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6:01 PM
print it out, shred it, and chemically treat the paper so it becomes a brick. build a house with templates.
@Amy Why not just 3d print the template onto a brick
and build the house that way
@CuddleBunny I'm using it so I can create a scheduled job, anyway the breakpoint's don't hit.
good idea @Failsafe
i like the way you think.
@Greg If I make a new project and simply put Console.WriteLine("Hello") with a breakpoint it hits
6:10 PM
@scheien The ruling party are going completely hysterical about the upcoming for/against referendum on leaving the EU
Open hostility toward each other, threatening to oppose the Prime Minister etc
Bah, just bring back primo nocta. That'll make everyone happy... right?
> The views of working-class people are so foreign to that universe that when New York Times columnist Nick Kristof wanted to “engage” a Trump supporter last week, he made one up, along with this imaginary person’s responses to his questions.
That Kristof op-ed was truly terrible.
I end up hating most of his op-eds tbh
Very lazy
@CuddleBunny Really, with DNX Core 4.5.1?
@TomW I wonder how that will end.
@Greg Yup
6:14 PM
Hm, I wonder why mine isn't hitting.
I'm on RC1
are you doing a Debug build?
@KendallFrey :'( i'm sorry that i hurt your feelings and the feelings of your family
prove it
I want a Corvette
Kendall's a Canadian. He's a F'n strong MFer! GO CANADA! We have feelings but we burry them under the snow with our chest hair!
6:17 PM
^ even the women
Canada has good hockey and, I've heard, bud.
Canada's better at curling than hockey
Ponies are welcome up here.
but fuck curling
@CuddleBunny Oh, I'm on Update One, not on RC. Maybe I should update to the new Update 2 RC.
6:18 PM
That's not very polite, @KendallFrey
oh right I'm Canadian
sorry, eh
Are you sure you're canadian, eh?
@Greg that might be it, I have update 2 on my PC at home
pritty sure, eh
6:21 PM
Canada has Justin Trudeau and thanks to him, pot will be legal and we will sit back, relax, and smoke a joint, while looking at arabs blowing up our malls.
You flatter yourself, assuming Canada is a terrist target
dude, that hurts, stop
i thought i saw on reddit where Trudeau said pot would never be legalized
@SteveHémond Solution: pot is legal, but only for arabs
6:24 PM
@CuddleBunny Okay, I'll do an update real quick.
6:34 PM
Has anyone ever gotten this error before :
Message = "The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at"
Give a password/username with the request
I don't need a mechanical keyboard but still I'm on /r/mechanicalkeyboards all the time
@misha130 I did
connect with ssl?
@SteveHémond How else are you gonna look at pimp cherry mx custom paint jobs and minimalist battlestations?
6:37 PM
Moving to canada next year :^)
gonna miss all the robberies and stabbing attacks I am getting
all the exploding people and stuff
Where do you live?
@Failsafe I don't need one, but, I want one, argh
hey guys, may i ask a general question?
6:38 PM
@Jeremy if you want a civic that is fun to drive, then you need to get a type-r, otherwise it's boring as hell :)
@LiquidPenguin only if we're allowed to give a general answer
@Squiggle I suppose :D
@scheien Yep. Ever press the econ button on one of those? lollllll
What is the type-r
Tbh I almost want to be a unique snowflake and get a beetle
6:39 PM
6 months ago i got my first job, the main dev quit and the project was left to me. For 6 months i have 2 more seriously developed modules and the rest of the time was devoted to fixing his shit
and that kinda hurts my interest in programming
am i a wuss
If you don't like fixing legacy code, you're gonna have a bad time
write better code :DDD
@LiquidPenguin absolutely, yes.
so whats the general question
You OWN a project.
6:40 PM
all i see is general statements
You. Are. The. Team.
Tear it down and write it from scratch if you have to, you're the boss now
I set enablessl to true
6:41 PM
@Jeremy no, is it fun? :p
@LiquidPenguin what don't you like about your situation? Does it feel like a slog with no end in sight?
well in this case I suggest open fiddler
Every other dev job will have just as much, if not way more legacy code and cruft to deal with.
@scheien No, it makes the car crawl.
I still have to maintain a shitload of code with the DAL making use of Self-Tracking-Entities ... talk about maintening legacy shit
also, why did the other dev leave?
6:41 PM
yes, and being the only java dev in the firm
@Failsafe it's the sport edition. lowered, stiff suspension, bigger engine etc
@scheien currently have a 2016 CR-V on loan from the dealer
i have no one to talk with
@KalaJ open up fiddler and see whats getting sent to smtp server
@scheien ahh
6:41 PM
Java?! hisssssss
its the bullet proof solution
i come in peace
@Jeremy oo, is it nice?
