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@JarrodRoberson after getting X closed and deleted, I then don't move onto Y and Z to pound the guy despite being of accused of continual nurse feeding by mommy. Get it? I leave the guy alone. I don't target him. That is what separates you from me. Re your questioning me: link
all of those deserve (more or less)?
@SotiriosDelimanolis your comment is to?
@Yvette yours
@SotiriosDelimanolis I think so.
@Yvette you fell back into the godaddy vortex?
@Drew well there is something Shog and Gnat are waiting to embark on when godaddy is finished.
yeah well what is that and what is the count and can Shog give me 40 del a day ha
this and that would help! 40 del vote per day
Yv we have zilch del votes a day now rene dragged us into this luv ya rene
what is the current godaddy del count
yes I know @SotiriosDelimanolis I am feeling guilty I have not helped you with anything since this godaddy burnination :/
@Yvette Haven't really posted anything until this morning. I put in 15 del votes for godaddy for now. Want to have for tomorrow morning
@SotiriosDelimanolis thanks. Hopefully roomba will take care of some of them.. but I'm thinking that may not happen, as they've been sitting there a while
word of the day: placate
Shog gives me 100 del votes a day I will join his army
right now I don't know what his mission is. A swarm of users and selling jobs / and community moderation
selling jobs?
100M users . so jobs. click revenue. Have you ever run a company?
Like they care about quality
Like 5 grown adults need to close " Hi I am ask ing 2 find out barf"
they turn away nothing
that is why the heavies here are ticked off
and we are their free labor pool
I see what you mean
I acutally agree
they dont want shat closed Yv
they want to sell cars and life insurance next
Yay yvette is back to normal :)
But they have a problem. A few of us, say 1000, care about quality
@AndrewL. ;)
@Drew not sure what will happen
@Yvette 1000 of us care about the quality
We care about quality? I'm just here to close stuff </joking>
relevant to us here
@gnat That's something we're currently considering, yes. It's going to be on the list of things we want to talk about. While we want to avoid putting even more responsibility on the shoulders of few, we also want the few to be able to be more effective with the amount of time they're willing to give. If we can strike a balance there, I think we can do it. — Tim Post ♦ yesterday
@Drew yes I know, I do sometimes get scared about the site's future
That comment by Tim Post is regarding the changes to the close votes @rene
we are cannon fodder. Jump in the barrel. We are not important
I'm not sure about that
well they hood wink you in a chat room to come into this chat room to ask for del votes
and Shog can kill GoDaddy in 1 click
we are pawns
100 hours wasted vs 100 shog seconds of review how special are you
the answer is we are not special
we are being placated
yeh I am tired
we are not important
we may build ourselves up to be but we are nothing
SO gives me no drive to put the turds in the trash :/
Because 60% of turds don't get in the trash so then there's no point
but you are 14 years old what do you care Andrew
I want to help clean up the site
Although it's hard to say if someone like me actually helps
Community moderation here means saying goodbye to people. Before you even could. Even after 3 to 12 months people vanish. Plenty of Golds and RO's just say f it and you never see them again. Dare I list them
Oh wow I didn't restart my computer so long and updated my Chrome that it has a new design now :P
@Drew ugh. SO really needs a change :/
@AndrewL. I miss cimm and rob. you never knew them. The system wore them out
@Drew I think the context is a consistency in poor questions should result in a consistency of them being closed and attended to show consistency in how they should be received. I see nothing wrong with that. Consistency is important, even more so when it is "negative".
@JarrodRoberson you know that guy was getting Q banned that is why you did that no?
I was trying to save him from that
and you pressed it
@Drew I am on the ASD spectrum, I kind of see things black and white at the macro level.
and he is likely to get banned anyway just dont then say geez i wonder what else he has for us
his stuff was bad
@Drew the question ban is there for a reason to impress on the person that they are not posting correct stuff.
just i suggest dont click on his stuff after that
@Drew it kind of falls under the don't post crap and you won't get down votes and you wont' get question banned.
he was at down -21
Is this cimm?
@Drew I got suspended on principle one time intentionaly, just to bring an abusive idiot to the moderators attention. I serially downvoted the guy because the mods were ignoring him. He was posting crap a a furious pace that the system was not designed to keep up with.
@JarrodRoberson this site is beneath us let us pretend it is not
@Drew I dont' deny that I pressed it, I tend to look at peoples question history when they post extremely off-topic stuff, and it tends to have lots of similar questions. down voting and close voting is the only way to give them feed back that does not violate the "be nice" policy.
@Drew and if you bitch me out for telling you it is off-topic, well you are just asking for me to dig through your question history to make a point. :-)
@JarrodRoberson I have 8 ... 4 are self answer jokes have at em :)
Can anyone spare a close vote for this question: stackoverflow.com/q/39480569/2930477. I already posted it above.
