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@Kevin: thanks again for that "just hit control-C to copy anyhow" tip. Just came in handy again!
@AnttiHaapala hallooo..?
@PeterVaro you can't
@BhargavRao Do we need to close it? I guess it's attracted a few crap & dupe answers.
@AnttiHaapala so in my case the solution should be.. what exactly?
@PM2Ring It's attracted a lot. :) ... I was just canonizing the other answer, and marking many other open questions as dupe.
I have no idea about what you're doing :D
you're still solving the X for your XYZW problem
@BhargavRao How about I just protect it?
@AnttiHaapala well, I don't think this is a classic XY problem..
@AnttiHaapala Stops low rep users from answering
I would be surprised if an user with 1 rep would have something special to add to there
What are you a white mage with your fancy protect spell.
@PM2Ring I don't think protecting would help. The other post is a clear dupe anyway, So I decided that closing that would be appropriate.
@PeterVaro it is, you're calculating something related to points instead of using postgis
@BhargavRao But DSM wrote the accepted answer in the one you want hammered!
@BhargavRao Yeah, ok.
@PM2Ring Oops, Didn't see that ;) Maybe DSM can take a call.
@AnttiHaapala how would I do that, when I'm using sqlite instead of postgresql?
Coming in late so I'm not sure what we're talking about, but IIUC it wouldn't be the first time I've answered something which I couldn't/was too lazy to find a good dupe for. If it's a dup, dup-close it.
@BhargavRao I assume you want this as the dupe target? stackoverflow.com/questions/3249524/…
(hence it is not an XY problem)
\o DSM how goes it
@PM2Ring yep.
@PeterVaro then you're screwed :d
cool :)
@PeterVaro did oyu know that sqlite can call python functions
but basically, you're screwed anw.
so this is definitely a xyzwqbstuv problem :D
@PeterVaro you would've thought that you wouldn't ask an XY problem, but you just did :D
@PM2Ring: oh yeah, no worries.
@AnttiHaapala I'm still convinced I did not do that -- you were just to lazy to ask me wether I'm using postgresql or not
@PM2Ring The target caters to a mix of the solutions. It does both 1. print in the same line 2. print one over the other. As the question is kinda ambiguous. The dupe still holds as the target is broader than the dupe.
@PeterVaro you were solving the completely different problem for any db
I am about to install Gentoo
then when I hinted that you should be using postgresql and postgis you didn't say "but this is sqlite3 because it is an embedded database"
@AnttiHaapala Maybe I should protect the target? It doesn't have many crap answers, but I've never protected a question before. :)
@PM2Ring i did
cbg all
@vaultah cabbage
@PM2Ring protection is: "really protect? y/n" -> "y" -> "protected"
it is no big deal. Anyone can unprotect at 15k
I've protected 150 posts. :/
must have 10 rep instead of 1 to answer.
10th in the protectors list.
@BhargavRao remember all campaigning that you do from now on will only decrease your chances of becoming a mod ;)
@AnttiHaapala Thank god that I'm not campaigning :D
@BhargavRao that was a general warning that anyone might take you hinting at your moderation efforts as campaigning :P
Erm, Okay. :(
@BhargavRao no one wants a loud moderator :P
they want a ninja
@AnttiHaapala Lol, Have you read this book? i.sstatic.net/66Xjo.png
not yet
Martijn Clements?
@PM2Ring yup, probably
@AnttiHaapala The text limit was set at 25 chars, so couldn't fit both. :/
@AndrasDeak I asked the OP about that in a question comment, but they didn't respond to it. OTOH, they liked my answer. But I guess they might be back for another solution if they don't actually want that behaviour. :)
@MartijnPieters Why should I have assumed that the OP's comment was relative to his question?
Oops. I got slightly confused there. :) I got that question confused with another one I answered since that has been accepted.
@leaf because we were discussing an answer to that question?
In my answer I showed how to use a slice() object to model slices. The OP then asks thanks, but what about "index = -2:", I interpret that to mean but how do I use slice() to model the -2: syntax?
From their question it seemed to me that they though that all text between the [...] brackets of a subscription expression could be put into a variable.