@LiquidPenguin Hah, listen to music
a lot of people work by themselves
@scheien It's not bad. I wouldn't buy one, and would look for other things in its class, but it's not bad.
6:42 PM
Some people in this room work remotely
don't start it
@scheien i'm weirded out by some of the interior design decisions - feels like a minivan in disguise
6:42 PM
the rest of the programmers are microsoft fanatics
@LiquidPenguin Hey, I spent most of last weekend learning IntelliJ IDEA, scala, maven, SBT...
@LiquidPenguin One of the room owners here works for MSFT
I know your world a bit, too.
6:43 PM
But being on the One True Platform really does make your life easier.
@Jeremy hehehe. Ill check it out.
The one true platform
if you have the cash for it
actually I am a strong believer we should purge MS & Java all togheter
6:44 PM
we'll all learn lisp or something
use haskel and assembly for everything
@misha130 no
Maybe the Java ecosystem just needs better defaults/better scaffolding
6:44 PM
@misha130 alas, I don't know how to use fiddler
's actually no so bad
has it ups and downs
i have a really serious scala fetish
open it up, filter stuff you want to see
and just send a request
Microsoft joined the eclipse foundation
that has to mean something
6:46 PM
yeah. it means that development should be cross platform
it's like i'm dating C#, and C#'s hated half-sister, Scala, keeps flaunting her body around
I keep saying request but I dont think its request/responst in smtp
@scheien it is already
send the request through fiddler?
!!google scala fetish
no @KalaJ send it through your application
@Failsafe: true
on localhost
@Jeremy you are into some sick shit
I used to dislike Java because it was too verbose and unproductive. Now I dislike Java because Oracle.
6:48 PM
@Squiggle Hating Oracle
there's a belief i can get behind
Everyone hates Oracle
Squiggle 2016
Make Java Great Again
oracle.com tl;dr: The Enterprise The Enterprise The Enterprise The Enterprise The Enterprise The Enterprise The Enterprise The Enterprise The Enterprise The Enterprise The Enterprise
When was Java great btw?
room topic changed to C#: Getting panini all up in your Javas since 2010 | Home of Jicama JS! csharpchat.com | gist.github.com - For Easy Code Pasting [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [coreclr] [entity-framework] [java-hate] [jicama] [linq] [panini] [silverlight] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
6:49 PM
Java was great in the 90s
@scheien In the days of The Object Hierarchy
when your alternative was a C++ monolith that nobody understood or could maintain
How can I get the request to appear in fiddler then?
what are you trying to do, @KalaJ?
oh, the 90s
Fiddler just catches everything that is sent through your network
6:50 PM
That's incorrect, @misha130. That's true of Wireshark.
it doesnt catch smtp?
Only if it uses the proxy.
No, Fiddler only catches HTTP / HTTPS
@amy, I'm trying to send an email
6:50 PM
and I'm trying to figure out why I get this
Message = "The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at"
does an mvc application overload a server more than web api application?
um, @moji, what?
@KalaJ how are you sending the email? SmtpClient in C#?
all you 10k+ rep users love flags, right?
"see something that makes you uneasy"? what is this, some SJW safe-space bullshit?
6:54 PM
everyone, flag my comment. do it.
I command it.
@Amy, i have a costumer who has an application build on MVC and he is complaning that the application is hacking, ... i thought maybe because he have the MVC in the same layer and he need to separate it using a business logic layer..
No wait
that why i thought that maybe wep api application could be a solution to solve his problem,,
>the application is hacking
6:55 PM
@Amy wow trigger warning
white cis males smh
@moji maybe the way the application is written is inefficient, and the inefficiencies should be identified and fixed?
oh shit. The application is hacking? Didn't you bind the web instance outside the network safe zone?
maybe that too, but what do you think about my point, to separate the logic layer from the data layer ?
@Jeremy People get offended by every god damn thing these days.
@scheien as a people i find your comment offensive
6:56 PM
you can do that
@Jeremy as a khajiit I find you offensive
@Squiggle its not me who made the application, iam solving others misstake
i'm so offended right now
@Amy thank you
6:57 PM
My trigger is twitching
Squiggle I can't fix it.
@Amy, yes!
It's way too nice out to be sitting in the fucking office
We should all take the rest of the day off and go drink a beer or something
It's snowy and dark outside. Inside much better.
6:59 PM
@KalaJ can you show me the SmtpClient code that sends the email?
We should all take the rest of the year off and go drink a beer or something
fixed that for you
@moji I'm not sure what you mean by the 'application is hacking' - is it being exploited somehow?
but, @misha130, i like being paid
oh nono, paid vacations I mean
@mikeTheLiar i know right?
6:59 PM
i think he meant "thrashing", not "hacking"
@ScottVMeyers ;_;
i mean its slow

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