@Drew ha ha ha, I just post links here, I don't expect anyone to take action just because I post it. I expect them to make up their own minds and vote or not to vote based on their own critical thinking.
@JarrodRoberson I have no questions here. What self respecting person would
@Drew and I tend to only post the most egreious questions I come across. The ones with ASAP and other entitlement attitudes trigger me posting them here, most of the time with an extremely judgemental remark along with the cv reason. :-)
@Drew - you have lasted here in this room longer that I expected :-)
@JarrodRoberson I have had medication
@Drew - that is why I just drop in post cv-pls links and pop out. I don't want to be seen as a "regular" that represents the room, I want to be on the fringe on purpose.
@Drew - I also live better through chemistry. ;-)
@JarrodRoberson I make money here trust me
@Drew - the bounty fiasco just solidified that I want the room to have plausible deniability when it comes to my activity here.
@Kyll is your OS one of Microsoft works? If it's you shouldn't want it to break the Windows too :P
@JarrodRoberson for the record this room hates you
Everyone here hates your guts
!!/unnotify 41570 stackoverflow.com-
bye o/
bye o/
@Drew I am glad to hear that. I suspected as much.
You are obnoxious. That said why didn't you stay in touch I have java stuff going on
I need people
@Drew I have 2 special needs children, one of which I have to spend 2 hours a day transporting to therapy every day. I just don't have the time now that he is in therapy all day. And I work full time and have pretty heavy responsibilities at work.
Why is this room so off today
@Drew And I have a cuban wife and a neurotypical 6 year old that is just as like my wife :-)
@Drew they are both are ASD, but completely different indicators. I was diagnosed with Aspergers in 1991.
well thx for sharing @JarrodRoberson and @AndrewL. life is not like a nice xbox game
@AndrewL. our wish is one day you have kids. I have 2 teen boys
@Drew trust me I hit the as often and as hard as I have time. so I can't commit to be reliable.
@Drew 3 boys, 11 ( Aspergers ), 6 neurotypical, and 3 ( ASD ) and I am old enough for all of them to be my grandchildren. :-)
and while meta may go off on my Jarrod, none of them may have any
@Drew so I am tried and exhausted and on top of that deal with some health issues from being rear ended while sitting still @ 60 mph by a teen age girl that was txting.
@Drew that said I am trying to grind out so I can get hammer there
a few more upticks I join you in that tag
@JarrodRoberson You offered a bounty on a question I answered? :o?
@Drew Now that.. is sad.. just look how close you are to that hammer...
Should this be closed? and if yes, what so? It currently has three cv's on unclear but I don't find it unclear
Evening guys
im sorry im just pissed off so i came here to talk
What's bothering you?
just tried to help someone solve a problem in his code but instead he went so rude on me , which is pisses me off cause i cant do anything
You can't change someone's ignorance :/
well he should learn that this is a free place where you should respect people cause they providing you with a free help
@LynnCrumbling I was talking about something abstract as a father
Taking a step off is good. To get a breath :)
@LynnCrumbling I forget what at the moment. Us guys are like that
can't trace it back to anything logical
@Laith Ah a PHP question. I will take a look at it, but first I need to go to bed, it's 4 AM.
its ok bro , that was the owner Q who got so rude on me
@Rizier123 Bye! o/
@Drew you really love the mysql + java questions don't you! ;-)
umm... I just found few more very very poor questions like the last two cv-pls'es of mine. Should I cv-pls them, or should I not as I already made enough of cv-pls'es today?
@JarrodRoberson you're targeting a user when you post consecutive close requests for a single person. That's not allowed here.
@JarrodRoberson I'm curious as to why you place huge open bounties?
@AndrewL. many high rep users place huge bounties on good content to try to increase good content. See this. I think that is what Jarrod is doing
@AndrewL. This
Oh wow-didn't know that was a thing
That's really flattering...
out of down votes ;-(
The struggle is real ^
I hate the 40 cap
I constantly can't downvote crap because I wasted it on other crap
@TinyGiant don't forget the flip side of the coin, I am not commenting on my intentions ever again as suggested by the mod messages from that incident, the boilerplate bounty explination is enough.
@JarrodRoberson I don't think I could ever forget that. Though I would appreciate less talking about said bounties in here.
@TinyGiant I never mention anything about bounties or comment on them, to paraphrase the guidance I got in a private message was no comment on intent no action can be taken
makes sense
@TinyGiant but believe it or not, there are some people that are still monitoring my bounties and bitching about them. Good to know that my activity is more important to others that it is to me, :-)
@TinyGiant I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@JarrodRoberson Oh I believe it
I still get hounded about what I have received
@TinyGiant silence is the only valid response
why would people monitoring your bounties ?
