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Hello Maic.
Cabbage everyone !
Yo @PM2 [ :
Hi, random. Sorry I didn't reply earlier, I just dropped by very briefly.
@PM2Ring I understood already. I crave a quick gaze to Room 6, as well. Like when you open the door to your fridge :D
Yo @Jovito [ :
Here's my 2 cents worth on the backslash continuation issue: 1. it's ugly, 2. it's a PITA when you edit the code & need to re-fl the wrapped lines. 3. It's fragile because the backslash is escaping the following newline char, so if you put a space after the backslash it breaks. And if your editor doesn't make trailing whitespace visible you won't see that it's broken.
@PM2Ring one thing to note is that it is plausible that a listcomp without filtering could be optimized so that it reserves space for as many elements as there are in the containing list.
@PM2Ring adds and then not. Listcomps in global scope could be faster.
Hi @Jovito. I see from your profile that you're Brazilian and interested in music. Excellent! I've been wondering about how well the girls from the Sant Andreu music school in Barcelona pronounce Brazilian Portuguese. Here are a couple of examples, if you wouldn't mind listening:
Andrea Motis singing Insensatez, Rita Payés singing Vou Te Contar (Wave), Rita and Alba Armengou doing a wonderful duet on Aguas de Março.
@PM2Ring will do
@AnttiHaapala Even with filtering, I guess you could just over-allocate & trim after the list is built. But of course tha won't work if the listcomp is being fed an iterable of unknown size.
@AnttiHaapala Good point. I keep forgetting to mention that running code in the global scope sucks time-wise.
let me test :P
In [1]: foo = range(1000000)

In [2]: def bar():
   ...:     [i*2 for i in foo]

In [3]: bar()

In [4]: %timeit bar()
10 loops, best of 3: 50.9 ms per loop

In [5]: timeit [i*2 for i in foo]
10 loops, best of 3: 58.1 ms per loop
@randomhopeful As a room owner, I kinda feel obliged to read / skim the transcripts of stuff that happens when I'm not here. And because I live in a weird timezone a lot can happen. :) I try to get through the bulk of the transcripts before I start interacting in the room.
@PM2Ring idjaw/DSM usually hand off the discussion to me rather nicely :D
usually something like 2 messages in between
@Jovito Thanks! BTW, all those girls also play 1 or more instruments.
@PM2Ring The last two videos you sent are the same.
In [2]: %timeit [i * 2 for i in foo]
10 loops, best of 3: 83.4 ms per loop
python 3
@Jovito Oops! A copy-paste error, give me a second...
@PM2Ring I really hate the int unification
that's done so damn wrong
@PM2Ring The singer of Insensatez sang it almost perfectly. The second not so much, but they're both great singers.
@AnttiHaapala I'm not aware of the details, and I really don't understand why it was thought to be necessary.
the unifciation was absolutely the correct thing to do in itself
... the details then, they were as wrong as only a CPython developer could do.
@Jovito Rita does slur a bit. But I guess that makes her sound very relaxed :) FWIW, she's only 16, and she's a great trombone player. Andrea plays trumpet & saxophones (and her sister Carla plays guitar & banjo). Alba plays sax.
yeah, listcomps in python2 are slower than in py3
@PM2Ring Yeah, I noticed. I guess that makes her a little bit harder to understand, but that's ok. Why you're interested in this? Is it important that they can sing perfect portuguese?
I think the way they sing is more interesting than if they had just tried to replicate how the brazillian singers sing.
@PM2Ring So you live in Spain then?
Do you study music and/or play any instruments?
@Jovito asked this lately from a Mexican; which European language is easiest for you to understand as a speaker of Brazilian Portuguese (well, after Portuguese)
I think we can pick up spanish pretty quickly.
Both languages are very similar.
because, Mexican answered: Italian.
especially spoken.
so that's why I asked :D
I think Italian is harder.
