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3:00 PM
its just so much loose of time all this, in comments, in meta etc..
That said, it is often the starkness of a comment that rattles people enough to even close vote
That is, if it is not rude. We want people to feel welcome but also get a reality check
Yeah but as you know, somehow you need to make them listen, you can't just spit out whatever, it has only negative effect.
I am saying let's not be so PC that we coddle the babies constantly
@Yam stats
I'm currently watching 0 posts.
3:03 PM
A little wry dry humor is great in my book
@Kyll I thought yam was a little quiet recently...
@Drew I do not really care other then at least try to be constructive.. I hate when I see the snark comments 5 in a row... and not 1 cv... it just have no sense... "I would like to just snark back at them all"
It is an art. A nuance. I think a guy like tadman does a great job of it. He is polite about it
@JarrodRoberson if there's a point to be made and you feel necessary - feel free to disclose mod messages - mods won't (however much we'd like to sometimes - because it is private - and in the vast majority of cases is just something that's happened - let's move on). Like I said - if you feel you're being censored/silenced/somehow "abused" by a mod and their actions - that will be taken very very very very (ad nauseam) seriously.You will like I said though - need to make an argument with all facts.
3:06 PM
@Drew here you go with aexample... same comment 10 times... not one cv
meeh not a good example, I took last from queen : )
maybe a little aggressive. I don't know. The guy has been here 14 months
If the guy was day 1 that is over the top
meeh you know what I mean, often user gang up on bad homework question... baah need to work...
@JarrodRoberson also - if any elected mod deliberately misuses their "power"/"abilities" (versus just making a misclick or a mistake - and yes, we make mistakes - less than meta would lead you to believe though) whatever you want to call it... they certainly wouldn't retain their diamond.
@Drew just continue to watch that question : ), the fun as only started..
i know
3:20 PM
i just visited the dangerous room of this chat
@JonClements mocking you in the comments is intentional
@ColdFire The ministry?
@Sam the python room
those guys are like pro
keep the punctuation and all
I wonder how BR manages them ?
3:22 PM
@Sam nah, Lounge
@Adriaan the python room
@Adriaan :p
@ColdFire meh, a Python is nothing Bear Grylls can't handle. The Lounge though...
@Adriaan this room link i wanna join then
@ColdFire something, something, search
3:33 PM
@JarrodRoberson I was the final close voter on one of my questions recently. Mainly so it wasn't migrated :p
@Tunaki or any gold badge Java holder, this as duplicate of this? It was reopened.
@SotiriosDelimanolis ok now ?
@DenysSéguret I might have been too quick. There was another, better.
does it really matter ?
3:40 PM
It's ok, I still think this one answers the question, directly from JLS.
Why didn't you close it yourself ? Were you a previous closer ?
How many days until a question cannot be migrated?
This question has no value. There is no point keeping it around. I'm struggling to decide if should close as unclear or too broad? Opinions?
@SotiriosDelimanolis It's not unclear.
It's not too broad
It's just extremely basic
3:49 PM
I'd say unclear as "What part of that don't you understand"?
"Node is the type of the objects l and r", end of an answer.
It's clear what part he does not understand
link to the Java specs, maybe ?
There is no scope issue whatsoever in this question, IMHO
(and downvote)
If you think it's unhelpful, vote accordingly.
3:51 PM
(I mean the question)
@Siguza How is it supposed to work?
^ Answered his own Q
I commented the answer
and I vote to close as "opinion based" because the tests to choose to decide which one is faster is really a matter of opinion or at least of interests
4:11 PM
I thought bounties were awarded at the end of the day?
was it manually awarded?
I was about to type onebox ;)
You know what is the one job for IE?
I was expecting you Andrew.. You are always like "Got'em"
everybody knows that, it's an old one
4:19 PM
I'm the onebox ninja
@DenysSéguret :( But .. it is to downl... :'( "goes away"
@TylerH I thought it was at the end of the day regardless
@AndrewL. you can award a bounty manually at 4AM if you want
@AndrewL. what gives are you homeschooled?
@Drew excuse me?
4:25 PM
I need to remind myself not everyone is in the US
I'm in the US
I'm in the US
ah you ditched school today !