Because people be stalkers
lol , i dont think that there is any reason for them to be , but you know its the internet
@Laith Want more info? Read this, this, and this
@Laith because there are self-righteous people that think their opinions are more valid and important than others and when their cyber bullying is met with resistence they think public shaming and tattleing to the powers that be is a valid way to force their will on others.
oh never though people would do that here
@TinyGiant thank you im reading them now
@Laith especially when they spin things to support their own narrative and forget thaat everything is tracked and when confronted with the entire facts in context just start a ad-homein attacks.
never though that it can happen here but it is wow
lol, user asks javascript question about localStorage. user gets PHP answer about sessions.
@misterManSam plus a whole bunch of horrible answers
@TinyGiant because PHP
Time for World of Tanks!
Yes php is php
Here, this is what I would probably do in your case. It's JQuery though. $("#whatever-the-h1-element-is-called").css("line-height",$(‌​"#parent-div-set-at-‌​100-percent").height‌​()) I'd have it update whenever the parent div resizes. — Gauched 16 mins ago
lulz, talk about "You should drop that and use jQuery"
lets drop CSS entirely and just use jQuery for everything
I also realized how jQuery SO is
So incredibly jQuery
Lol, bookmarking that
@TinyGiant - Well at least that argument is over... stackoverflow.com/q/39481949/2930477
I saw
You just had to extrapolate the useful information for them because they don't know how to read
Didn'cha know? Stack Overflow is where "we do all the thinking for you, so you don't have to"
> I read the whole internet and still cant figure out my problem.
@TinyGiant You have to give him credit where credit's due, he did read the entire internet
He just didn't comprehend it
@TinyGiant Where was this posted?
@AlexanderO'Mara I paraphrased, it was a few questions ago
@AlexanderO'Mara Review close votes filtered on "Too Broad [javascript]" and you will see many such quotations
> I heard this can be done with regex, but I have no idea where to begin.
We're not supposed to refer to questions as turd in that way
It's ok to analogize editing a low quality post with polishing a turd, but it isn't ok to call a post a turd directly.
You're right
You want to see some truly scatological posts? Use the Magic™ Tag Review and filter by [javascript] 5 close votes
On mobile :(. They need mobile userscripts
@AndrewL. Might be possible with Firefox + Greasemonkey.
mobile browser support for es6 is horrible at best tho
^ not much I can do
Doesn't that depend on the mobile browser?
From what I have seen they all kind of suck
I think mobile Firefox uses the same version of Spidermonkey.
iOS browsers of course all use the same engine as Safari.
You can install extensions on mobile firefox?!
@AndrewL. yep
Not sure if that includes iOS Firefox though.
Holy crap I'm going to switch to Firefox if it's available for iOS
There is a tampermonkey browser for mobile but it wasn't usable when I last checked
Firefox is available for iOS, but it uses the same frameworks as Safari (per Apple's requirements).
Looks like they do
> Firefox for iOS supports the native iOS extension ecosystem right now, but doesn't (yet) support JavaScript add-ons like Desktop or Android Firefox. developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox_for_iOS
Now I'm curious if it's even possible for Mozilla to do it.
Thank god I bought a samsung
I can't move over to android or samsung until a year :/
@TinyGiant Got the update for the EXIF vulnerability yet?
I just bought it a week ago
iPhone is getting more moronic by the minute
The vulnerability was patched about a week ago.
Is it pob if someone asks 'what is pythonic'?
or 'the python way'?
Is there an established guideline?
I believe python has something like that
Hmm. Let me try to find something
I mean, I feel like something being pythonic is subjective as their's no standard for it.
@πάνταῥεῖ - ^^ not spam.
@TheLostMind Not? Just yelling?
@πάνταῥεῖ I fixed that with an edit
Or maybe the caps was on.. Maybe he typed on a phone :).. And Yes, ^^ fixed the case :)
@tripleee Okey I see.
It was NAA because it just raised a 'im having this too' question right?
@AndrewL. no, he specifically advises a downgrade
Wait what?
sort of the sophisticated man's version of "try a reboot"
Dang I can't believe I missed that
@AlexanderO'Mara crazy
I can't retract a VLQ?
oh, by definition I shouldn't be able to
Back in the olden days you could jet edit the post
@tripleee thanks
firefox mobile isn't letting me install any extensions
@Queen k
@Queen k
@TinyGiant Really? I've installed uBlock Origin and HTTPS Everywhere.
https everywhere works, greasemonkey does not, stylish does not
it says downloading addon but never asks me to install it
Is uBlock the new adblock now?
queen going ham
@AndrewL. I think I can fix it by editing; lemme edit
@Queen k
@Queen k
@AshishAhujaツ great, but I feel like q will still be a debug-for-me-pls q
@AndrewL. as long as it provides code not too large (which can repro the error), and provides the specific error, I think the q will be okay. Not saying that it will be great, but should be fit for SO
@TinyGiant Might not be compatible? Never tried using them.
