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couple of days?????
Mfff if I use [Serialiable] on an object, everything underneith it has to also be serializable?
couple of hours is a lot for here lol
@Squiggle how did you meet said unicorn btw
You know how in the UK you can get a week of muggy drizzle? That doesn't happen here.
muggy drizzle lol
that was so british it even hurt me
@Sippy We met in a nightclub! but we'd known of each other for a decade. I think I served her at a rock club when she was 16.
Muggy Drizzle could be a band
holy shit
or a shitty UK rapper
@Squiggle Lol really
That's weird
@Squiggle 16 eh?
@JABFreeware totally. We were rebels back then, in Hull.
oh god
that's why you left the UK
my thoughts too lol
lol, i was joking about the criminal part
Hull is a great place to have been
@Squiggle seriously invite me to your wedding
If you don't, tell me where it is ;D
Good excuse to wear my Rastafarian weed Tuxedo
It's very tasteful.
Hello people, quick question
yes it's made from hemp and has marijuana leaves on it.
is weed legal in Europe?
@Sippy perhaps. The evening is gonna be just a big party :D
@Squiggle Sounds like fun :D
I'm looking for some ways to kill all other threads spawned by a program for testing purposes anybody know how?
@Sippy can I sniff you?
@Thijser a different process than your own?
@JABFreeware own process
@JABFreeware I need to kill everything related to a program if a certain condition occurs to see if it can properly recover from a crash at the worst possible moment
@Thijser so you want a kill the child process and make sure the parent can recover?
pun not intended
@JABFreeware More like have one sibling murder all others and then see if the rest of the networked application can recover
If you kill the parent process do you end up with a Batman process?
@mikeTheLiar only if you joke about it
@Thijser I like how you think. You could use Thread.abort I guess for TESTING. Its a bad idea to use in real code though. This is good for showing different approaches for SAFE thread closing. stackoverflow.com/questions/1051838/killing-a-net-thread I would just go with something mentioned as unsafe.
never tried it but doesnt debugger have the ability?
@JABFreeware I want to run about 100 nodes on a single machine (normally 1 machine is 1 process) so If I run in debug that is going to make my machine unhappy
@Sippy The band members would all be wizards except for Drake.
Muggle Drizzy, the lead singer of Muggy Drizzle
@Thijser indeed it would. I see now.
hmm looks like this can also be easily solved using a shellscript
@Thijser I'm interested. How?
@Amy do you think its valid to pass in an owin context to a business service?
You can pass a value to a shellscript so once a condition is met you inform the shellscript which then just kills all proccesses with a given name
gotta be better than passing in ninject right?
also how are you handling sessions ?
if I can't use HttpContext.Current.Session (dependency on System.Web)
@Amy can I ask you a personal question?
just ask your question
@Thijser the script have a link?
you know the room rules. don't ask to ask
You were meant to say yes
you want to start over or...?
It's cool
You killed my joke tho
@Amy - kills jokes
jokes killed my pa
sigkill joke
@JABFreeware mostly chaining this together but you can use c# to give a name to threads you spawn, you can then just make a list of all thread names you spawn somewhere and then use pkill to kill it off
I see the two discussions have converged.
Now I'm curious what Sippy's joke was going to be
what was the personal question
@Thijser hmmmm pkill can end threads and not whole processes?
I do have a personal question actually
What do you call your sexual orientation
a quaternion
@JABFreeware well the point was that I wanted to conserve some information for debugging which is why I wanted to keep a proccess alive, but shell can also preserve this.
Well like are you gay, are you demipandinosexual
@Thijser yeah but process != thread. So Im having trouble following. First you wanted to end a thread...not a process?
There are some weird words for sexual orientation these days yo.
Im trisexual
@JABFreeware Well I wanted to kill a proccess while doing some stuff afterwards, turns out I can do this by launching a shell and using that to kill the process.
Three times as sexy as everybody else
@Thijser well yeah...
@Asheh man, woman and children?
and bears.
@JABFreeware stuff like check what messages come on certain ports ext.
@Amy Canada FTW
That's moose
@KendallFrey in this context I think bears means something else
@Thijser so this app does port monitoring?