Or he's not 12 and has classes at different times of the day?
4:27 PM
Nope. Extremely early lunch
Although I wish I was homeschooled
I would never wish that on anyone
trust me you don't
Jul 25 at 15:37, by Drew
must have been home schooling. btw my mom was my prom date
It was just a joke. I went to public schools
All the kids do nowadays is dab and flip bottles.
4:32 PM
I doubt that that's all kids do these days
for starters they also probably eat and sleep
I guess
As usual we are blessed by tyler's amazing insights.
How have I already used up all my stars?
you have no self control
it's per UTC day by the way
I know
6:59 PM is the end of SO day here
4:35 PM
IIRC stars might count as votes
so if you've used 40 votes you can't star anymore
Yeah, and comment votes are associated with regular votes right?
@cricket_007 mission accomplished
5:04 PM
@AndrewL. No, comment votes are separate from post votes
5:20 PM
@TinyGiant yup - and starring chat messages is also separate...
@AndrewL. star msg have no relation to that
SometimesI feel that we actually need a "asking for code conversion" close reason..Because a "too broad" question can be improved, code conversion requests can't be
@TheLostMind hear hear. All in favour say "aye"!
@TheLostMind Code conversion questions aren't inherently off-topic, but they can be too broad "how do I convert this huge C++ application to JavaScript", opinion based "What is your favorite way to write this C++ code in JavaScript", etc
5:35 PM
^ This
If it is "I'm trying to convert this snippet from JavaScript to TypeScript, but I'm having a problem with this part, how can I finish the conversion?" then it is perfectly on-topic
@TinyGiant or unclear
If "I have this c++ game and I want to beat my older brother" kind of questions?
@FirstStep off-topic
^ oh.. okay .. TNX "continues acting like an idiot"
5:37 PM
@TinyGiant - That's the problem there.. You know only JS you have no clue about the syntax of another language, you copy paste some code of another language and say "hey look. I tried".
By you I meant OP
I've see lot of questions off late where the OP shows regex in JS and says its not working in Java. He's basically got the syntax wrong in Java (since he doesn't know Java)
@TheLostMind Sad thing is that this is probably even more effort than many others put in their question.
Oh. Thanks.
@FirstStep if you want to beat a brother, use a stick ...
@TheLostMind That's why I'm not so keen on "show us your effort" comments. Ok, so the OP can add some garbage-passing-for-an-effort to their question. Satisfied now?
5:40 PM
@Siguza Do you take into account the day at which the roomba runs?
@Siguza you're allowed one onebox per day, that is two ...
sure I'll kick you
@rene - I think I will show myself out :)
The day rene kicks a diamond is the day the world ends
5:42 PM
@rene Well that escalated quickly !! New slogan: Beat A Brother
@rene nope, that's one onebox pointed to by two references
@Tunaki I've only implemented the "closed for 9 days" thing so far, where the roomba runs every day. for 30 and 365 days, that's planned
@JanDvorak that.
@Siguza ok :)
@Siguza what is the background for this roomba thing
It seems dark gray with a fine grating
5:43 PM
@Tunaki on that note, on which day does the roomba run?
@Siguza Saturday 3UTC
but it failed last saturday. It barfed
@Tunaki ok, thanks
anyone up for TF2?
5:44 PM
@Siguza This is somewhat how the way I'm doing it... not that easy
Of course.
the best language
@JanDvorak you call it that, I call it cheating ...
@rene I won't post any onebox tomorrow, deal?
5:49 PM
Deal. Now, that doesn't erase your today's transgression.
@SotiriosDelimanolis rejected
I mean, declined
uh, people can actually flag chat messages as offensive, best not to joke about that
Best not challenge my <strike>opinions</strike> facts
Yeah, I got flagged for saying the Bible is long
> Do you want to leave the trash can?
5:51 PM
@Siguza Saturday roomba (9 day close thing) i.imgur.com/qJQFjfV.jpg it does not always run. Like last Saturday
Trash can
Like the recycle bin, but trashier.
what is trashier than trash ?
Garbage bin?
What's cooler than cool?
cold maybe
liquid helium
5:53 PM
Ice cold
Alright, alright, alright, alright
oh, right
no, right
@TheLostMind Hey, if it ain't too broad, primarily opinion based, or otherwise off-topic, then it ain't off-topic. Not every bad post needs to be closed.