@MartijnPieters alright, I worded that question bad. What I meant was why should I assume that in the OP's code he still wants a solution to his previous problem?
not realising that the : are part of the [...] syntax.
@leaf why shouldn't we?
For those following along at home, the question leaf & Martijn are referring to is stackoverflow.com/questions/40531795/…
user image
loving this
@leaf: I mean, that'd be a change of subject.
Anywho, I'm not sure at this point this discussion is actually leading anywhere.
@MartijnPieters I guess I see where your coming from. I'll let you have it. And your right, this is becoming old. I'll stop.
PyCon Toronto this weekend! So hype.... first one for me, is there anything I should bring (other than myself)
Duct tape, elastic bands, your pet snake and a water bottle
81 rep on french.stackexchange :D ! My SE takeover is building up sweet and steady
Check, Check, does my miia pillow count?, check (we are in Ryerson free water bottle filling stations and 10 dollar reuseable water bottles machines)
@MooingRawr: notebook to try things out on. Business cards if you're old-school, QR code on your phone which links to contact info/github page/etc. if you're not.
@randomhopeful omelette du fromage
@DSM and don't forget your charger!
it happens!
@MooingRawr Eyyy :D
@DSM my brain my note book, but i dont have a QR code thingy for my phone nor do I have data for my phone lol so I guess I will make some business cards
@randomhopeful Oui
@MooingRawr: can your phone show pictures? If so, then you can generate a QR code online and just load the image.
@idjaw Ryerson offers free charging stations for phones, and laptops. the laptops ones you might have trouble finding because they are usually only in the computer labs which are locked up >< Also the laptop chargers don't always work for your laptop.... so yeah.... guess bring a laptop charger if you need one but phone should be covered
@DSM Oh I never thought of that... I thought it was an app that generates it on the fly... smart...
I never assume. I always make sure I have the gear I need
and I always have my 3DS XL packed...because, sometimes you just want to play Mario.
are you like my friend who walks around work with a panny pack full of cables and stuff?
I am that friend. Hi Jim.
I was stupid when I was in university, I bought a normal 3DS when someone offered to sell me their 3DS XL, I regret it to this day :(
I keep Linux on my keychain. Anything else I MacGyver.
^^ yes!
Stand back. I have Linux. Where's the....oh it's the new retina pro? Sorry...you're on your own.
@BhargavRao Looks good to me...
I wonder if my Ryerson account will still grant me access to their wifi
been two years since I was there but maybe?
@MooingRawr: they told NumberFirm (my company, well not my company, you know what I mean) that wifi will be available.
yeah, these event usually always have free wifi
Ryerson had two different Wifi like most places, a public one which grants you one hour at a time per log in, and a private one for school mates. the pirvate one is faster and doesn't have limits on what you can browse. The prior one does. I also don't trust the public one xD
Also the public one I remember one year had a lot of issues but oh well... Let's hope for the best, if not we can steal starbucks's wifi (first floor of the building)
Question. I notice there's two "speaker events" that I want to attend to both, but they are at the same time in different room. What do? Watch the vod of the lesser one ?
@PM2Ring Thanks, I'll clean up the other dupes.
@MooingRawr: not really a lot of alternatives. Even if you rigged something to watch them both simultaneously you wouldn't be learning very much. :-)
@MooingRawr you're going to have to decide what is more important to you, and then watch the other one later when it is available online :)
another reason for using Arch linux: python by default is python 3
I used qrencode to create that PNG. There's a Python library zbar that can decode them, it also does a variety of bar codes. However, the docs aren't great & it looks like it's Python 2 only.
Isn't Ubuntu 16.04 py3 by default too?
Isn't for me, FWIW. (In that python in an open terminal is /usr/bin/python which is 2.7.12.)
maybe it's server that has it..
or maybe I'm just wrong and I'm insane.
Could be, he said, deliberately vague about the referent.
undefined reference to "_imp___Py_NoneStruct"
imp? We don't tolerate racist talk here
I'm here all day folks
@Jovito I guess there's a dot missing in there. Triple underscore is rather unusual.
@idjaw I don't think it's the default, it's just available by default
@PM2Ring what is this xD ? I'll dl a QR code scanner over lunch xD
@PM2Ring A dot?