Canada is full of those godless killing machines.
@Amy random fact for the day?
@Sippy See imgur link. Definitely bears
@JABFreeware it's a peer to peer video game that I'm building for university
@Thijser ohhh so you want to know the game wont crash if the connection gets fucked?
lol @KendallFrey
You have some explaining to do, Canada.
@JABFreeware and the extra fun step of what happens if the application hangs for 20 seconds and then suddenly decides to inform everybody else that everything is in the wrong place
@Amy I wasn't trying to be offensive btw was just curious lol
@Thijser ahhh I gotcha
@Sippy bicurious, even
@KendallFrey tricurious
but never bearcurious.
What's it called when you're attracted to homosexuals of the opposite gender
There's a thing for that?
@Thijser yeah an unclean disconnect. Shouldn't it drop that node if the pingtime goes over a certian ms?
it depends. sometimes i'm bisexual, usually homosexual.
@Sippy There's a thing for everything
I wanna know now
It's a spectrum
Find out
@KendallFrey "barking up the wrong tree"-sexual?
Furries bark at the wrong trees.
@Thijser I think the way most games handle that is after such a delay trust what another node says. I dont really know though. Its interesting though :)
@JABFreeware Yes but a node can later reconnect and will identify as the same machine meaning that the system should be resilient to such situations, and designing so that it's not a problem is one things now we have to prove it
@JABFreeware and most games have some form of server we are peer to peer completely distributed with a near infinity scalability target.
@Amy or do they
@Thijser yeah I was going to say that
@Sippy they do. my logic is undeniable.
@Thijser each peer is going to have a slightly different version at any given time too.
@MichaelEdenfield That could also mean attracted to straight individuals of the same gender
@JABFreeware yes and merging this in such a way that no player has a noticeable error is part of the problem.
There are a lot of fetishes
Is an attraction a fetish, though?
not exactly
I guess it depends on the specificity of it
and how common it is
I think there's also an element of how disconnected the act/concept is from the actual person said fetish is "attached" to for lack of a better term
feet? yeah. midgets? maybe. fat? probably not
Fat midget feet, oh yeah keep talking dirty to me
...do not google "midget feet"
At work or ever?
@mikeTheLiar depends. do you like midget feet?
@KendallFrey fried or baked?
i was maybe 8 or so when i saw my first midget. it was scary.
Were they riding a tiny pony?
!!youtube space pants snl
Li'l Sebastian?
^ for all your midget fun
I can't decide if Anchorman 2 missed a trick by not having a midget news team
we should make all the starred comments something sexually kinky today
we got the first two stars down
lol Amy
Does this one count?
1 hour ago, by Failsafe
Caitlyn @Sippy
Visual studio isn't detecting my voluptuous Android project
@Amy posts a picture of star-shaped pasties for the punnies
googles 'are sex changes fetishistic'
Amy, is that kinky enough for you? lol
@Sippy rule 34.1, if it exists, there is a fetish of it
@Sippy some are, but most are to mitigate depression brought about by gender dysmorphia
In most cases does that not result in going from gender dysmorphia to body dysmorphia?
@Sippy wait what
I dunno I haven't really put much thought into that whole topic
Not at all - the procedure is to allow the body to better match the desired form.
They're changing their body to match their gender.
so like if I wanted two sets of genitals...
Yeah but you can't change like bone structure
So if you were a broad as fuck man
@Sippy which is why it's so important to start hormone treatment early
How do you make a hormone?
Well I can't be a chick
Don't pay 'er
you forgot lmao
@KendallFrey nah, the typical MTF procedures basically invert your knob in the process. It's remarkably difficult to "get both" without some serious transplanting.
@Squiggle I don't mean both, I mean two
But yeah @Sippy starting hormone treatment early (i.e., during/before puberty) will prevent a lot of secondary gender characteristics
or four depending on which you mean
Just saw wwwroot\ttl.dl] in cmd and wondered why the hell the second L wasn't rendering properly
@mikeTheLiar Pretty difficult to know whether you wanna be a dude or a chick by age 10
By age 10 I had only just stopped eating mud
@KendallFrey ah, then yeah. Transplants, innit. But they'd probably have to reposition the original.
