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I was counting on it:D
@MartijnPieters are you around?
good night
night andras
Hi, can anyone help me with a simple python question
atype is 4295032869.0 this is what I am getting from a API.
I want to pass this value like this - 4295032869 to my function, however rstrip function is not working
"not working" isn't very specific. :-)
AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'rstrip' I am getting this error
my line of code is atype=atype.rstrip('.0')
That means that you have a float, a floating point number, and you can't rstrip from a number.
And even if you did have a string (which offers an rstrip method), you could get yourself into trouble doing that:
>>> x = "12345600.0"
>>> x
>>> x.rstrip(".0")
because rstrip tries to remove as many characters as it can from the right side of the string if they're in whatever you pass it.
@Yougandhara Does your function expect a number or a string?
Oh, hey, PM2R.
it expect a string
Hi, DSM.
what could be the alternate solution then? I'll check that
@Yougandhara The safe way to do this is to format your float to the desired form.
Another option is str(int(atype)). But a format call is nicer (IMHO) because it's one call instead of 2.
ohk. thank you
>>> format(4295032869.0, '.0f')
I think .0f rounds, though, and str(int()) will truncate. Doesn't matter so much when the string ends .0, I guess..
Good point!
I've just been playing with partitions & compositions. stackoverflow.com/questions/40538923/…
@Yougandhara So if you want to simply chop off digits after the decimal point, then do str(int(atype)). But if you want to round the number, then use format(atype, '.0f').
@PM2Ring: do you remember the Ono papers back in 2000 or so about partition congruences? They were a lot of fun, after I finally understood them.
@DSM No, that doesn't ring a bell. I'm certainly not an expert in partitions, but I stumbled across a very efficient iterative algorithm for them a while ago that I used recently in this answer.
@PM2Ring: standard question -- are you uniform over the space of compositions? ;-)
Ah. Another one of those situations where mathematicians use one word for 2 (or more) different things. :) OTOH, I guess you could describe the integer compositions in terms of function compositions...
Heh. Well, time to go do a few things before Eastern Standard Time evening comes to a close. Rhubarb!
See you, DSM
Finally posted my nomination. Comments/suggestions/questions are welcome!
1 hour later…
anyone know how to create a recursive function to find the parent tree of a binarytree?
for example if i have
class BinaryTree:
    def __init__(self, root, subtrees, data_size=0):
        self._root = root
        self._subtrees = subtrees
        self._parent_tree = None
what type of function would go and find a Tree that is the parent tree of this tree, for example if this tree did have a parent tree, then the parent tree's subtree would be this tree
hey antti
@AnttiHaapala Maybe you can help me out here. I'm passing a pointer to a struct as an argument to a new thread but it's garbage when it gets there even though the memory was dynamically allocated.
The only explanation I can think of is that python's garbage collector is destroying those objects, though I don't know why it would do that if I'm incrementing the reference count of each of them.
you're not checking the return values of these functionj calls
you must check the return value of absolutely every python api call.
which function calls?
every. PyCallable_Check assumes non-null pointer, say
your tuple has 0 items for some reason, getitem 0 -> NULL, exception set, PyCallable_Check crashes.
or even worse, it doesn't crash.
size = PyTuple_Size(args);
if (!size)
        "execute() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)");
    return NULL;
I'm checking for that.
yeah size.
it still might be possible to circumvent it; rather use those parseargs and so.
you're passing the pointer to the pointer to task args, that's why
remove &
yep :)
I knew it was something stupid
I'm using the debugger and I can see task_args has the correct values before the new thread is created.
"Call a callable Python object callable_object, with arguments given by the tuple args, and named arguments given by the dictionary kw. If no named arguments are needed, kw may be NULL. args must not be NULL, use an empty tuple if no arguments are needed."
so args can't be null
@AnttiHaapala It worked! Thanks.
@AnttiHaapala That's certainly not the case with the python doc examples.
yeah they're wrong
there are no safe assumptions
you can read the Python bug tracker :D
By the way, did you see my question about the linker complaining PY_RETURN_NONE was undefined?
I also got similar errors from exception names like PyExc_TypeError and PyExc_MemoryError.
I solved the latter by linking to libpython35.a in installdir/libs.
The former still persisted.
I managed to get around it by returning Py_BuildValue("") which I guess means the same thing.
that doesn't sound right either...
google play store gets my location even though I am using a VPN and the gps is off
what a shame
Music you listen when coding
@SohaibAsif what language(programming)?
