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Anyone here well versed in windbg?
friend of mine works at intel using windbg, lol
@Codeman go get him
nah, he's very anti social :P
He only has to talk to windbg
I'm trying to have multiple conditions before I save my data.
1)I get selected list in foreach
2)I also need to include a single value (mid)
but I get an error message:

foreach (var item in selectedmembers)

var getmember = db.Member.Single(s => s.MemberId == item && s.MemberId == mid);
Whats the error message?
probably that there isn't a match - unless mid==item, that'll always fail :p
System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no elements
No, there is a match.
yep - your logic is checking for memberid to match item and mid
on the same row
which means mid has to equal item
I have a question on XmlSerializer .. anyone to help?
I have a Base Class with few XmlAttributes.. and a Dervie
Class A {
@ReedCopsey your're right but I'm showing members in a family where it's not equal with the person where I'm currently in. So I've excluded that person. User has to choose between others users but during the save I select the selected members + that excluded person which is the parameter (mid)...
var getapplytomembers = db.Member.Where(x => x.CaseId == cid && x.MemberId != mid.Value && x.Deleted == false).OrderBy(x => x.MemberNumberSuffix).Select(x => new SelectListItem()
                Text = x.LastName.ToUpper() + " " + x.MiddleName + " " + x.FirstName,
                Value = x.MemberId.ToString()
after serializing the base class attributes are not present in the Dervied Class object
Any help will be great..
Example: If mid = Tim
I don't show him in that list because the user is already in his page and adding information.
yeah, well, your other code looks for people where it is mid and item, which is going to fail then
hence, the error you're getting
exactly, there is no way to ask if it contains in item and mid?
I used to say except in foreach (var item in selectedmembers.Except())
but it seems there is no include or something similar for this purpose...
Is it a good idea to perform the Save two times, once for the item and once for mid?
Ha I just wrote a circular dependency without thinking
@Tomwa congrats my friend! Here is a pretzel
Why isn't there a function on pcpartpicker that automatically puts the "parts" together to show what your build would look like >.> Trying to put together a new build but I hate hate hate picking parts.
Wouldn't it only look like the case?
With the side panel removed ofc >.<
Trying to find a good CPU cooler (Still debating between Water cooled or active cooling) for this motherboard : asus.com/Motherboards/SABERTOOTH-Z170-S
Did find this RAM.
Matches the MB pretty well :)
@R593B just use the OEM one from intel unless you're gonna overclock a whole lot
I can never tell if my coworkers hate me or if they're just socially awkward engineers who stare at the ground when they walk past me in the hall
@Codeman I was going to buy a new I7 too. And figured i'd use their stock cooler. Surprise : It doesn't come with one...
@R593B it does if you buy the OEM version
Oeh nice case :)
I got a big discount for it, I got everything on cyber monday :P
I was thinking of going with either a NZXT or the corsair graphite one
I honestly don't know yet lol. I kinda want to go all white + black
But then I really limit myself on GPU choices etc unless I go and paint them myself.
I got an R9 Fury X
I would need to modify the case or get a new one if I got a 2nd one, lol
I saw that one it looks really small on the pictures.
Haven't seen it in a case though
you're probably thinking of the fury nano.
the fury x is pretty big and has a liquid cooling block and fan
Ah I just googled it and it does look a lot bigger in a case than on the pics :)
It's just the design that makes it look small compared to a titan ;p
the card is smaller than a titan, but the water block needs room
How does it preform?
(I got 2 old r7 260x's in crossfire atm ;p)
Hmm seems US stores are quite a bit cheaper... I think I could save a few hundred depending on shipping, Just not sure if it would arrive here safely >.<
nothing like going to sleep and having nightmares that the earth got thrown out of it's normal orbit, wtf is wrong with me
So I'm reading an embedded SNK file from my application, the resulting byte[] is valid (checked it manually) but when I pass it to StrongNameKeyPairs constructor I get a "Failed to convert key to token -- Invalid assembly public key."

Works fine if I manually bring the file in and read it from disk using File.ReadAllBytes
@SteveG You play too much not enough KSP
@KendallFrey haha yea
somehow i caused it, and i didn't know enough about orbits to get it back in the right place, lol
Too much Universe Sandbox, undoubtedly
I know exactly how dreams like that work lol
just one big oh shit
lmao yeah
good morning @KendallFrey and everyone else
Hi guys
can anybody help me with this question
Not sure what are you asking about. If you can't convert code to method yourself - use VS or VS+R# to do that... What exactly you are looking from SO (short of write some code for you)? — Alexei Levenkov 20 hours ago
Q: Extension method to convert string and create new datetime object from it

LearningI want to return 24 hours data from employee shift start time to endtime. This is my table: Employee: EmployeeId,Name EmployeeId Name 1 Abc 2 Pqr Shift: ShiftId,EmployeeId,StartTime,EndTime ShiftId EmployeeId StartTime ...