@MooingRawr It's the QR code of stackoverflow.com/users/4099813/mooingrawr
yeah, if I were to take a guess, I would probably think it would be something like _imp_.__Py_NoneStruct
@idjaw That's a linker error.
oh this is C stuff? walks away
Maybe I'm missing some flag.
I should get around to setting up that detective agency and then post QR links to it in strange and obscure places around LargeCanadianCity.
Numbers got you down? Call The Data Science Man -> [email protected] I aint afraid of no numbers
Afternoon cabbage.
Thrapp it. Thrapp it real good
what's up bud
Cabbage for Morgan.. and you're right, it's afternoon already! :-/
Cabbage Morgan, It's night already
Friday tomo \o\
@PM2Ring oh neat thanks xD
@DSM There's a game like that but you have to have their app, which is dumb
but I want to do similar things like that
\o morgan how goes it
\o antti
@DSM slap
speaking of games. This is a really great adventure game that is on sale now
Holy crap - 99¢
that's almost a no-brainer :P
cabbage all
@DSM ever since PEP 394 it has pretty much been said that python always refers to Python 2 until 2020.
\o davidism how goes it
@DSM however, Ubuntu 16.04 doesn't necessarily install python2 or python at all by default - just /usr/bin/python3.
@idjaw yes, but /usr/bin/python is always Python 2. Arch changed and it did lead to all sorts of problems.
I really want to play through store.steampowered.com/app/304430 soon.
@MorganThrapp yeah man...me too. It looks amazing
I've heard it's great.
@AnttiHaapala Didn't realize Arch faced issues with that. But, I'm not surprised either.
"for the time being, all distributions should ensure that python refers to the same target as python2."
"in preparation for an eventual change in the default version of Python, Python 2 only scripts should either be updated to be source compatible with Python 3 or else to use python2 in the shebang line."
hah. Just about to quote that
so you should slap anyone who says: "I use python 2.7 because my operating system runs it when I enter python in the command prompt"
Works for me ;)
what should be grudgingly accepted is: "I tried python3 but shell said command not found, so now I am running python2 instead, noting that it is equally as many characters to type, and {I am eagerly waiting for an update that would bring Python 3 to my operating system/I am considering building my own Python 3 to be future-compatible}"
I just build Python3 on non-arch systems. It's the only way to not be 6 months behind
@idjaw just picked it up. Will be interesting to see when I finally get to play it ;)
TIL - The Gerrit User Summit is a thing: gerrit.googlesource.com/summit/2016/+/master/index.md
@WayneWerner haha yeah I know what you mean. I actually bought the iOS one a long while ago...and only got through episode 1. We'll see how this goes too :P
@DSM I just realized, notebook in this context means laptop.... I thought you meant like a notebook as in paper binded together... sorry T>T ( from the previous msg)
The gerrit UI definitely gives me pause, heh.
@MooingRawr If you're a drinker you can usually find people to share a bottle of whisky if you take one
@holdenweb I don't drink. Never liked the taste of booze, I tend to go to pubs and bars for the company of friends and maybe their food...
now homework can be really easy :P
they wont even have to post their copy paste of the homework proble
lol. Yeah I saw that
(yeah right)
Yep, That's damn famous :D
@WayneWerner I want to find the source for this, but apparently the UI was so bad out of Google, they adopted OpenStack's UI modifications as the current default theme.
Have you guys seen this? gkoberger.github.io/stacksort
I presume that you all must have :D
lol i have now
A: Javascript array sort and unique

lonesomedayThis is actually very simple -- it is much simpler to do find unique values if the values are sorted: function sort_unique(arr) { if (arr.length === 0) return arr; arr = arr.sort(function (a, b) { return a*1 - b*1; }); var ret = [arr[0]]; for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { //...

