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rhubarb, DSM
@AndrasDeak @AndrasDeak wat!!!
I finally got myself to read the "Sith Lord Jar Jar theory", it's pretty interesting. But I'd hate to give up my burning hate for episodes I-III
@AndrasDeak youtube.com/watch?v=miVRaoR_8xQ have you seen this?
it gets very nsfw/crass in points, but it's relevant to star wars theories
thanks, that might be too fresh for me
I mean, I don't want too much speculation for movies I look forward to watching
have you seen his original star wars reviews?
I consider this theory to mostly relate to the old-new trilogy
@tristan nope
oh my, they're amazing (NSFW)
@tristan Oh I have!:D
that one, the "who the hell is Qui Gonn"
I mean, flat-as-yam characters, etc
Yeah, they cover all three. The new one talks about the new movie and star wars in general.
is that the intermezzo-I-am-a-serial-killer guy?
the skits are the worst part of them
Yeah, that I didn't like. I'll consider watching the new one, thanks:)
I didn't mind the new one
I enjoyed it. I don't want to spoil anything, because the issues I had with it are huge spoilers
It was an entertaining pew pew yay star wars movie
I am using pip install and some library needs gcc4 to compile, but my gcc is on version 6. What should I do?
Look for help with that library. Seems weird that it needs and old gcc version.
There is an opened issue where the guy says "I think the gcc is the problem as I still use the gcc 4 series under Linux for development."
re-heated coffee in the microwave and a kit-kat
I'm livin' the dream
Found a package called gcc49 which has gcc on version 4.
@idjaw poor thing
microwaved coffee should be illegal
Still get a compilation error, maybe the pip install thing is just using gcc and not gcc-4.9
@AndrasDeak I know...but I have this strong rule with wasting food, and there was just too much coffee left to throw away
this is also why I.....*sigh*.....sometimes pack away my kids leftovers and make it part of my lunch the next day :P
do you want the stalecoffeeists to win?
replaced /usr/bin/gcc with /usr/bin/gcc-4.9, still didn't work.
I can see gcc -pthread -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare ... on stdout from pip, maybe is not the compiler version after all...
Just apply that user's patch and build it with a modern compiler.
Rhubarb all, going to vote.
rbrb @davidism
happy voting! :)
have fun
Isn't it a portability problem to include C code in packages?
depends on the audience
at some point you have dependencies
C can be a nightmare for dependencies when some code demands stuff to be in a particular place.
it's a portability problem to rely on deprecated/undefined behaviour that breaks in newer versions of the same compiler
The problem is deprecated software that I have to install. Wish I could replace it, but it is not my project.
Would it be better to ship the binaries?
OK, I got inspired by the mod elections, pushed myself past 1k close vote reviews right now:D
I feel so useful! (not)
Run for mod
Oh wow, calm down.
Jeez Andras
great answers in there
yup :|
I'll sleep on it and downvote them tomorrow
that's really how I spell kwalitee
I'll also keep it open to delvote 2 days from now:D
The accepted answer is downvotable
@wim yes, so are a few others
but I like being just and downvoting everything I see
that explanation is pretty bad
exceptions are not something to feared, with the exception of UnicodeError exceptions. Those means you're in for a long night ...
table flipping fun!
and also IaIaCthulhuFthagnException
Isn't that exception unknowable? Indescribable? Uncatchable?
working on codebase where they mix text and bytes be like ...
good night, y'all
rbrb @AndrasDeak
later andras
How to get through to this annoying guy? stackoverflow.com/q/40497587/674039
@davidism Is it ok to post my question here?
- he says his question is not a dupe of how to make constants because he wants it to be like an enumeration
- he says his question is not a dupe of how to make enumerations because he wants it to be like a constant.
@wim I don't understand how this did not help them based on what they are trying to do.
I was pretty much thinking that if they were so inclined to impose such a restriction in the code, they would have to create some kind of shenanigan around a setter that would ensure value is never changed from its original state
@davidism Nevermind, just read the rules.
