i => ids.Contains(i.Id));
But CS:GO could still be the best game of it's genre in terms of gameplay
at some point I'll probably not step into reality anymore because it looks shit.
You'd play a game with balancing issues/bad gameplay because it looks better?
@Sippy nope. There are more factors at play
As I said, the graphics don't have to be super nice but it has to look not bad.
@wadry, yep, that's what I wrote:
var query = context.DrugResults.Where(dr => ids.Contains(dr.drugResultID)).ToList();
for me graphics are just one more factor to consider
@JakobMillah Very nice but very obviously still a simulation
@Sippy Factors for me are: Has to be native on Linux (ported games are fine as long as it doesn't run in a wrapper like WINE), has to have an active community, has to have decent gameplay, has to have decent graphics & sound and it needs to run on my hardware without hitching and the developer should still be around to fix bugs
yes, but still
We are getting there
@SteffenWinkler So, you can basically play nothig?
hey jungs
how to get the value from a file input field with selenium?
@PomeGranate what
@SteffenWinkler wow..
@JakobMillah CS:GO matches all of my criteria, Cities:Skylines, XCOM:EW/EU, XCOM2, Divinitiy:OriginalSin...
And you won't play games on a dual boot windows because..?
@Sippy do you selenium?
Not for you
@SteffenWinkler I actually felt like starting divinity sins when I get home
@JakobMillah CS:S (if I wouldn't be playing CS:GO), Civilization V (sometimes)
As soon as we started discussing games :P
Civ V... Miss having people to play with
@JakobMillah can't currently play it as it needs OGL 4.3 but MESA is currently only on 4.1.
if they ever release Cossacks 3 I'll play it as well
SPAZ 2 will probably match my criteria as SPAZ did as well. Even though the graphics aren't that good, the other criteria are making up for it in my case at least
how to get the value of an input file field???
is there any security with webHttpbinding
@SteffenWinkler Damn, sounds annoying
@JakobMillah what does?
Havn't played cities skyline since release.. I guess a lot of shit has being added?

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