@Sippy actually its somewhat common for trans children to know their gender by that age.
Like a genital refactor.
Why stop at two
@Sippy actually I don't think it is. A lot of children already know that something's wrong. Or not wrong per se but something doesn't match up
@Squiggle well the other set could go somewhere out of the way, like my shoulder
@TomW I've seen drawings of that on the Internet. It never ends well.
@TomW Because that would be unnatural
I don't think there are any animals with more than two
@Squiggle there was actually an Iain M. Banks book featuring a minor character who was extremely into body-modding...in a setting with essentially infinite biotech
I recommend reading the book "She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders" if you're interested in trans perspectives. It's a good read.
@TomW there was a character in Player of Games who changed his sex, gave birth to some kids, then changed back, and had more kids
@Amy yep. I think he implied that many if not most Culture citizens do straight m/f at least once
@TomW it's a fascinating subject, for sure :) TBH I'd be half tempted to body-mod if it weren't so difficult.
@Squiggle you mean like Lizard Man?
@Squiggle this guy was basically made of dicks. I gather that wasn't what you meant
@TomW roflmao
this conversation
I met Lizard Man once. Really interesting guy, surprisingly normal, really funny.
Anybody know much about ISerializable?
maybe, just ask your question
I "get it" but I cannot figure out how Lists are serialized
@Asheh what about it?
@TomW And then he was harvested for food as part of a Cyanide & Happiness short
!!youtube le telepathe
SerializationInfo you can call "AddValue"
But what about if im adding a list?
Either my googling skills are terrible or I suck
hmm maybe I can just AddValue() List and it just works
Probably... its C#
Next question is how can I handle cyclic objects
How do you guys feel about Property injection instead of Ctor based dependency injection?
@wadry yes
just as a feeler type question
i have this situation where I have a heirarchy of service types
TService : SomeSystemService<T> : Service<T>
I'm debating putting a property in Service<T>
that I will inject the current OwinContext in to
that way child types can get information about the current request context
stuff like "who is the current single sign on user"
but I really want to avoid forcing every child type to have to have a ctor with that OwinContext as a param
or maybe thats a good thing? (its pretty explicit)
If I have it pushed in as an injected property then everything still depends on ninject because of the inject attribute
are you going to use the children types indepedently?
Hi, pls help me with this
I have this XML
<dtImport RowExistenceColumn="5" MandatoryColumn="1,3,4" GridColumnsToColor="Wire ID, Status ID" CellForeColor= "" CellBackColor="255,255,192" EmailViewColumns="Pay Method,Clearing Ref No, Confirmation Number"  FileNameFormat ="<ALPHABET>_<DD><MMM><YYYY>_<HH><MM>" SheetNo="1" HeaderRowPos="" DataStartRowPos="" EndColumnPos ="" >
<dtRow ID="1" XMLColumn="CustomerRefID" ExcelColumn="Internal Reference" ColumnNo="35" DataType="int" DataFormat = "\(WireID:\d+\)" />
[Inject] <-- don't like this
public IOwinContext OwinContext { get; set; }
I need to deserialize this in a class
My class I've created looks like this
what kind of magic is this anyway
@misha130 independently? in what way?
like without the parent
[XmlRoot(ElementName = "dtImport")]
public class ImportConfig
private int RowExistenceColumn { get; set; }
private string MandatoryColumn { get; set; }
private string GridColumnsToColor { get; set; }
private string CellForeColor { get; set; }
private string CellBackColor { get; set; }
private string EmailViewColumns { get; set; }
private string FileNameFormat { get; set; }
(see full text)
or are you going through the hierarchy
when I deserialize, all the attribute values are read as null
@misha130 you can't ... inheritence is basically a way of saying "this thing is a child type of that"
Guys I am calling a JS function something like this:
<a href='javascript:SomeJavascriptFunction("+@ViewBag.Guid+");'></a>
oh forget it
thats not what i meant at all
but its throwing an exception
I was just trying to see if you really need this or you can avoid this altogheter
ViewBag is evil
Don't use ViewBag

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