@MikeAsdf yeah about 600
@Jamaxack sup
@AdanRamirez whats up?
1 hour later…
Who can help me?
ask your question
what's up/
who are working?
Can I join with entry level?
@Jamaxack you are working?
if I can't you can say: no
I'll don't ask it again.
Good morning.
awesome english
Keyboard was set to Hebrew. But because there's no upper/lower case in the Hebrew script, shift-Key in a Hebrew layout outputs upper-case English letters instead. So you get this lovely mish-mash.
@NgôĐứcTuấn: Just ask, and if someone can answer, they will.
thanks @scheien
I get it
Morning all
now at noon in Vietnam
!!google ugt timezone
!!fix my exception
@Tomwa That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: fox
@CapricaSix No I defintely meant fix
Don't argue with me robot
@Tomwa Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@Tomwa That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: listcommands
@Tomwa help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, user, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, !, !!, $.baby, (4337654<<1)+1, (y), /somecommand, 2020/07/23, 3, 666, :p, </pissing>, ?, ^, ^5, abesnacking, abhi, abhishekpornfreak, acronym, adhd, ah, ahah, algosmarts, aliens, am
angryticks, answer_to_everything, apocalypse, appreciated, archerneat, artisticpoop, artisticsilo, asd, asdf
Oh wow
it picks up on edits
in JavaScript, Oct 13 '11 at 20:23, by Ryan Kinal
jQuery.baby sends an email to John Resig, requesting that he impregnate you or your significant other.
Do I get in trouble if I try to break it?
!!c> while(true);
@Tomwa "SyntaxError: expected expression, got keyword 'while'"
!!> ['hello', 'world'].join(' ')
@SankarRaj "hello world"
@SankarRaj The Google contains no such knowledge
!!> while (true){}
@Tomwa "SyntaxError: missing ( before condition"
@Tomwa Maximum execution time exceeded
Ooh it does handle it
I like that
@SankarRaj My Google Fu has failed.
!!convert list
@Tomwa That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@SankarRaj That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: 3, i, d, y, ^, !, π, ?
@CapricaSix you are awesome
@Tomwa C, F, K, m, f, km, cm, mm, i, d, r, g, lb, st, kg
  |   |

!!hang A
@Tomwa That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: 3, i, d, y, ^, !, π, ?
!!help youtube
@SankarRaj youtube: Search Youtube. /youtube query
  |   |
  |   O
@Tomwa That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: 3, i, d, y, ^, !, π, ?
@Tomwa Input not matching /awesom/. Help: User-taught command: am
!!hang e
!!hang i
  |   |
  |   O
a, e
  |   |
  |   O
a, e, i
!!hang o
  |   |
  |   O
a, e, i, o
!!hang u
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, i, o, u
!!hang n
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, i, n, o, u
!!hang s
@Tomwa That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: 3, i, am, d, y, ^, !, π, ?
!!/youtube caprica six
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, e, i, m, n, o, u
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, e, i, m, n, o, s, u
!!hang photosensitivity
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, e, i, m, n, o, s, t, u
@Tomwa Correct! The word is photosensitivity.
Yay! I only had to spam the chat massively!
@SankarRaj That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!> fileText = fs.readFileSync('data.txt').toString()
@Tomwa "ReferenceError: fs is not defined"
why am I feeling so bored these days ?
it's not even Monday and I am feeling well bored
hello all
Wishing I knew what the hell CoffeeScript was lol
@Tomwa "ReferenceError: coffee is not defined"
@Tomwa "ReferenceError: coffee is not defined"
@CapricaSix that wasn't a command I was editing my previous post and removing a command.
Don't lose your head.
I want to split a strig to get 3 values HOSTNAME,PORT and SERVICE NAME from the below string... pls suggest me a string split method
@SRJ are you against using Regex?
@Tomwa "SyntaxError: missing ] after element list"
Is that the data source always in that format?
@SRJ String.Format
Regex is accepatable :)
its a oracle connection string is it not?
String.Format("Data Source={$1}DESCRIPTION={$2}ADDRESS_LIST={$3}", "dicks",dicks","dicks");
have you looked at System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
Hmm or that
@misha130 that's putting values in, I thought he wanted to extract the values?
I can't read it seems
its a recurring theme
I just come here every few hours misread questions and answer them
I noticed this myself
Yeaa.. i want to extract the valuees from a string
I know the other ConnectionStringBuilders have properties for hostname etc
OracleConnectionStringBuilder Notes: This API is now obsolete.
i want to extract the valuees from a string
the builder can
you pass a connection string to the constructor
@misha130 its only deprecated its not as if it doesnt work
@Mathematics Just change any one of your routine thing... makes you some what interesting...
@SRJ If you want regex you could build separate matching strings i.e.:


That will extract the host.