@Jovito I just think they're great! I guess it's not that important that they sing perfect Portuguese: it sounds good enough to me. I was just curious about how they sound to a Brazilian. FWIW, I've been a fan of Tom Jobim's João Gilberto's stuff since I was a teenager & I'm now in my late 50s.
@Jovito there is this anecdote about a student returning an essay to a Spanish-language teacher, the teacher returns it and says: "I couldn't find any mistakes in it, it is just perfect. However your grade is F, as it is in Portuguese"
I assume the Sant Andreu girls speak Catalan as their mother tongue, and I assume they're perfectly fluent in Spanish. But some of those Portugeuse sounds are tricky! :)
@PM2Ring Yeah, they sound great. I love Tom Jobim too. What have you heard of his?
@PM2Ring Oh that makes more sense [ :
@AnttiHaapala lol
Someone can help me with falcon?
@Maic Ask your question. If someone can, someone will.
I use falcon + sqlalchemy
my table

class Message(Base):
__tablename__ = 'messages'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
body = Column(String)
@Jovito Everything, I hope. :) My favourite is Vou Te Contar, and I've been searching for the best version on YouTube. One of my favourites is by the delightful Marjorie Estiano. I'm just so pleased that people are keeping the old bossa stuff alive.
and post method in falcon
def on_post(self, req, resp):
    message = Message(body=json.dumps(req.get_param('body')))
when i use curl -X POST -d "body='dadada'" http://localhost:8000/messages

object creates in database but in body row, set null value, why?
@Maic set to NULL or 'null'?
and which one is that
>>> import json
>>> json.dumps({}.get('foo'))
@Jovito I used to play Girl From Ipanema on guitar, and although I love listening to jazz I'm not really a jazz guitarist, I'm more of a blues player.
@Maic one thing that can happen is if you redirect message to message/
If you haven't already.
(I don't know falcon!)
That's my favorite album of his.
@AnttiHaapala :(
did it do that?
*/messages to /messages/
@AnttiHaapala yes, still null for row:(
@Maic ahha get_param usually only contains the parameters from the query string.
@Jovito I probably have, but I'll give it another listen. YouTube is currently being a bit slow for me...
@AnttiHaapala hmm, how get from request hm
there re some keywords there...
@Maic also, did you really want the json to be "'dadada'" ;)
@Jovito I'm currently listening to that track. and I see that the whole album is on YouTube (and that it's a CTI album, so the quality is assured :) ). I'll listen to it later - I'm just about to listen to a blues program on the radio.
haha... my friend posted a theory that Trump could be successful as the POTUS economicswise because he doesn't fear debt.
morning everyone
Someone's just discovered the sane solution to Windows installation problems:
i just installed linux :) — Andrey 43 mins ago
#biglol @PM2Ring
Logged in, got +5 rep. Turns out all of them are deleted answers:D
@tristan have fun
@AnttiHaapala I moved _tkinter.pyd to a lib directory and added that to sys.path. It didn't work.
Here's sys.path:
Here's the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File " ... \embpython\stdlib.zip\Lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 35, in <module>
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
@Jovito Libraries have to be in the library search path. That typically means either the current directory or a path in the PATH environment variable, or a OS-specific place. I use Linux, but here's some relevant info for Windows: Search Path Used by Windows to Locate a DLL
@Jovito Yeah, I've been reading your posts about this problem, but I don't have much to contribute. I've never done that sort of stuff. But I have written Python code that calls functions in a .so or .dll that works both on Linux & Windows, which is why I felt qualified to comment on the libraries path issue.
I've tried moving _tkinter.pyd to the executable's dir but yeah, still getting the same error.
@Jovito Ah, ok. Sorry, I missed that you were having problems with a .pyd file. Those do have to be in a path in PYTHONPATH, as mentioned here.
This seems relevant: "You do not link your .exe with foo.lib, as that would cause Windows to require the DLL to be present."
What lib? All I have is a _tkinter.pyd file.
"In a .pyd, linkage is defined in a list of available functions."