@Jovito Thanks for reading the rules. For what it's worth, you're definitely not the type of person that made that rule exist in the first place.
If it doesn't get an answer in a few days, let me know and I'll throw a bounty on it
Cool! Thanks.
tristan - politics question. Is it possible for this to be the closest presidential race? According to my incredible research skills, the closest was between JFK and Nixon?
@idjaw we'll know after it's done
hillary and her connections control the media, so it's impossible to know how close it actually was until after
yeah...everything is all speculation and mediaspeek
you online for a while?
I mean, even Google donated to the clinton foundation.
Yep! Drinking beer and un-yamming code I wrote earlier in the year
if anyone is around with a hammer: stackoverflow.com/questions/40499370/…
@tristan I might catch you later tonight. Gotta go to church hockey :)
How am I supposed to get any points when you people never sleep? :P
@idjaw Enjoy ice church :)
Drive safe and have fun, bud :)
always! :)
@Programmer Most days I don't even look at questions on SO, so don't blame me ;)
I stopped bothering cause I'm mediocre at best. I don't use good practice and don't even know the extent of basic features, tbh.
I should start trying though because I'll probably pick up a lot along the way...
1 hour later…
or, if you're watching the us elections, mourning
@Pythonist please read the room rules sopython.com/chatroom
Every time I'm thinking of watching a movie, a new RLM comes out for it. Still thinking of seeing Dr. Strange after it.
@vaultah I answered it, and they guy doesn't even say anything... :D
@AndyK to be fair, I was pinged here by someone who was asking me questions on my nomination.
take care davidism
Cabbage :-)
hem this got interesting now
Bloody 1 rep OPs. The kid didn't respond to my clarification comment, and obviously didn't read the first sentence in my answer. He initially accepted my answer, then after he realised that he does want to copy the last list item he retracted the accept. I then posted updated code, but have had no new feedback from the OP.
Hi, Wally.
Hi! been to a mental rehab
The past 30 days
Eating and sleeping all day
Sounds good. Did it help?
Yes. I am reformed
I don't wanna go there again
... and cbg.
I was forced into that rehab. I don't know if that's even legal
things are happening
@idjaw yeah, your immigration dept, or whatever it is, website collapsed
Oh my, 'murica. What are you doing?
@AnttiHaapala dude...you weren't kidding..it really is!
voting for the president that it deserves, that will make it great
@idjaw national news here :P
I guess I am going to start my day with a beer
we have a sprint review+planningmeeting at 10...
I am rather scared for the world.
@JRichardSnape Me too. Something very similar is happening to Brazil right now.
Seems all over the place.
I don't really use this chat at home, but rip america, and rip canada's job and immigration site and rip global econamy
my friend (the one writing his dissertation) still believes in Clinton winning
low odds but still could happen
He is overtired, probably from writing his dissertation
nighty night
@AnttiHaapala I just got back from hockey. So I'm catching up on everything.
This is wacky
says michigan & wisconsin would be enough, cities yet to report in
You thought DST was bad. It looks like Americans will now have to turn their clocks back 50 years.
It's unreal.
@AnttiHaapala Nah - as far as I can see Trump only needs Florida. He has 244 of 270 needed and Florida is 29 college votes.
but wisconsin looks bad already
It's unbelievable
@JRichardSnape I think he has Florida already
it could be wisconsin it is :/
Ach - maybe Florida is in the count. I'm not sure now. It says projection, but based on 100% votes counted.
@PM2Ring tempted to a custom close "Because Jon Skeet said so" there.
@JRichardSnape florida 99 % counted on this map, 2 % margin...
Google says he's got Florida Live summary link
Mmmm, yeah, consensus is that he has. Bl**dy hell. What a mess.
and Hillary projected (yet again) to be more popular
so yes, the elections are rigged - for republicans, as the traditional wisdom says
alright lads, American fell for the meme
@AnttiHaapala deopends on Pennsylvania
without it, she is gone
Just to change the subject (briefly)... Is there a simpler way to do what I'm doing here? My first version is ok (I guess), but I get the feeling that there may be a more idiomatic way to do that second version that handles the final partial chunk.