just had it sort using that one
It's based on this xkcd.com/1185
yup same
That's even funnier :D
do you think it would be appropriate to ever actually use that as a solution (ie on a dupe) from stackoverflow import merge_sort; merge_sort(a_list)? i really really really want to go post this as an answer now
Lol, That'd be epic
@AnttiHaapala yeah python3 sucks. Pyhthon 2 just werks
@MooingRawr Here's a simple demo of using the Python 2 zbar module to decode QR codes / barcodes. It handles local files and URLs. zbar_demo.py
@PM2Ring o.o thanks ? o.o i was just goign to download a QR code scanner and bring it to pycon o.o no need to write a full project for it o.o or is there?!?!?!?!? hmmm
@MooingRawr Well of course you can use an existing solution. But it is kinda fun to roll your own in Python. :)
OTOH, if you can get an app that runs on your phone that's probably a more sensible solution.
zxing is the good android one
by the Google people? Or something? It's the one that Google Authenticator recommends anyway, FWIW.
@PM2Ring well it's more impressive... and a nice ice breaker..... "What QR code scanner do you use" "my own" mmmmmmmmmmmm
Morning everyone
Sure. Morning. I'm sure it's still morning for someone here. :)
\o corvid how goes it
Cabbage corvid
wtf windows
welcome to funny windows?
the antivirus thought my executable was a trojan
@Jovito With all the weird stuff you've got in there, can you blame it? :)
Hm. So there's pypi.python.org/pypi/memory_profiler but I just want to run a script and know how much memory I used
like... magic_measure_memory python foobar.py
and then it just does something like "Max memory used: 42MB"
@WayneWerner tracemalloc
Now I'm getting an access error.
Man was not meant to put Python code in an executable. Nature is rebelling against you.
Start up a vacuum and hope Nature runs off to deal with it. In the meantime, try your executable.
@WayneWerner does that mean it doesnt work? I tried ETLing splunk data into hdfs and my sys admin scolded me for consuming too much memory. Would be neat if I could use something like that to incrementally pull splunk data by memory amount
Oh, no, that thing works just fine. I just don't need anything so granular
@Jovito maybe it was
@WayneWerner cool, thanks. ill have to check it out once i get some time :)
immaculate conception of malware
@Jovito This reminds me of this
How many more trials will I have to endure?
(rhetorical question)
30-day is the standard time window for trials
but you should go freeware
@Jovito oh nostalgia of using windows
Windows users should just stop using useless as sh*t antiviruses, anyway and resort to malware removal tools that you start manually
@randomhopeful malwarebytes? I'm still kicking myself for not funding them for a life time licence T.T now I have to pay annually ;(
@randomhopeful that needs to be coupled with not clicking on every yamming link they see
I really don't need this right now...
I got a virus from downloading imgburn T.T they were so good years back, but I never had to reinstall until now.... :( I think I got everything but I'm not sure lol... might need to nuke it into orbit. Lesson: read up on the software to see if it went south since you downloaded it last.
@MooingRawr Seek and destroy for my Hard Drive, USB fix for that f*cking shortcut creating virus
@AndrasDeak Exactly ! And care about what kind of usb disks are you putting in
well there's no more virus / malware that I can see... ran malwarebytes, and window defender scans a few time and nothing came up anymore. tower seems to be working fine but im just paranoid there's a rootkit or somethign stupid
:D Dude, it's Microsoft, of course there's a rootkit. Last one, I encountered*, was Sage's billing solution connecting to its server through explorer.exe process. And if you route the ip address to your localhost, explorer crashes minutes after the software starts up
@KevinMGranger That doesn't seem as nuclear as other options
@WayneWerner that's cute
Is that one really more nuclear?
I try to ease people into the world of Linux. Arch is a bit like learning to swim by being thrown in the water after looking at pictures of people swimming. Gentoo is like throwing someone in the water, but the pool is drained and you tell them to fill it themselves. Linux From Scratch is like throwing someone in the water, but it's a cliff and you tell them to fill it with dirt and then water.
renamed the executable to something else
pfff. not even close to FreeBSD. That is simply like drowning someone
Windows is like being in the kiddie pool with tons of floaties on.
now I'm back to undefined reference to "_imp___Py_NoneStruct"
@KevinMGranger perfect, i dont know how to swim.
Mac OS X is one of those waist-deep pools with a bar in it.
And the cosmic ballet goes on.
Real men use Multics*
found the trump voter^
Maybe I just won't use that fucking macro.