Any language
Haskell-classical, Python-techno, PHP-10hour loop of rebecca black friday
i listen to Gladiator soundtrack(Sorrow,Barbarian horde),Bourne identity(Main titles),Bela by Khumariyan,Pirates of the carribean(Main theme) and Interstellar(Main theme)
@PeterVaro: good morning, sorry, that was too late for me last night.
heya, np at all, it was very late indeed
anyway, I wanted to ask for your help, cause there is one thing I cannot figure out with sqlalchemy's ORM
and I wonder wether you can help me with it.. give me a sec, I'll create you a link
I'll do my best; it's been a while.
@MartijnPieters so as you can see here I'm trying to do the same thing in ORM as I did with pure SQL, however I cannot figure out, how to create a reference to my calculated distance..
so it is not that complicated, nor that challengeing, yet I cannot figure out a way to do this.
cbg @BhargavRao
\o @peter, Howz the C side?
Right, you want to wrap that in an alias and use the alias in the filter.
the room or the language? ;)
Both :D
@MartijnPieters exactly, I've already tried aliased()
Or so I recall anyway, let's see if I can dig up an old answer.
but that failes when it comes to filter()
@BhargavRao the room is perfectly fine, we are growing, slowly ofc, but at least we do.. well, C is not as popular these days, as Python -- or maybe it is, just most of the developers think they knew it already, so don't bother to ask for help :) (let me assure you, they don't :))
the language itself? well, it is perfectly fine as usual.. still needs a nice higienic macros system, which will never happen, but other than that, it is still fantastic :)
C is a great language.
Did you know that few people have come up with a StackOverflow bot framework in C Language?
You'll have to bear with me as I'm on a train, so network stuff is slow..
@BhargavRao that's a terrible usage of C
@MartijnPieters np, I'm still very glad, that you are helping!
@khajvah It's working great though :D
@PeterVaro not gonna help you but usually db's support "order by column number"
@AnttiHaapala that part is already there!
@BhargavRao I have to agree with @khajvah
the question is, how to use in filtering!
em a php developer but now i got job in python
that is sheer idiocy
passed the 4 technical tests
@BhargavRao not saying it's not. But Python, for example, would do the job and end up being a more maintainable, readable and faster to develop.
not good in scraping but will need some guidance from everyone
@PeterVaro you'd use alias for that there^
I agree that it's really difficult to create a chatbot in C. But what I admire is their commitment towards creating one. They did show us that chatbots can be created in C. :)
@AnttiHaapala I've tried that already, because of the comparison, it throws TypeError (unordarable type or something similar)
@MartijnPieters let me check it, cheers
@khajvah Agree only with Faster to develop, The devs can make it easily readable and it's not too hard to maintain a C Code.
You did the exact same thing as the first example in my answer; using a local variable the function in inserted into the SQL twice. Using a label, only once and the label is used in the filter.
Note the desc('label') in the filter.
@BhargavRao I don't know much C, so won't argue :D
maybe I should misuse C in a project like that just to learn
I read the whole K&R C book just to learn the language. :D I still don't know 99% of it. But I liked the language.
I read part of it, but it doesn't teach idioms
@PeterVaro: ick, not desc. Just a sec.
@MartijnPieters umm.. it's still wrapped with asc/desc depending on a user defined value, and it is working without the extra wrapping, my problem is, it still evaluates to a full function call in the filtering (even if I use it as distance the label)
@BhargavRao the language is pretty simple, tbh. But writing something elegant is pain
@PeterVaro don't use the variable in the ordering. Just the string.
distance.name is that string.
@khajvah Yeah agree. No exceptions, No OOPs. It's really tough to debug.
@BhargavRao that is pointless
same arguments could be made of assembler code.
And if someone writes a chatbot in Assembly, That's really really awesome. :D
@MartijnPieters now, we are very very close!
I wanna write a FOSS voice assistant for android
the problem is
but as you can see, it still expands to the whole function call in the WHERE clause
people assume C is faster than Python
or assembler is faster than C
@PeterVaro ah, missed the distance <= .. part.
it isn't a) faster to develop the lower-level languages, but then b) you will feel the pressure and use worse abstractions which lead to it not being faster either
Just a sec, there is a way to insert a column 'name' into there instead of the function.
@MartijnPieters that would be a dream come true..
just use the label object
literal_column(distance.name) would work.
@AnttiHaapala I had that argument with one of my professors once, he claimed that he can do at least as good as compilers
@AnttiHaapala nope, that's what distance already is.
@khajvah we've debated this before
distance is the label object. It'll insert the label.obj reference.
I've told you back then you need to find a new school
Cbg everyone
@AnttiHaapala I remember this conclusion, I don't remember the specific problem though.
specific problem are the stupid professors.
to be fair, he wasn't stupid but he was left in the past
and didn't pick up the new stuff
the thing is: higher-level language is easier to optimize
@PeterVaro: strange, Antti is right and the label object should just have worked: stackoverflow.com/a/15563673/100297
@MartijnPieters /me bowing before him deeply -- thank you very much, that was exactly what I was looking for..
yeah, it is strange when I am right :P
then the question is, why did it not?