@Jovito Rightio. Presumably you're using a standard _tkinter.pyd, so we can assume that it has been built correctly. :) But I'm wondering if it's calling DLLs that Windows can't find. But as I said earlier, I really don't know much about this stuff, so feel free to ignore me. :)
@PM2Ring Wouldn't it say so if it were?
@Jovito I guess so. Where did _tkinter.pyd come from?
i wants to post from rss feeds to twitter but i don't know from where to start
can someone tell me from where should i start it ?
I should learn C++ & Intel assembler so I can write answers like this: stackoverflow.com/a/40355466/4014959 :) It's kinda surprising to see a new question with such a high scoring answer. They certainly don't happen much these days in the Python tag.
I smell HNQ
@PM2Ring no C++ needed
@AndrasDeak Sure, that's how I found it.
rhubarb for now
@PM2Ring there was nothing C++ in the question
replace namespace by prefix, cout by printf and it's C already
@AnttiHaapala Fair enough.
I'm so tempted to post a Princess Bride "Inconceivable" link in a comment to this ;)
Ok, so two things I know:

1 - If I don't append the lib dir where _tkinter.pyd is the error I get is "No module named _tkinter" and if I do append the lib dir the error I get is "DLL load failed". So it seems python knows about it but can't load it for some reason.

2 - Linking to _tkinter.pyd makes no difference whatsoever. The error persists, whatever it is.
is it possible to crack aes algorithm which they have used in office for protection of data using python or something else ?
@Jovito This is the only thing I've found so far that might be helpful: stackoverflow.com/a/8656564/4014959
@jagdish Not really, AES is quite safe, assuming it's been used correctly.
"debug python_d.dll"
is there any other tool that can do that ?@pm2ring
I don't even know what that is.
@PM2Ring There's nothing close to that in Window's Python installation dir. All I see is python35.lib which is what I'm using.
@jagdish The tool used is irrelevant: the AES algorithm is one of the best encryption algorithms known. See Wikipedia for details.
@jagdish you can't crack aes. you can crack (brute-force) the encryption key possibly
@Jovito It looks like that OP was using a debugging build of the main Python .dll but a non-debug version of _tkinter.pyd, and the mismatch was causing him problems.
there are ways to crack incorrect use of algorithms such as AES
And of course there's always "social engineering" approaches:
how much time a python script will take to find password on a excel file (password protected )to find 15 words of length of password to crack ??
@jagdish The script looks ok. It should work if the password used is in 'wordlist.lst'.
when you have a good wordlist, it will succeed :D
@PM2Ring Guess you were right.
Still need to test.
Good luck!
@PM2Ring Speaking of that, I'm thinking about publishing a paper about the REAL social environment. Read-Evaluate-Annoy-Loop
Widely implemented in government administrations
@randomhopeful On a related note see: The Peter Principle.
This is brilliant !
That article led me to the Dunner-Kruger effect
cabbage guys
Quick question. When I query into a PostGress DB with SQLAlchemy with the following command example=User.query.all() where User is the class used to create the db
I get a wierd response
<train.User object at 0x03B5D4B0>
looks like some sort of a address in memory
I tried to print(example) which led to this "<train.User object at 0x03B5D4B0>"
train is the name of the main app
So.. I manually visited the PG DB and there is a data in the table.
@Anarach you got an User object, that is the default __repr__ - perhaps time to read the Python tutorial...
bah I'm tired
@AnttiHaapala I am actually following a tutorial which does not acknowledge the existance of this error :-(
I don't see an error
@AnttiHaapala @PM2Ring It worked.
@AndrasDeak Not an error technically, but I am not able to view my data from the DB instead I am getting this address location thing
Moved all DLLs to projroot/lib/ and appended that path to sys.path. The reason it wasn't working was that the executable couldn't find tcl86t.dll and tk86t.dll.
@Anarach That's probably a user error, with a lowercase u
Ok, now let's see about PIL.