@Queen k
@Queen k
@AndrewL. Seems to be the most-powerful, and has lots of filter sources to choose from.
@AndrewL. could you provide me with a title for the question? I don't seem to get a good one
@AlexanderO'Mara interesting; I might get it. My school already installs it on all student laptops to block sites like SO
@AndrewL. That sounds ineffective... can't you just disable it?
@AshishAhujaツ that's a toughie, not sure. Mention a typeerror and response.some? I'm not good with titles
@AlexanderO'Mara yep, incredibly ineffective.
I better be going to bed, bye all o/
@AndrewL. how 'bout "Type Error while returning response.some: response.some is not a function"?
@AndrewL. night
woah! Tiny ninja'd me a few seconds before I clicked the "Save Edit"
@TinyGiant Yeah, GreaseMonkey not supported on Android: github.com/greasemonkey/greasemonkey/issues/2226
I think this is a pretty good canned MCVE comment:
 Because your question is a debugging question, you must include a [mcve], which means that the code in your question must be **Minimal** (only the code necessary to reproduce the issue, nothing more), **Complete** (all of the code necessary to reproduce the issue, nothing less), and **Verifiable** (must actually be able to reproduce the issue). You must also include clear **Problem** (describe the actual problem that you are facing) and **Interrogatory** (make sure to actually include a sentence ending with a question mark) statements. Please [edit] your question accordingly.
Because your question is a debugging question, you must include a **[mcve]**. An MCVE is code included in your question that is **Minimal** (only the code necessary to reproduce the issue, nothing more), **Complete** (all of the code necessary to reproduce the issue, nothing less), and **Verifiable** (must actually be able to reproduce the issue). You must also include clear a **Problem Statement** (describe the actual problem that you are facing), and an **Interrogatory Statement** (make sure to actually include a sentence ending with a question mark). Please [edit] your question accordingly.
I know that sounds racist, but people named abhishek leave me with an alarm signal. Dunno why actually.
@πάνταῥεῖ dude
wth does comment cleansing need to be a 24/7 job for us
@πάνταῥεῖ talk to me when you get your act together
@Drew ?? I didn't get that
^ the question got deleted the moment I posted the message
I have no more close votes or downvotes
@AshishAhujaツ naa
or vlq
There's a bunch with 3 or 4 votes in the unclosed requests.
Good Morning
@πάνταῥεῖ the guy had a slash issue. He did not have a race issue
He has been a member here for a while
folks it's the second time this week I observe spam having keywords "raybiztech" and "sitefinity" in CMS related questions (example1, example2). wonder if it is worth adding to spam detection heuristics
@Queen k
@Drew I said it might sound racist, it's just always the same pattern with those abhisheks, that's what I've noticed.
@πάνταῥεῖ this room is not about racism and when it is I go
@Drew I'm not actually a racist, ya know.
I'm just a pattern detector
well you are full of crap in your pattern detector
Needs a tidy perhaps :/
I need a break from chat for a week folks bye
Racism is definitely not cool in here
@gnat Sounds reasonable to me, did you talk to the guys and gals in charcoal?
!!/test-a raybiztech
> Would not be caught as an answer.
!!/test-a sitefinity
> Would not be caught as an answer.
> Blacklisted website in answer
Body - Position 12-26: raybiztech.com
@TinyGiant I never said it is
@gnat raybiztech.com is already globally blacklisted as a website in SD
All sites mentioning sitefinity also have raybiztech in it, so no uncaught ones so far from that. Maybe still worth adding a blacklist.
@πάνταῥεῖ I never said you were being racist, I just said that racism isn't cool. People named πάντα sometimes set off some kind of internal alarm for me, same with people named Drew. Does that make me racist?
in Charcoal HQ on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 12 secs ago, by Magisch
@undo @ArtOfCode @hichris123 @Ferrybig FR: Add "Sitefinity" and "sitefinity" as blacklisted keywords. They've been used to spam multiple times so far, usually in conjunction with "raybiztech", but if it ever comes without that, it would currently not be caught. Mentioned by gnat in SOCVR.
@TinyGiant Nope, you just detected the pattern ;)
the question has some hideous formatting, can't edit until the proposed edit is handled
@rene: Re: faded meta answers, I posted an answer there, as well
I seem to detect a pattern where insensitive remarks are thrown with a silly "just sayin'" excuse
that's no excuse
regardless of whether your "pattern" is religious, sexist, racist, or something else
So, did you guys see that slippery slope just now?
@Magisch: your comment is broken :D
And aww, got a downvote.
@Cerbrus I fixed it
Like 10s after posting

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