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@holdenweb Would you like that mentioned and linked in What tutorial should I read?
I was going to make a fun website :D
@IljaEverilä ^wanna join
Is Finnish fun similar to the fun of the rest of the world?;)
a web page that if you go there, it will detect what is your WIFI router model and tries to hack the admin password there
@IljaEverilä should be simple
@AndrasDeak doesn't look that way. :p
haven't tried it myself though
haha, yeah, it doesn't:D
Finnish fun:
anticipation heightens
"OK.. I am outta beer. What should I do... εὕρηκα! I will make a small operating system kernel, nothing professional like Gnu Hurd"
did the presence of beer lead to the huge monolithic kernel?
@PM2Ring That would be nice, though of course the classes presume an O'Reilly teaching environment that is no longer available ...
yeah, you kind of understand why Minix sucked when not sober.
And maybe someone other than me should take a look from a quality point of view ...
Can anyone please check the edit in this question stackoverflow.com/q/40404325/3646408 if possible.
Is the answer posted incorrect or I am missing something?
@AbhishekBhatia too recent question, and you've been here a lot of times
why don't you ask Divakar whose answer doesn't seem to work for you?
you did that...2 minutes ago
I have a question
@khajvah is it related to a recent question on main?:P
how do you do email stuff from your web apps? Do you have a seperate server that handles only emails?
Ah, sorry, wrong question
@holdenweb well the answer was correct
Depends on what you want to send.
@AndrasDeak I have been here after really 3-4 months. I think you are confusing me with someone else. :)
You typically use SMTPlib or something layered upon it. The exact details depend on your environment.
@Withnail signup confirmation, payment confirmation, ect...
@holdenweb Ok. I'll hack together a short preamble from the relevant chat posts you've just made. Give me a couple of minutes...
I tend to use Mailgun for anything approaching production.
I don't want to stall my main web app
Which I found, BTW, by entering "python send mail from web app" into a Google searhc window.
@AbhishekBhatia we go a long way back in the MATLAB room. Remember constantly being pestered to read the answer to your questions?
Is it in django? Mailgun drops straight in as a mail backend for django.
@Withnail oh cool
Just like you could have, rather than asking the list. Then you might have had an interesting question to ask ... there's a fine line between assistance and abuse sometimes
Or are you another @AbhishekBhatia? :D Not the one who did a lot of image recognition and calibration?
[sulks crabbily in the corner]
With that sort of thing, I'd tend to ask here, for a more considered/curated opinion, rather than google - I read that more as a 'how do YOU' rather than a 'HOW do you'... question, iyswim
@AndrasDeak yeah :). But you said I did that 2 mins ago which confused me.
What do I know, I'm full of Friday cheer
BTW if anyone is interested in hearing Travis Oliphant talk about recent changes to Continuum's computational projects, I'm trying to arrange a meeting next Thursday in cahoots with PyData London
@khajvah yes you pretty much need a separate server that handles emails nowadays
My builds are green, there's 4.75 hours left to go.
the thing is, more often than not, if you send email it doesn't get through
I'll ping the list when/if I have a confirmed venue, date and time
@AbhishekBhatia I said you just asked Divakar (whose answer doesn't work for you) on main, in a comment, about your issue. And you also asked here about your question without waiting for him to answer, and all this on a question that is less than a day old. That's wrong on multiple levels.
you need to configure SPF, sending addresses, reply server, blablablablabla and these are really brittle.
@AndrasDeak Ok, sorry. :)
@khajvah just look at roundup / issues.python.org
@Withnail and mailgun doesn't work, not in the freest settings.
@AnttiHaapala free/paid seems to concern only email amount
outlook in the clouds blocks mg completely.
what do you use, Antti?
I am using a custom postfix server with shitloads of configs from a reputable IP and crossing my fingers, that so far.
And @Abhishek dude you really need to read Divakar's answer properly. It works fine. You're not reading the answer to your question properly. For the umpteenth time
or amazon ses.
what does not work? email delivery.
hm I use amazon aws alrady
what do I attempt to use it for: email delivery and ....