@AndrasDeak I am using the upperCase "U" because that is what the class is called.
yes, and I'm saying that you are the one in error, not the program
@AndrasDeak Umm.. ok
@Anarach "this address location thing" is the standard default representation of an object, as returned by its __repr__ method. It may return a more user-friendly string form via its __str__ method. Or a complicated object may provide various other methods / attributes that can be accessed to get at its data. If you don't know what __repr__ and __str__ are you need to read the Python docs where those methods are explained.
@Jovito Nice, dude. Very glad for you. Why do you have to write the two Dlls in all these locations ? if you're in the mood to educate me
@PM2Ring Ok, That is what I shall do.. Thank you guys.. I was following a youtube tutorial and the guy just got the values on screen and I didnt so got a bit confused..
@Anarach With the same command you posted here ?
@randomhopeful Yup.. Exactly the same thing
@randomhopeful Its just one location really. You don't even have to link to them on Windows. (just like it said on the docs @PM2Ring)
@Anarach No worries. If you just type the name of an object in the interactive interpreter then it displays the repr of the object. But if you do print(my_object) then you'll see what its __str__ method returns.
@randomhopeful Only difference is that he was using a MYSQL DB , I am using a POSTGRESS DB
@PM2Ring I actually did that too, it returned the same thing just in the form of a list
so i did this print(example[0])
Same result
@Jovito Nice !! Thank you [ :
@Anarach Ok. It looks like you'll have to dig into the docs of the train.User object to see how to get at the stuff you want. You should be able to get some info by doing help(train.User) or help(example[0]) in the interpreter.
@Anarach what tutorial?
that teaches Flask and SQLAlchemy to people who are familiar with Python.
Full Stack Python Career scope ? I know automation is the future and hence python plays a vital role in the scenario.Are there any other libs apart from flask and django I should learn along ?
@Technologeek Pyramid. SQLAlchemy ^
lots and lots
Finally!! I have to put that thing in a for loop and then print it it seems..
What learning resources would you suggest for a mediocre C++ programmer to learn Python ?
Thank you all..
@Technologeek start from Python 3 tutorial docs.python.org/3/tutorial
@Technologeek you need to unlearn everything you learned about C++ :D
@Technologeek there are many good books wiki.python.org/moin/PythonBooks
Thanks! Right now I'm learning stuff from Head First Python.
just stay away from Learn Python the Hard Way
@Tchnolgeek This chatroom has a nice concise list for excellent quality Python primers : sopython.com/wiki/What_tutorial_should_I_read%3F
@Technologeek automatetheboringstuff.com this is nice
@AnttiHaapala Yes,been through that.Thanks a lot for your time guys.
The main thing a C++ programmer needs to remember is that Python's assignment semantics are completely different. In C an assignment generally copies a piece of data to a new location in memory. In Python, assignment binds a value to a name or container object item.
I learned from Mark Lutz' "Learning", and "Programming" books.
@Anarach if that's so, then putting it in a list() might give you a list too
I didn't read any books
"Learning" is OK, but I found "Programming" rather tedious
@holdenweb Amen ** Amen !
"Learning" was originally a collaboration between Mark Lutz and David Ascher, but Ascher dropped out of later editions
@holdenweb those sound like a nerd thug's left and right fist. "If you don't get your act together, I'll introduce you to Learning and Programming."
"Nice computer you got there, it would be a shame if anything was to happen to it"
@AndrasDeak Could you show me how to do that? If not too much to type..
@Anarach list(thing)
@AndrasDeak That's not a very good explanation.
Is it not?:P
@AndrasDeak Didnt work :-(
@Anarach OK then, sorry. I thought you meant that for x in User.query.all(): ... worked, in which case I'd expect list(User.query.all()) to be equally useful
@AndrasDeak Okya.. I might sound stupid but python is working in a weird way..
@Anarach We prefer to call it pythonic.
It's never Python's fault. Make peace with that idea, early on
@Jovito no we don't:P
these weirdnesses are usually not python's fault
I'm joking.