5:54 PM
great, and now it's stuck in my head, thanks me
@TinyGiant citation needed
@gunr2171 Never gonna let you down when it comes to 80's songs
I'm sure there's a post from shog, or jeff atwood, or something that supports that
@JanDvorak never going to turn around, either
I know. I need to see it.
@gunr2171 and desert you
5:56 PM
: )
@Siguza sneaky, allowed this time ...
How about my temporary oneboxes?
@Siguza I can't seem to get that Dark themes to activate. Maybe it is me
Tampermonkey / chrome
any console errors?
now that's an intelligent question. No intelligent response.
6:11 PM
@Drew Hmm?
that means I am too dumb
Mission accomplished?
@Drew cleared browser cache?
hit F12, go to the Console tab
6:11 PM
oh cricket he deleted the question
Right. I saw
so that is my mission
@Drew also, I'm guessing you do have it turned on, just checking
Just noticed the cv-pls script produces an error in chat because StackExchange isn't defined...
yes gunr
6:14 PM
ok, just checking
I am loathe to clear browser cache
@gunr2171 Why do you have two ad block extensions?
because I got both at one point and I haven't bother to remove the other
oh right
also, one sometimes blocks stuff that the other misses
6:15 PM
@Siguza yeah, I'll post an FR on MSE to get a proper StackExchange object in chat. We don't dare to let @Tunaki touch any script ...
should we close this question of mine? Be brutal stackoverflow.com/q/39025524
@Drew yes, that's a sysadmin question
@Drew Too broad/migration question
it does have a proper answer now (didn't see that at first, doesn't make the question itself better of course)
just why exactly can't we migrate to serverfault?
6:18 PM
@Siguza the mods needs something to keep them busy
well I am biased that you don't migrate. But that is me
@Siguza are you talking about the listed migration options in the close dialogue window?
@TylerH yes
@Tunaki I don't see the connection between the question and the link provided, so good chances it's spam
@Siguza those options were chosen based on previous high "usage" in the past and the team just refuses to re-visit them
even though we get like 1 LaTeX question a year on SO
@TylerH we get several per week actually
6:42 PM
@Adriaan so basically still none
@Drew No, it's broad but it's a Q/A leave it open.. since you have already posted a good answer
compared to how many we get for other topics
@Drew I would say yes since the question is basically asking for a step-by-step tutorial
but what is the close reason
I am happy it closes
I don't want to be a hypocrite
the close reason I would pick would be the tutorial one
ok so let's close it
6:45 PM
someone else has already picked the "server" reason
Meeh I think Jarrod comment nails it, it is almost worse closing it, that way no one else can answer...
@Drew if you need something to close I bet I can find something that does not make SO a better place
I vtc for tutorial. It frees up the community to delete it
I will save my close vote for something better
@PetterFriberg it is an end-game strategy. It is wise
No one deletes that
@Tunaki when did you change your avatar from spearrel to this
6:52 PM
@Drew I don't care about your strategy, I cv crap that I like ; )
@PetterFriberg I am a control freak. I didn't write up that answer to have it banished to a network I don't care about or gets little eye-share
@Drew Yeah I know, but you worry to much.
@PetterFriberg wow so asked a question about our language hindi nice:)
@ColdFire Yeah I have answered lots of them in different forms : )
Because itext (the pdf library) have a problem rendering it
@PetterFriberg Asking someone "what Hindi language are you trying to render" is like asking someone "what English language are you trying to render". What would the latter mean?
7:05 PM
@Louis meeh not so sure about that, they have different sub stuff @ColdFire? is it true?
hindi is hindi
only one language
@PetterFriberg Hindi is a language in the same way English is a language. If somehow you are thinking about dialectal varieties of Hindi, then you need to say "Hindi dialect" in the same way you'd say "English dialect".
but like there is british, US and indian
but pure hindi is only one no dialect AFAIK
but anyways we dont know pure hindi :)
@ColdFire Hmm.... I dispute the notion of "pure Hindi" to the same extent I dispute the notion of "pure English", "pure French", "pure German". From a linguistic perspective, the only thing you have a dialectal variations, some of which hold more cultural prestige than others.