Interesting, I hadn't seen that issue crop up with outlook/MG
@Withnail this is cloud outlook, they've blacklisted all free mg IPs.
Ohhhhh, that might be it, i've always had a paid account.
Ah well, yet more reasons to move to mandrill for next project.
it was a bit of a problem because the company I am doing this project for uses outlook 365 for internal email...
there is absolutely no way of telling M$ to not put these into spam.
Google would very happily categorize them as HAM as we had SPF and such in order.
@AndrasDeak For example I posted, it doesn't work. right?
Works fine. Period.
amazon has everything
they are good
@AndrasDeak But (array([0, 2]) is not a element in the matrix?
It is not.
So it discovered array([0, 2]) and array([0, 1]) as maximum elements?
good luck
and cbg folks :)
@AndrasDeak does it return a rows array and a columns arrays?
@idjaw the dupe should clearly be to "missing parentheses to print"
@AbhishekBhatia that should be clear if you read the answers to your question properly. That's all I'll say about this, please stop asking about this here.
maybe it's not.....it does address it
yup, same info in dupe as accepted answer
@AndrasDeak Oh, sorry. I refered to the docs before also but got confused. Should have looked deeper. Anyways thanks so much for pointing it out.
16 mins ago, by Andras Deak
@AbhishekBhatia we go a long way back in the MATLAB room. Remember constantly being pestered to read the answer to your questions?
and you thought I confused you with somebody
@Withnail Thanks! installing libmysqlclient-dev helped me, successfully installed mysqlclient
@AndrasDeak yeah
yaaay! my first django project works now
im so excited
Congrats @MaxLunar
I think ill stuck in next problem soon, because its always something doesnt work when I do it
@PM2Ring Pretty good, though I'd change "For such people" to "Fir experienced programmers" to remove a possible ambiguity. Thanks!
@holdenweb Fixed
@MaxLunar sounds like you are motoring now!
@PM2Ring thanks - looks good. Over time, maybe I can improve the material and move it to Notebooks - that might be fun ...
But first I have to finish a complete read-through of Nutshell 3rd Ed - all 700+ pages of it!
Morning cabbage.
@Morgan did you praise Nightcrawler the other day?
@holdenweb >trying to install pillow : got error with libjpeg8. > trying to reinstall libjpeg8 : got bunch of errors. >commenting line with debian repo and installing it again : oh, its finally work?!. And the same with first django project, and with almost everything i touch to
@holdenweb randomhopeful is pretty keen at looking at tutorials, and still new enough that he can see them from a newbie's perspective. But I guess it'd be good for a more experienced Python coder to take a look at your lessons too...
@AndrasDeak Yup.
well I hope it gets registered on your karma or something:P
Hahaha, how come?
It's a really good movie which I intensely disliked:D
Yeah, it's definitely a hard movie to watch.
but it's a bad-for-me movie which is done really well, and Gyllenhaal really is amazing in it
so I do get why you praised it, but it made my skin crawl
Oh, mine too.
(as intended, I guess)
@MorganThrapp I liked it but wouldn't watch it the second time
morning everyone
Which is why I liked it. Not many movies can get that intense of an emotional response from me.
morning @corvid
@khajvah Oh, yeah, me neither.
Morning, corvid.
@MorganThrapp haha, next time start your movie recommendations with that line:D
@corvid cbg
In that same vein, I just watched Thirteen last night. The pacing was a little off, but it was another one that just really hits hard.
I'll add it to my not-to-watch list:D
I don't think I could watch it again, but I'm glad I saw it.
I was camping in the North the whole week, no internet
The Crow In The North!
did you keep telling yourself that Wifi is coming?