How about that!?
@KevinMGranger only the water is contaminated with fecal matter and ebola. And AIDS. And Rabies
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Found the French, sowing discord everywhere :P
(I know, Canuck)
You say you want a revolution...
I want to maintain the revolution we've got, namely the spinning of the earth. As long as we don't plunge into the sun, I'm good.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I'm sorry what part of Make America Great Again are you disliking ?
I'm pretty sure it's the America part, you Viet Cong
@AnttiHaapala Any idea what's this about?
I'm not sure all this is going in the right direction
Things happened Tuesday night and now we're all tetchy
@Kevin in that case I think you want the Earth to continue orbiting the Sun, not spinning on its axis (though that's important too)
@WayneWerner just don't click on any poop, duh
I know they're independent actions, but I expect anything powerful enough to halt the planet's revolution, is also going to do something nasty to its orbit.
@WayneWerner it is actually good. The most flexible distro that I konw
Earth with no rotation, but revolution would be interesting.
@holdenweb do you?
@Kevin Maybe not. Since the Earth - Moon system stabilised the Earth's day length has increased considerably, mostly due to losing angular momentum to the Moon via tidal forces, but relatively speaking the year length (and hence its mean distance from the Sun) has hardly changed at all.
don't forget gravitational waves
(just kidding, that's negligible at this scale)
Here's an article talking about the increase in the day length: How many hours were in a dinosaur's day?
If the Earth tilted a bit on its axis, would that make summer in North Africa less unbearable ?
@randomhopeful until winter kicked in:P
no, wait, the equator will always stay the equator
well, global climate would change, thereby affecting climate in Africa
nevermind, North Africa is well above the equator
@AndrasDeak It's just weather -- Trump
@AndrasDeak Yes, thank you very much. And my hopes were that if Tunisia took Sweden's place, we would be the ones enjoying saunas voluntarily
oh right, the trade winds rise at the equator, and it's wet there due to air cooling down
so the deserty bits are where they descend again
@randomhopeful you need the axis to point near Tunisia then, plus a global rotation of the Earth to make that axis fairly "vertical" still (with respect to the "horizontal" ecliptic plane)
I'm not sure a cataclysmic event like that would leave you with saunas in Tunisia, or living humans for that matter:P
Story of my life ! Dude wants to enjoy a bit of snow, ends up ending life on earth
If it comes with snow, count me in!
Some of us like snow more than people
I love snow
I have to
I really have to
isn't snow your baby Jesus or something?
If the Earth's axial tilt were reduced then the difference between the seasons would be less pronounced. And the width of the tropical zone would be reduced. FWIW, the amount of tilt does vary slowly between about 22.1 and 24.5 degrees on a 41,000-year cycle (current value: 23.4 degrees and decreasing) as mentioned in What would happen if earth had a smaller tilt?
I'm trying to find a picture I shared here I took after a huge snowfall in front of my house
@PM2Ring plus nutation \o/
If you actually want to change the location of the polar axis, as well as its orientation, good luck with that. The Earth has considerable angular momentum. :) And apart from a relatively thin crust & the core it's not particularly solid. So even if you had access to the energy needed to change its spin you'd have to do it very carefully if you don't want to make a mess of the crust.
plus the geodynamo
I'm pretty sure the current axis is important and flowy inside
*waves hand*
@PM2Ring : / I give up my hopes and dreams so humans get to keep their preeeecious crust
Joking aside, that answer and that Dinosaur day articles were pretty sweet to read [ :
There’s no point in acting surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display at your local planning department in Alpha Centauri for 50 of your Earth years, so you’ve had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it’s far too late to start making a fuss about it now. ... What do you mean you’ve never been to Alpha Centauri? Oh, for heaven’s sake, mankind, it’s only four light years away, you know. I’m sorry, but if you can’t be bothered to take an interest in local affairs, that’s your own lookout. Energize the demolition beams.
@AndrasDeak The periodic change in the magnitude of the axial tilt is nutation. Precession is the periodic change in its orientation.