"for x in User.query.all() does not work
@Anarach you're suffering from PEBKAC error here
@Anarach oh, sorry, that's how I read your previous message
@Anarach haha, that's great, that's where you started from
I'm glad you sorted it out:P
but that does not solve that problem.. Apparently I have to
for ex in test:
@AndrasDeak :-)
@AnttiHaapala Where can I read about that module.__path__.append(path) trick you did? I still don't understand why it worked.
monkey-patching at its best
vim experts anyone?
hmm good article about Facebook in Finnish - did the FB decide the result of the elections
@PM2Ring I feel the Tutorials I should learn wiki entry should contain a direct link to Lexical analysis, Built-in types, Data model, Simple statements, Compound Statements.
In that order, perhaps. I found them more helpful and less overwhelming than the .org tutorials
@vinwin they could be here, but then again that room looks pretty dead-ish
Oh and Expressions
@randomhopeful I don't think that when a user is looking for a tutorial to learn the language, they expect to find a condensed collection of information such as that one
a tutorial is part pedagogy, otherwise it would be documentation
@tristan that's you in weed?
that's BMO. and BMO is an awesome character
So, just to spoil your fun: I was told that republicans are in majority in both parts of parliament, and that the head of the supreme court also passed away and will be republican (the new one, not the old one)? Can that affect those firm checks and balances of yours?
not really no
@AndrasDeak I see your point. It depends on preference, perhaps. And your definition of what a tutorial is unarguable. Still, I'm getting more and more comfortable using those same articles as an aside to the books I'm reading (sometimes, those articles take the lead). I thought it might help others since it's easily accessible as long as you apply yourself
@randomhopeful I think you're learning the language more and more, and you need less and less tutorials and more and more factual information about the features and constructs
Yo @tristan !
Hi bud :)
@AndrasDeak: plus the chief of the Court didn't pass away -- that's Roberts, and he's just fine. Your information source isn't very reliable. :-)
@AndrasDeak Oh now who's making me blush :D I get what you said. And anyway, holden's classes and the DIP 3 book are all a noob need to get going
@DSM I was making smalltalk with a colleague, who talked with an American friend. Multiple noisy channels:) Hence question mark:P I was hoping that the general situation of power shifting to the dark red side is solid (but thanks, noted)
@randomhopeful :)
So who died?:D Or is it just a matter of succession?
I don't understand
oh, maybe one of the judges, but not the boss
@AndrasDeak: Scalia died within the last year, and he was a Republican. They're running with 8 of 9 now, and the Ds gambled they'd win and be able to nominate the next. RBG was waiting to retire, too.
@tristan which part? I didn't sleep much, and I'm probably making even less sense than usual
@AnttiHaapala found an even better way to solve the namespace package path problem.
pil_nsp = PyImport_ImportModule("PIL");
pil_path = PyObject_GetAttrString(pil_nsp, "__path__");
lib_path = PyUnicode_FromString(LIB_PATH);
PyList_Append(pil_path, lib_path);
@DSM hmm....
awful that is
@AndrasDeak Oh, the "who died" part. I didn't know if you were asking because all the histrionics/sky-is-falling on the internet the past day.
@AnttiHaapala why?
There was something about an office that is assigned for life. Is that possible? I see some judges that retired from the supreme court
@Jovito you're doing the same as I do, but in C, my approach is awful, that is :d
Now I don't have to do PIL.__path__(path/to/lib) on every module that uses PIL.
That's why it's better.
ah you were supposed to execute that as Python code from C, during initialization
@tristan nah, I just (mis?)understood what my colleague told me, something about some high office being mortally vacant, and being filled by a republican for life now (in addition to republican majority everywhere)
@AndrasDeak Well, we don't literally work people to death in the US. It's a position they're free to serve for life.
@tristan you still have a long way to go
not to worry, we shall lead the way:D
@AnttiHaapala :)
Some day we will require supreme court justices to live at the bench, and when they die, we will convert their minds to AIs that serve until the machines they run on die.
Finally I'm happy again.
I can even answer my own question.
@tristan perfect!