"The crow flies from the north" sounds like some spy talk
I like reading bad reviews of movies that score really high on rottentomatoes
cult movies are the worst
*re-enacts previous arguments about The Shining*
(spared you guys ten minutes)
I liked Malcolm, but I didn't understand how Malcolm X followed on from it. And I don't know what happened to the other 8 movies...
oh you!
anyone here work with raw postgres queries? Trying to do something relatively simple
@corvid yes, go ahead
I want to create an "initial migration" that will create the database if it does not exist. Then I want to create a user for that database. First of all, is that the correct way to do it? Secondly, how would you create the user?
@corvid no it is not correct :D
create the user first
and db
also, do you use some ORM with this?
or are you still JSing?
@corvid user, as in the db user to access the db?
@AnttiHaapala I'm using knex, but it's a very basic adapter that is really more like a query-builder than an actual ORM
@idjaw yeah, it does not have to be terribly secure because it is only a dev server
Antti's advice is the correct approach. user first.
and use that user to create the db
or at least ensure permissions are done so that user is the sole authority on that db
User first unless you anticipate deleting the user and not the database for some reason
I'd never give a server authority to my soul
cgb \o happy friday
@AndrasDeak I gave facebook authority to my soul
the internet knows me more than I know myself
knex.raw('CREATE USER dev')
  .then(() => knex.raw(`CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ${dbName}`))
that's the basic idea?
I've never used knex. I'm assuming that the user being used is whatever is in the knex object?
@MooingRawr cbg, you too
@idjaw It's just a raw query, really, just handles the connection
and you can then make another call to clean up permissions?
@corvid and if CREATE USER dev fails....
reading the python progression path, apprentice to guru, for the accepted answer, step 9, it recommends using dictionaries and functions over classes in Python... im guessing the dicts are like attributes and the "class instances" but why?
@MooingRawr you read it incorrectly
huh ? Annoy your cubicle mates every time they present you with a Python class. Claim it could be "better" implemented as a dictionary plus some functions. Embrace functional programming. o.o I ugh isn't what?
you should take it as "you don't need a class for plain old data, as you can just use a dictionary"
@AnttiHaapala I think it is because I keep getting an error back... hrmph
@MooingRawr it's a joke
oh..... i thought it was saying replace classes with dicts and functions......
@MooingRawr joke
but all of those are half-true though
As was said last night-- it's python. Almost everything is a dict already
sigh i need to wake up lol thanks.... I was reading through it and im like i know half of these but some of them i dont understand xD
@AnttiHaapala I remember a very insightful Pycon talk where the speaker talks about overusing classes
I can't find it for the life of me : /
@randomhopeful "stop writing classes"
and then Ronacher posted "start writing more classes" or sth
@AnttiHaapala, here is basically what I am doing, it's relatively agnostic of JS and mostly just plain database stuff. Anything immediately catch your eye as wrong?
Nice, dude, thank you : D
Let's just forget about the fact that the only effective keyword that could be used to sum up the talk is also its title
i remember seeing that one xD it was part of the "chain" of youtube videos on pycon lol
why not just make a talk called "use classes appropriately"
cause that's not a click bait title xD
Yeah, Jack Deidrich ("Stop Writing Classes" dude) is a good speaker
@corvid not cool enough
@corvid Not as "zingy" as "stop writing classes"
@MooingRawr Internally, a Python class uses a dict to do attribute lookup (mostly, but there are exceptions). So when you're using a class you're using a dict anyway. And if your class is mostly just to hold a bunch of data together with a couple of methods tacked on it's often simpler to forget about creating a class and just use a dict with a regular function or two.
i see, i was thinking something along those lines but i didnt understand where the sub classes and how dicts and functions would replace em and got confused
or you could use SimpleNamespace
Sure, if you do really need the full power of OOP, inheritance, etc, then use a class. But if you don't really need that stuff, keep things light-weight, and don't replicate Java in Python.