@PeterVaro: is the distance method a @hybrid_property?
it is a @hybrid_method
@khajvah your professor can optimize for 80486... who the hell uses 80486
erm, that's what I meant, sorry.
for him, C was very high level
then he says: "But I can optimize for current processors"
Again, not using SQLAlchemy these days, the terminology is rusty.
@MartijnPieters stupid facebook
@khajvah C is very high level
He can make better assembly in some cases for some arch
and all that code will be useless in no time
I understand
What would make it useless quickly ?
@PeterVaro: long shot: add the .label('distance') call to the @hybrid_method.
@MartijnPieters ?
So Artist.distance(...) returns a label object.
he could write the code in C in t, now he spends 10t to handtune the assembly so that it works 10 % faster on the current processor generation. The next processor generator, the C code readily compiles to 10 % faster than his hand-tuned assembly.
@MartijnPieters you mean the @distance.expression I suppose..
@PeterVaro yes.
@PeterVaro what application is this going to be?
(hybrid methods didn't exist back in the 0.5-or-so days when I used SQLAlchemy)
@AnttiHaapala Oh that's very obvious now that you explained it to me
@MartijnPieters nope.. same effect: it expands to the function call, not to the reference
Out of ideas. This sounds like it would make a great question on SO!
then it will be :)
@IljaEverilä sqlalchemy question coming for you ^
@MartijnPieters either way, thank you for saving my arse, at least it is working, and for now, that's the only thing that matters to me -- later on, I will ask this as a question on SO :)
I wonder if soon being a regular in Python room disqualifies one from modship
@vaultah lol, I see what you did there with your rep :D
ah no
I thought you waited to be above 20k before nomination :D
@PeterVaro: The @hybrid_method angle here is interesting and possibly a bug. I'm sure zzzeek would be interested!
@PeterVaro ping with the question, I will post into #sqlalchemy in freenode and ping zzzeek too
People still deactivate right clicks on their website
I had to teach my wife how to use developer console / inspect to find the image urls... :D
:D Eyy, you're one thoughtful husband
Cabbage \o
Good move on that moderator nomination Bhargav, I think you are a very strong candidate
Thanks :)
I would also like to support @vaultah but I’m not confident it’s the same vaultah as the avatar-less one I know. Hard to trust that new guy.
Yeah, The new guy looks like Snowden.
@AndyK o/
Wow, That needs a colorful star
it is my python port of acoc which was written in ruby
unlike that, my program can color output of curses-based programs (most of the time :P)
or python interactive sessions say
Peacock is Extraordinary Arbitrary Command Output Colouring Kit
That recursive acronym though
yeah I made it a recursive algorithm since I couldn't come up with any good word for P
And now spell it to the tune of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious from Mary Poppins
@AnttiHaapala Nice, man ! I'm watching closely. I could use some style to my prints
@randomhopeful this is for colouring output from programs written by N.N. :D
@randomhopeful there are countless of programs for getting colour in your program.
I kinda see : / What/Who is N.N. if you don't mind ?
Release day cabbage, all
"No name"?
Another day spent struggling with a build and deployment process that is more complicated that the systems it purports to build and deploy ... sigh
Cbg holdenweb and congratulations [ :
[hacks away hopelessly at undergrowth]
cbg and best of Luck.
Discovered last night that rather than treat virtualenvs as a component our build jobs create them from scratch for every deployment job!
@AnttiHaapala Oh I see pretty clearly and why your was italicized in your second sentence. That is quite more brilliant than what I thought
why did github disable my keys?!
I didn't have my ssh key there any longer
@BhargavRao Multitasking can be stressful
github has removed my ssh keys?!
wtf is happening
@randomhopeful yeah :D
there were keys deleted from my list of github keys?! github.com/settings/ssh
and no explanation
When people say Tkinter is not thread-safe, what do they mean by threads? True system threads or python threads?
you're to call tkinter stuff only from the main thread.
even if it looks like it would work
but threads in what sense? GIL-managed threads or true system threads?
any threads you can call threads, [x]
What happens if you try to do it? It it supposed to crash?
Cause it hasn't here.
@BhargavRao Cool nickname tho
Yep :D
Account and answer deleted.
Which account? His?
As I'm still talking to you, It's not mine :D
But... I can still see it.
Refresh the page
Now it's gone?
Hmm, Some heavy caching on your side. Try re-installing your OS :D
how to create py3-any wheel?
@BhargavRao Hey, that's not nice :(
Oh Oh, I got it. @Jovito, I think you are looking at the question there. The link that I pointed to was to a deleted answer.
(Even that user had a nice name and I got confused :( ....)
I was talking about Big Papi Dave.