@PM2Ring isn't that just a duplicate of the general "generate chunks"
@PM2Ring yield list(islice)
also you're not using n
yeah but New hapshire is not important
Trump is winning Pennsylvania
pennsylvania 98.3%
Pennsylvania+ wisconsin
that's it
or Michigan + Wisconsin
this seems to be over
@khajvah so we will see if Trump is as crazy as he seems or if you were right after all
we're fucked
@AnttiHaapala yea, I just think people are overreacting to him
@khajvah seriously?
but he is not an idiot for sure
@Jovito Clinton wanted to start a war with Russia
@AnttiHaapala Oh yeah. :) Thanks! I've added an islice solution.
@AnttiHaapala What do you mean? All of those chunks generators have for _ in range(n)
@AnttiHaapala Trump is crazy like a fox. With rabies.
@khajvah Someone with no previous political experience is getting to be the president of one of the most powerful countries of the world. He talks and thinks like a spoiled little brat, believes all black people live in the inner cities, doesn't believe in climate change, and whose idea of immigration policy is to build a WALL.
there are more important things than climate change, I am not sure about black people, and the wall is ridiculous, though it is completely fine to deport illegal immigrants
I'm not saying Hillary isn't shitty as well. Yes, she most certainly is. But common, a pile of shit is not the same as a 100-stories high tower of shit.
@khajvah you don't realize what the "illegal immigrants" mean to the united states
I would rather not support somebody whose policies can lead to military conflict between Russa and USA
the illegal immigrants are 3.5 % of the country's population
they do the low-end jobs there in several states
@AnttiHaapala yeah lots of Armenians too, finally people would return :D
if Abraham Lincoln were alive today, he'd reckon they're the todays slaves now.
and that's how far the "Republican" party has come
@AnttiHaapala ok fast food prices will go up a little
are you saying that the economy will considerably hurt ?
@Jovito In Australia, a few elections ago our main left-wing party promised to tackle climate change. They said they wouldn't introduce a carbon tax, but would instead institute some form of incentive to reduce CO2 emissions. After they won, they introduced an Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme which penalized CO2 emissions, but which allowed companies to offset the penalty through trading carbon points (roughly speaking).
@Jovito The right-wing opposition party (which contains several climate change deniers) attacked it mercilessly, saying it was a carbon tax, and they managed to win the next election. They got rid of the CPRS almost straight away. Another one of their "progressive" measures was to slow down the roll-out of a national optic fibre data network.
@khajvah there are ~3M armenians in total
the number of illegal immigrants to the USA is 12M
the slice of their economy, even in mcjobs is at least 10 times the size of economy of Armenia.
yeah it is done
@PM2Ring This is not a left-wing/right-wing issue and I don't care for those simplistic divisions. Whoever gets to be in power should enact policies and make efforts to reduce human impact on global climate. I don't think Trump even knows what climate change is.
Wisconsin: 95 % reporting: 49 - 45.8
This is not the news I wanted to wake up to
trump 100 % certain to get Wisconsin
@Jovito I agree that something like climate change should transcend party lines, but unfortunately in many places (including Australia) there is a strong correlation between being right-wing and proudly denying or down-playing climate change. Such people tend to attack any plans that might offset climate change, saying that they're economically irresponsible.
tha's 264
America had a segfault.
ah sorry 274
Guardian calls 264 for Trump but it doesn't include Wisconsin which is only 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 % certain
so that's it
God damn it America...