@PM2Ring That's clear enough for me to understand
replicating the java in python....that's a paddlin'
inheritance is mostly not powerful :d
now I'm happy that I put all my shit in dicts during post-processing
and for anything else, you don't need no stinking classes
@AnttiHaapala spoken like a true Java dev
yeah, its lambdas all the way down
when I run my server via python3 /root/djangoenv/bin/lunar/manage.py runserver manually, it works. But when i try to launch this with supervisor, it spawns error and doesnt write any logfile. Again ive stucked into problem, duh
don't use runserver :)
just bare manage.py?
no, i mean use a proper app server. Gunicorn or uwsgi. They'll place nice with supervisor
I don't know any of these tools but gunicorn sounds fabulous
oh crap
Hey @randomhopeful At some stage, you might like to take a look at the Python classes that holdenweb wrote for O'Reilly a few years ago. I just added the links to What tutorial should I read?
@AndrasDeak uwsgi is better
@AndrasDeak What do you use to serve stuff?
@Withnail plates...
(uwsgi is probably better, but has a steeper learning curve imo)
@Withnail also supports cool stuff like websockets
If you think of what parts of the stack there are: I don't do any of that:D
@PM2Ring I'll make sure to [ :
@randomhopeful Excellent. He'd love any feedback you may have
hey guys why this:`lst = [1,2,3,*[4,5,6]]` gives `Expected:]`
isnt it correct? I was expecting it to return `[1,2,3,4,5,6]`
what python version ? @Mahesha999 It works as expected in py3
@PM2Ring Will do [ : I'll begin to say that @holdenweb, that's some substantial explain-illustrate effort !
What, the classes? They generated about half my income in good years
So it was worth expending the effort!
@Mahesha999 works for me
ohhh!!! it is indeed working but PyDev eclipse plugin is giving error...may be it is evaluating against older syntax...
sorry nope its not working...I just had glance to old output and felt it did indeed work
I am running python 3.4.4
3.4.4 (v3.4.4:737efcadf5a6, Dec 20 2015, 20:20:57) [MSC v.1600 64 bit (AMD64)]
I am getting

lst = [1,2,3,*[4,5,6]]
SyntaxError: can use starred expression only as assignment target
that arrow is below ',' after 3
isn't 3.4.4 too old?
or is that even valid in newer python?
3.5.2 it works on that
Yes, works in 3.5 giving [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
There are some new * features in python 3, I don't remember when they were added though, or what they are
so on 3.5.2 its working?
@KevinMGranger my situation exactly
@AnttiHaapala nice talk, terrible questions
in the end
I really don't think I understand how databases are supposed to be initialized :\ do you just expect the developer to set it up with a user themselves?
? is this a work environment question?
Who is "you" in this context? Typically, I am the developer.
Am I supposed to imagine that I'm a devops person right now
I Am Legend Developer.
@tristan sorta. I've used MongoDB frequently and if the database/user does not exist, a wrapper like mongoose will create it. That doesn't seem to be the case with postgres, but I am not sure what I am actually supposed to do. Just tell them to use createuser and createdb?
I am the DevOops
@corvid lol a DB wrapper will just silently create users and DBs? that's awful behavior for anything non-trivial.
yes, just createuser and createdb or just do a command line psql -c "CREATE USER..."
@tristan it's mostly for a dev environment so it can be pretty unsafe, it will connect to a real database in the future
Who is them in your sentence? Is someone asking you if they received a database in not the desired state?
"them" is anyone working with the platform, which can be designers or programmers
What about candlemakers?
Postgres defines a root user as part of the installation, but it's customary not to use that for building systems
@tristan I watched that AT episode* where Jake went into itself and found all his imaginary friends voiced by Billy West from Futurama
So touching
Follow up: say that a cowboy, a policeman, a construction worker, a "tough guy" leather biker, a man in tribal outfit, and an army guy wanted to use the DB. I'm trying to walk this towards a Y.M.D.B.A. joke
@randomhopeful i think i missed that one. i haven't seen AT in years
I saw it, although it was a while ago
@tristan I think you would've remembered it since his most special friend was clearly Billy West doing Fry's voice
@corvid but yeah, it's standard to get a fresh DB and then create roles/DBs as you need, then have your migrations/application initialization configure tables
youtube.com/watch?v=KPeRybHE9H0 yeah, i didn't see it
^^^^ +1
Don't think I picked up that it was Billy West.