Ugg, I was taking about halpmeplz
@BhargavRao ^cv pls
that of big papi dave
Yeah, That's both too broad and unclear
RIP Leonard Cohen:(
cbg Andras I liked that guy : / RIP You're Hallelujing with the angels now
cbg Andras
@Antti on the peacock github page, the asterisk in "*NIX" is turned into an anchored link, and I don't think that's on purpose
ahha :D
need escaping
"Note that the pseudo-terminal communication enabled by this flag is one-way only, from the target program to acoc. It is thus not possible to use acoc in combination with interactive programs, such as the interactive Ruby interpreter (irb)."
this was the reason why I did peacock
there is no way to interact with the top :d
cbgmeow, @tristan :P
Erm, new tristan again?
Cabbage new cat
Hey tristan [ : Nice cat
my dogs ear is broken :(
Just reboot it, It'll be fine
ey @khajvah Almost the weekend ! Also what breed is he ?
@randomhopeful german shephard
@BhargavRao recent update messed it up again
Ah, As expected. There'll be a patch soon.
@Antti have you seen the newest mod candidate? You'll appreciate the brevity;)
@AndrasDeak Python 2 fanatic?
No, just as terse as a Finn, as I imagine it:D
@khajvah It's okay buddy, especially if he's still a pup. A trip to the veterinary might set things straight
@randomhopeful veterinarian said that it's broken, so might not stand up
floppy-eard dogs are cute, though I don't think I've seen a german shepherd with broken ear
@AndrasDeak it will be weird to have one ear broken and the other up
@khajvah Oh, dude, I'm sorry : /
Well, goofiness is fine on a dog. What can be an issue is the impact on communication:/
That looks real bad. :(
@AndrasDeak nah, that would be fine. But it might have earn infections frequently
@AndrasDeak no steward, downvoted
@khajvah well my dog has flappy ears all the time:P Although that's
@AndrasDeak what breed?
shit cannot link to comments
7 years and not a single Steward, are you sure you need more reviewing? – Antti Haapala 7 secs ago
@khajvah wire-haired dachshund
reviewing queues are kind of a waste of time. more so than other parts of the site
@tristan then how is becoming a MODERATOR productive?
did i say it was? review queues are a special kind of time sink though.
of course they're waste of time
but I am voting only hopeless people for mods (hi y'all :)
I am too selfish to review
or answer
or flag
we've got Vaultah, Bhargav with multiple Steward badges
they've shown they can handle the damn queues
and Andy with god-knows-how-many-flags
when I find free time, I usually take a nap like a young, energetic and hungry guy
if they do it even more by getting a diamond, then I am all for it.
@AnttiHaapala most of that was a bot, you know that, right?
raising them is easy, handling them is hard
who cares :d
13k is still better than 13
there is also flagbanning
12.9k helpful comment flags mean jack shit when you're evaluating moderator candidates
i'd prefer a moderator that will go to bat in SJW/let's pretend saying "hey guys" is offensive meta-threads and/or shut down a help/time vampire or assface that tries to misrepresent interactions they've had on the site. queues are tedious things.
so how about "7 years and not a single steward"
@AnttiHaapala these sentiments are not mutually exclusive
@tristan Let's vote for Donald Trump
@khajvah I don't think he's running for site moderator.
all 1pointers will be considered as immigrants
oh come off it
@AndrasDeak and we need someone who can robot the mod queue
you can't be an illegal immigrant of SO
legal immigrants are even worse: they are behind our lines
yeah, one even tricked him into getting married :O
he can finally ghritp and deport her
Jack Reacher is a movie I watched 60 % of over the course of three years
Sounds a bit slow
:D It's pretty amusing to watch Tom Cruise's alpha male fantasies, but only for a bit
I just noticed that on Aug 19 2011 I was awarded to separate yearling badges with a fifteen-minute interval. I therefore deduce that that's roughly when yearling badges were introduced.
Seems more likely than time sped up :)
Okay, @vaultah is blank now.
Any reason why this was deleted? stackoverflow.com/q/27678692/4099593
Good morning/afternoon everyone
@Programmer Morning \o
Goodmorning all!!
Hello everyone, who have experience with falcon framework?
@Maic Hi, see our room rules here sopython.com/chatroom
In short, Don't ask if anyone's an expert in this or so, Just directly ask your question.
haha, how did you come across a vrmya i steklo meme?
I really like that cat. And the band is pretty good, even if I have no clue how to pronounce their name
V-rem-ya e stek-loh
Let me try... blini stroganoff smetana?
just saying random Russian words
okay :) you could probably find more cat pictures like that by searching (using phonetic russian) for "blini kot" or "blini koshka"
I'm reading a book that recommends you install python 2.5. I better strap myself in.

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