Will get you the port

Would get you the service name.
@Mathematics you know what's exciting? Fixing my random issue with strongly naming an assembly via Mono.cecil
isn't it a bit early for regex?
@SteffenWinkler It's almost always too early for regex
@misha130 lol, oracle
@misha130 Ah, I've worked with so many obsolete Oracle APIs over the years.
literally too early I don't comprehend anything
what is life even
My first one was when I was still a student. We were using C with a pre-processor based approach that required you to write embedded SQL in the middle of your C code which would be replaced by undocumented API calls.
Oh, god, it's not obsolete, it's still in use. :-o
let me quote
"Microsoft recommends that you use a third-party Oracle provider." - msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/77d8yct7(v=vs.110).aspx
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan that is some good ass studying to be honest
@misha130 "Microsoft recommends that you not put your hand in an active blender".
I do anyway
@misha130 Not really. It's a bad library that hides what it shouldn't. If I'm writing C, I would rather have a C API, not some sort of hybrid.
I am surprised they even told you to write an sql connection in C to begin with
hm, does someone know how to create a Where expression with LINQ expression trees when working with a many-to-many relation?
It's sooo boring and it's not even Monday !!
@misha130 Microsoft recommends to use Oracle ?
No, don't use anything but Microsoft™ products.
@misha130 that's expected
@Squiggle o/
Does Inner join returns more then 1 row from 2nd table ?
tahnks @Tomwa
Good morning, good morning, how are you?
@Mathematics its supposed to be INNER JOIN ON t1.id = t2.foreignkeyid
Morning all
@SRJ No problem, glad the solution was applicable.
@misha130 thanks
good (ugt) morning
good (CET) morning
more like good (ugh) morning
wow. You can play hang with Caprica
why Caprica is the name of our bot?
why not Jicama?
@SteffenWinkler the Where is not normally part of the expression AFAIK
It takes an expression. What are you trying to do? This doesn't sound like the right question
M2M normally implies Join
The real question is: Can you break caprica and why isn't there a concentrated group of people trying at all times.
@Tomwa she just stops replying after a while
@TomW I noticed, she even handles long running code and infinite loops :(
@TomW yes, you are right. What I wanted to say was 'How can I build a many-to-many relation in LINQ expression trees and use the resulting expression in a where statement?
@SteffenWinkler how would that work? Where has one input sequence. Where would the other one, the other side of the relation, come from?
@TomW I think we've a misunderstanding here
Well I don't understand what you want, if you want to put it like that
Where takes a delegate T -> bool. In what sense do you want to make that many-many?
var parameterOne = Expression.Parameter(typeof(SomeTable), "x");
var propertyOne = Expression.Property(parameterOne, "SomeOtherReferencedTable");
Expression left = Expression.Property(propertyOne, "Name");
Expression right = Expression.Constant("MyName");
Expression filterExpression = Expression.Equal(left, right);
that's a short version what I currently have
now, what I want is, to also have the following in there
var propertyEndOfanyToMany = Expression.Property(parameterOne, "AManyToManyReferencedTable");
and do comparisons on that property
What would this look like as a normal lambda expression?
but when I try that, I get a Property of type EntitySet<T>
@SteffenWinkler So you want to compose another Any filter in there?
@RoelvanUden yes
pretty much
didn't thought of it that way, but yes.
Then do it :P
@TomW query.Where(x => x.AManyToManyReferencedTable.Where(y => y.SomeBool == true));
First write out y => y.SomeBool == true as an expression, then the containing expression. Getting the MethodInfo of Where<T> is going to be a bitch though.
I've a few dynamitc methods that help me build those trees. I just need the linked Property
but I only get a EntitySet<T>
Oh it's nested. Right.
I've found some code snippet to iterate through it by accessing the Item property, but I'd have to do that in a foreach loop for each item that can be there
I mean, I could probably do that, but I don't think that's a good idea
(although I would be curious as to how the resulting SQL statement would look like)
@RoelvanUden Could I just access the Any method by using Expression.Call? I'm pretty sure that doesn't work as it's an extended method
@SteffenWinkler I think so yeah.

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