Man... so fun when I get these pen testing emails trying to 'steal' my details
I'm curious as heck what the rest of the phishing process is, but I'm too scared I'll get dinged for something
@Kevin Hahaaa, good memories :D
I actually downloaded one of the attachments that was a word doc and unzipped it and opened it in Vim to see what it had
loaded some image from a URL
I really wanted to download the image to see if there was something "nasty" in it, but it looked like a unique URL for me :(
Strange, if I try to edit that message to remove the extra leading newline, it says "message too long". Are there different maximum lengths for single-line messages and multiline ones?
I think the automatic formatting added a length that's blocking the modification : /
Just posted a multiline message in the sandbox that's like five thousand characters. I guess that answers that.
Managed to get around the problem by replacing PY_RETURN_NONE with return Py_BuildValue("")
@PM2Ring wait what?
I'm trying to piece together magnitude vs orientation in that sentence:)
@AndrasDeak The diagrams on Wikipedia should help. :)
doesn't nutation + precession result in a spiraling circle path for the end of the axis of rotation (aking to an old phone wire)?
yeah, that's what the nutation figure seems to show
ah OK, we have to discern the global movement of the axis from its relative movement with respect to the Earth itself
@Kevin yes
@AndrasDeak Yep. Also the nutation period is about 40,000 years, the precession period is much shorter, around 22,400 years.
Prefer flask_ over flask.ext is finally marked for a fix in the next PyCharm version!
ah OK, I read ~10 years for nutation period on the wiki page, that's why I assumed that 40k would be the precession, without thinking it properly through:)
@davidism: did you guys have to throw your weight around?
guess that 10 years corresponds to one small loop, while 40k is a full cycle
I've been encouraging people to vote on it for a while.
I tried to ask them about it at PyCon last year but basically got shut down (politely) in terms of prioritizing certain bugs.
@davidism did you tell them :-|?
@BhargavRao also, answer in question update.......
@AndrasDeak Fair enough. Those small periods are for relatively tiny variations in the axial tilt. The 40,000 year period is for the major 22.1° to 24.5° cycle I mentioned earlier.
oh yeah, I received a few emails over the past couple of days from youtrack. Glad they are fixing it
@AndrasDeak Thanks, Commented
when will there be new iMacs ...
They haven't figured out how to make it even more dongle-dependent yet. Soon. Soon.
That fine text though :D
F1 also controls brightness
^^ bargain, you get two functionalities
buy now
In a few days, There'll only be a screen and you'll have to buy all the keys separately.
Honey, We need to cut costs, which key don't we need? ...
Two alt keys? Get rid of one of them. Do you think I'm made of money here?
you'd need an adapter for those USB function keys
Did they announce all this using Keynote?
@tristan fine print;)
Guys, we're joking, but need I remind you that Macs and their books and pros are made of Vibranium ?
I thought they were made of nobrainium
weird accent
I think they're mostly aluminum, plastic, and silicon
@idjaw almost 100 keys, one good one would function better.
Anyone got mouse recommendations for gaming, was thinking of the deathadder elite (sorry a bit off topic but still on topic of hardwares ;3)
just include a picture of poutine and you should be fine
"deathadder elite" cool it, plastic computer peripheral industry
I'm thinking about upgrading my debian stable to testing. Just found this:
> Alternatively, you could use the testing image of the debian-installer, but note that the testing installer is more for testing the installer than for installing testing.
DeathAdder? Really? They are calling it the DeathAdder?
does it come with Mountain Dew and Doritos as well?
@idjaw Each time you click, it adds a new death to the tally
now with hotkey clicks right on the mouse that have your recorded voice to yell out obscenities right at your fingertips
quickly degrade and racially slur your opponents when you're playing BlackOps
left+right click combo calls the SWAT team on your opponent
for realz yo....
I have this bug in my application in which I'm editing something over here, but something over ----------------> there changes. I can't track it down and I think I'm being trolled.
@idjaw I hope not, I don't like that stuff xD
@tristan I heard similar horror stories in Robert C. Martin's talks
@tristan are you writing it in fortran, by any chance?
sounds like Tristan needs some more Erlang in his life.
@tristan: next time use a stronger password. #thatwilllearnyou
Have you watched Erlang the movie for inspiration lately?

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