Not just* that, but every imaginary friend was the voice of a Futurama character
It's a pretty good episode. I like it when they explore some aspect of the world to its absurd conclusion, in this case jake's stretchy powers.
Although the golden standard is still the one where he stretches himself a couple miles long as they explore a labyrinth.
I really like the one where Jake is on the endless monster train.
My IRL friends haven't watched the show in years but we still quote "uh-uh, that floor got traps" on a weekly basis
Man all your moments are the best ones
Oh wait. Maybe I lied. Lemongrab has some amazing scenes
Then the psychic tandem war elephant at the end, which is an unresolved plot point for like four seasons XD
I think I've played more Adventure Time Munchkin than iIve watched adventure time. I should fix this.
Ron Perlman's moments are pretty intense too
If Massachusetts legalizes marijuana for recreational purposes, there is no way that I'm not going to marathon adventure time episodes
@tristan I love that they got Justin Roland for that.
I've never watched this
@randomhopeful Whoa, I don't know how I never noticed that he was the lich.
hehehe this show is great
@MorganThrapp There's a scene where he talks about the creation of the universe where it couldn't be not him : D
i remember watching the pilot like a decade ago and thinking it was just an extended cartoon for wonder showzen (pretty offensive show, probably NSFW, so don't go crazy sampling it on youtube at work)
@Kevin sorry for diverting onto work, but do you use EF / nHibernate?
How easy is it to make a set of data editing screens with (whichever you use)? A bit like the Django Admin feature.
(If you haven't used that, it lets you navigate your data structure in web and CRUD everything)
I haven't encountered features in either one that would make that sort of thing easy. Which isn't to say no such feature exists. They're big frameworks and I only learned enough to keep things running.
Thanks, yeah it was just if you'd come across it
I really should try to learn more than the bare minimum... But I've been so frustrated in the past looking up Hibernate concepts and finding everything written in Java.
Presumably Entity Framework doesn't have that problem though
Any ideas on why would type->tp_alloc have a valid address inside functionA() and become null when functionA() calls another functionB()? It makes no sense to me.
@Kevin no :-)
static PyObject* open_sf(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
    PSF_PROPS props;
    int ifd;
    int rescale = 0;
    char* path = NULL;

    SoundFile* sf;

    sf = PyObject_New(SoundFile, &SoundFileType);

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s|p", &path, &rescale))
        return NULL;

    ifd = psf_sndOpen(path, &props, rescale);
    psf_props_to_Soundfile(ifd, &props, sf);
    return (PyObject*)sf;
This some weird Python code. What framework are you using ?
If I were in your situation my initial suspicions would be 1) tp_alloc never had a valid address inside functionA, I only thought it did; 2) tp_alloc never had a null value in functionB, I only thought it did; 3) Some code not belonging to me is executing between functionA and functionB, which is changing the value of tp_alloc.
When dealing with spooky behavior like this, I always like to nail down my preconceptions as firmly as I can.
printing the functionA and functionB values of tp_alloc with as few statements as possible in between to verify that I wasn't just seeing things
SoundFileType->tp_alloc is not null inside open_sf()
How do you know? tp_alloc doesn't appear inside open_sf at all.
Printf statements and debugging.
It is there.
SoundFileType is defined in another file. The file that contains open_sf() includes it.
@randomhopeful Just in case you weren't making a joke, Jovito is writing a C extension for Python.
I hope Jovito succeeds because what he's writing adds some level of sound support to Tkinter, which would be rather cool.
I'm assuming that the SoundFile_new in your pastebin is the "functionB". I notice it's not being called directly inside open_sf, so I'm leaning strongly towards "Some code not belonging to me is executing between functionA and functionB"

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