@Louis by pure hindi i mean the original language
7:10 PM
meeh I don't know but to me it has always seemed that they have sub language in India (all comes from hindi) like Gujarati etc, but I admit I'm bit ignorant so hence the comment?
but maybe it's considered another language
"all comes from Hindi". Nope, not by a long shot. Gujarati is a sister language to Hindi, and the Dravidian languages are in an entirely different family form the Indo-European ones. (Gujarati and Hindi are part of the Indo-European group.)
@Louis Thanks I need to study more india, time for me to go and visit
7:28 PM
@PetterFriberg I lived in Pune for 8 weeks. It was nice. I highly recommend visiting the country.
@Louis Yeah I would really like to I saw some really beautiful pictures from @BhargavRao vacation, my kids needs to grow up some first (so they manage to appriecate it)
now they only wan't the baby dance and swimming pool...
@PetterFriberg Yeah... I'm not sure what age is best. I was fine but (unfortunately) some people don't handle the cultural differences very well and are "shocked" by the experience. (I quote "shocked" because that's the word typically used.) I did not have family with me so that was not an issue.
@Louis nice city
i am in pune
meeh more then culture chock, they are to young, hence whatever is the same as long as there is the baby dance
@PetterFriberg no way near
gujarati is totally different
there is tamil , marwadi, hindi , marathi, sindhi ,punjabi
and many more
and many more i am not aware of
7:34 PM
where ?
@PetterFriberg if you come to pune its awesome
i can take you to the best places
@ColdFire Yeah seems nice
I know just few things about india
I think we need to get back to topic
@ColdFire So is your mother tongue Marathi or Hindi? Or were you raised with both equally? Or something else entirely? (I recall running into people from Panjabi families who just happened to live in the Pune area.)
7:37 PM
@ColdFire and marthi is similar to hindi?
@Louis i am marwadi so marwadi is my mother tongue but we speak hindi generally
@PetterFriberg nope
@gunr2171 it is on-topic, we are trying to understand the different Ligaturizer needed to render different Indian lanaguage
: )
@PetterFriberg yeah right petter :)
@gunr2171 this is not any sensitive topic man
@PetterFriberg you should change your name to Mr Rubber Band
@PetterFriberg don't test the RO team too much ...
7:39 PM
because that was quite the stretch
@ColdFire I see.
@PetterFriberg lets move to SOCVFINDER
The ministry is open if you want to keep this topic going
comment of the day
I think some cats just downvote out of sheer orneriness; it must be sad to be so petty and peavish. — B. Clay Shannon 1 min ago
@gunr2171 lol
@FirstStep haha
7:43 PM
@gunr2171 I'm fine being done with that topic. It started with a remark on my part about a comment that Petter left (on a question on the main site) that I thought was bizarre.
no problem. My job is to apply brakes when needed.
or divert to the ministry
where the train can crash, and Kyll can clean up
@gunr2171 remind me that if I'm ever in a car with you to verify if you consider the ride to be part of your job ...
I call shotgun!
From your cellphone?
Or a landline
Sorry, Shotgun can't come to the phone right now, leave a message after the beep.
7:48 PM
@JAL Look at my chat profile, then tell me that you didn't expect it...
Strawberries maybe.. :P
7:49 PM
1 message moved to Trash can
(how did I managed to screw that up?)
@FirstStep cookies ?
Well not in the context of web development @ColdFire :P
Just use your common sense. This is not kindergarden. We don't need to define every last rule for you to follow. Grow up and use your head. Don't try to piss other people off.
^ You need to calm down. No harm in asking. This is not the first time you speak by being "not nice = being harsh"
apparently gunr is also RO was not aware of that
7:53 PM
@FirstStep the issue is really to not try to harm other users, if you see that another users is sad and offended I can't understand why we would like to continue with it
After the events of the last few days, I'm not sure people understand it.
and yes, I did manage to miss all of those events
We should have continued with the Ligaturizer
haha was better
@PetterFriberg and ALL I am sorry for asking.
8:03 PM
@FirstStep The RO's are capable in deciding when to calm down. We don't need your hints.