SCOTUS 2.0: The Scotusing
@Jovito: congratulations! Some of us have been following your struggles, even if we don't know enough about bundling to be of any help. :-)
yeah, the least we can do is to downvote your self-answer
@AndrasDeak: that's what is for, after all..
@AndrasDeak I'll make an effort to decrease the possibility of that happening.
can I get the link for downvote answer?
I don't think it's written yet
we're encouraging Jovito right now
@khajvah I'm afraid you will have to wait til its written.
you can downvote the question in the mean time, and vote to close
well, flag to close
Oops. My finger slipped.
I'll upvote the question to cancel your downvote. The system works.
I read the question out of curiosity, and I don't understand a bloody thing in it, as expected
@AndrasDeak thanks for explicitly pointing out my flaws
Thanks to whoever that was.
And to everyone that helped.
@Jovito Is this the tkinter issue?
@khajvah at least you can get the flag badges easily now. After 3k you need to wait a lot, few things to flag (unless you piggy-back Bhargav's NATOBot)
Guess I'm going to hang around here and try to help others too however I can.
@Jovito Nice :) You'll get along well in here.
ok I read the title
and stopped
"Windows", eh?
talk about off-putting
sorry, I'm done:D
Such is our world.
@Jovito "I solved it!!! I have discovered a truly marvelous way to do this, which this margin is too narrow to contain."
there I wrote it for you
very original:D
@AnttiHaapala Nice.
@tristan You mean what's the question about? Yeah, Windows couldn't find _tkinter.pyd and python was complaining with an ImportError.
Then it couldn't find tcl86t.dll and tk86t.dll even though it didn't mention any of those files by name.
@Jovito Ah, cool. I mentioned I was going to put a bounty on it, so it looks like I can keep my e-points now.
just this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File " ... emb\stdlib.zip\Lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 35, in <module>
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
@tristan I beat you to it.
Errors like that can be frustrating because half the time you know that the fix is going to be pretty short in the end but you have no idea what it is.
Yet another aspect of life where lack of time travel kicks us in the butt. #causalityproblems
I only found out what was really going on after I fired up ProcessMonitor and looked at the system calls that were being made.
mapo tofu <3
I've been suspecting that Antti has food Tourette's
That reminds me: I have to eat.
@AndrasDeak I do. sichuan peppers
turns out you can get a hangover from vodka. <3 coffee
@tristan are you just finding that out?
@khajvah i'm getting old m'man
soon: wait, food makes you fat?
I guess it's normal, vodka is not as popular as in Armenia
@tristan that happened to me already
@tristan let me guess, that was American "vodka"?
never heard that Russian causes hangovers :d
@AnttiHaapala McVodka
@AnttiHaapala nah, russian standard. i was mostly kidding about not knowing about vodka hangovers.
I'm pretty sure hangover is a reaction to the body having to dispose of all that ethanol, so I'm not surprised if any kind of alcohol can give you a hangover.
how do you guys recover?
@AnttiHaapala Best kind of yes, since it skips to lethal alcohol poisoning :D
I need a few more tips
@khajvah cup of coffee
hair of the dog?:D
that's it?
@khajvah Döner kebab, orange juice, ibuprofen/paracetamol, more vodka
i'm mostly playing it up for sake of the joke. i didn't break myself on a wednesday night at home playing video games
@Technologeek Here are a couple of paragraphs with excellent diagrams that expand on what holdenweb said: Other languages have "variables", Python has "names".
lots of mors juice, coffee, all the water that can go down is a good "cure" though
@AndrasDeak Hangover is result of dehydration, which is caused by ethanol.
hmm... morse juice... --- ... -. -. ...
@RomanLuštrik there you go
@AndrasDeak I also read that it's your body dehydrating like mad and that means that dying of thirst translates to feeling hungover for the last hours of your life
I avoid the problem by simply not drinking enough to give myself a hangover, which is a pretty substantial amount. I don't think I've had a hangover since college.
if you walk in the desert, you'll get hung over
Correction. Hangover is a mediocre movie starring Zach Galifinapple
ok I found out nothing new about recovering from hangovers

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