96 % reporting in WI, 3.1 percentage unit margin
CNN doesn't want to announce that it's Trump
and naturally majorities in congress
damnit :D
@AnttiHaapala he is winning in Michigan too
this is over
who cares :d
wisconsin was enough
This is why we can't have anything nice
@AnttiHaapala you are assuming that all of them fairly go to work, work their asses off for less than minimum wage and come home to sleep
cheap workforce comes with criminals
criminals have positive net effect on GDP
@AnttiHaapala in case electors mess up :D
@AnttiHaapala I don't think that effect is felt by lawful Americans
@khajvah GDP is bullshit naturally
@AnttiHaapala plus Americans could pay a little more for their groceries for a little more security
@khajvah you speak like putin :d
really? I though Putin was a thug himself
let's see how the mexican wall will look like
Did any of the major news channels declared Trump the winner yet?
it is the Hillary Clinton email...
that tipped the scales
none of the Bushes voted for Trump
any canadian firms hiring that sponsor visas? for 4-8 years
@JoranBeasley you really do believe he would get 4 more?
I didnt think he would get the first four ...
@JoranBeasley canada's immigration website is down
@JoranBeasley haha right.
@AnttiHaapala yeh hehe i saw that
the dow lost 800 points so far tonight .... it lost 460 on 9/11 ...
thank someone i have many years to go before retirement ... I guess
@JoranBeasley Today the Aussie stockmarket dropped 103.90 points (from 5,238.30), which equates to about $38 billion (Australian dollars).
meh thats like 0.6 % ... afaik DOW is up to ~5% and nikke is at 3.5% off
gold and silver are doing gangbusters though
More like 1.94%, but anyway...
oh wow yeah ... my math was terrible there :P i though you said 15k not 5k :P
@JoranBeasley Dear lord
The US had dicker presidents, but I really didn't think this was going to happen
isn't it all the more like 1984
airstrip one has seceded from the EU to join Oceania.
I didnt think he would win either... I figured the polls were missing something and it would be closer than they expected
but they were so far off ... if this was a bunch of test scores we could almost say with 100% certainty there was cheating based on the std error of the predictions
I had a feeling he would... Still surprising though
If anyone wants a quick distraction from impending doom, you could make me very happy by showing me how to express the force equation of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… as python function (e.g., with numpy). physics product rules confuse me...
Well, anyway, thanks Obama
in other news NV/VA/MA just legalized pot ... so i guess that will help their states residents handle the next four years
@JoranBeasley and CA for recreational use?
meh i didnt see what you deleted ... but i doubt it would have offended me or upset me :P i got pretty thick skin
ya VA == CA
alll 3 for recreation ...
Now I can't wait to hear his inaugural speech. I told you, that old bat is no match to my huedgeness. There gonna be no more rapists, except me but it doesn't count because I'm the president. The GOP is my bitch. I'll nuke them if they ever pull that pre-election crap on me again. My advisors are telling me to apologize, I'm sorry. Nuclear targets will always be foreign. Like that Mexico dump. Hey Warren Buffet, f-ck you! Sixtyfive billion this you non-president ugface.
@randomhopeful alraedy gave a speech
@khajvah No, the one for the White penthouse. January, I think
lol and now S&P 500 index has halted trading because the drop triggered safety shutoffs
And the Canadian immigration website has crashed due to high loads ;-)
canada is trolling
yeah i saw that ... amazing what one night can do :(
Heh, this is Bush 1 and 2 and 3 all over again. :)
I have $100 worth of traffic tickets
Some sweet keytar licks on Trump's victory speech live broadcasting, yo
It stopped : /
I need a safety plan
Guys, don't overreact, it's gonna be fine
Yo @AndyK and laters
ok im depressed, disapointed, and ashamed...Im going to bed... maybe ill sleep... in the end im sure that we will come out the other side ok
Cya Joran. Take care.
Laters @Joran. We're having a laugh, the world is heading for the gutter regardless of who's assuming presidency, if that's any solace :D
European countries have been electing shitbags left and right, so Trump is nothing new.
@RomanLuštrik this election had only one outcome
electing a shitbag
It is going to be the same wars, same policies. Nothing will change.

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