The Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP) is a facetious communications protocol for controlling, monitoring, and diagnosing coffee pots. It is specified in RFC 2324, published on 1 April 1998 as an April Fools' Day RFC, as part of an April Fools prank. An extension is published as RFC 7168 on 1 April 2014 to support brewing teas, which is also an April Fools' Day RFC.
== Protocol ==
RFC 2324 was written by Larry Masinter, who describes it as a satire, saying "This has a serious purpose – it identifies many of the ways in which HTTP has been extended inappropriately." The wording of the...
Like, I need this specific thing, but there are a dozen contrived steps to get it, and can have unintended consequences that will screw up your plans in unexpected ways
anyone here good with windows command line? I have searched the google and cant really find a consistent answer on how to create files with the command line. From my observations it really seems like: (almost anything here) >SomeFile.txt creates a file..
Information from my boss: I have finally got a complete new TFS server up and running and migrated the old information. So start use it and report any discrepancies and I will try to see whats missing.
@wadry Following up on your suggestion, I've got this code... but it (correctly) says DrugResult does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator':
@Alex do you have 1 or many? look at the return type ... looks like you are trying to iterate over an entity not an entity collection ( based on what the error states)
@wadry You're right; Find() only returns one element... Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns the first occurrence within the entire List<T>.
@Sippy no, it's an adjusting process. Currently CS:GO looks nice enough to me for example, in 8 years it might not look nice anymore because graphics will have improved to a level where CS:GO graphics are shit
@Sippy Factors for me are: Has to be native on Linux (ported games are fine as long as it doesn't run in a wrapper like WINE), has to have an active community, has to have decent gameplay, has to have decent graphics & sound and it needs to run on my hardware without hitching and the developer should still be around to fix bugs
@JakobMillah can't currently play it as it needs OGL 4.3 but MESA is currently only on 4.1.
if they ever release Cossacks 3 I'll play it as well
SPAZ 2 will probably match my criteria as SPAZ did as well. Even though the graphics aren't that good, the other criteria are making up for it in my case at least