@ColdFire You can tell which users are room owners when they talk by looking for italicized usernames
Also by visiting the access page of the chatroom chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/info/41570/…
@rene I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@rene I am not going to argue about that, especially with you: I respect you and you always guide me and us through everything (even outside this room). But if it is okay for RO's to speak that language with us users, it is okay to me to ask him to calm down. But again I said I am sorry. It was not a big deal and it won't be . Edit: And because it was not the first time.
@TylerH yeah i know but didnt actually saw it
8:07 PM
speaking of which @rene Dukeling hasn't spoken on chat in over 2 years should he still be listed as a RO?
@FirstStep I honestly see nothing wrong in their statement or use of language. The RO's becomes as blunt as I like to see them. Anyway, just give us some leeway, OK?
@TylerH yeah, I have this idea that once an RO always an RO.
And it is a bit to protect my own position. I'm always afraid to find the SOCVR closed for me because the RO's kicked me out the room.
Mutiny? Or, coup?
@Andy a mutiny and a coup, Nightmares, you know
Sounds scary to have both at the same time. Unless, it's like a double negative. Then nothing really happens, right?
@Andy Exactly what I was thinking.
8:16 PM
You always hope nothing happens
that's my whole strategy
lot's of hope
@rene well, so long as you keep making waffles for us...
@Siguza What exactly does it do?
8:33 PM
@rene I respect that. And I agree with it. My point is that: The question was removed, I got the answer, I edited the Q so It does not show bad image, the subject was closed. Then what is the use, that the sentences gunr said, help with? Telling me to Grow Up and Use my head and these sort of terms, Really?? He stated it is not a kindergarden well then lead by example and don't speak with us as we are in a kinder garden am I correct? I hope I made my point clearly. Again I am not and will not try to interupt the peace in this room.
@FirstStep you can only ask a mod to do that.
@FirstStep I feel for you and I see that you did not do it with bad intent, maybe you missed some of what has been going on and how one user have felt very offended by this stuff. Gunr is Gunr you need to live with him here since he has the hard task to keep us in check!
@PetterFriberg I guess I have to. There is no perfect world. This will be a good practice as to always have that one guy in the department that you don't have a chemistry with (or agree with) lol
Don't ask mod to edit, try to understand what went wrong, you have already apologized so we can just move on.
@FirstStep maybe I'm a bit tense and so is the rest of the RO team. I made yet another mis-judgement, sorry about that. I guarantee you it will happen again. I like to be reliable
8:40 PM
@PetterFriberg I want the q to be edited because I was not asking for bad words, also gunr saw what I was asking about. (so he did not say, what he said,because of the term bad words)
@rene @PetterFriberg We will move on. I am heading to class now see you in a bit o/
And thanks !
@FirstStep Gunr was a bit harsh (but actually he is a nice guy) please remember it's hard to stop bad behavior in chatroom
this question is either unclear, too broad, or off-topic since it's a math problem. What to choose?
rene passed an audit!
@Clo next 6 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@Tunaki The next 6 tags are: 45, 39, 37, 37, 36, 35
@Tunaki I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
8:51 PM
@FirstStep If you can't really understand why the reaction was so strong, I'm happy to explain it to you but in another room. I will go to bed soon but there is always a new day tomorrow.
@Tunaki I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Sam ^^^^
@SotiriosDelimanolis how about dupe :)
didn't even notice that one
8:53 PM
@Tunaki how many have you reviewed so far?
parentheses, use of < and semi colon
so much baaad in that post
@Tunaki But now im worried someone will reopen
@Sam 4
@Tunaki Uh huh... Hmm, yes I think I see the problem. Is your monitor plugged in?
8:56 PM
@SotiriosDelimanolis Arf. Let's see. There's an edit there also.
@Sam My left foot is up. Is it enough?
@Tunaki Depends how many figures you can see me holding up.
@rene You've reviewed 40 posts today (of which 2 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 53 minutes and 36 seconds, averaging to a review every 1 minute and 20 seconds.
@Sam I noticed you put the camera in a loop. But you forgot the one below the desk! I can see what you're holding, and drop it, put your hands up!
@Tunaki throws @kyll and runs away
@dorukayhan Hiya \o
8:59 PM

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